Annales Henri Poincare

(The median citation count of Annales Henri Poincare is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Black Hole Quasinormal Modes and Seiberg–Witten Theory45
2-Group Symmetries of 6D Little String Theories and T-Duality42
Soliton Resolution for the Wadati–Konno–Ichikawa Equation with Weighted Sobolev Initial Data38
Quantum Optimal Transport with Quantum Channels28
Bose–Einstein Condensation Beyond the Gross–Pitaevskii Regime26
Characterizing Topological Order with Matrix Product Operators23
The Case Against Smooth Null Infinity I: Heuristics and Counter-Examples20
Bogoliubov Theory for Trapped Bosons in the Gross–Pitaevskii Regime20
Inhomogeneous Conformal Field Theory Out of Equilibrium17
Deep Boltzmann Machines: Rigorous Results at Arbitrary Depth17
Global Evolution of the U(1) Higgs Boson: Nonlinear Stability and Uniform Energy Bounds16
Null Distance and Convergence of Lorentzian Length Spaces16
Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions of the Semiclassical Einstein Equation in Cosmological Models15
Rényi Relative Entropies and Noncommutative $$L_p$$-Spaces II15
The Dilute Fermi Gas via Bogoliubov Theory14
Quasi-Locality Bounds for Quantum Lattice Systems. Part II. Perturbations of Frustration-Free Spin Models with Gapped Ground States14
A New Approach to Transport Coefficients in the Quantum Spin Hall Effect13
Nilpotence Varieties13
Bosonization of Fermionic Many-Body Dynamics13
A Non-Hermitian Generalisation of the Marchenko–Pastur Distribution: From the Circular Law to Multi-criticality13
BV and BFV for the H-Twisted Poisson Sigma Model12
Quantum Concentration Inequalities12
Future Stability of the FLRW Spacetime for a Large Class of Perfect Fluids11
Limit Theorems for Random Expanding or Anosov Dynamical Systems and Vector-Valued Observables11
Elliptic Loci of SU(3) Vacua11
The exponential decay of eigenfunctions for tight-binding Hamiltonians via landscape and dual landscape functions11
Correlation Length in Random MPS and PEPS10
Static Symmetric Solutions of the Semi-Classical Einstein–Klein–Gordon System10
The Cosmological Semiclassical Einstein Equation as an Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical System10
Optimization Over Trace Polynomials10
Translationally Invariant Universal Quantum Hamiltonians in 1D10
On the Domains of Bessel Operators10
Tractor Geometry of Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes10
Time-Harmonic Solutions for Maxwell’s Equations in Anisotropic Media and Bochner–Riesz Estimates with Negative Index for Non-elliptic Surfaces9
BPS Quivers of Five-Dimensional SCFTs, Topological Strings and q-Painlevé Equations9
Approximate Tensorization of the Relative Entropy for Noncommuting Conditional Expectations9
Three-Body Hamiltonian with Regularized Zero-Range Interactions in Dimension Three9
Condition Numbers for Real Eigenvalues in the Real Elliptic Gaussian Ensemble9
A New Symmetry of the Colored Alexander Polynomial9
On the Absolutely Continuous Spectrum of Generalized Indefinite Strings8
Racah Algebras, the Centralizer $$Z_n({{{\mathfrak {s}}}{{\mathfrak {l}}}}_2)$$ and Its Hilbert–Poincaré Series8
Racah Problems for the Oscillator Algebra, the Lie Algebra $$\mathfrak {sl}_n$$, and Multivariate Krawtchouk Polynomials8
Response Solutions in Degenerate Oscillators Under Degenerate Perturbations8
On Multimatrix Models Motivated by Random Noncommutative Geometry I: The Functional Renormalization Group as a Flow in the Free Algebra8
Polynomial KP and BKP $$\tau $$-Functions and Correlators8
Integrable Sigma Models at RG Fixed Points: Quantisation as Affine Gaudin Models8
Semiclassical Gravity in Static Spacetimes as a Constrained Initial Value Problem8
On Pleijel’s Nodal Domain Theorem for Quantum Graphs8
Schrödinger Equation in Moving Domains7
A Converse to Lieb–Robinson Bounds in One Dimension Using Index Theory7
Stability of the Enhanced Area Law of the Entanglement Entropy7
A Large Deviation Principle in Many-Body Quantum Dynamics7
Edge Behavior of Two-Dimensional Coulomb Gases Near a Hard Wall7
Quaternionic Kähler Metrics Associated to Special Kähler Manifolds with Mutually Local Variations of BPS Structures6
Second-Order PDEs in 3D with Einstein–Weyl Conformal Structure6
Topology in Shallow-Water Waves: A Spectral Flow Perspective6
Measure Theoretic Entropy of Random Substitution Subshifts6
Bethe Ansatz Equations for Orthosymplectic Lie Superalgebras and Self-dual Superspaces6
On the Correlation Between Nodal and Nonzero Level Sets for Random Spherical Harmonics6
On Multimatrix Models Motivated by Random Noncommutative Geometry II: A Yang-Mills-Higgs Matrix Model6
All Higher-Dimensional Majumdar–Papapetrou Black Holes6
Sharp Asymptotics for the Solutions of the Three-Dimensional Massless Vlasov–Maxwell System with Small Data6
Chiral Floquet Systems and Quantum Walks at Half-Period6
Curvature-Dimension Conditions for Symmetric Quantum Markov Semigroups6
Quantum Zeno Effect in Open Quantum Systems6
Trigonometric Real Form of the Spin RS Model of Krichever and Zabrodin6
Bisynchronous Games and Factorizable Maps6
$$L^p$$-Boundedness of Wave Operators for 2D Schrödinger Operators with Point Interactions6
Effect of Periodic Arrays of Defects on Lattice Energy Minimizers5
Averages of Products and Ratios of Characteristic Polynomials in Polynomial Ensembles5
An Effective Solution to Convex 1-Body N-Representability5
Anderson Localisation for Quasi-One-Dimensional Random Operators5
Integrable Degenerate $$\varvec{\mathcal {E}}$$-Models from 4d Chern–Simons Theory5
Borel-Écalle Resummation of a Two-Point Function5
Fermionic Fock Spaces and Quantum States for Causal Fermion Systems5
Stability of AVTD Behavior Within the Polarized $$\mathbb {T}{}^2$$-Symmetric Vacuum Spacetimes5
Spectral and Combinatorial Aspects of Cayley-Crystals5
Gap Probability for the Hard Edge Pearcey Process5
Hypercontractivity and Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality for Non-primitive Quantum Markov Semigroups and Estimation of Decoherence Rates5
General Toeplitz Matrices Subject to Gaussian Perturbations5
Renormalization in String-Localized Field Theories: A Microlocal Analysis5
Limit Theorems for Random Non-uniformly Expanding or Hyperbolic Maps with Exponential Tails5
On the Global Well-Posedness of the 3D Axisymmetric Resistive MHD Equations5
The Unitary Master Ward Identity: Time Slice Axiom, Noether’s Theorem and Anomalies5
The Bose Gas in a Box with Neumann Boundary Conditions5
Invariant Measure for Stochastic Schrödinger Equations5
Localization of Generalized Wannier Bases Implies Chern Triviality in Non-periodic Insulators5
Baxter Operators in Ruijsenaars Hyperbolic System I: Commutativity of Q-Operators5
Construction of the Unruh State for a Real Scalar Field on the Kerr-de Sitter Spacetime5
Asymptotic Measurement Schemes for Every Observable of a Quantum Field Theory5
The Excitation Spectrum of Two-Dimensional Bose Gases in the Gross–Pitaevskii Regime5
Multipartite Entanglement Detection Via Projective Tensor Norms4
Dynamical Hartree–Fock–Bogoliubov Approximation of Interacting Bosons4
Long-Time Dynamics in Quantum Spin Lattices: Ergodicity and Hydrodynamic Projections at All Frequencies and Wavelengths4
On the Hyperbolic Bloch Transform4
On Strong Integrability of the Dressing Cosets4
Note on a Product Formula Related to Quantum Zeno Dynamics4
The PPT$$^2$$ Conjecture Holds for All Choi-Type Maps4
From Short-Range to Contact Interactions in Two-dimensional Many-Body Quantum Systems4
Non-integrable Ising Models in Cylindrical Geometry: Grassmann Representation and Infinite Volume Limit4
A Bulk Spectral Gap in the Presence of Edge States for a Truncated Pseudopotential4
On a Recent Conjecture by Z. Van Herstraeten and N. J. Cerf for the Quantum Wigner Entropy4
Mesoscale Approximation of the Electromagnetic Fields4
Self-adjointness of the 2D Dirac Operator with Singular Interactions Supported on Star Graphs4
Conformal TBA for Resolved Conifolds4
Cobordism Invariants from BPS q-Series4
Exactness of Linear Response in the Quantum Hall Effect4
Exponential Dynamical Localization for Random Word Models4
Positive Maps and Entanglement in Real Hilbert Spaces4
BPS Algebras in 2D String Theory4
Baxter operators in Ruijsenaars hyperbolic system II: bispectral wave functions4
Microscopic Derivation of the Fröhlich Hamiltonian for the Bose Polaron in the Mean-Field Limit4
The Vanishing of the Fundamental Gap of Convex Domains in $$\mathbb {H}^n$$4
Algebraic Approach to Bose–Einstein Condensation in Relativistic Quantum Field Theory: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and the Goldstone Theorem4
On the Mathematical Foundations of Causal Fermion Systems in Minkowski Space4
Lorentzian 2D CFT from the pAQFT Perspective4
A Conformal Infinity Approach to Asymptotically $$\text {AdS}_2\times S^{n-1}$$ Spacetimes4
Existence of Steady States of the Massless Einstein–Vlasov System Surrounding a Schwarzschild Black Hole4
Transcendental Properties of Entropy-Constrained Sets4
Consistency Proof for Multi-time Schrödinger Equations with Particle Creation and Ultraviolet Cut-Off4
Another Proof of Born’s Rule on Arbitrary Cauchy Surfaces4
Temperley–Lieb, Birman–Murakami–Wenzl and Askey–Wilson Algebras and Other Centralizers of $$U_q(\mathfrak {sl}_2)$$4
Galois Correspondence and Fourier Analysis on Local Discrete Subfactors4
Dynamical C*-algebras and Kinetic Perturbations4
A Mathematical Analysis of Casimir Interactions I: The Scalar Field3
Quantum Rényi Divergences and the Strong Converse Exponent of State Discrimination in Operator Algebras3
The Heat Kernel on the Diagonal for a Compact Metric Graph3
Blowups in BPS/CFT Correspondence, and Painlevé VI3
Resource Theory of Heat and Work with Non-commuting Charges3
An Algebraic QFT Approach to the Wetterich Equation on Lorentzian Manifolds3
Penrose-Stable Interactions in Classical Statistical Mechanics3
Anisotropic Spin Generalization of Elliptic Macdonald–Ruijsenaars Operators and R-Matrix Identities3
Spectral Properties of Relativistic Quantum Waveguides3
Entropy Fluctuation Formulas of Fermionic Gaussian States3
Static Spherically Symmetric Einstein-Vlasov Bifurcations of the Schwarzschild Spacetime3
Rotation Numbers and Rotation Classes on One-Dimensional Tiling Spaces3
Limiting Absorption Principle for Discrete Schrödinger Operators with a Wigner–von Neumann Potential and a Slowly Decaying Potential3
Linear Stability of Semiclassical Theories of Gravity3
Localization Length of the $$1+1$$ Continuum Directed Random Polymer3
A KAM Approach to the Inviscid Limit for the 2D Navier–Stokes Equations3
Coherent Electronic Transport in Periodic Crystals3
Random Tensor Networks with Non-trivial Links3
Asymptotic Properties of Generalized Eigenfunctions for Multi-dimensional Quantum Walks3
A Supersymmetric Hierarchical Model for Weakly Disordered 3d Semimetals3
The Cohomology Invariant for Class DIII Topological Insulators3
Entanglement Entropy of Ground States of the Three-Dimensional Ideal Fermi Gas in a Magnetic Field3
On the Mass Dependence of the Modular Operator for a Double Cone3
Bi-Hamiltonian Structure of Spin Sutherland Models: The Holomorphic Case3
A Critical Concave–Convex Kirchhoff-Type Equation in $$\mathbb R^4$$ Involving Potentials Which May Vanish at Infinity3
Threshold for Blowup and Stability for Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Rotation3
Poisson Reductions of Master Integrable Systems on Doubles of Compact Lie Groups3
Neumann Domains on Quantum Graphs3
Density of Small Singular Values of the Shifted Real Ginibre Ensemble3
Decay of Solutions to the Klein–Gordon Equation on Some Expanding Cosmological Spacetimes3
The Kraichnan Model and Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics of Diffusive Mixing3
Anomalous Dissipation and Spontaneous Stochasticity in Deterministic Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Flow3
The Fixed Angle Scattering Problem with a First-Order Perturbation3
On the Convergence of Nekrasov Functions3
Correlation Decay and Markovianity in Open Systems3
A Remark on the Essential Self-adjointness for Klein–Gordon-Type Operators3
Cherenkov Radiation with Massive Bosons and Quantum Friction3
Shortest Distance Between Multiple Orbits and Generalized Fractal Dimensions3
Diffraction of the Aharonov–Bohm Hamiltonian3
Inverse scattering for reflectionless Schrödinger operators with integrable potentials and generalized soliton solutions for the KdV equation3
Trapped Surface Formation for Spherically Symmetric Einstein–Maxwell-Charged Scalar Field System with Double Null Foliation3
Intrinsic Flat Convergence of Points and Applications to Stability of the Positive Mass Theorem3
Decay Estimates for Bi-Schrödinger Operators in Dimension One3
Shape of Eigenvectors for the Decaying Potential Model2
The Gravitational Path Integral for $$ N=4$$ BPS Black Holes from Black Hole Microstate Counting2
QFT and Topology in Two Dimensions: $$\mathrm{SL}(2, {{\mathbb {R}}})$$-Symmetry and the de Sitter Universe2
Infrared Problem vs Gauge Choice: Scattering of Classical Dirac Field2
The Absolutely Continuous Spectrum of Finitely Differentiable Quasi-Periodic Schrödinger Operators2
Lagrange Inversion and Combinatorial Species with Uncountable Color Palette2
Construction of a Family of Stable Finite-Time Blowup Solutions for the Viscous Boussinesq System2
On the Ultraviolet Limit of the Pauli–Fierz Hamiltonian in the Lieb–Loss Model2
Dynamics of Dilute Gases at Equilibrium: From the Atomistic Description to Fluctuating Hydrodynamics2
A Universal Representation for Quantum Commuting Correlations2
Decay Estimates for the Massless Vlasov Equation on Schwarzschild Spacetimes2
Absorption in Invariant Domains for Semigroups of Quantum Channels2
Integrable Multi-Hamiltonian Systems from Reduction of an Extended Quasi-Poisson Double of $${\text {U}}(n)$$2
On Curvature and Torsion in Courant Algebroids2
Control of Quantum Noise: On the Role of Dilations2
Distribution of Cracks in a Chain of Atoms at Low Temperature2
A Scattering Theory Approach to Cauchy Horizon Instability and Applications to Mass Inflation2
Non-compact Quantum Graphs with Summable Matrix Potentials2
Analyticity of the One-Particle Density Matrix2
Edge Behavior of Higher Complex-Dimensional Determinantal Point Processes2
Elliptic Kac–Sylvester Matrix from Difference Lamé Equation2
The Hartree and Hartree–Fock Equations in Lebesgue $$L^p$$ and Fourier–Lebesgue $$\widehat{L}^p$$ Spaces2
A-branes, Foliations and Localization2
The Vanishing of Excess Heat for Nonequilibrium Processes Reaching Zero Ambient Temperature2
Spectral Properties of Schrödinger Operators Associated with Almost Minimal Substitution Systems2
Smooth 1-Dimensional Algebraic Quantum Field Theories2
Bernoulli Variables, Classical Exclusion Processes and Free Probability2
Super Cartan Geometry and the Super Ashtekar Connection2
Spectral Theory of the Frame Flow on Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds2
Gauge Theory and the Analytic Form of the Geometric Langlands Program2
Morawetz Estimates Without Relative Degeneration and Exponential Decay on Schwarzschild–de Sitter Spacetimes2
Slow Decay of Waves in Gravitational Solitons2
Global Non-linearly Stable Large Data Solutions to the Einstein Scalar Field System2
Correction to: Note on a Product Formula Related to Quantum Zeno Dynamics2
On Renormalized Hamiltonian Nets2
Vanishing of the Anomaly in Lattice Chiral Gauge Theory2
Discrete Spectrum of a Periodic Schrödinger Operator Perturbed by a Rapidly Decaying Potential2
Price’s Law and Precise Late-Time Asymptotics for Subextremal Reissner–Nordström Black Holes2
Quantum Energy Inequalities in Integrable Models with Several Particle Species and Bound States2
Concentration Inequalities for Output Statistics of Quantum Markov Processes2
Extreme Points and Factorizability for New Classes of Unital Quantum Channels2
The Master Ward Identity for Scalar QED2
Standing Waves of Coupled Schrödinger Equations with Quadratic Interactions from Raman Amplification in a Plasma2
Spectral Fluctuations for Schrödinger Operators with a Random Decaying Potential2
An Algebraic and Microlocal Approach to the Stochastic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation2
Existence of Zero-Damped Quasinormal Frequencies for Nearly Extremal Black Holes2
Ergodicity for the Randomly Forced Navier–Stokes System in a Two-Dimensional Unbounded Domain2
Scattering in Quantum Dots via Noncommutative Rational Functions2
SRB Measures and Young Towers for Surface Diffeomorphisms2
Chaotic Motion in the Breathing Circle Billiard2
On a Thermostated Kac Model with Rescaling2
Stability of Algebraic Solitons for Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations of Derivative Type: Variational Approach2
An Explicit Large Deviation Analysis of the Spatial Cycle Huang–Yang–Luttinger Model2
Trotter Product Formulae for $$*$$-Automorphisms of Quantum Lattice Systems2
Algebraic Approach to Casimir Force Between Two $$\delta $$-like Potentials2
Growth and Integrability of Some Birational Maps in Dimension Three2
Global Stability of Minkowski Space for the Einstein–Maxwell–Klein–Gordon System in Generalized Wave Coordinates2
Ruelle Zeta Function from Field Theory2
Quantitative Bounds Versus Existence of Weakly Coupled Bound States for Schrödinger Type Operators2
On the Asymptotic Dynamics of 2-D Magnetic Quantum Systems2
Lifshitz Tails for Random Diagonal Perturbations of Laurent Matrices2
A Comparison of the Georgescu and Vasy Spaces Associated to the N-Body Problems and Applications2
The Wasserstein Distance of Order 1 for Quantum Spin Systems on Infinite Lattices2
Classifying Space for Quantum Contextuality2
Spectral and Scattering Properties of Quantum Walks on Homogenous Trees of Odd Degree2
Derivation of the Linear Boltzmann Equation from the Damped Quantum Lorentz Gas with a General Scatterer Configuration1
Askey–Wilson Braid Algebra and Centralizer of $$U_q(\mathfrak {sl}_2)$$1
Noncommutative Nullstellensätze and Perfect Games1
Higher Deformation Quantization for Kapustin–Witten Theories1
Hölder Continuity of Lyapunov Exponent for a Family of Smooth Schrödinger Cocycles1
Map Lattices Coupled by Collisions: Hitting Time Statistics and Collisions Per Lattice Unit1
On the Existence of Scaling Multi-Centered Black Holes1
Superconformal Algebras and Holomorphic Field Theories1
Absolutely Continuous Edge Spectrum of Hall Insulators on the Lattice1
Born–Oppenheimer Potential Energy Surfaces for Kohn–Sham Models in the Local Density Approximation1
A Note on Adiabatic Time Evolution and Quasi-Static Processes in Translation-Invariant Quantum Systems1
Solutions to the Einstein Constraint Equations with a Small TT-Tensor and Vanishing Yamabe Invariant1
The Shifted Harmonic Oscillator and the Hypoelliptic Laplacian on the Circle1
On the Fourier Analysis of the Einstein–Klein–Gordon System: Growth and Decay of the Fourier Constants1
On the Geometry of Electrovacuum Spaces in Higher Dimensions1
Edge States for Generalized Iwatsuka Models: Magnetic Fields Having a Fast Transition Across a Curve1
Positive Measure of Effective Quasi-Periodic Motion Near a Diophantine Torus1
Almost Radial Gauge1