Algebras and Representation Theory

(The median citation count of Algebras and Representation Theory is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Torsion Pairs and Quasi-abelian Categories9
Representations of the Super Yangians of Types A and C7
M-traces in (Non-Unimodular) Pivotal Categories7
Lattices over Bass Rings and Graph Agglomerations6
Infinitely Generated Gorenstein Tilting Modules5
Wide Subcategories and Lattices of Torsion Classes5
Modules Over Trusses vs Modules Over Rings: Direct Sums and Free Modules5
Degenerate Affine Flag Varieties and Quiver Grassmannians5
Classification of Non-Degenerate Involutive Set-Theoretic Solutions to the Yang-Baxter Equation with Multipermutation Level Two5
Hilbert’s Basis Theorem for Non-associative and Hom-associative Ore Extensions4
Transitioning Between Tableaux and Spider Bases for Specht Modules4
Transitivity of Perspectivity4
Total Stability Functions for Type $\mathbb {A}$ Quivers3
The Igusa-Todorov $$\phi $$-Dimension on Morita Context Algebras3
Derived Equivalences for the Flops of Type C2 and ${A}_{4}^{G}$ via Mutation of Semiorthogonal Decomposition3
Fused Braids and Centralisers of Tensor Representations of Uq(glN)3
Syzygies of Cohen–Macaulay Modules over One Dimensional Cohen–Macaulay Local Rings3
Spectra of Groups3
Standard Bases for the Universal Associative Conformal Envelopes of Kac–Moody Conformal Algebras3
Correction to: On Guay’s Evaluation Map for Affine Yangians3
Bimodules over Relative Rota-Baxter Algebras and Cohomologies3
Entwined Modules Over Representations of Categories3
A Category of Restricted Modules for the Ovisenko-Roger Algebra3
Gluing Compact Matrix Quantum Groups3
Crystal Bases of Modified $$\imath $$quantum Groups of Certain Quasi-Split Types3
Real Spectrum Versus ℓ-Spectrum via Brumfiel Spectrum3
On Quiver Representations over $\mathbb {F}_{1}$3
On Groups with Certain Proper FC-Subgroups3
Singular Equivalences Induced by Bimodules and Quadratic Monomial Algebras3
On Reeder’s Conjecture for Type B and C Lie Algebras2
Levi Factors and Admissible Automorphisms2
Graded Identities and Central Polynomials for the Verbally Prime Algebras2
The A-fibered Burnside Ring as A-Fibered Biset Functor in Characteristic Zero2
Ring Constructions and Generation of the Unbounded Derived Module Category2
Gentle Algebras Arising from Surfaces with Orbifold Points of Order 3, Part I: Scattering Diagrams2
The Functor $K_{0}^{\operatorname {gr}}$ is Full and only Weakly Faithful2
Gluing of n-Cluster Tilting Subcategories for Representation-directed Algebras2
The Generalized Roof F(1, 2,n): Hodge Structures and Derived Categories2
Differential Identities and Polynomial Growth of the Codimensions2
On Group Invariants Determined by Modular Group Algebras: Even Versus Odd Characteristic2
Categorification of Sign-Skew-Symmetric Cluster Algebras and Some Conjectures on g-Vectors2
Nilpotent Elements and Reductive Subgroups Over a Local Field2
Gorenstein Rings via Homological Dimensions, and Symmetry in Vanishing of Ext and Tate Cohomology2
Triangular matrix categories II: Recollements and functorially finite subcategories2
A Random Walk on the Indecomposable Summands of Tensor Products of Modular Representations of SL2 $\left ({\mathbb {F}_p}\right )$2
Triangular Matrix Categories I: Dualizing Varieties and Generalized One-point Extensions2
Silting and Tilting for Weakly Symmetric Algebras2
From the Lattice of Torsion Classes to the Posets of Wide Subcategories and ICE-closed Subcategories2
τ-tilting Finiteness of Biserial Algebras2
On Simple Transitive 2-representations of Bimodules over the Dual Numbers2
Ideal Submodules Versus Ternary Ideals Versus Linking Ideals2
Free Rota-Baxter Family Algebras and Free (tri)dendriform Family Algebras2
A Drinfeld-Type Presentation of the Orthosymplectic Yangians2
Bounded Weight Modules Over the Lie Superalgebra of Cartan W-type2
Reflection Representations of Coxeter Groups and Homology of Coxeter Graphs2
Reflection Groups and Rigidity of Quadratic Poisson Algebras2
Differential Polynomial Identities of Upper Triangular Matrices Under the Action of the Two-Dimensional Metabelian Lie Algebra2
The Norm of a Skew Polynomial2
On the Stable Radical of Some Non-Domestic String Algebras2
Commutative Polarisations and the Kostant Cascade1
Enveloping Algebras of Krichever-Novikov Algebras are not Noetherian1
On a Class of Infinite Simple Lie Conformal Algebras1
Blocks of the Brauer Category over the Complex Field1
Quantization of Deformed Cluster Poisson Varieties1
Different Approaches of Coefficient Ideals1
Torsion Pairs and Ringel Duality for Schur Algebras1
On the Semisimple Orbits of Restricted Cartan Type Lie Algebras W, S and H1
Polyhedral Realizations for $B(\infty )$ and Extended Young Diagrams, Young Walls of Type $\mathrm {A}^{(1)}_{n-1}$, $\mathrm {C}^{(1)}_{n-1}$, $\mathrm {A}^{(2)}_{2n-2}$, $\mathrm {D}^{(2)}_{n}$1
Localization of Triangulated Categories with Respect to Extension-Closed Subcategories1
Extremal Tensor Products of Demazure Crystals1
On the Multiplicities of the Character Codegrees of Finite Groups1
Grothendieck Rings of Towers of Twisted Generalized Weyl Algebras1
A Cluster Character with Coefficients for Cluster Category1
The strong simple connectedness of tame algebras with separating almost cyclic coherent Auslander–Reiten components1
Auslander–Reiten Triangles and Grothendieck Groups of Triangulated Categories1
Morita Invariance for Infinitesimal Deformations1
Perforated Tableaux: A Combinatorial Model for Crystal Graphs in Type An− 11
Defining an Affine Partition Algebra1
Spin Chains as Modules over the Affine Temperley–Lieb Algebra1
Two Tilts of Higher Spherical Algebras1
Classification of Finite Irreducible Conformal Modules over N = 2 Lie Conformal Superalgebras of Block Type1
Restricted Injective Dimensions over Cohen-Macaulay Rings1
On the Ideals of Ultragraph Leavitt Path Algebras1
The Monomial Lattice in Modular Symmetric Power Representations1
On Euclidean Components of Auslander-Reiten Quivers of Finite Group Schemes1
Superpotentials and Quiver Algebras for Semisimple Hopf Actions1
An Indicator Formula for the Hopf Algebra $$k^{S_{n-1}}\#kC_n$$1
Relative Rigid Subcategories and τ-Tilting Theory1
Non-Commutative Resolutions for the Discriminant of the Complex Reflection Group G(m, p, 2)1
Kazhdan-Lusztig Algorithm for Whittaker Modules with Arbitrary Infinitesimal Characters1
Quiver Grassmannians of Type $\widetilde {D}_{n}$, Part 2: Schubert Decompositions and F-polynomials1
Quinn’s Formula and Abelian 3-Cocycles for Quadratic Forms1
Computation of the Homology of the Complexes of Finite Verma Modules for ${K}_{4}^{\prime }$1
A Characterisation of Morita Algebras in Terms of Covers1
Dimension Theory in Iterated Local Skew Power Series Rings1
Semisimplicity of the Deformations of the Subcharacter Algebra of an Abelian Group1
Modular Products and Modules for Finite Groups1
Unidirectional Littelmann Paths for Crystals of Type A and Rank 21
On a Deformation Theory of Finite Dimensional Modules Over Repetitive Algebras1
Varieties of Group Graded Algebras with Graded Involution of Almost Polynomial Growth1
Extensions of Theorems of Gaschütz, Žmud′ and Rhodes on Faithful Representations1
Soergel Calculus with Patches1
Demazure Slices of Type $A_{2l}^{(2)}$1
Pseudo-parabolic Category over Quaternionic Projective Plane1
Semisimple Reflection Hopf Algebras of Dimension Sixteen1
Parafermionic Bases of Standard Modules for Twisted Affine Lie Algebras of Type $A_{2l-1}^{(2)}$, $D_{l+1}^{(2)}$, $E_{6}^{(2)}$ and $D_{4}^{(3)}$1
Presentations of Braid Groups of Type A Arising from $$(m+2)$$-angulations of Regular Polygons1
Abelian Quotients Arising from Extriangulated Categories via Morphism Categories1
Partial and Global Representations of Finite Groups1
On Simple-Minded Systems Over Representation-Finite Self-Injective Algebras1
Reeder’s Conjecture for Even Orthogonal Lie Algebras1
On the Cohomology of Lie Algebras with an Invariant Inner Product1
Examples of Non-Semisimple Hopf Algebra Actions on Artin-Schelter Regular Algebras1
On Minimal Tilting Complexes in Highest Weight Categories1
On the Radical of a Hecke–Kiselman Algebra1
Modules of Non-unital Polynomial Rota-Baxter Algebras1
Shen-Larsson’s modules for simple generalized Witt algebras1
The Benson - Symonds Invariant for Permutation Modules1
Modified Traces and the Nakayama Functor1
The Trace Field Theory of a Finite Tensor Category1
Universal Quantum (Semi)groups and Hopf Envelopes1
Differential Projective Modules Over Algebras with Radical Square Zero1
Wild Local Structures of Automorphic Lie Algebras1
Pre-modular Fusion Categories of Small Global Dimensions1
Dual Pairs in the Pin-Group and Duality for the Corresponding Spinorial Representation1
On the Classification of Graded Twisted Planes1
The Formal Affine Demazure Algebra and Real Finite Reflection Groups1
Nakayama Algebras and Fuchsian Singularities1
Differential Graded Bocses and $A_{\infty }$-Modules1
Recasting the Hazrat Conjecture: Relating Shift Equivalence to Graded Morita Equivalence1
Correction to: Lusztig Data of Kashiwara-Nakashima Tableaux in Type D0
A Note on Singularity Categories and Triangular Matrix Algebras0
External Vertices for Crystals of Affine Type A0
Fullness of the Kuznetsov–Polishchuk Exceptional Collection for the Spinor Tenfold0
The Derived-Discrete Algebras Over the Real Numbers0
On Hilbert-Samuel Coefficients of Graded Local Cohomology Modules0
Rigid Reflections of Rank 3 Coxeter Groups and Reduced Roots of Rank 2 Kac–Moody Algebras0
Singularities of G-saturation0
Littlewood-Richardson rule for generalized Schur Q-functions0
Algebraic Structures in Group-theoretical Fusion Categories0
On Some Subspaces of the Exterior Algebra of a Simple Lie Algebra0
A Simple Homological Characterization of String Algebras of Finite Representation Type0
Gröbner Bases for Fusion Products0
Delta Sets and Polynomial Identities in Pointed Hopf Algebras0
Generalized Cartan Matrices Associated to k-th Yau Algebras of Singularities and Characterization Theorem0
Klyachko Diagrams of Monomial Ideals0
Dipper Donkin Quantized Matrix Algebra and Reflection Equation Algebra at Root of Unity0
Some Universal Constructions in Representation Theory0
Categorical Idempotents Via Shifted 0-Affine Algebras0
Silting Reduction in Exact Categories0
Combinatorial Aspects of An Odd Linkage Property for General Linear Supergroups0
High Order Free Hyperplane Arrangements in 3-Dimensional Vector Spaces0
Growth Rates of the Number of Indecomposable Summands in Tensor Powers0
Affinoid Dixmier Modules and the Deformed Dixmier-Moeglin Equivalence0
A Generalization of the Correspondences Between Quasi-Hereditary Algebras and Directed Bocses0
The Simple Connectedness of Tame Algebras with Separating Almost Cyclic Coherent Auslander–Reiten Components0
Rationality of Rigid Quiver Grassmannians0
An Application of a Theorem of Sheila Brenner for Hochschild Extension Algebras of a Truncated Quiver Algebra0
Gelfand-Tsetlin Modules: Canonicity and Calculations0
Correction to: Gluing Compact Matrix Quantum Groups0
A Note on the Global Dimension of Shifted Orders0
The Fundamental Group of a Noncommutative Space0
Dessins D’Enfants, Brauer Graph Algebras and Galois Invariants0
Quantum Frobenius Splittings and Cluster Structures0
Finitistic Dimensions of Artin Algebras with Two Simples and a Conjecture of Marczinzik0
Local Characterizations for Decomposability of 2-Parameter Persistence Modules0
Weyl Modules for Toroidal Lie Algebras0
On a Generalized Auslander-Reiten Conjecture0
On the Properties of Acyclic Sign-Skew-Symmetric Cluster Algebras0
Representation Type of Borel-Schur Algebras0
Correction: Parafermionic Bases of Standard Modules for Twisted Affine Lie Algebras of Type $$ {A}_{2l-1}^{(2)}, D_{l+1}^{(2)}, E_{6}^{(2)} $$ and $$ D_{4}^{(3)}$$0
A Gelfand–MacPherson Correspondence for Quiver Moduli0
Contravariant Finiteness and Iterated Strong Tilting0
Continuous Quivers of Type A (IV)0
The Singularity and Cosingularity Categories of C∗BG for Groups with Cyclic Sylow p-subgroups0
Stable Centres of Iwahori-Hecke Algebras of Type A0
Centers of Categorified Endomorphism Rings0
Weak Silting Modules0
Whittaker Modules Over Some Generalized Weyl Algebras0
Tangent Spaces of Orbit Closures for Representations of Dynkin Quivers of Type $\mathbb {D}$0
On Quasi Steinberg Characters of Complex Reflection Groups0
Counting the Number of τ-Exceptional Sequences over Nakayama Algebras0
Hecke Algebras of Normalizers of Parabolic Subgroups0
On Maximal Green Sequence for Quivers Arising from Weighted Projective Lines0
Decomposable Specht Modules Indexed by Bihooks II0
Twisted Representations of the Extended Heisenberg-Virasoro Vertex Operator Algebra0
On the Extension-Closed Property for the Subcategory Tr(Ω2(mod −A))0
Outer Automorphism Groups of Contragredient Lie Superalgebras0
Epimorphic Quantum Subgroups and Coalgebra Codominions0
Birational Maps to Grassmannians, Representations and Poset Polytopes0
The Mukai Conjecture for Fano Quiver Moduli0
A Uniqueness Property of $$\tau $$-Exceptional Sequences0
An Affine Approach to Peterson Comparison0
Singular Polynomials for the Rational Cherednik Algebra for G(r, 1, 2)0
Unique Factorization for Tensor Products of Parabolic Verma Modules0
Simple Modules for Kumjian-Pask Algebras0
Hopfological Algebra for Infinite Dimensional Hopf Algebras0
On total Springer representations for the symplectic Lie algebra in characteristic 2 and the exotic case0
Are Special Biserial Algebras Homologically Tame?0
Locally Finite Central Simple Algebras0
Commutativity Preservers of Incidence Algebras0
Correction to: Involutions of Type G2 over a Field of Characteristic Two0
Topologically Semiperfect Topological Rings0
Spanier–Whitehead Categories of Resolving Subcategories and Comparison with Singularity Categories0
Stable Unital Bases, Hyperfocal Subalgebras and Basic Morita Equivalences0
Modified Ariki-Koike Algebra and Yokonuma-Hecke like Relations0
Plane Curves Which are Quantum Homogeneous Spaces0
A Note on Humphreys’ Conjecture on Blocks0
Multiplicities of Some Maximal Dominant Weights of the $\widehat {s\ell }(n)$-Modules V (kΛ0)0
On Wild Algebras and Super-Decomposable Pure-Injective Modules0
Elliptic Quantum Toroidal Algebras, Z-algebra Structure and Representations0
Tilting Preenvelopes and Cotilting Precovers in General Abelian Categories0
Hopf Algebras with the Dual Chevalley Property of Finite Corepresentation Type0
A Quantization of the Loday-Ronco Hopf Algebra0
Morphisms represented by monomorphisms with n-torsionfree cokernel0
Descent Cohomology and Factorizations of Groups0
Combinatorics of type D Exceptional Sequences0
Classification of Orbit Closures in the Variety of 4-Dimensional Symplectic Lie Algebras0
Derived Equivalences for a Class of PI Algebras0
Serre Functors and Graded Categories0
Representations of Hopf-Ore Extensions of Group Algebras0
Idempotent Varieties of Incidence Monoids and Bipartite Posets0
Injective and Tilting Resolutions and a Kazhdan-Lusztig Theory for the General Linear and Symplectic Group0
Semi-simplicity of Temperley-Lieb Algebras of type D0
Gendo-Frobenius Algebras and Comultiplication0
Homotopical Algebra from Cotorsion Pairs in Extriangulated Categories0
On Quiver Grassmannians and Orbit Closures for Gen-Finite Modules0
Galleries for Root Subsystems0
Fourier Transforms on Ringel–Hall Algebras0
Hammocks for Non-Domestic String Algebras0
Morita Isomorphism for Cuntz Algebras0
Morita duality emerging from quasi-abelian categories0
The Brylinski Filtration for Affine Kac-Moody Algebras and Representations of ${\mathscr{W}}$-algebras0
On Dixmier’s Fourth Problem0
Weight-Finite Modules Over the Quantum Affine and Double Quantum Affine Algebras of Type $\mathfrak a_{1}$0
Criterion for Quasi-Heredity0
The Cohomological Hall Algebras of a Preprojective Algebra with Symmetrizer0
Preradicals Over Some Group Algebras0
Quipu Quivers and Nakayama Algebras with Almost Separate Relations0
Dimer Algebras, Ghor Algebras, and Cyclic Contractions0
Branching Rules for Splint Root Systems0
Decompositions of Infinite-Dimensional $$A_{\infty , \infty }$$ Quiver Representations0
Publisher Correction: Quipu Quivers and Nakayama Algebras with Almost Separate Relations0
Module Categories of Small Radical Nilpotency0
Representations of the Restricted Lie Superalgebra p(n)0
Middle Terms of AR-sequences of Graded Kronecker Modules0
Automorphisms of Quantum Toroidal Algebras from an Action of the Extended Double Affine Braid Group0
A Construction of Representations of Loop Group and Affine Lie Algebra of $\frak {sl}_{n}$0
Invariants of Weyl Group Action and q-characters of Quantum Affine Algebras0
Tilting Modules and Exceptional Sequences for a Family of Dual Extension Algebras0