Annales Henri Poincare

(The TQCC of Annales Henri Poincare is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Derivation of the Linear Boltzmann Equation from the Damped Quantum Lorentz Gas with a General Scatterer Configuration45
Optimal Hardy Inequality for Fractional Laplacians on the Integers42
The Shifted Harmonic Oscillator and the Hypoelliptic Laplacian on the Circle42
Hecke Triangle Groups, Transfer Operators and Hausdorff Dimension28
On the Existence of Scaling Multi-Centered Black Holes20
Aharonov–Casher Theorems for Dirac Operators on Manifolds with Boundary and APS Boundary Condition20
Almost Radial Gauge17
Undressing the Electron17
Solutions to the Einstein Constraint Equations with a Small TT-Tensor and Vanishing Yamabe Invariant17
Background Independence and the Adler–Bardeen Theorem15
The Master Ward Identity for Scalar QED15
Map Lattices Coupled by Collisions: Hitting Time Statistics and Collisions Per Lattice Unit14
On Strong Integrability of the Dressing Cosets14
Edge Behavior of Higher Complex-Dimensional Determinantal Point Processes13
Positive Measure of Effective Quasi-Periodic Motion Near a Diophantine Torus12
On the Evolution of States in a Quantum-Mechanical Model of Experiments11
Perturbations of the Landau Hamiltonian: Asymptotics of Eigenvalue Clusters10
Tractor Geometry of Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes10
Multi-point Correlation Functions in the Boundary XXZ Chain at Finite Temperature10
Long-Time Dynamics in Quantum Spin Lattices: Ergodicity and Hydrodynamic Projections at All Frequencies and Wavelengths10
3D Tensor Renormalisation Group at High Temperatures10
Quasi-Round MOTSs and Stability of the Schwarzschild Null Penrose Inequality10
Cobordism Invariants from BPS q-Series10
A Note on Adiabatic Time Evolution and Quasi-Static Processes in Translation-Invariant Quantum Systems10
Metastability Results for a Class of Linear Boltzmann Equations9
Renormalization in String-Localized Field Theories: A Microlocal Analysis9
Symmetries of Vacuum Spacetimes with a Compact Cauchy Horizon of Constant Nonzero Surface Gravity9
Optimization Over Trace Polynomials9
A Comparison of the Georgescu and Vasy Spaces Associated to the N-Body Problems and Applications9
The Singularities of Selberg- and Dotsenko–Fateev-Like Integrals8
Concentration Inequalities for Output Statistics of Quantum Markov Processes8
Deformation and Quantisation Condition of the $$\mathcal {Q}$$-Top Recursion8
Interacting Loop Ensembles and Bose Gases8
Rademacher Expansion of a Siegel Modular Form for $${{\mathcal {N}}}= 4$$ Counting8
Non-trivial Bundles and Algebraic Classical Field Theory8
Lorentzian 2D CFT from the pAQFT Perspective7
On a Conjecture by Hundertmark and Simon7
Anderson Localisation for Quasi-One-Dimensional Random Operators7
Correlation Decay and Markovianity in Open Systems7
A KAM Approach to the Inviscid Limit for the 2D Navier–Stokes Equations6
Essential Self-Adjointness of Even-Order, Strongly Singular, Homogeneous Half-Line Differential Operators6
Canonical Typicality for Other Ensembles than Micro-canonical6
Dispersive and Strichartz Estimates for Schrödinger Equation with One Aharonov–Bohm Solenoid in a Uniform Magnetic Field6
Fredholm Pfaffian $$\tau $$-Functions for Orthogonal Isospectral and Isomonodromic Systems6
Hölder Continuity of Lyapunov Exponent for a Family of Smooth Schrödinger Cocycles6
Global Existence and Long-Time Behavior in the 1 + 1-Dimensional Principal Chiral Model with Applications to Solitons6
Resource Theory of Heat and Work with Non-commuting Charges6
Conformal TBA for Resolved Conifolds6
The Fixed Angle Scattering Problem with a First-Order Perturbation5
The Heat Kernel on the Diagonal for a Compact Metric Graph5
A Converse to Lieb–Robinson Bounds in One Dimension Using Index Theory5
Noncommutative Nullstellensätze and Perfect Games5
On the Geometry of Electrovacuum Spaces in Higher Dimensions5
Random Tensor Networks with Non-trivial Links5
Edge States for Generalized Iwatsuka Models: Magnetic Fields Having a Fast Transition Across a Curve5
Berezin Quantization, Conformal Welding and the Bott–Virasoro Group5
Bethe Ansatz Equations for Orthosymplectic Lie Superalgebras and Self-dual Superspaces5
Localization of Generalized Wannier Bases Implies Chern Triviality in Non-periodic Insulators5
The Kraichnan Model and Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics of Diffusive Mixing5
Self-adjointness of the 2D Dirac Operator with Singular Interactions Supported on Star Graphs5
Bogoliubov Theory for Trapped Bosons in the Gross–Pitaevskii Regime5
Three-Body Hamiltonian with Regularized Zero-Range Interactions in Dimension Three5
Algebraic Structures Underlying Quantum Independences: Theory and Applications5
Dynamical Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov Approximation of Interacting Bosons5
Absolutely Continuous Edge Spectrum of Hall Insulators on the Lattice5
Expansion and Collapse of Spherically Symmetric Isotropic Elastic Bodies Surrounded by Vacuum5
Quantum Rényi Divergences and the Strong Converse Exponent of State Discrimination in Operator Algebras5
Born–Oppenheimer Potential Energy Surfaces for Kohn–Sham Models in the Local Density Approximation5
Soliton Cellular Automata for the Affine General Linear Lie Superalgebra5
2-Group Symmetries of 6D Little String Theories and T-Duality4
Superconformal Algebras and Holomorphic Field Theories4
Structural Stability of the RG Flow in the Gross–Neveu Model4
Hypercontractivity and Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality for Non-primitive Quantum Markov Semigroups and Estimation of Decoherence Rates4
Gluing Algebraic Quantum Field Theories on Manifolds4
Decay Estimates for Bi-Schrödinger Operators in Dimension One4
Optimal Convergence Rate in the Quantum Zeno Effect for Open Quantum Systems in Infinite Dimensions4
Neumann Domains on Quantum Graphs4
Higher Deformation Quantization for Kapustin–Witten Theories4
Polynomial KP and BKP $$\tau $$-Functions and Correlators4
BPS Quivers of Five-Dimensional SCFTs, Topological Strings and q-Painlevé Equations4
Localization Length of the $$1+1$$ Continuum Directed Random Polymer4
Frobenius Algebras Associated with the $$\alpha $$-Induction for Equivariantly Braided Tensor Categories4
Gravitational Constraints on a Lightlike Boundary4
Baxter Operators in Ruijsenaars Hyperbolic System III: Orthogonality and Completeness of Wave Functions4
On Pleijel’s Nodal Domain Theorem for Quantum Graphs4
Quantum Concentration Inequalities4
Quasi-Periodic Solutions of the Universal Hierarchy4
Decay of Solutions to the Klein–Gordon Equation on Some Expanding Cosmological Spacetimes4
Edge Behavior of Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gases Near a Hard Wall4
The Dilute Fermi Gas via Bogoliubov Theory4
Analytic States in Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetimes4
An Effective Solution to Convex 1-Body N-Representability4
Interpolating Between Rényi Entanglement Entropies for Arbitrary Bipartitions via Operator Geometric Means4
Askey–Wilson Braid Algebra and Centralizer of $$U_q(\mathfrak {sl}_2)$$4
On the Fourier Analysis of the Einstein–Klein–Gordon System: Growth and Decay of the Fourier Constants3
Quantitative Bounds Versus Existence of Weakly Coupled Bound States for Schrödinger Type Operators3
A Scattering Theory Approach to Cauchy Horizon Instability and Applications to Mass Inflation3
Ultraviolet Stability for QED in $$d=3$$3
Correction to: Algebraic Approach to Casimir Force Between Two $$\delta $$-like Potentials3
Edge Distribution of Thinned Real Eigenvalues in the Real Ginibre Ensemble3
Global Stability for Charged Scalar Fields in an Asymptotically Flat Metric in Harmonic Gauge3
Price’s Law and Precise Late-Time Asymptotics for Subextremal Reissner–Nordström Black Holes3
Dually Weighted Multi-matrix Models as a Path to Causal Gravity-Matter Systems3
Spectral Asymptotics for Kinetic Brownian Motion on Surfaces of Constant Curvature3
Point Potentials on Euclidean Space, Hyperbolic Space and Sphere in Any Dimension3
Trapped Surface Formation for Spherically Symmetric Einstein–Maxwell-Charged Scalar Field System with Double Null Foliation3
Bessel Kernel Determinants and Integrable Equations3
The Rotation Number for Almost Periodic Potentials with Jump Discontinuities and $$\delta $$-Interactions3
Discrete Spectrum of a Periodic Schrödinger Operator Perturbed by a Rapidly Decaying Potential3
Spectrum and Orthogonality of the Bethe Ansatz for the Periodic q-Difference Toda Chain on $${\mathbb {Z}}_{m+1}$$3
Asymptotic Scattering by Poissonian Thermostats3
Spectral and Dynamical Contrast on Highly Correlated Anderson-Type Models3
Poisson Reductions of Master Integrable Systems on Doubles of Compact Lie Groups3
Resonances as Viscosity Limits for Black Box Perturbations3
Unitary, Anomalous Master Ward Identity and its Connections to the Wess–Zumino Condition, BV Formalism and $$L_\infty $$-algebras3
Fine Structure of Flat Bands in a Chiral Model of Magic Angles3
A Canonical Complex Structure and the Bosonic Signature Operator for Scalar Fields in Globally Hyperbolic Spacetimes3
Intrinsic Flat Convergence of Points and Applications to Stability of the Positive Mass Theorem3
A Phase Space Approach to the Conformal Construction of Non-vacuum Initial Data Sets in General Relativity3
A Meta Logarithmic-Sobolev Inequality for Phase-Covariant Gaussian Channels3
Correction to: Extreme Points and Factorizability for New Classes of Unital Quantum Channels3
Time-Slicing Approximation of Feynman Path Integrals on Compact Manifolds3
On the Number of Eigenvalues of the Dirac Operator in a Bounded Interval3
Free Field Realisation of the Chiral Universal Centraliser3
Constructive Matrix Theory for Higher Order Interaction II: Hermitian and Real Symmetric Cases3
Escape Rate and Conditional Escape Rate From a Probabilistic Point of View3
Effective Polaron Dynamics of an Impurity Particle Interacting with a Fermi Gas3
Global Stability of the Open Milne Spacetime3
Control of Quantum Noise: On the Role of Dilations3
Convergence of Dynamics on Inductive Systems of Banach Spaces3
Multipartite Entanglement Detection Via Projective Tensor Norms3
Gap Probability for the Hard Edge Pearcey Process3
Inhomogeneous Conformal Field Theory Out of Equilibrium3
Prethermalization for Deformed Wigner Matrices3
Local Hölder Stability in the Inverse Steklov and Calderón Problems for Radial Schrödinger Operators and Quantified Resonances3
On a Class of Quasilinear Equations Involving Critical Exponential Growth and Concave Terms in $${\mathbb {R}}^N$$3