European Journal of Migration and Law

(The median citation count of European Journal of Migration and Law is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Schengen Borders and Multiple National States of Emergency: From Refugees to Terrorism to COVID-198
A Ubiquitous Border for Migrants in Transit and Their Rights: Analysis and Consequences of the Reintroduction of Internal Borders in France7
Citizenship Deprivation as a Counterterrorism Measure in Europe; Possible Follow-Up Scenarios, Human Rights Infringements and the Effect on Counterterrorism6
Passports for Sale: How (Un)Meritocratic Are Citizenship by Investment Programmes?6
‘Free In, Free Out’: Exploring Dutch Firewall Protections for Irregular Migrant Victims of Crime5
Refashioning the EU Visa Policy: A New Turn of the Screw to Cooperation on Readmission and to Discrimination?4
The Pact on Migration and Asylum: Turning the European Territory into a Non-territory?4
Return Sponsorships in the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum: High Stakes, Low Gains4
The Recast EU Blue Card Directive: Towards a Level Playing Field to Attract Highly Qualified Migrant Talent to Work in the EU?4
Strategic Litigation against European Migration Control Policies: The Legal Battleground of the Central Mediterranean Migration Route4
Schengen and the Administration of Exclusion: Legal Remedies Caught in between Entry Bans, Risk Assessment and Artificial Intelligence4
Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Schengen Borders: Automated Processing, Algorithmic Profiling and Facial Recognition in the Era of Techno-Solutionism3
Taking Onboard the Issue of Disembarkation3
Is Resettlement Still a Durable Solution? An Analysis in Light of the Proposal for a Regulation Establishing a Union Resettlement Framework3
Silence Is Not (Always) Golden: A Criticism of the ECJ’s Approach towards Integration Conditions for Family Reunification3
A l’envers: Setting the Stage for a Protective Environment to Deal with ‘Climate Refugees’ in Europe2
Connecting the Dots Backwards, What Did Ruiz Zambrano Mean for EU Citizenship and Fundamental Rights in EU Law?2
Legislating without Evidence: The Recast of the EU Return Directive2
Work-Based Pathways to Refugee Protection under EU Law: Pie in the Sky?2
Ceci n’est pas un contrôle: PNR Data Processing and the Reshaping of Borderless Travel in the Schengen Area2
Rule of Law Challenges of ‘Algorithmic Discretion’ & Automation in EU Border Control2
A Children’s Rights Perspective to Ruiz Zambrano and Chavez-Vilchez: An Examination in Light of Theory, Practice and Child Development Research2
Invisible Crimes: Accountability for Crimes against Migrants in Libya2
Dublin Revisited: Geographic Asymmetry and Corrective Allocation Mechanisms2
Is It Time to Abolish the Substance of EU Citizenship Rights Test?2
Mapping EU Externalisation Devices through a Critical Eye1
The European Pact on Migration and Asylum: Border Containment and Frontline States1
Internal Border Control in the Schengen Area and Health Threats: Any Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic?1
Schengen, Free Movement and Crises: Links, Effects and Challenges1
Protecting the Borders from the Outside1
Complementary Pathways: Pledging Protection at the Edges of EU Law1
EU or UK Child-Sponsored Family Reunification Policy: Who’s Right? Whose Rights?1
A Blurred Piece of Jigsaw: On the Status of Jobseekers within the Framework of Directive 2004/381
Integration (of Immigrants) in the European Union: A Controversial Concept1
Border Walls, Pushbacks, and the Prohibition of Collective Expulsions: The Case of N.D. and N.T. v. Spain1
Temporary Protection Directive: Testing New Frontiers?1
The EU Returns Agency: The Commissions’ Ambitious Plans and Their Human Rights Implications1
Complementary Pathways as “Genuine and Effective Access to Means of Legal Entry” in the Reasoning of the European Court of Human Rights1
Adapting to Climate-Related Human Mobility into Europe: Between the Protection Agenda and the Deterrence Paradigm, or Beyond?1
Down the Drain with General Principles of EU Law? The EU-Turkey Deal and ‘Pseudo-Authorship’1
Durable Solution to the Problem of Externally Displaced Persons from the Syrian Arab Republic in OIC Member States1
Testing Turkey’s State Capacity: The Syrian Migration Crisis as Catalyst1
On ‘Safety’ and EU Externalization of Borders:1
Revisiting Ruiz Zambrano: A Never Ending Story?1