Applied Vegetation Science

(The median citation count of Applied Vegetation Science is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Predicted scarcity of suitable habitat for alpine plant communities in northern Japan under climate change58
Soil seed bank development of smoke‐responsive plant species in a 23‐year restoration chronosequence and implications for resilience to fire42
Climate‐mediated shifts toward bunchgrass dominance 40 years after grazing cessation in Saguaro National Park, Arizona, USA33
No species loss, but pronounced species turnover in grasslands in the Northern Alps over 25 years28
Socioeconomic and environmental factors jointly shape beta diversity of woody species in eastern China25
Diversity patterns in high‐latitude grasslands18
Abundance‐ and incidence‐based estimation of total number of rare species in under‐sampled sites17
Exploring seed density and limiting similarity to reduce invasive grass performance for grassland restoration purposes13
Systematic reduction in seed rain of large‐seeded and endozoochorous species in pastures compared to forests along a tropical elevational gradient13
Global change, novel ecosystems and the ecological restoration of post‐industrial areas: The case of a former brown coal mine in Søby, Denmark13
Rangeland resilience to droughts: Changes across an intensification gradient12
Are historical land‐use patterns and chemical soil characteristics complementary for assessing the restoration potential of Nardus grassland?12
Remote sensing for vegetation science: A virtual special issue on its power and challenges12
Standardized indices to estimate sensitivity to drought across ecosystems12
Increased diversity of the species pool via seeding augments establishment of native species in experimental vacant‐lot restorations11
Reflecting on two and a half decades of restoration ecology in Applied Vegetation Science (1998–2023)11
Best practice—Is natural revegetation sufficient to achieve mitigation goals in road construction?11
Silicicolous lichen communities of the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield10
Livestock grazing promotes legume abundance under increased nutrient loads: Mechanistic evidence from a temperate grassland10
Fertilization and overseeding legumes on native grasslands leads to a hardly reversible degraded state10
The impact of livestock grazing and canopy gaps on species pool and functional diversity of ground flora in the Caspian beech forests of Iran10
Variation in characteristics and conservation values of plant communities on abandoned agricultural lands with and without fires10
Vegetation change in acidic dry grasslands in Moravia (Czech Republic) over three decades: Slow decrease in habitat quality after grazing cessation9
EcoFloVCS: An eco‐physiognomic‐floristic vegetation classification system9
Do neighbours matter? The effect of single‐ and mixed‐species sowing density on seed germination of annual wetland plants9
Grazing by semi‐feral cattle and horses supports plant species richness and uniqueness in grasslands8
N immobilization treatment revisited: A retarded and temporary effect unfolded in old‐field restoration8
Land‐use history determines stand structure and tree diversity in vanilla agroforests of northeastern Madagascar8
A deep‐learning framework for enhancing habitat identification based on species composition8
Exotic herbivores and fire energy drive standing herbaceous biomass but do not alter compositional patterns in a semiarid savanna ecosystem8
Seasonal optimisation of drone‐based photogrammetry in a heterogeneous boreal landscape8
Grassland reclamation of a copper mine tailings facility: Long‐term effects of biosolids on plant community responses8
Linking trends of habitat types and plant species using repeated habitat mapping data7
The role of dominant prairie species ecotypes on plant diversity patterns of restored grasslands across a rainfall gradient in the US Great Plains7
Herbivores regulate native–alien plants dynamics in sub‐Antarctic beech (Nothofagus antarctica) forests of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina7
Response of ground macrolichens to site factors, co‐existing plants and forestry in boreal forests7
Interactive effects of fire and grazing on vegetation structure and plant species composition in subtropical grasslands7
Simulated effects of floodplain restoration on plant community types7
Pastoralism in the high tropical Andes: A review of the effect of grazing intensity on plant diversity and ecosystem services7
Restoration of invaded temperate grasslands: species phenology adds to microsite and seed availability7
Experimental assessment of endozoochorous dispersal of Prosopis flexuosa seeds by domestic ungulates6
Enjoying tranquility — Development of ground vegetation after cessation of management in forests on loamy soils in Flanders (Belgium)6
Effects of thinning on functional and phylogenetic diversity of regenerated woody plants in plantations over time6
Effects of extensive grazing and mowing compared to abandonment on the biodiversity of European grasslands: A meta‐analysis6
Drivers of species composition in arable‐weed communities of the Austrian–Hungarian borderland region: What is the role of the country?6
Living on the edge: Plant diversity in the Iberian chionophilous vegetation6
Effects of long‐term mowing on species diversity, biomass and composition of plant community in a semi‐arid grassland in northeastern China6
Classification of European bog vegetation of the Oxycocco‐Sphagnetea class6
On the Use of Taxon Names in Community Ecology6
The alien Chinese windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei) impacts forest vegetation and regeneration on the southern slope of the European Alps6
Issue Information6
Trait variation in juvenile plants from the soil seed bank of temperate forests in relation to macro‐ and microclimate6
Rock climbing disturbance severity and abiotic gradients interact to determine cryptogam diversity and community structure6
Identifying substitute host tree species for epiphytes: The relative importance of tree size and species, bark and site characteristics6
Evaluating the feasibility of using plant‐specific metabarcoding to assess forest types from soil eDNA6
Longleaf pine restoration on hydric sites: Understorey plant community responses to site preparation through 15 years6
How to measure flower ultraviolet reflectance using digital photography5
Deferment associated to contrasting grazing intensities affects root/shoot biomass allocation in natural grasslands5
Biomass fine‐scale variation is predictive of functional composition and diversity in grazed grassland5
Effect of inter‐annual meteorological fluctuations and wild boar disturbance on the vegetation of Mediterranean temporary ponds5
Hierarchy of environmental factors driving restoration of dry grasslands: A multi‐site analysis5
Do common assumptions about the wetland seed bank following invasive plant removal hold true? Divergent outcomes following multi‐year Phragmites australis management5
Species dominance rather than complementarity drives community digestibility and litter decomposition in species‐rich Mediterranean rangelands5
Syntaxonomy and biogeography of the Irano‐Turanian mires and springs5
Radiation use efficiency of the herbaceous layer of dry Chaco shrublands and woodlands: Spatial and temporal patterns5
Phytosociological survey of the desert vegetation of Sinai, Egypt5
Disentangling the effects of phosphorus, nitrogen and species identity on the vegetation reflectance spectrum5
Crop type and management are key filtering factors of functional traits in the weed communities of regions with contrasting soils and climates4
Historic deforestation and non‐native plant invasions determine vegetation trajectories across an oceanic archipelago4
Fire slightly decreases the competitive effects of a thorny cushion shrub in a semi‐arid mountain steppe in the short term4
Using multiple plant functional types to assess response to prescribed burn season in Mediterranean‐climate vegetation4
Correction to “Beyond species richness and community composition: Using plant functional diversity to measure restoration success in jarrah forest” [Applied Vegetation Science, 24(3), e12607]4
Grassland restoration by local seed mixtures: New evidence from a practical 15‐year restoration study4
Assessing removal methods for controlling Dichrostachys cinerea encroachment and their impacts on plant communities in an East‐African savannah ecosystem4
Recovery of seedling community attributes during passive restoration of a tropical moist forest in Uganda4
Anthropogenic disturbance modifies long‐term changes of boreal mountain vegetation under contemporary climate warming4
Using functional traits and species diversity to evaluate restoration success of coastal dunes4
Subalpine vegetation changes in the Eastern Sudetes (1973–2021): Effects of abandonment, conservation management and avalanches4
Effects of slashing on native and invasive species, and community structure of a remnant natural grassland of South Australia4
Two sides of one medal: Arable weed vegetation of Europe in phytosociological data compared to agronomical weed surveys4
Neighboring edges: Interacting edge effects from linear disturbances in treed fens4
Win some, lose some: Mesocosm communities maintain community productivity despite lower phosphorus availability because of increased species diversity4
The biodiversity of birch stands in agricultural landscapes of Estonia is associated with past land use, restoration approach, site and landscape variables4
Variable effects of long‐term livestock grazing across the western United States suggest diverse approaches are needed to meet global change challenges4
Grassland management and land use history shape species composition and diversity in Transylvanian semi‐natural grasslands4
Leveraging time series of satellite and aerial images to promote the long‐term monitoring of restored plant communities4
Promoting plant diversity and habitat heterogeneity through vineyard terracing4
Effect of 15‐year sward management on vertical distribution of plant functional groups in a semi‐natural perennial grassland of central Europe4
Seedling recruitment in mountain grassland restoration: Effects of soil preparation and grazing4
Post‐fire succession of seeding treatments in relation to reference communities in the Great Basin4
Nibble, cut, stomp and burn: Biodiversity effects of disturbances in fen grassland3
Determinants of bryophyte assemblages in traditionally managed grasslands of the Carpathian Mts3
Recent changes in mountain hay meadows of high conservation value in eastern France3
Plant quality and primary productivity modulate plant biomass responses to the joint effects of grazing and fertilization in a mesic grassland3
Short‐term effects of the control of the invasive plant Asclepias syriaca: Secondary invasion of other neophytes instead of recovery of the native species3
Ecosystem services provided by semi‐natural and intensified grasslands: Synergies, trade‐offs and linkages to plant traits and functional richness3
Northern temperate pastures exhibit divergent plant community responses to management and disturbance legacies identified through a producer survey3
Successful transfer of species‐rich grassland by means of green hay or threshing material: Does the method matter in the long term?3
Floristic types of high‐Andean wetlands from northwest Argentina and their remote‐sensed characterization at a regional scale3
There is room for everyone: Invasion credit cannot be inferred from the species–area relationship in fragmented forests3
Resource pre‐emption, rather than extending the growing season of native grass assemblages, reduces invasion by exotic species3
Livestock species rather than grazing intensity shape plant guild proportions in interaction with multiple environmental drivers in grassland from the Pyrenees3
Classification of forest and shrubland vegetation in Mediterranean Turkey3
Which optical traits enable an estimation of tree species diversity based on the Spectral Variation Hypothesis?3
Single versus repeated human trampling events: Responses of ground vegetation in suburban beech forests3
Bedrock meadows: A distinct vegetation type in northwestern North America3
A chemical and bio‐herbicide mixture increased exotic invaders, both targeted and non‐targeted, across a diversely invaded landscape after fire3
Unmanned aerial systems‐based monitoring of the eco‐geomorphology of coastal dunes through spectral Rao'sQ3
A new formal classification for Japanese forest vegetation based on traditional phytosociological concepts3
A limited number of species is sufficient to assign a vegetation plot to a forest vegetation unit3
Propagation distance thresholds of woody Cerrado species in a pasture matrix3
Estimating reference conditions using baseline vegetation data to inform large‐scale ecosystem restoration efforts3
Magnitude and drivers of plant diversity loss differ between spatial scales in Scania, Sweden 1957–20213
Coping with changing plant–plant interactions in restoration ecology: Effect of species, site, and individual variation3
Phylogenetic homogenization of Amazonian tree assemblages in forest islands after 26 years of isolation3
What is a suitable management for Typha latifolia control in wet meadows?3
Extreme droughts in oligotrophic mountain grasslands cause substantial species abundance changes and amplify community filtering3
Carbon dioxide fluxes and soil carbon storage in relation to long‐term grazing and no grazing in Icelandic semi‐natural grasslands2
Clear‐cutting triggers regeneration of abandoned secondary forests but risks alternative successional trajectories with high deer density2
Burning the seed bank: Seed response of eight species to different fire intensities in Patagonian steppe2
About the link between biodiversity and spectral variation2
Forb community response to prescribed fire, livestock grazing, and an invasive annual grass in the Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie2
Propagule availability drives post‐wildfire recovery of peatland plant communities2
Restoration and management of plant communities in Applied Vegetation Science2
Grassland reconstruction in a factory yard increases biodiversity and reduces costs of installation and maintenance2
The effects of livestock grazing on vegetation in a semiarid grassland: a test of three hypotheses2
Temporal changes in the ground vegetation in spruce forests in the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) — bryophytes are better indicators of the impact of liming and of sulphur and nitrogen deposition than the2
Sentinel 2 images enable reliable prediction of fine‐scale habitat dynamics of narrow endemic plant species in serpentine soils2
Development of spatial models and maps for tree species diversity and biomass in a miombo ecosystem, western Tanzania2
Early response of herbaceous vegetation toRhododendron ponticumsubsp.baeticuminvasion in European Atlantic forests2
Predictive mapping of plant diversity in an arid mountain environment (Gebel Elba, Egypt)2
Species‐group responses improve our understanding of the effects of community dominants on subordinate species along a grazing gradient2
Testing collection‐time reduction in fine‐root biomass estimation in Atlantic Forests2
What explains inconsistencies in field‐based ecosystem mapping?2
Distribution maps of vegetation alliances in Europe2
An invasive grass and litter impact tree encroachment into a native grassland2
Participatory modelling of upward shifts of altitudinal vegetation belts for assessing site type transformation in Swiss forests due to climate change2
Classification of forest and shrubland vegetation in central and eastern Euxine Turkey and SW Georgia2
Impact of plant diversity and management intensity on magnitude and stability of productivity in North American grazing lands2
Temporal continuity and adjacent land use exert different effects on richness of grassland specialists and alien plants in semi‐natural grassland2
The closer the better? Relative influence of forest continuity and distance to water on the taxonomic and functional structure of riparian plant communities along headwater streams2
Structural and taxonomic diversity predict above‐ground biomass better than functional measures of maximum height in mixed‐species forests2
Spatial patterns of soil seed banks and their relationships with above‐ground vegetation in an arid desert2
Classification of montane grasslands in central Argentina2
Efficacy and non‐target effects of herbicides in foothills grassland restoration are short‐lived2
Decrease in species richness and diversity, and shrub encroachment in Cerrado grasslands: A 20 years study2
Using floristic gradient mapping to assess seasonal thaw depth in interior Alaska2
Intensity‐dependent effects of cattle and sheep grazing in sand grasslands — Does livestock type really matter?2
Tracking floristic archetypes of Patagonian steppes2
Urban plant diversity in Kazakhstan: Effects of habitat type, city size and macroclimate2
AgriWeedClim database: A repository of vegetation plot data from Central European arable habitats over 100 years2
Tropical forest understorey riparian and upland composition, structure, and function in areas with different past land use2
Woody plant encroachment in granite barrens on the Frontenac Arch, eastern Ontario, Canada2