Computational Geosciences

(The TQCC of Computational Geosciences is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
BHPSO combined with statistical net hydrocarbon thickness map for well placement optimization under uncertainty54
Determination of Two-phase Relative Permeability from a Displacement with Safman-Rayleigh Instability Using a Coarse-Scale Model History Matching Approach30
Exponential time differencing for problems without natural stiffness separation28
Accelerating the solution of linear systems appearing in two-phase reservoir simulation by the use of POD-based deflation methods25
Model-based characterization of permeability damage control through inhibitor injection under parametric uncertainty24
Covariogram ranges for approximate global sensitivity analysis20
Estimation of the chance of success of a four-dimensional seismic project for a developed oil field18
A one-dimensional local discontinuous Galerkin Richards’ equation solution with dual-time stepping17
Dimensional reduction of a fractured medium for a polymer EOR model16
Fast prediction of aquifer thermal energy storage: a multicyclic metamodelling procedure15
Domain decomposition and partitioning methods for mixed finite element discretizations of the Biot system of poroelasticity14
Improved spatial understanding of induced seismicity hazard from the discretization of a curved fault surface13
Power law slip boundary condition for Navier-Stokes equations: Discontinuous Galerkin schemes13
Bayesian model evaluation for multiple scenarios13
Multibody approach for reactive transport modeling in discontinuous-heterogeneous porous media12
3D reconstruction of porous media using a batch normalized variational auto-encoder12
Upscaling of two-phase discrete fracture simulations using a convolutional neural network11
A natural Hessian approximation for ensemble based optimization11
Solving the fixed gravimetric boundary value problem by the finite element method using mapped infinite elements.11
Formulating the history matching problem with consistent error statistics11
Local and global timeseries proxies using functional principal component analysis: application to history-matching and uncertainty quantification10
Fracture network flow prediction with uncertainty using physics-informed graph features10
An extended peridynamic bond-based constitutive model for simulation of crack propagation in rock-like materials10
Uncertainty quantification for uranium production in mining exploitation by In Situ Recovery10
A mineral precipitation model based on the volume of fluid method9
Derivative-free search approaches for optimization of well inflow control valves and controls9
A numerical model for offshore Geological Carbon Storage (GCS) undergoing hydrate formation9
Accelerating the multi-parameter least-squares reverse time migration using an appropriate preconditioner9
Data-driven discovery of governing equations for transient heat transfer analysis8
Huff-n-Puff (HNP) design for shale reservoirs using local dual-porosity, dual-permeability compositional simulation8
Extraction of weak geochemical anomalies based on multiple-point statistics and local singularity analysis8
Impact of heterogeneity upon the accuracy of the Eikonal solution using the Fast Marching Method8
Inexact methods for sequential fully implicit (SFI) reservoir simulation8
Geological Facies modeling based on progressive growing of generative adversarial networks (GANs)7
Minimum acceptance criteria for subsurface scenario-based uncertainty models from single image generative adversarial networks (SinGAN)7
Comparison of dissolution in a calcite fracture by isothermal and non-isothermal models7
Performance studies of the fixed stress split algorithm for immiscible two-phase flow coupled with linear poromechanics7
Digital core image reconstruction based on residual self-attention generative adversarial networks7
A robust, multi-solution framework for well placement and control optimization7
The traveling wavefront for foam flow in two-layer porous media7
A novel prediction method for coalbed methane production capacity combined extreme gradient boosting with bayesian optimization7
Deep learning for lithological classification of carbonate rock micro-CT images7
Algebraic flux correction finite element method with semi-implicit time stepping for solute transport in fractured porous media6
Impact of artificial topological changes on flow and transport through fractured media due to mesh resolution6
Hybrid Neural Network - Variational Data Assimilation algorithm to infer river discharges from SWOT-like data6
Acceleration of thermodynamic computations in fluid flow applications6
An encoder-decoder deep surrogate for reverse time migration in seismic imaging under uncertainty6
A 3D organized point cloud clustering algorithm for seismic fault data based on region growth6
A virtual element method for the two-phase flow of immiscible fluids in porous media6
Consistency and local conservation in finite-element simulation of flow in porous media6
Estimating permeability of 3D micro-CT images by physics-informed CNNs based on DNS6
GPU implementation of Explicit and Implicit Eulerian methods with TVD schemes for solving 2D solute transport in heterogeneous flows6
Deep learning-aided image-oriented history matching of geophysical data5
Marginalized iterative ensemble smoothers for data assimilation5
The method of forced probabilities: a computation trick for Bayesian model evidence5
Adaptive mesh refinement in locally conservative level set methods for multiphase fluid displacements in porous media5
RockGPT: reconstructing three-dimensional digital rocks from single two-dimensional slice with deep learning5
Ensemble-based history matching of the Edvard Grieg field using 4D seismic data5
Geological realism in Fluvial facies modelling with GAN under variable depositional conditions5
A physically-based entropy production rate method to simulate sharp-front transport problems in porous medium systems5
Surrogate-based Bayesian comparison of computationally expensive models: application to microbially induced calcite precipitation5
Transient drainage volume characterization and flow simulation in reservoir models using the fast marching method5
Using a machine learning proxy for localization in ensemble data assimilation5
Probability elicitation using geostatistics in hydrocarbon exploration5
Correction to: Estimating permeability of 3D micro-CT images by physics-informed CNNs based on DNS5
Adaptive generalized multiscale approximation of a mixed finite element method with velocity elimination5
Dynamic time warping for well injection and production history connectivity characterization5
Numerical effects on the simulation of surfactant flooding for enhanced oil recovery5
Distributed quasi-Newton derivative-free optimization method for optimization problems with multiple local optima5
Iterative multilevel assimilation of inverted seismic data5
Competitive algorithm to balance and predict blasting outcomes using measured field data sets4
Accelerated reactive transport simulations in heterogeneous porous media using Reaktoro and Firedrake4
A generic workflow of projection-based embedded discrete fracture model for flow simulation in porous media4
Benchmark study for the simulation of Underground Hydrogen Storage operations4
Stacked ensemble model for reservoir characterisation to predict log properties from seismic signals4
Analysis of the hyperparameter optimisation of four machine learning satellite imagery classification methods4
Deep learning surrogate for predicting hydraulic conductivity tensors from stochastic discrete fracture-matrix models4
Generating subsurface earth models using discrete representation learning and deep autoregressive network4
Dynamic PVT model for CO2-EOR black-oil simulations4
Convergence of single rate and multirate undrained split iterative schemes for a fractured biot model4
Comparison of nonlinear field-split preconditioners for two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media4
Modeling cesium migration through Opalinus clay: a benchmark for single- and multi-species sorption-diffusion models4
Seismic inversion with deep learning4
Numerical simulation of crack propagation and coalescence in rock materials by the peridynamic method based on strain energy density theory4