Health Care Management Science

(The H4-Index of Health Care Management Science is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Balancing scarce hospital resources during the COVID-19 pandemic using discrete-event simulation56
From predictions to prescriptions: A data-driven response to COVID-1944
Aligning SARS-CoV-2 indicators via an epidemic model: application to hospital admissions and RNA detection in sewage sludge38
Personalized treatment for coronary artery disease patients: a machine learning approach36
Assessing the efficiency of Malaysia health system in COVID-19 prevention and treatment response33
A multi-stage stochastic programming approach to epidemic resource allocation with equity considerations32
Real-time forecasting of COVID-19 bed occupancy in wards and Intensive Care Units30
Selecting pharmacies for COVID-19 testing to ensure access26
Transforming COVID-19 vaccines into vaccination25
Repeat SARS-CoV-2 testing models for residential college populations23
Towards a more efficient healthcare system: Opportunities and challenges caused by hospital closures amid the COVID-19 pandemic22
A two-stage robust optimization approach for the master surgical schedule problem under uncertainty considering downstream resources22
A clinical decision-support system for dengue based on fuzzy cognitive maps20
An integrated quality and resilience engineering framework in healthcare with Z-number data envelopment analysis17
Scheduling patient appointment in an infusion center: a mixed integer robust optimization approach16