Information Systems Frontiers

(The TQCC of Information Systems Frontiers is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Artificial Intelligence and Business Value: a Literature Review261
The challenges of entering the metaverse: An experiment on the effect of extended reality on workload150
Reskilling and Upskilling the Future-ready Workforce for Industry 4.0 and Beyond126
A Proposed Sentiment Analysis Deep Learning Algorithm for Analyzing COVID-19 Tweets123
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Student Assistants in the Classroom: Designing Chatbots to Support Student Success121
Bridging Digital Divides: a Literature Review and Research Agenda for Information Systems Research120
Emerging Enabling Technologies for Industry 4.0 and Beyond87
Antecedents to the Adoption of Mobile Payment in China and Italy: an Integration of UTAUT2 and Innovation Resistance Theory86
Social Media Adoption, Usage And Impact In Business-To-Business (B2B) Context: A State-Of-The-Art Literature Review82
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Fighting the COVID-19 Pandemic77
Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Integration in Business: Trends from a Bibliometric-Content Analysis77
Working from Home During Covid-19: Doing and Managing Technology-enabled Social Interaction With Colleagues at a Distance72
Responsible AI for Digital Health: a Synthesis and a Research Agenda72
Technological Innovation, Sustainable Green Practices and SMEs Sustainable Performance in Times of Crisis (COVID-19 pandemic)72
Pathways to Digital Service Innovation: The Role of Digital Transformation Strategies in Established Organizations62
Assessing Organizational Users’ Intentions and Behavior to AI Integrated CRM Systems: a Meta-UTAUT Approach62
Is the Convenience Worth the Risk? An Investigation of Mobile Payment Usage62
Applications of Blockchain in Industry 4.0: a Review62
Exploring the Darkverse: A Multi-Perspective Analysis of the Negative Societal Impacts of the Metaverse59
A Meta-Analysis of Online Impulsive Buying and the Moderating Effect of Economic Development Level54
FedDPGAN: Federated Differentially Private Generative Adversarial Networks Framework for the Detection of COVID-19 Pneumonia53
A Confirmation Bias View on Social Media Induced Polarisation During Covid-1951
AI Decision Making with Dignity? Contrasting Workers’ Justice Perceptions of Human and AI Decision Making in a Human Resource Management Context51
Fake news on Social Media: the Impact on Society51
Assessing Consumers’ Co‐production and Future Participation On Value Co‐creation and Business Benefit: an F-P-C-B Model Perspective51
Industry 4.0 and its Implementation: a Review49
An AI-based Decision Support System for Predicting Mental Health Disorders48
Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Value Formation and Market Performance in Healthcare: the Mediating Role of Patient’s Cognitive Engagement47
An Empirical Investigation of Intent to Adopt Mobile Payment Systems Using a Trust-based Extended Valence Framework46
The Role of Online Misinformation and Fake News in Ideological Polarization: Barriers, Catalysts, and Implications46
Robust Android Malware Detection System Against Adversarial Attacks Using Q-Learning46
Designing Personality-Adaptive Conversational Agents for Mental Health Care45
Enablers and Inhibitors of AI-Powered Voice Assistants: A Dual-Factor Approach by Integrating the Status Quo Bias and Technology Acceptance Model44
Data Analytics in Industry 4.0: A Survey44
A Hybrid Approach of Machine Learning and Lexicons to Sentiment Analysis: Enhanced Insights from Twitter Data of Natural Disasters43
The Current Status and Developing Trends of Industry 4.0: a Review43
Artificial Intelligence and Reduced SMEs’ Business Risks. A Dynamic Capabilities Analysis During the COVID-19 Pandemic43
The Dark Side of Mobile Learning via Social Media: How Bad Can It Get?41
Cognitive Chatbot for Personalised Contextual Customer Service: Behind the Scene and beyond the Hype41
Role of Risks in the Development of Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Healthcare Domain41
Future Industry Internet of Things with Zero-trust Security40
Systematic Literature Review of E-Learning Capabilities to Enhance Organizational Learning40
The Impact of IoT Smart Home Services on Psychological Well-Being40
Voice Assistant vs. Chatbot – Examining the Fit Between Conversational Agents’ Interaction Modalities and Information Search Tasks39
Responsible Artificial Intelligence as a Secret Ingredient for Digital Health: Bibliometric Analysis, Insights, and Research Directions38
Fraud Detection in Mobile Payment Systems using an XGBoost-based Framework38
Blockchain-Based Agile Supply Chain Framework with IoT38
Facilitators and Barriers of Artificial Intelligence Adoption in Business – Insights from Opinions Using Big Data Analytics36
Let’s Connect to Keep the Distance: How SMEs Leverage Information and Communication Technologies to Address the COVID-19 Crisis36
Applying and Understanding an Advanced, Novel Deep Learning Approach: A Covid 19, Text Based, Emotions Analysis Study36
Responsible Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Predicting and Preventing Insurance Claim Denials for Economic and Social Wellbeing34
The future is yesterday: Use of AI-driven facial recognition to enhance value in the travel and tourism industry34
Responsible Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Society34
Smart Tourism Technologies’ Ambidexterity: Balancing Tourist’s Worries and Novelty Seeking for Travel Satisfaction33
Shaping Digital Innovation Via Digital-related Capabilities33
Questioning Racial and Gender Bias in AI-based Recommendations: Do Espoused National Cultural Values Matter?33
Understanding the Design Elements Affecting User Acceptance of Intelligent Agents: Past, Present and Future32
Accelerating AI Adoption with Responsible AI Signals and Employee Engagement Mechanisms in Health Care32
MarkBot – A Language Model-Driven Chatbot for Interactive Marketing in Post-Modern World32
Organizational Capabilities for AI Implementation—Coping with Inscrutability and Data Dependency in AI31
An Investigation of Peripheral and Central Cues of Online Customer Review Voting and Helpfulness through the Lens of Elaboration Likelihood Model31
Usage Intention of Social Robots for Domestic Purpose: From Security, Privacy, and Legal Perspectives30
Authenticity in Objects and Activities: Determinants of Satisfaction with Virtual Reality Experiences of Heritage and Non-Heritage Tourism Sites29
Re-Examining the Impact of Multidimensional Trust on Patients’ Online Medical Consultation Service Continuance Decision29
Toward AI Governance: Identifying Best Practices and Potential Barriers and Outcomes29
Designing Transparency for Effective Human-AI Collaboration28
The Application of the Principles of Responsible AI on Social Media Marketing for Digital Health27
Disruptive Technologies for Achieving Supply Chain Resilience in COVID-19 Era: An Implementation Case Study of Satellite Imagery and Blockchain Technologies in Fish Supply Chain27
Implementing Vertical Integration in the Industry 4.0 Journey: Which Factors Influence the Process of Information Systems Adoption?26
Digital Nudging in Social Media Disaster Communication25
Do Social Media Marketing Activities Improve Brand Loyalty? An Empirical Study on Luxury Fashion Brands25
The Source of SMEs’ Competitive Performance in COVID-19: Matching Big Data Analytics Capability to Business Models25
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information Systems: Perspectives to Responsible AI24
The Engagement of Complementors and the Role of Platform Boundary Resources in e-Commerce Platform Ecosystems24
Co-Shaping an Ecosystem for Responsible AI: Five Types of Expectation Work in Response to a Technological Frame23
Cyber-Physical Systems in the Context of Industry 4.0: A Review, Categorization and Outlook23
Shaping a Smart Transportation System for Sustainable Value Co-Creation22
A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Model for Understanding Social Commerce Adoption22
Functional Requirements and Supply Chain Digitalization in Industry 4.021
Advancing the Understanding of the Role of Responsible AI in the Continued Use of IoMT in Healthcare21
Trust-Augmented Deep Reinforcement Learning for Federated Learning Client Selection21
From the “rush to ethics” to the “race for governance” in Artificial Intelligence21
Design Principles for User Interfaces in AI-Based Decision Support Systems: The Case of Explainable Hate Speech Detection20
Using Business Analytics for SME Business Model Transformation under Pandemic Time Pressure20
Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior in the Social Commerce Context: A Meta-Analytic SEM (MASEM) Approach20
Bringing Smart Home Technology to Peer-to-Peer Accommodation: Exploring the Drivers of Intention to Stay in Smart Accommodation19
How to Maximize Clicks for Display Advertisement in Digital Marketing? A Reinforcement Learning Approach19
Do Real-Time Reviews Matter? Examining how Bullet Screen Influences Consumers’ Purchase Intention in Live Streaming Commerce19
Adoption of Artificial Intelligence and Cutting-Edge Technologies for Production System Sustainability: A Moderator-Mediation Analysis19
“Don’t Neglect the User!” – Identifying Types of Human-Chatbot Interactions and their Associated Characteristics19
The Role of Mindfulness in Mitigating the Negative Consequences of Technostress19
Continuance Intention of Mobile Payment: TTF Model with Trust in an African Context18
Chasing Metaverses: Reflecting on Existing Literature to Understand the Business Value of Metaverses18
How the Structures Provided by Social Media Enable Collaborative Outcomes: A Study of Service Co-creation in Nonprofits18
COVID_SCREENET: COVID-19 Screening in Chest Radiography Images Using Deep Transfer Stacking18
A Methodology for Automatic Acquisition of Flood‐event Management Information From Social Media: the Flood in Messinia, South Greece, 201618
Influence of Habits on Mobile Payment Acceptance: An Ecosystem Perspective17
Digital Resilience Through Training Protocols: Learning To Identify Fake News On Social Media17
Measuring the Big Data Readiness of Developing Countries – Index Development and its Application to Africa17
An Investigation of Misinformation Harms Related to Social Media during Two Humanitarian Crises17
E-Government and Entrepreneurship: Online Government Services and the Ease of Starting Business17
Designing and Managing Human-AI Interactions17
Multimodal Wearable Intelligence for Dementia Care in Healthcare 4.0: a Survey17
Assessment of Complexity in Cloud Computing Adoption: a Case Study of Local Governments in Australia17
A Novel Ensemble-based Classifier for Detecting the COVID-19 Disease for Infected Patients17
Exploring the Attractiveness of Service Robots in the Hospitality Industry: Analysis of Online Reviews17
Impact of Digital Assistant Attributes on Millennials’ Purchasing Intentions: A Multi-Group Analysis using PLS-SEM, Artificial Neural Network and fsQCA16
Organizational Learning for Intelligence Amplification Adoption: Lessons from a Clinical Decision Support System Adoption Project16
Knowledge Graph and Deep Learning-based Text-to-GraphQL Model for Intelligent Medical Consultation Chatbot16
Factors Affecting Customer Analytics: Evidence from Three Retail Cases15
An Assessment of the Barriers Impacting Responsible Artificial Intelligence15
Robot Pets as “Serious Toys”- Activating Social and Emotional Experiences of Elderly People15
Charting the Evolution and Future of Conversational Agents: A Research Agenda Along Five Waves and New Frontiers15
Blockchain for SME Clusters: An Ideation using the Framework of Ostrom Commons Governance15
Analyzing the Quality of Twitter Data Streams15
Understanding the Impact of Intellectual Capital on E-Business Entrepreneurial Orientation and Competitive Agility: An Empirical Study15
An Enhanced Approach to Map Domain-Specific Words in Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis15
Is There a Place for Responsible Artificial Intelligence in Pandemics? A Tale of Two Countries14
The Optimal Configuration of IT-Enabled Dynamic Capabilities in a firm’s Capabilities Portfolio: a Strategic Alignment Perspective14
Privacy-Preserving Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Multi-Server Healthcare System14
Source Credibility Theory: SME Hospitality Sector Blog Posting During the Covid-19 Pandemic14
Remote HRI: a Methodology for Maintaining COVID-19 Physical Distancing and Human Interaction Requirements in HRI Studies14
Universal Design of ICT for Emergency Management from Stakeholders’ Perspective14
Social Media Data in an Augmented Reality System for Situation Awareness Support in Emergency Control Rooms14