Journal of Educational Change

(The TQCC of Journal of Educational Change is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The changes we need: Education post COVID-19205
Making sense of teacher agency for change with social and epistemic network analysis25
Models of regulation, education policies, and changes in the education system: a long-term analysis of the Chilean case22
Leading new, deeper forms of collaborative cultures: Questions and pathways19
Understanding teacher entrepreneurial behavior in schools: Conceptualization and empirical investigation19
Continuity and change in educators’ professional learning networks18
Back to the future? Reflections on three phases of education policy reform in Wales and their implications for teachers18
Learning within sustainable educational innovation: An analysis of teachers’ perceptions and leadership practice18
Teachers’ potential to promote students’ deeper learning in whole-class teaching: An observation study in Norwegian classrooms17
Teacher attributions of workload increase in public sector schools: Reflections on change and policy development13
Structural barriers to inclusive education for children with special educational needs and disabilities in China13
Shifting the focus of research on effective professional development: Insights from a case study of implementation11
How can education systems improve? A systematic literature review11
Local education authority’s quality management within a coupled school system: Strategies, actions, and tensions11
How can principal leadership practices promote teacher collaboration and organizational change? A longitudinal multiple case study of three school improvement initiatives10
Educational leaders’ problem-solving for educational improvement: Belief validity testing in conversations10
Educational reform and teachers’ agency in reconstructing pedagogical practices in Kazakhstan9
Enacting autonomy reform in schools: The re-shaping of roles and relationships under Local Schools, Local Decisions9
Is more autonomy better? How school actors perceive school autonomy and effectiveness in context8
Rethinking teacher evaluation using human, social, and material capital7
Co-creation and decision-making with students about teaching and learning: a systematic literature review7
The times they are a-changin’:Teaching and learning beyond COVID-197
Lightening the academic burden on Chinese children: A discourse analysis of recent education policies7
Sense-making of autonomy and control: Comparing school leaders in public and independent schools in a Swedish case7
Middle leaders translating knowledge about improvement: Making change in the school and preschool organisation7
Tearing down the invisible walls: Designing, implementing, and theorizing psychologically safer co-teaching for inclusion6
Exploring causal relationships qualitatively: An empirical illustration of how causal relationships become visible across episodes and contexts6
Inside school turnaround: What drives success?6
What do we know about interventions to improve educator wellbeing? A systematic literature review6