
(The median citation count of Sensors is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Nyquist Sampling Conditions of Some Diffraction Algorithms with Adjustable Magnification1020
DSF Core: Integrated Decision Support for Optimal Scheduling of Lifetime Extension Strategies for Industrial Equipment585
Altering Fish Behavior by Sensing Swarm Patterns of Fish in an Artificial Aquatic Environment Using an Interactive Robotic Fish436
A Remote Monitoring System for Rodent Infestation Based on LoRaWAN419
Widening Blockchain Technology toward Access Control for Service Provisioning in Cellular Networks380
Development of Photonic Multi-Sensing Systems Based on Molecular Gates Biorecognition and Plasmonic Sensors: The PHOTONGATE Project376
Efficient Super-Resolution Method for Targets Observed by Satellite SAR342
Transmission-Based Vertebrae Strength Probe Development: Far Field Probe Property Extraction and Integrated Machine Vision Distance Validation Experiments324
Improved the Impact of SST for HY-2A Scatterometer Measurements by Using Neural Network Model315
A Context-Aware, Computer-Vision-Based Approach for the Detection of Taxi Street-Hailing Scenes from Video Streams272
LWIR Lateral Effect Position Sensitive HgCdTe Photodetector at 205 K252
Explorative Data Analysis Methods: Application to Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Field Data Measured on the Island of Vulcano, Italy238
Solving the Power Flow Problem in Bipolar DC Asymmetric Distribution Networks Using Broyden’s Method224
Assessing Handrail-Use Behavior during Stair Ascent or Descent Using Ambient Sensing Technology217
Hot-Pressing Furnace Current Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance System in Aerospace Applications214
A Sparse Shared Aperture Design for Simultaneous Transmit and Receive Arrays with Beam Constraints207
Multi-Parameter Optimization of Rubidium Laser Optically Pumped Magnetometers with Geomagnetic Field Intensity205
EvacuAI: An Analysis of Escape Routes in Indoor Environments with the Aid of Reinforcement Learning204
A Cloud Detection Method for Vertically Pointing Millimeter-Wavelength Cloud Radar203
Dual-Task Interference Effects on Lower-Extremity Muscle Activities during Gait Initiation and Steady-State Gait among Healthy Young Individuals, Measured Using Wireless Electromyography Sensors200
Robust Reconstruction of the Void Fraction from Noisy Magnetic Flux Density Using Invertible Neural Networks199
Coactivation of the Pelvic Floor and Gluteus Medius Muscles While Walking and Running in Female Runners194
Fast High-Resolution Phase Diversity Wavefront Sensing with L-BFGS Algorithm193
Photoactivated Processes on the Surface of Metal Oxides and Gas Sensitivity to Oxygen191
A Fusion Strategy for Vehicle Positioning at Intersections Utilizing UWB and Onboard Sensors190
Blind Calibration of Environmental Acoustics Measurements Using Smartphones187
Physical Trace Gas Identification with the Photo Electron Ionization Spectrometer (PEIS)185
Crescent Antennas as Sensors: Case of Sensing Brain Pathology182
Diverse Metrics for Robust LBS Privacy: Distance, Semantics, and Temporal Factors181
A Combined Magnetoelectric Sensor Array and MRI-Based Human Head Model for Biomagnetic FEM Simulation and Sensor Crosstalk Analysis181
Adversarial and Random Transformations for Robust Domain Adaptation and Generalization178
Analysis of Cadmium Contamination in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Using Visible-Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy177
YOLOv5 Drone Detection Using Multimodal Data Registered by the Vicon System176
Active Learning Optimisation of Binary Coded Metasurface Consisting of Wideband Meta-Atoms174
A Microfluidic, Flow-Through, Liquid Reagent Fluorescence Sensor Applied to Oxygen Concentration Measurement171
Enhancing Stability and Performance in Mobile Robot Path Planning with PMR-Dueling DQN Algorithm170
Synchronous Driving Method for Stitching Pixel Arrays Based on an Adaptive Correction Technique167
Ancient Chinese Character Recognition with Improved Swin-Transformer and Flexible Data Enhancement Strategies166
High-Density Glass Scintillators for Proton Radiography—Relative Luminosity, Proton Response, and Spatial Resolution166
Preparation and Performance Analysis of 3D Thermoformed Fluidic Polymer Temperature Sensors for Aquatic and Terrestrial Applications163
CVCC Model: Learning-Based Computer Vision Color Constancy with RiR-DSN Architecture160
An Improved Optimization Function to Integrate the User’s Comfort Perception into a Smart Home Controller Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Fuzzy Logic159
Multiple Dipole Source Position and Orientation Estimation Using Non-Invasive EEG-like Signals157
Embodimetrics: A Principal Component Analysis Study of the Combined Assessment of Cardiac, Cognitive and Mobility Parameters155
Optically Controlled Gain Modulation for Microwave Metasurface Antennas151
A Low-Cost Wearable Device to Estimate Body Temperature Based on Wrist Temperature151
Assessing Motor Variability during Squat: The Reliability of Inertial Devices in Resistance Training150
Iterative Reconstruction of Micro Computed Tomography Scans Using Multiple Heterogeneous GPUs149
A Lab-on-a-Chip Approach for the Detection of the Quarantine Potato Cyst Nematode Globodera pallida146
Measurements, Predictions, and Control in Microgrids and Power Electronic Systems146
Relationship between Body Posture Assessed by Dynamic Baropodometry and Dental Occlusion in Patients with and without Dental Pathology144
A Review on Traversability Risk Assessments for Autonomous Ground Vehicles: Methods and Metrics144
PixRevive: Latent Feature Diffusion Model for Compressed Video Quality Enhancement143
Moisture Determination for Fine-Sized Copper Ore by Computer Vision and Thermovision Methods143
A Wireless 2-Channel Layered EMG/NIRS Sensor System for Local Muscular Activity Evaluation142
Negative Design Margin Realization through Deep Path Activity Detection Combined with Dynamic Voltage Scaling in a 55 nm Near-Threshold 32-Bit Microcontroller141
Exploration–Exploitation Tradeoff in the Adaptive Information Sampling of Unknown Spatial Fields with Mobile Robots137
The Application of a Self-Made Integrated Three-in-One Microsensor and Commercially Available Wind Speed Sensor to the Cold Air Pipe of the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning in a Factory for 134
Application-Layer Time Synchronization and Data Alignment Method for Multichannel Biosignal Sensors Using BLE Protocol134
Hunting Network Anomalies in a Railway Axle Counter System133
An Improved Time Delay Measurement Method for the Long-Distance Underwater Environment133
Effect of Excitation Signal on Double-Coil Inductive Displacement Transducer133
Industrial Internet of Things Gateway with OPC UA Based on Sitara AM335X with ModbusE Acquisition Cycle Performance Analysis131
High-Capacity Spatial Structured Light for Robust and Accurate Reconstruction131
Pulse Accumulation Approach Based on Signal Phase Estimation for Doppler Wind Lidar127
Blockchain-Based Method for Spatial Retrieval and Verification of Remote Sensing Images126
MAM-E: Mammographic Synthetic Image Generation with Diffusion Models126
Cardiac Multi-Frequency Vibration Signal Sensor Module and Feature Extraction Method Based on Vibration Modeling125
Amount Estimation Method for Food Intake Based on Color and Depth Images through Deep Learning125
Fusion of Multimodal Imaging and 3D Digitization Using Photogrammetry124
Implementation of Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks with an Early Exit Mechanism Utilizing 40 nm CMOS Process for Fire Detection in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles124
rGO-PDMS Flexible Sensors Enabled Survival Decision System for Live Oysters123
A Joint Encryption and Compression Algorithm for Multiband Remote Sensing Image Transmission123
Advancements in Chemical and Biosensors for Point-of-Care Detection of Acrylamide123
Experimental Study on the Azimuthal-Transmitting Transducer of Acoustic Logging121
Activity Detection in Indoor Environments Using Multiple 2D Lidars120
Coherent Off-Axis Terahertz Tomography with a Multi-Channel Array and f-theta Optics120
Robust and Fast Normal Mollification via Consistent Neighborhood Reconstruction for Unorganized Point Clouds119
Efficient Space–Time Signal Processing Scheme of Frequency Synchronization and Positioning for Sensor Networks118
A Dynamic Multi-Scale Convolution Model for Face Recognition Using Event-Related Potentials117
Intelligent Mobile Wireless Network for Toxic Gas Cloud Monitoring and Tracking117
Uncertainty Estimation for Quantitative Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of Nucleic Acids115
Fatigue Crack Evaluation with the Guided Wave–Convolutional Neural Network Ensemble and Differential Wavelet Spectrogram114
Acquisition and Analysis of Facial Electromyographic Signals for Emotion Recognition114
Ergodic Capacity of NOMA-Based Multi-Antenna LMS Systems with Imperfect Limitations114
Predictive Modeling of Surface Wear in Mechanical Contacts under Lubricated and Non-Lubricated Conditions114
Developing GLAD Parameters to Control the Deposition of Nanostructured Thin Film114
Efficient Ray Tracing of Large 3D Scenes for Mobile Distributed Computing Environments113
Improving the Accuracy of Estimates of Indoor Distance Moved Using Deep Learning-Based Movement Status Recognition113
Current-Induced Spin Photocurrent in GaAs at Room Temperature113
Sequence Effect on the Activity of DNAzyme with Covalently Attached Hemin and Their Potential Bioanalytical Application112
A Dual-Branch Fusion of a Graph Convolutional Network and a Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification112
Sensor-Fused Nighttime System for Enhanced Pedestrian Detection in ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles110
Electronic Noses: From Gas-Sensitive Components and Practical Applications to Data Processing110
A Study on the Correlation between Change in the Geometrical Dimension of a Free-Falling Molten Glass Gob and Its Viscosity109
Beam-Hopping-Based Resource Allocation in Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Networks109
Matched Filtering for MIMO Coherent Optical Communications with Mode-Dependent Loss Channels108
Oxygen Imaging for Non-Invasive Metastasis Detection108
Representation Learning for Fine-Grained Change Detection108
LagunAR: A City-Scale Mobile Outdoor Augmented Reality Application for Heritage Dissemination107
Tackling Heterogeneous Color Registration: Binning Color Sensors107
Simultaneous Sleep Stage and Sleep Disorder Detection from Multimodal Sensors Using Deep Learning107
Human Body-Related Disease Diagnosis Systems Using CMOS Image Sensors: A Systematic Review106
Identifying the Edges of the Optic Cup and the Optic Disc in Glaucoma Patients by Segmentation106
High-Dynamic-Range Tone Mapping in Intelligent Automotive Systems106
Role of AI and Histopathological Images in Detecting Prostate Cancer: A Survey105
A Universal Testbed for IoT Wireless Technologies: Abstracting Latency, Error Rate and Stability from the IoT Protocol and Hardware Platform105
Non-Contact Spirometry Using a Mobile Thermal Camera and AI Regression103
Electrical Detection of Innate Immune Cells103
Biased Pressure: Cyclic Reinforcement Learning Model for Intelligent Traffic Signal Control103
Rapid Estimation of Crop Water Stress Index on Tomato Growth102
Capturing Features and Performing Human Detection from Human Gaits Using RFID102
A Blockchain-IoT Platform for the Smart Pallet Pooling Management101
Wavelet-Based Fractal Analysis of rs-fMRI for Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease101
A Holistic and Interoperable Approach towards the Implementation of Services for the Digital Transformation of Smart Cities: The Case of Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain)100
A Strategy for Controlling Motions Related to Sensory Information in a Walking Robot Big Foot100
Acoustic Sensing Analytics Applied to Speech in Reverberation Conditions100
Rainfall Observation Leveraging Raindrop Sounds Acquired Using Waterproof Enclosure: Exploring Optimal Length of Sounds for Frequency Analysis100
Soil Moisture Sensor Information Enhanced by Statistical Methods in a Reclaimed Water Irrigation Framework99
A Novel Expectation-Maximization-Based Blind Receiver for Low-Complexity Uplink STLC-NOMA Systems99
rSEM: System-Entropy-Measure-Guided Routing Algorithm for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks98
The Validation of a Portable Functional NIRS System for Assessing Mental Workload98
Measuring Suite for Vascular Response Monitoring during Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy by Means of Pulse Transit Time (PTT) Analysis98
Wood Veneer Defect Detection Based on Multiscale DETR with Position Encoder Net98
Dense Deployment of LoRa Networks: Expectations and Limits of Channel Activity Detection and Capture Effect for Radio Channel Access98
Applicability of Cost-Effective GNSS Sensors for Crustal Deformation Studies98
Construction of Structured Random Measurement Matrices in Semi-Tensor Product Compressed Sensing Based on Combinatorial Designs97
Classification of Activities of Daily Living Based on Grasp Dynamics Obtained from a Leap Motion Controller97
A Fringe Phase Extraction Method Based on Neural Network96
Indicators and Instruments to Assess Components of Disability in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review96
Evaluation of Temperature Sensors for Detection of Heat Sources Using Additive Printing Method96
Extraction of Step-Feature Lines in Open-Pit Mines Based on UAV Point-Cloud Data96
Flexible Recruitments of Fundamental Muscle Synergies in the Trunk and Lower Limbs for Highly Variable Movements and Postures95
Plane Wave Imaging through Interfaces95
Towards Automated Analysis of Grain Spikes in Greenhouse Images Using Neural Network Approaches: A Comparative Investigation of Six Methods95
Occluded Grape Cluster Detection and Vine Canopy Visualisation Using an Ultrasonic Phased Array95
Enteral Nutrition and Hydration in Patients with Acute Stroke: Efficacy of an Automatic Pump System for Water Administration and Flushes—A Pilot Study94
Using High-Frequency Information and RH to Estimate AQI Based on SVR94
AI-Based Positioning with Input Parameter Optimization in Indoor VLC Environments94
Detecting Inference Attacks Involving Raw Sensor Data: A Case Study94
Supporting Electrolyte Manipulation for Simple Improvement of the Sensitivity of Trace Vanadium(V) Determination at a Lead-Coated Glassy Carbon Electrode93
3D Metrology Using One Camera with Rotating Anamorphic Lenses93
Mode Split Equilibrium Microsimulation Approach for Early-Stage On-Demand Shared Automated Mobility93
Deep Learning Hybrid Techniques for Brain Tumor Segmentation93
Few-Shot Fine-Grained Forest Fire Smoke Recognition Based on Metric Learning92
A Compact Monopole Antenna for Underwater Acoustic Monitoring Beacons92
Photothermal Self-Excitation of a Phase-Controlled Microcantilever for Viscosity or Viscoelasticity Sensing92
A Multi-Stage Planning Method for Distribution Networks Based on ARIMA with Error Gradient Sampling for Source–Load Prediction92
Oriented Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images Based on YOLOv492
Centralised and Decentralised Sensor Fusion-Based Emergency Brake Assist91
Irradiance Independent Spectrum Reconstruction from Camera Signals Using the Interpolation Method91
Framework for Vehicle Make and Model Recognition—A New Large-Scale Dataset and an Efficient Two-Branch–Two-Stage Deep Learning Architecture91
Evaluation of Unobtrusive Microwave Sensors in Healthcare 4.0—Toward the Creation of Digital-Twin Model91
Deep Learning Based Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition: Introduce a Recent Temporal 2D Modeling Method90
Next-Hop Relay Selection for Ad Hoc Network-Assisted Train-to-Train Communications in the CBTC System90
The Lifespan of Human Activity Recognition Systems for Smart Homes90
Spread Spectrum Modulation with Grassmannian Constellations for Mobile Multiple Access Underwater Acoustic Channels90
Give Me a Sign: Using Data Gloves for Static Hand-Shape Recognition90
Analysis of the Overpressure Fields in a Shock Tube with Multi-Point Initiation89
Influence of Ion Exchange Process Parameters on Broadband Differential Interference89
An Integrated, Exchangeable Three-Electrode Electrochemical Setup for AFM-Based Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy89
CBIR-SAR System Using Stochastic Distance89
Frequency-Resolved High-Frequency Broadband Measurement of Acoustic Longitudinal Waves by Laser-Based Excitation and Detection89
Methodology for Calculating the Damaged Surface and Its Relationship with Power Loss in Photovoltaic Modules by Electroluminescence Inspection for Corrective Maintenance89
Real-Time Automated Solubility Screening Method Using Deep Neural Networks with Handcrafted Features89
Densely Connected Networks with Multiple Features for Classifying Sound Signals with Reverberation88
Radiation Source Localization Using a Model-Based Approach88
RT-qPCR-Based Assessment of the Efficacy of 222 nm UVC Irradiation in Reducing SARS-CoV-2 Surface Contamination88
Research on Detection of Ultra-Low Concentration Anthrax Protective Antigen Using Graphene Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor88
Performance Evaluation for Clinical Stroke Rehabilitation via an Automatic Mobile Gait Trainer88
Performance of Different Crop Models in Simulating Soil Temperature87
Sensors and Communications for the Social Good87
Highly Elastically Deformable Coiled CNT/Polymer Fibers for Wearable Strain Sensors and Stretchable Supercapacitors86
IMU-Based Effects Assessment of the Use of Foot Orthoses in the Stance Phase during Running and Asymmetry between Extremities85
Characteristics of Bow-Tie Antenna Structures for Semi-Insulating GaAs and InP Photoconductive Terahertz Emitters85
Electrical Tomography Reconstruction Using Reconfigurable Waveforms in a FPGA85
User-Cell Association for Security and Energy Efficiency in Ultra-Dense Heterogeneous Networks84
Design, Fabrication, and Dynamic Analysis of a MEMS Ring Resonator Supported by Twin Circular Curve Beams84
Smart Buildings: A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review on Data-Driven Building Management Systems84
Measurement Approach for the Pose of Flanges in Cabin Assemblies through Distributed Vision84
Reading between the Lines: Process Mining on OPC UA Network Data84
A Microvalve Module with High Chemical Inertness and Embedded Flow Heating for Microscale Gas Chromatography84
SE-VisionTransformer: Hybrid Network for Diagnosing Sugarcane Leaf Diseases Based on Attention Mechanism83
Intermuscular Coordination in the Power Clean Exercise: Comparison between Olympic Weightlifters and Untrained Individuals—A Preliminary Study83
Channel Modeling of an Optical Wireless Body Sensor Network for Walk Monitoring of Elderly83
Indirect Measurement of Loading Forces with High-Speed Camera82
Bi-LSTM-Augmented Deep Neural Network for Multi-Gbps VCSEL-Based Visible Light Communication Link82
Normalizing Large Scale Sensor-Based MWD Data: An Automated Method toward A Unified Database82
Improved LEACH Protocol Based on Underwater Energy Propagation Model, Parallel Transmission, and Replication Computing for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks82
A Novel and Non-Invasive Approach to Evaluating Soil Moisture without Soil Disturbances: Contactless Ultrasonic System82
Customised Intrusion Detection for an Industrial IoT Heterogeneous Network Based on Machine Learning Algorithms Called FTL-CID81
Integration of Sentinel-1A Radar and SMAP Radiometer for Soil Moisture Retrieval over Vegetated Areas81
Deep Integration of Fiber-Optic Communication and Sensing Systems Using Forward-Transmission Distributed Vibration Sensing and on–off Keying81
A Systematic Literature Review on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Detecting DDoS Attacks in Software-Defined Networking81
Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Hemiplegic Gait Detection Using an Inertial Sensor Located Freely in a Pocket81
Addressing Multi-User Interference in Vehicular Visible Light Communications: A Brief Survey and an Evaluation of Optical CDMA MAC Utilization in a Multi-Lane Scenario81
Quantum Efficiency Measurement and Modeling of Silicon Sensors Optimized for Soft X-ray Detection80
A Scalable Video Multicast Scheme Based on User Demand Perception and D2D Communication80
Evaluating Trust Management Frameworks for Wireless Sensor Networks79
Developing a Novel Prosthetic Hand with Wireless Wearable Sensor Technology Based on User Perspectives: A Pilot Study79
Seamless Fusion: Multi-Modal Localization for First Responders in Challenging Environments79
Signal Processing Using a Circular Sensor Array to Measure the Torsional Angle of a Bolted Joint79
In Situ Test and Numerical Analysis of the Subway-Induced Vibration Influence in Historical and Cultural Reserves78
The Application of Hough Transform and Canny Edge Detector Methods for the Visual Detection of Cumuliform Clouds78
Automatic Key Update Mechanism for Lightweight M2M Communication and Enhancement of IoT Security: A Case Study of CoAP Using Libcoap Library78
Blind Fault Extraction of Rolling-Bearing Compound Fault Based on Improved Morphological Filtering and Sparse Component Analysis78
End-to-End Bubble Size Distribution Detection Technique in Dense Bubbly Flows Based on You Only Look Once Architecture78
Fast Control for Backlight Power-Saving Algorithm Using Motion Vectors from the Decoded Video Stream78
Nanosensors Based on Bimetallic Plasmonic Layer and Black Phosphorus: Application to Urine Glucose Detection78
Moving Object Detection in Freely Moving Camera via Global Motion Compensation and Local Spatial Information Fusion78
Global Vibration Comfort Evaluation of Footbridges Based on Computer Vision78
DFOS Technology in Geoengineering Monitoring in the Past 35 Years: A Bibliometric Analysis78
Design and Analysis of a Continuous and Non-Invasive Multi-Wavelength Optical Sensor for Measurement of Dermal Water Content78
Embedded Spatial–Temporal Convolutional Neural Network Based on Scattered Light Signals for Fire and Interferential Aerosol Classification77
A Sensing Device with the Optical Temperature Sensors-Based Quad-RX Module and a Security Module77
Hybrid Carbon Microfibers-Graphite Fillers for Piezoresistive Cementitious Composites77
A Novel Method of Fault Detection and Identification in a Tightly Coupled, INS/GNSS-Integrated System77
Null Broadening Robust Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm Based on Power Estimation77
Dynamic Adjustment of Weighted GCC-PHAT for Position Estimation in an Ultrasonic Local Positioning System77
New Frontier in Advanced Dentistry: CBCT, Intraoral Scanner, Sensors, and Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry77
Investigation of Focusing Properties on Astigmatic Gaussian Beams in Nonlinear Medium77
A Novel Method for Online Extraction of Small-Angle Scattering Pulse Signals from Particles Based on Variable Forgetting Factor RLS Algorithm77
Impact of Insertion Speed, Depth, and Robotic Assistance on Cochlear Implant Insertion Forces and Intracochlear Pressure: A Scoping Review77
Design and Enhancement of a Fog-Enabled Air Quality Monitoring and Prediction System: An Optimized Lightweight Deep Learning Model for a Smart Fog Environmental Gateway76
Deep Ensemble Learning-Based Sensor for Flotation Froth Image Recognition76
Trajectory Design for Multi-UAV-Aided Wireless Power Transfer toward Future Wireless Systems76
Analysis of the Effect of Slow-Varying Errors on Rotary Modulation Systems76
Continuous Temperature Telemonitoring of Patients with COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases Treated in Hospital-at-Home: Viture® System Validation76
Exploring Feature Selection and Classification Techniques to Improve the Performance of an Electroencephalography-Based Motor Imagery Brain–Computer Interface System76
A Long Short-Term Memory-Based Approach for Detecting Turns and Generating Road Intersections from Vehicle Trajectories75
Precise Two-Dimensional Tilt Measurement Sensor with Double-Cylindrical Mirror Structure and Modified Mean-Shift Algorithm for a Confocal Microscopy System75
PDC: Pearl Detection with a Counter Based on Deep Learning75
Analysis of Near-Field Characteristics on Improved Structures of Double-Slot Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna75
Security Analysis and Improvement of Vehicle Ethernet SOME/IP Protocol75
The Use of Computational Geometry Techniques to Resolve the Issues of Coverage and Connectivity in Wireless Sensor Networks75
Using Python Modules in Real-Time Plasma Systems for Fusion75
Applications of Blockchain and Smart Contracts to Address Challenges of Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility74
Edge-to-Cloud IIoT for Condition Monitoring in Manufacturing Systems with Ubiquitous Smart Sensors74
Snapshot of Fall Prevention in Patients Referred to a Neurorehabilitation Unit: A Feasibility Study on the Use of an Airbag Device74
Small-Size Eight-Element MIMO Metamaterial Antenna with High Isolation Using Modal Significance Method74
Algorithms for Delivery of Data by Drones in an Isolated Area Divided into Squares74
Attention-Guided Sample-Based Feature Enhancement Network for Crowded Pedestrian Detection Using Vision Sensors74
Improving Performance of Cluster Heads Selection in DEC Protocol Using K-Means Algorithm for WSN74
Application of Image Sensors to Detect and Locate Electrical Discharges: A Review74
Fibre Refractometry for Minimally Invasive Sugar Content Measurements within Produce74
Fuzzy Petri Nets for Traffic Node Reliability74
Event-Based Angular Speed Measurement and Movement Monitoring73
Indirect Monitoring of Frequencies of a Multiple Span Bridge Using Data Collected from an Instrumented Train: A Field Case Study73
Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Using Vis-NIR Spectral Data and Spectral Feature Bands Selection in Southern Xinjiang, China73
Non-Destructive Monitoring of Crop Fresh Weight and Leaf Area with a Simple Formula and a Convolutional Neural Network73