Spatial Cognition and Computation

(The median citation count of Spatial Cognition and Computation is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Desktop versus immersive virtual environments: effects on spatial learning36
Retracing evacuation strategy: A virtual reality game-based investigation into the influence of building’s spatial configuration in an emergency15
Online mobile map effect: how smartphone map use impairs spatial memory15
The role of a graphical interpretation factor in the assessment of Spatial Visualization: A critical analysis14
Designing mobile spatial navigation systems from the user’s perspective: an interdisciplinary review11
Landmark information included in turn-by-turn instructions induce incidental acquisition of lasting route knowledge11
Computer models of saliency alone fail to predict subjective visual attention to landmarks during observed navigation9
Unraveling the contribution of left-right language on spatial perspective taking7
How does the visual and cognitive saliency of landmarks improve construction of spatial representations in younger and older adults?6
Speaking of location: a review of spatial language research6
Frames of spatial reference in five Australian languages5
Aha! I know where I am: the contribution of visuospatial cues to reorientation in urban environments5
Names for urban places and conceptual taxonomies: the view from Italian5
The practice of judo: how does it relate to different spatial abilities?5
Taking a closer look at indoor route guidance; usability study to compare an adapted and non-adapted mobile prototype5
Indoor landmark selection for route communication: the influence of route-givers’ social roles and receivers’ familiarity with the environment4
Age-related changes in how 3.5- to 5.5-year-olds observe and imagine rotational object motion4
Integration of sketch maps in community mapping activities4
Navigating without vision: spontaneous use of terrain slant in outdoor place learning4
Landmark weights - an alternative to spatial distances in shortest route algorithms3
Human spatial learning strategies in wormhole virtual environments3
Taking the right (or left?) turn: effects of landmark salience on the retrieval of route directions2
An empirical study of the semantic similarity of geospatial prepositions and their senses2
From architects’ terms to computable descriptions of spatial qualities2
Guided navigation from multiple viewpoints using qualitative spatial reasoning2
Evidence for flexible navigation strategies during spatial learning involving path choices2
Direction information is more influential than distance information in memory for location relative to landmarks2
The influence of landmark visualization style on task performance, visual attention, and spatial learning in a real-world navigation task2
Spatial adaptation: modeling a key spatial ability2
A reasoning model for geo-referencing named and unnamed spatial entities in natural language place descriptions2