Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

(The median citation count of Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Cryopreservation analysis considering degree of crystallisation using fuzzy arithmetic17
Stability analysis of a spinning shaft in the concentric cylinder filled with an incompressible fluid10
Numerical study of the effects of prosthesis foot asymmetry on energy characters and roll-over characteristics7
Sensitivity to Gauss quadrature of isogeometric boundary element method for 2D potential problems6
The use of a genetic algorithm in the process of optimizing the shape of a three-dimensional periodic beam5
Possibilities of effective passive vibration isolation of hydraulic valves5
Determination of contact pressure distribution on frictionless rough surfaces using an optimisation approach: a one-dimensional study5
Research on time-varying reliability of wind power gearbox with failure correlation5
Stress and load distribution analysis in bolt connection with modified thread profile under high temperature conditions5
A simplified elliptical function solution for coupled nonlinear vibration of multilayer graphene sheets4
Comparative analysis of structure performance of PDC cutter tooth surface and interface matching pair4
Long gravity waves in a canal with a corrugated bottom in the asymptotic description4
Development of design solutions for electric delivery vehicles with a GVM of 4.25 t4
Study on tensile fracture failure of a steel plate with a surface crack3
Tuning of characteristics of dynamic driving suspensions in an autonomous robot with omnidirectional wheels3
High accuracy recognition of muscle fatigue based on sEMG multifractal and LSTM3
Gaussian process dynamic modeling and backstepping sliding mode control for magnetic levitation system of maglev train3
Determination of Chaboche and Bouc-Wen parameters for quenched and tempered steel3
Analysis of a nonlinear tuned mass damper by using the multi-scale method3
An approximate analytical solution of a 4-DOF variable-length pendulum model3
Collapse modes of concrete reinforced square bridge piers under vehicle collision3
Design and validation of a single-jack variable Mach number nozzle in a cryogenic transonic wind tunnel3
Optimization design of multistage pump impeller based on response surface methodology2
A study of dynamic hysteresis model for a magnetorheological damper2
Study on the shear creep characteristics of anchored jointed rock masses under creep fatigue loading2
Analysis of progressive collapse of a super-long span latticed steel arch structure2
Investigation on the anti-penetration performance of UD - three-dimensional orthogonal woven fabric composite reinforced structure2
Estimation of stress intensity factor for surface cracks in the firtree groove structure of turbine disk using pool-based active learning with Gaussian Process Regression2
Investigation of the pad stiffness effects on the initiation of brake squeal phenomenon2
Numerical study of an unsteady non-premixed flame in a porous medium based on the thermal equilibrium model2
Determination of rheological model coefficients of pipeline composite material layers based on spectrum analysis and optimization2
Dynamic calculation of the fire zone for anti-aircraft artillery2
Application of the forest classifier method for description of movements of an oscillator forced by a stochastic series of impulses2
The probabilistic model for system reliability analysis of a steel plane and spatial trusses2
Damage evolution of vehicle motor rotor under single working condition based on GTN model2
Simulation studies and experimental research of omnidirectional tracked vehicle2
Study on the mechanical properties of a type of spherical bearing2
Improved Sherwood-Frost phenomenological constitutive model suitable for polymethacrylimide foam under uniaxial compression2
Evaluation of microstructure and mechanical properties of ferromagnetic structural steels using Barkhausen noise2
Prediction of energy consumption in the Industry 4.0 platform- solutions overview2
Dynamic analysis of a mechatronic drive system with an induction motor1
Failure analysis and optimization design of suspension support holes for gearbox cases1
Analysis of an aircraft departure and spin characteristics using Nash equilibrium theory1
Coupling effect of hole enlargement and diffusion in grouting process in weak stratum based on analytical analysis1
The numerical methods for solving of the one-dimensional anomalous reaction-diffusion equation1
Robust generation method of a signed distance function for preprocessing of cartesian-grid-based CFD1
Influence of grouting pressure volatility on additional response of adjacent pile foundation in shield construction1
Laboratory study of the dynamic fracture in pre-drilled boreholes and the associated host rock behaviours1
Cause investigation of metro corrugation in vehicle braking section of track1
Experimental and numerical analysis of bolted two plates using a developed shear theory1
Analytical modelling and shape optimization of composite girder with adhesive bondline1
Simulation and optimization of a new energy vehicle power battery pack structure1
Combined roof interstory shear energy storage model and analysis of influencing factors1
Study on mechanical characteristics of rock type I fracture and anchorage strengthening mechanism1
Optimization of sealing parameters of double-sealing pipeline repair clamp1
Analysis of dynamic characteristics of an experimental bench of high-pressure water fracturing assisted cutting1
Free vibration of composite cylindrical shells with orthogonal stiffeners1
Study of a horizontal seat suspension with a model of the seated human body and energy recovery braking subsystem1
Study of calculation method of pure mode II stress intensity factor of fine-grained concrete using different numerical models1
Higher order numerical homogenization in modeling of asphalt concrete1
Biomechanical criterion of dynamic stability based on ZMP formula and Flash-Hogan principle of minimum jerk1
Piezoresistive sensing mechanism of graphene-based electronic skin1
Distribution of crack-tip stresses during fatigue loading with an overload event: role of initial crack-tip shape, plastic compressibility and material softening1
Numerical investigation of static behavior of bolted joints1
Laminar flow past the bottom with obstacles - a porous medium approximation1
Establishment of constitutive model and dynamic parameter analysis of rubber conveyor belt1
Dynamics modeling of variable mass systems – a case study of an underwater inertia based propelled glider performance1
Improvement of Cauchy integral method for the stresses and displacements around the deeply-buried non-circular tunnel1
A fully-coupled three-dimensional fluid-structure interaction study on the externally-pressurized collapsible tube and the internal flow1
Automatic driving comfort analysis and intelligent identification of uncomfortable manoeuvres based on vehicle-following scenario1
Numerical study on the dynamic response of a concrete filled steel tubular long column under axial impact by a rigid-body1
Estimation of ballistic performance of armor steels based on the split Hopkinson shear bar data.1
Membrane versus bending components of transverse forces in cylindrical panels in the CST and the FSDT1
On mitigation of oscillations of a mechanical system with two degrees of freedom in the vicinity of external resonances1
Solution of inverse dynamics of Stewart–Gough platform using substructure technique1
Study on the isolation effect of a composite multilayer wave impeding block on the <i>S</i>-wave in an unsaturated foundation1
On the deformation of porous spherical bodies under radial surface traction1
An unsteady vehicle-road coupling dynamic response of a multi-layer plate on a viscoelastic half-space foundation1
Use of the biaxial coefficient in determining life for a combination of cyclic bending and torsion of bronze RG71
Dynamics Response Analysis and Mechanical Experimental Investigation of A Double-Span Multi-Support Shaft System In Micro Gas Turbines1
Design of a semi-active suspension control method based on an enhanced inverse model for nonlinear magnetorheological dampers1
The comparison of robust and reliability based design optimization1
Tuning of the equilibrated residual method for applications in general, direct and inverse piezoelectricity1
Research on optimal design of vibration reduction of centrifugal air conditioning chiller based on particle damping0
Dynamic response of saturated frozen soil foundation under underlying bedrock to harmonic load0
Design and optimization of dynamic cable configuration device for intelligent cable retractable vehicle0
Trend analysis of rail corrugation in metro lines considering friction memory and interface effects0
Self-synchronization of drive vibrators of an antiresonance vibratory conveyor0
Recognition of pick wear condition based on Grey-Markov chain model0
Mechanical performance of asphalt pavement with orthotropic unbound granular sub-base under vehicle load0
Analytical study on the cutting force and residual stress in whirlwind milling of a large screw0
Comparison of long time simulation of Hamilton and Lagrange geometry dynamical models of a multibody system0
Residual stress profile determination by the hole-drilling method with calibration coefficients obtained using FEM0
Investigation of Out-of-plane Compression Mechanical Property for Novel Hierarchical Reentrant Honeycomb Structures0
Analytical solution for one-dimensional consolidation of unsaturated soils under dynamic load0
A new concept and algorithm to transfer brittle and arbitrary load-slip curves into an effective shear resistance suitable for Eurocode 40
Elastic buckling of a rectangular sandwich plate with an individual functionally graded core0
Research on disturbance rejection control strategy of vehicle drive axle loading test bench0
Orthotropic model of rolling bearing in modeling lathe spindle dynamics0
Numerical analysis of the thermal damage process of the tissue-blood vessel system and distribution of oxygen in the tissue0
Tool for Analysis of Traffic of Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft in Urban Agglomerations0
Utilizing Linear Quadratic Regulator and Model Predictive Control for Optimizing the Suspension of a Quarter Car Vehicle in Response to Road Excitation0
Influence of geometrical defects on aerodynamic drag of non-watertight Ahmed body0
Method for Determining the S-N curve for a Low Probability of Failure0
Dynamic Characteristics of Rotor-SFD System with Inertial Effect of SFD0
Prefabricated fractured rock under stepwise loading and unloading0
On viscoelastic fiber jet formation by forcespinning at high rotation rate0
Influence of the shape of the copper component on the mechanical properties of the friction material used in the disc brakes0
Study on seismic ground motion of P-wave incident elastic foundation free field under thermal effect0
Modeling of dynamics of cooperating wheeled mobile robots0
Research on chaotic features of a flow field over a plunging airfoil based on dynamic mode decomposition0
The influence of loading rate on the mechanical behavior and energy evolution characteristics of hard and soft rock under triaxial compression0
Experimental studies of the flapping motion of a butterfly wing model0
Layered mechanics model for surface movement and deformation due to confined aquifer pumping0
Investigating the thermal and structural responses in hard-facing application with the GTAW process0
Force mechanism and conceptual design of reinforced concrete short beam without web reinforcement0
Motion planning for task-based motions of mechanical systems based on computationally generated reference dynamics0
Fe-Al based composite reinforced with ultra-fine Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> oxides for high temperature applications0
Analysis of dynamic characteristics of a sealed ends squeeze film damper considering the fluid inertia force0
Fillet effect on the bending crashworthiness of thin-walled square tubes0
On the yield surface of a typical bending-dominant periodic lattice metamaterial0
Study on the stress intensity factor of a compact specimen under the pre-compressed load condition0
Error measures and solution artifacts of the harmonic balance method on the example of the softening Duffing oscillator0
Nonlinear dynamic model of a turbine blade considering vibration and crack coupling0
Parametrization of the main rotor and working environment for different flight conditions – Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis as an application for multidisciplinary optimization0
Influence of bonding condition on mechanical performance of synthetic sports surfaces by FEM0
Numerical study on compression properties of semi-reentrant filled tubular structures0
Research on parameters of MMC fracture criterion for advanced high strength dual-phase steel sheets0
Unsteady body force model for rotating stall in axial compressor with various inlet conditions0
Stability and bifurcation analysis for an airfoil model with a high-order nonlinear spring0
Numerical investigation of the asymptotic behavior of tape springs0
A modified Fourier-Ritz method for free vibration of rectangular plates with elastic constrains0
Servo constraint control for mechanical systems: friction force depending on control design0
Investigation on Impact Protection Effectiveness of Cushioning Material in Packaging Container under Lateral Constraint Condition0
Wide estimation of dynamic properties of viscoelastic materials using Bayesian inference0
Predictions of fracture resistance of spruce wood under mixed mode loading using non-local fracture theory and numerical modelling0
Model considering residual stiffness and stiffness discontinuity of bolted joints0
Internal heat sources in large strain thermo-elasto-plasticity – theory and finite element simulations0
Analysis of the influence of geometrical imperfections on the equivalent load stabilizing roof truss with lateral bracing system0
Surrogate-based optimization of the layup of a laminated composite wind turbine blade for an improved power coefficient0
Impact of material nonlinearity of dam-foundation rock system on seismic performance of concrete gravity dams0
Application of a ring coupled double-Duffing oscillator to a scheme for identifying the coulter signal with a low SNR0
Parametric analysis of the whole loading process of translation-torsion coupled vibration characteristics of the multi-layer bi-directional eccentric frame structure0
Assessment of fatigue life of aluminized, coarse-grained MAR247 alloy supported by full-field ESPI measurements0
Buckling and vibration of porous sigmoid functionally graded conical shells0
Analysis of abnormal vibrations of crude oil efflux pumps using Ansys0
Heat transfer in a thin metal film subjected to the ultra-short laser pulse modeled by a nonlinear two-temperature model0
Vibration damping characteristics of the cork-based composite material in line to frequency analysis0
Free vibration and buckling analysis of composite laminated shells using the refined zigzag theory0
Random eigenvibrations of beams with viscoelastic layers0
The concept of using a weighted amplitude to determine the fatigue life of load stress blocks0
Evaluation of tribological behavior of tribopairs in water hydraulic radial piston pumps with multiple coatings and lubrication0
Mechanisms of mining induced inrush of pressurized water in the floor containing faults0
Structural optimization on the design of an automobile engine intake pipe0
Dynamic response of a guy line of a guyed tower to stochastic wind excitation: 3D non-linear small-sag cable model0
Studies on the performance of impact resistant structure of hydraulic support in fully mechanized mining face under rock burst0
Towards the prediction of plaque onset and growth in carotid arteries0
Instability mechanism and anchoring control technology of expansive weakly cemented soft rock roadway0
Ability of localizing gradient damage to determine size effect in concrete beams0
Euler-Lagrange equations and Noether’s theorem of multi-scale mechano-electrophysiological coupling model of neuron membrane dynamics0
Numerical investigation of impact of non-spherical particles with spin and multi-point contact0
Research on creep-fatigue model of anchored jointed rock mass0
The effect of graphite flake diameter on the resistance to thermal shock, microstructure and mechanical properties of silicon carbide nanomaterials0
Stochastic P-bifurcation of a 3-DOF airfoil with structural nonlinearity0
Study on stress characteristics of high-porosity coal gangue subgrade during filling process0
Tactical and Strategic Air Traffic Sequencing with Minimum-Fuel Trajectories0
Material discontinuity problems solved by a meshless method based on variably scaled discontinuous radial functions0
The influence of tongue weight of a trailer-mounted recreational vehicle on steering stability0
On the use of viscoelastic materials characterized by Bayesian inference in vibration control0
Study on characteristics of three-dimensional granular meso-reconstruction of coal gangue roadbed0
Numerical study on the influence of top and valley shape of the transverse groove on the drag reduction rate0
Identification of nickel-titanium alloy material model parameters based on experimental research0
Study on constraint effect and creep crack initiation of plate containing elliptical embedded cracks0
Study on ductile fracture criterion applied to shear fracture prediction of DP780 sheet0
Effects of U-shaped two-step throttling groove parameters on cavitation erosion characteristics0
Study of triaxial compression mechanical properties and pore-fracture characteristics of coal rocks in the Yili Basin, Xinjiang0
Ultrahigh frequency vibration control in a piezoelectric phononic crystal beam at the nanoscale considering surface effects0
Load Transfer Law and Bearing Capacity of the Anchorage Interface Based on a Three-Stage Model0
A collision avoidance algorithm in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping problem for mobile platforms0
Study on a concise and unified unstable creep model for rocks0
Free vibration analysis of FGM stepped nanostructures using nonlocal dynamic stiffness model0
An investigation of spherical micro/nanoparticle melting using asymptotic matchings in a weak formulation0
Analysis of the contribution degree of vibration transmission of bolted structure0
Numerical simulation of the particle settling in a Bingham fluid using the two-way coupling CFD-DEM scheme0
A Griffith crack model in a generalized nonhomogeneous interlayer of bonded dissimilar half-planes0
The development of two multiaxial ductility factor predicting models based on creep cavity growth theory0
CFD-predicted rotordynamic characteristics of a high temperature sodium liquid seal0
Research on vibration evolution of a ball bearing without the cage under local variable-diameter raceway damage0
Transient vibration of a fractional viscoelastic cantilever beam with an eccentric mass element at the end0
Effects of a water hammer and cavitation on vibration transients in a reservoir-pipe-valve system0
Comparative evaluation of wear behavior of tribo-pairs in reciprocating pumps with multiple materials under different conditions0
Fracture analysis for viscoelastic creep using peridynamic formulation0
Prediction and Mitigation of Instability in Ultra Long Drilling Shaft Lining Structures Using the Cusp Catastrophe Model0
Asymmetric Duffing oscillator: the birth and build-up of a period-doubling cascade0
Experimental study on the flowback of a carboxymethyl hydroxypropyl guar gum fracturing fluid with good temperature resistance0
Yaw Feedback Control of Active Steering Vehicle Based on Differential Flatness Theory0
Numerical modelling of the laser high-temperature hyperthermia using the dual-phase lag equation0
Three-dimensional modelling and parameter identification of the seated human body exposed to random vibration0
Green tensor and regular solutions of equations of rods thermodynamics and their properties0
Design Method of Diamond Buckling Restrained Braced Frame Structure Based on Normal Force Balance of Column Joints0
Effect of heat transfer on peristaltic flow in presence of heat generation against higher value of Reynolds number using FEM0
Bearing Life Prediction Model for Electromechanical Equipment by Integrating Deep Neural Network and K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm and Its Application0
Analysis of out-of-plane free vibration of single damaged curved beam based on precise algorithm of structural mechanics0
Performance analysis of the fractional-order vehicle mechatronic ISD suspension with parameter perturbation0
A tool orientation smoothing method for five-axis machining to avoid singularity problems0
CFD simulation on wind turbine blades with leading edge erosion0
Computational prediction of the resistance of the the floatplane at various trim angles0
Natural convection in a partially heated cylinder: A numerical study0
Dynamic buckling of thin-walled cylindrical shells under radial impact pressures randomly distributed in the circumferential direction0
Research on vibration characteristics of motorized spindle at high speed based on power flow0
Predicting the trajectory of a spinning ping pong ball during flight using three-dimensional coordinates0
Two tools for the science of material effort0
Parametric dynamic analysis of tensegrity cable-strut domes0
Study on progressive collapse of single-layer arch shell structure based on VUMAT stability constitutive model0
Robustness study of the road profile estimation technique under uncertainty0
Experimental analysis of interfacial properties of sphere oblique impact with initial spin0
Influence of viscous-elastic properties of a cylindrical sealing element on its sealing ability0
Performance analysis of serpentine springs compliant to out-of-plane oscillation0
Implementation of a viscoelastic boundary condition to Yade – open source DEM software0
Characteristics of pure Love mode SAW sensor with graphene interdigital transducer for biosensing applications0
An energy method for predicting and suppressing the instability of a three-dimensional thermoacoustic coupling system with a micro-perforated plate0
Fatigue life prediction for Ni-based superalloy GH4169 considering machined surface roughness and residual stress effects0
Deep learning based road recognition for intelligent suspension systems0
Analysis and calculation of stress intensity factors for type I cracks on the edge of elliptical holes under internal pressure0
Feed-forward artificial neural network as surrogate model to predict lift and drag coefficient of NACA airfoil and searching of maximum lift-to-drag ratio0
Combined braking performance of shape memory alloy and magnetorheological fluid0
A control strategy of a permanent magnet synchronous motor for an electric vehicle0
Bending of a sandwich beam with an individual functionally graded core0