Profesional de la Informacion

(The median citation count of Profesional de la Informacion is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Political conversations and regret: A qualitative evaluation on the aftermath of political discussions on social media48
Dialnet Métricas como herramienta de evaluación bibliométrica: aportes al análisis de la actividad científica en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades44
Feminism as a polarizing axis of the political conversation on Twitter: the case of #IreneMonteroDimision37
Dietas confinadas: análisis del discurso de la prensa sobre la nutrición en tiempos de Covid-1931
Oferta de contenidos de las plataformas audiovisuales. Hacia una necesaria conceptualización de la programación streaming30
Characteristics of the Spanish podcast sphere. Between democratization and commercial logic29
Artificial intelligence strategies in European public broadcasters: Uses, forecasts and future challenges27
Publicidad encubierta en los kidsfluencers. Una propuesta metodológica aplicada al estudio de caso de los diez youtubers menores con más seguidores de España25
Facing the challenges of metaverse: a systematic literature review from Social Sciences and Marketing and Communication25
Communication strategies and responses to change around issues of sexuality in Catholic higher education21
Citizen news content creation: Perceptions about professional journalists and the additive double moderating role of social and traditional media21
Evolución de la heteronormatividad a partir de una categorización de los estereotipos de género. Análisis de los videoclips musicales más populares21
Sufro una grave enfermedad rara. Reto a cantar y hacer coreografías en TikTok19
The beginnings of communication schools in Spain within their international context18
Social responsibility of Spanish universities for sustainable relationships18
Standing up to Hollywood: the Netflix glocal strategy for popularising non-English-language series worldwide17
Publishing, books and reading: Spaces of authorship, visibility, and socialisation17
Monetization of digital newspapers: Experimentation with brand extension and buying influence16
Interacción imagen fotográfica-texto como estrategia de comunicación política en Instagram durante la campaña electoral del 28A de 2019 en España16
Promoción de la lectura en la sociedad digital. El book-trailer del libro ilustrado de no ficción como epitexto virtual en la definición de un nuevo discurso13
Drivers and barriers in the transition to open science: the perspective of stakeholders in the Spanish scientific community12
Mobile instant messaging techno-stressors: Measurement, dimensionality, and relationships with type of usage12
Performance of journalistic professional roles in digital native media news in Spain: Toward a journalistic micro-culture of its own12
A survey on the structure, organization, and functions of medical information departments in the pharmaceutical industry in Spain11
Monitorización de los mandatos de acceso abierto a través de repositorios institucionales11
Validación y aplicación de un instrumento para el análisis de estereotipos de género en largometrajes de dibujos animados11
Mediapro: reconversión de un carrier en grupo global de comunicación11
Instagram como escenario para el análisis de polaridad y subjetividad en comentarios respecto a contenidos ambientales: caso CNNClimate10
Comunicación mediática y social en el entorno de crisis, polarización e inconformismo colombiano10
Knowing how to share and to protect oneself: key factors on digital cybercritical education for children10
Information and Communication Technology, Integrated Marketing Communication, Social Media Branding and Memorable Tourist Experience Impact on Heritage Green Tourism10
Paradigm changes and new challenges for media education: Review and science mapping (2000-2021)10
Marcos de comprensión en las narrativas periodísticas sobre migrantes. Aportaciones desde la filosofía de Emmanuel Levinas10
Factors Influencing Information Adoption in Hotel Reservation Decisions of Chinese Consumers: An Analysis of Information Quality, Credibility, Needs, and Attitudes10
Intellectual and thematic structure of Communication research in Scopus (1980–2020). A comparative perspective among Spain, Europe, and Latin America10
Speakers’ expressions before and in a public presentation. Pleasantness, emotional valence, credibility, and comprehension effects9
Open data on Covid-19 in the Spanish autonomous communities: reutilization in spatial epidemiology studies9
Letter. Journalology: an unrecognized science for a century9
Influence of government communication on risk perception. An analysis based on the context of the sixth wave of Covid-19 in Madrid8
When polarization hits corporations: the moderating effect of political ideology on corporate activism8
Loet Leydesdorff: bibliometric analysis and mapping of his scientific production8
A search strategy for publications in interdisciplinary research8
Technology and democracy: the who and how in decision-making. The cases of Estonia and Catalonia8
Are Brazilian innovation systems innovative? Regional and sectorial decompositions of triple-helix synergies8
Bases de datos de mujeres expertas: escenario global y situación en España8
Constructing counter-hegemony on Twitter: Discourse of Ibero-American political women of “change” in the digital environment8
Evolution, trends and future of native media: From avant-garde to the epicenter of the communications ecosystem8
Digital transparency and political communication7
Multimedia-based Information System for Technology and Vocational Education Laboratory7
The value of podcasts to journalism: analysis of digital native media brands’ offerings, production and publishing in Spain7
The bibliometric journey towards technological and social change: A review of current challenges and issues7
Politicians on Social Media. The online database of members of national parliaments on Twitter7
Toward non-human-centered design: designing an academic article with ChatGPT7
Uso institucional de Twitter para combatir la infodemia causada por la crisis sanitaria de la Covid-197
Netnography of Women´s Cyberactivism Against Environmental Denialism on Instagram7
Integrated research model for web interfaces: toward a taxonomy of quantitative and qualitative analysis for digital native media7
Effect of Social Media Influencers on Consumer Brand Engagement and its Implications on Business Decision Making7
Corporate social responsibility and millennial consumer loyalty: exploring their relationship regarding healthy eating in the fast food sector7
Using testimonial narratives to persuade people about artificial intelligence: the role of attitudinal similarity with the protagonist of the message7
Crisis communication in audiovisual format: the information of Spain’s National Health System on YouTube in 20207
Implications of Publication Requirements for the Research Output of Arab Academics of Library and Information Science in Scopus in 2011– 2022 (Bibliometric Study)7
Wikipedia gender gap: a scoping review7
Reference publication year spectroscopy (RPYS) of papers published by Loet Leydesdorff: A giant in the field of scientometrics passed away7
Investigación Cualitativa en los Estudios de Comunicación: Características, Objetos y Técnicas7
ChatGPT: Stream of opinion in five newspapers in the first 100 days since its launch6
Evaluating the content strategy developed by universities on social media6
Sustainability Strategic Framing in Corporate Communication: Contextual Semantics of Twitter in the Energy Sector6
Toward the consolidation of a multi-metric-based journal ranking and categorization system for computer science subject areas6
Impact of Information Characteristics on Information Adoption and Public Sector Organizations Success in the China6
Thanks for joining our life: Intimacy as performativity on YouTube parenting vlogs6
Condicionantes en la consolidación de los servicios de préstamo de libro electrónico en las bibliotecas públicas6
Spanish technological development of artificial intelligence applied to journalism: companies and tools for documentation, production and distribution of information6
Library and Information science in Spain: an assessment of 40 years of university studies6
Polarización política y medios de comunicación, su impacto en la democracia y en la sociedad6
Profiling the most highly cited scholars from China: Who they are. To what extent they are interdisciplinary6
Informal learning of Spanish in a Chinese music fan community6
How do journals deal with problematic articles. Editorial response of journals to articles commented in PubPeer6
Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer: An Examination of Communications for Prevention on Instagram in a High-Risk Context6
Nuevas funciones de Instagram en el avance de la “política espectáculo”. Claves profesionales y estrategia visual de Vox en su despegue electoral6
Designing personalisation of European public service media (PSM): trends on algorithms and artificial intelligence for content distribution6
Impact of English Proficiency on Tacit Knowledge Transfer: Role of Mentoring and Communication Skills6
Early career researchers in the pandemic-fashioned ‘new scholarly normality’: voices from the research frontline6
Influencers y jóvenes seguidores. Análisis de sus interacciones comunicativas6
Communication studies about sex: Implications for relationships, health, culture, and identity. A review5
Reputación mediática en Europa. Análisis empírico de la reputación de la prensa en papel, prensa digital, radio y televisión en diez países europeos5
Political parties’ influence on the transparency and participation of Spanish municipal websites: the case of Catalonia, the Community of Madrid, the Community of Valencia, and the Region of Murcia5
Multivariate dynamics of Spanish universities in international rankings5
Viralizar la verdad. Factores predictivos del engagement en el contenido verificado en TikTok5
Análisis de los estudios universitarios en Publicidad en España. Propuesta de formación online para el futuro profesional5
Moscow International University Ranking: critical review and geopolitical effects5
Análisis de contenido y nivel de evidencia de los artículos sobre Covid-19 más citados en la Web of Science5
Influence of Learning Style Preferences on Written Communication Skills in a Blended Learning Environment5
Astroturfing as a strategy for manipulating public opinion on Twitter during the pandemic in Spain5
Menores y publicidad de juegos de azar en internet: nuevos formatos, contenidos publicitarios y retos en la protección de los menores5
Political debate on YouTube: revitalization or degradation of democratic deliberation?5
Competences of SEO specialists: a perspective from the labor market. Technical note5
The metaverse: updating the Internet (Web 3.0) or just a new development for immersive videogames?5
Open educational resources (OER) in the Spanish universities5
Research on digital native media: an emerging topic in the field of digital communication5
Spanish research on Communication in WoS: thematic, methodological, and intellectual comparison between SSCI and ESCI5
Current affairs on TikTok. Virality and entertainment for digital natives5
Formula for the success of humor journalism formats on television according to their professional teams5
Suscripción a la prensa digital como contención a los discursos de odio5
Felicidad corporativa en la era digital: Descifrando el compromiso en LinkedIn4
Use and adoption of digital educommunication media by university professors during the Covid-19 pandemic: cases of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and the Autonomous University of Chihuah4
Nexus Between Artificial Intelligence, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Experience, and Purchase Intention: A Case from Shenzhen, China4
Influence of Information Security Awareness on Information System Implementation in Manufacturing Industry in China4
Percepción sobre la televisión en el ecosistema audiovisual de la convergencia digital4
Política vs. entretenimiento. Análisis del liderazgo conversacional de los medios en las redes sociales4
Impacto de la pandemia Covid-19 sobre la publicidad. España como laboratorio de la crisis y de las tendencias comunicativas4
ChatGPT could be the reviewer of your next scientific paper. Evidence on the limits of AI-assisted academic reviews4
Media entrepreneurship skills in Latin American universities social communication and journalism programs4
Interacción de las instituciones de auditoría pública con los usuarios a través de los medios de comunicación social4
Software solutions for web information systems in digital humanities: review, analysis and comparative study4
Censorship and Self-censorship of Colombian Journalists when Addressing Information Related to Local Administrations4
Spotify effect in new podcast markets. Combined model proposal for analysis of increasing interest in podcasting: The case of Turkey4
Discussion, news information, and research sharing on social media at the onset of Covid-194
Impact of Artificial Intelligence Usage and Technology Competence on Competitive Advantage with Mediating Role of Effective Information Management System4
How to teach the elderly to detect disinformation: a training experiment with WhatsApp4
Big data in radio broadcasting companies: applications and evolution4
Competências e habilidades digitais requeridas aos profissionais da informação nos anúncios brasileiros de emprego na web4
Technology gap and other tensions in social support and legal procedures: stakeholders’ perceptions of online violence against women during the Covid-19 pandemic4
Evolution of the public problem of depopulation in Spain: longitudinal analysis of the media agenda4
Disinformation and hate speech toward female sports journalists4
Women in the documentary industry: Continuing inequality in the streaming age4
Tendencias de uso de repositorios y redes sociales académicas para dar visibilidad a los artículos científicos en Información, Documentación y Comunicación4
Taxonomía de las series de televisión españolas en la era digital (2000-2020)4
The impact of the pandemic on early career researchers: what we already know from the internationally published literature4
Trust, disinformation, and digital media: Perceptions and expectations about news in a polarized environment4
Universities and knowledge transfer in the communication field. Letter4
Transparency mechanisms in the media: analysis of Spain and Portugal4
Data-driven scientific research based on public statistics: a bibliometric perspective4
Effects of narrative-persuasive frames on Twitter regarding blood donation: pride versus empathy and people versus numbers4
Blood donors wanted: narrative innovation on TikTok to enable mobilization4
Respuesta a Delgado-López-Cózar et al.: Factor de impacto: muchas declaraciones y pocos resultados. Letter4
Unidireccionalidad, promoción partidista y polarización. Actividad en Twitter de los candidatos a la presidencia del Gobierno de España en las elecciones generales de 20193
Qualitative approach to the formalization of a professional podcasting culture. Evolution and trends3
Adaptations versus original film premieres trends in broadband society: a comparative analysis3
Semantic similarity models for automated fact-checking: ClaimCheck as a claim matching tool3
Artificial intelligence, communication, and democracy in Latin America: a review of the cases of Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico3
Representación de la belleza femenina en publicidad. Efectos sobre el bienestar emocional, la satisfacción corporal y el control del peso en mujeres jóvenes3
Obesity in Adolescents and Young Adults in Chinese Digital Media: Individual Causes, Social Implications, and Policy Perspectives3
Medios Nativos Digitales y Sus Comunidades Virtuales: Estrategias de Interacción y Participación en Redes Sociales3
No habit, no listening. Radio and generation Z: snapshot of the audience data and the business strategy to connect with it3
Consumption of information and citizen’s perception of the sources consulted during the Covid-19 pandemic: A study of the situation based on opinion polls3
Data without reference points: collaborations in communication research in Spain are less international and publications have lower impact3
The branded podcast as a new brand content strategy. Analysis, trends and classification proposal3
Trajectories and regimes in research versus knowledge evaluations: Contributions to an evolutionary theory of citation3
Impact of Marketing Communication Effectiveness and Customer Information Management on Organizational Success with Mediating Role of Competitive Advantage3
The daily news podcast ecosystem from the strategy and business model perspectives3
Perceptions of online education among 16-18-year-olds: Differences and similarities in their interests and preferred formats according to where they live3
Beyond Erasmus. Communication of European Universities alliances on social media3
Body and diet as sales pitches: Spanish teenagers’ perceptions about influencers’ impact on ideal physical appearance3
How are encyclopedias cited in academic research? Wikipedia, Britannica, Baidu Baike, and Scholarpedia3
A Critical Research on Xiaohongshu for Information Sharing for Chinese Teenagers3
Creating a collection of publications categorized by their research guarantors into the Scopus ASJC scheme3
E-commerce Dynamics: Digital Marketing Trends Redefining Chinese Consumer Engagement3
Análisis de Cartas a los Tres Reyes Magos: Mito y Rito Trasladado a las Marcas3
Public health communication and the Covid-19: A review of the literature during the first wave3
Twitter content curation as an antidote to hybrid warfare during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine3
Visibilidad de los servicios de alfabetización informacional de las bibliotecas universitarias españolas según sus webs: diseño y validación de un programa de autoevaluación3
Using video for fact-checking on Facebook. Analysis of the trend and reach of Ibero-American production (2016-2021)3
Gender stereotypes in AI-generated images3
Communication and crisis in the public space: Dissolution and uncertainty3
Periodismo de alta tecnología: signo de los tiempos digitales del tercer milenio3
Some viable models for digital public-interest journalism3
Transparency of government healthcare websites: a predictive model based on the main public administrations of Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Spain3
Methodology for the evaluation of media literacy in children and youth. Recommendations and trends3
AI application in journalism: ChatGPT and the uses and risks of an emergent technology3
The binomial of interaction and visualization in digital news media: consolidation, standardization and future challenges3
Information Systems and Digital Content Analysis in Nation Branding: Evaluating Online Tourism Databases and Their Impact on Destination Familiarity, Perception, and Visit Intention3
Perception and opinion of the Ukrainian population regarding information manipulation: A field study on disinformation in the Ukrainian war3
Thirty years of research on high-growth entrepreneurship: bibliometric overview of its H-Classics3
La Verificación de Datos en los Medios de comunicación Españoles: Rutinas, Fuentes, Herramientas y Grado de Formación de los Periodistas3
A bibliometric perspective on the academic contributions of Loet Leydesdorff3
Influence of Students’ Learning Style Preferences on Students Success: Moderating Impact of Information and Communication Technologies Effectiveness3
#EspañaInvadida. Disinformation and hate speech towards refugees on Twitter: A challenge for critical thinking2
Indicador de Compromiso Social (ICS) en el Periodismo de Proximidad: Hacia un Modelo de Calidad en los Medios Locales2
Inteligencia artificial aplicada a programas informativos de radio. Estudio de caso de segmentación automática de noticias en RNE2
From disinformation to fact-checking: How Ibero-American fact-checkers on Twitter combat fake news2
Analysis of universities’ integrated communication strategies on Twitter-X2
Inflaming public debate: a methodology to determine origin and characteristics of hate speech about sexual and gender diversity on Twitter2
Joven Ciudadanía Digital: Percepción de su Competencia Mediática y Transmediática2
Comunicación de crisis (2008-2018). Revisión de los principales avances de conocimiento empírico en gestión de comunicación2
Informative reels on Instagram in the face of new ways of reporting to attract new audiences2
Culture of information and information exchange in a public hospital: a study based on the information orientation model and social network analysis2
Las innovaciones periodísticas más destacadas en España (2010-2020): características e impacto organizacional, industrial y social2
Loet Leydesdorff, interdisciplinarity, and diversity2
Enhancing AI Auto Efficacy: Role of AI Knowledge, Information Source, Behavioral Intention and Information & Communications Technology Learning2
Coverage and distribution of altmetric mentions in Spain: a cross-country comparison in 22 research fields2
Childhood Obesity in the Spanish Digital Press: A Social Problem with Individual Causes and Consequences2
Innovation in journalism educational programmes at university. A systematic review of educational experiences at Spanish universities2
Perspectiva de género en campañas preventivas de seguridad vial y drogas2
Internet radio and podcasts as alternative to the public service and commercial mainstream media in Poland: the cases of Radio Nowy Świat, Radio 357, and Raport o stanie świata2
Letter: Central nodes in the reform of the Spanish Universities Law2
Cobertura del Covid-19 en la Prensa Local en España: Tradicionales vs Nativos Digitales2
The Social Systems Citation Theory (SSCT): A proposal to use the social systems theory for conceptualizing publications and their citations links2
Redes de coautorías de la investigación española y latinoamericana en Comunicación (2000-2019): cohesión interna y aislamiento transcontinental2
Reduction of prejudice toward unaccompanied foreign minors through audiovisual narratives. Effects of the similarity and of the narrative voice2
Educational influence of knowledge of the masked presence of alcohol on Instagram on behavior change2
Stances on hate speech: Population opinions and attitudes2
Transferencia como práctica y misión en proyectos de investigación universitarios sobre desinformación2
Editorial boards of information science and library science journals: roles, terminology, origin, and internationalization2
Without journalists, there is no journalism: the social dimension of generative artificial intelligence in the media2
Comunicación científica en el espacio digital. Acciones de difusión de proyectos de investigación del programa H20202
La transexualidad en los cibermedios españoles. Presencia, preeminencia y temas (2000-2020)2
Disinformation and Narrative Building: A Study on Chinese Local Applications2
Media coverage of the Covid-19 crisis: recommendations and proposals for self-regulation2
Aplicación de la inteligencia artificial al periodismo: análisis de la producción académica2
Cobertura de diarios en Twitter de las elecciones autonómicas de Madrid 2021. Procesamiento de lenguaje natural y algoritmos de aprendizaje automático2
Uso del vídeo 360º por los medios nativos digitales. Análisis exploratorio de los primeros pasos en el ecosistema periodístico español2
Audiolibros digitales infantiles y juveniles: características en plataformas de préstamo y de distribución y venta2
A proposal to revise the disruption index2
Misogyny and the construction of toxic masculinity in the Spanish Manosphere (
Influencers with physical disabilities on Instagram: Features, visibility and business collaboration2
Audiovisual fiction and tourism promotion: The impact of film and television on the image of tourist destinations and contributions from textual analysis2
Research on selective media exposure in Spain: a critical review of its findings, application phases, and blind spots2
Can Twitter give insights into international differences in Covid-19 vaccination? Eight countries’ English tweets to 21 March 20212
Altmetrics for the identification of scientific controversies: The case of NeuroGenderings and neurosexism2
Cartografía de la revista Profesional de la información: mapa visual de 30 años de historia2
The Voice of the Guests: Analysing Airbnb Reviews as a Representative Source for Tourism Studies2
Voice search optimization in digital media: challenges, use and training2
New audience dimensions in streaming platforms: the second life of Money heist on Netflix as a case study2
Photojournalism and Covid-19: representation and invisibility during the first confinement in Spain2
How do legacy and digital media curate coronavirus content. An assessment of newsletters from the USA and four European countries2
Chinese School Boys and Social Media: A Study of Cyberattacks2
Crude, anonymous, partisan, sectoral and anti-elitist. Electoral disinformation in Spain (2019-2022)2
Una nueva taxonomía del uso de la imagen en la conformación interesada del relato digital. Deep fakes e inteligencia artificial2
Situación de las personas con discapacidad en el sector de la Comunicación en España: aspectos laborales, profesionales y académicos2
Web Search or Conversation with an Artificial Intelligence? Analysis of Misinformation and Relevance in the Case of Radon Gas2
The role of school mediation in the development of digital skills among Spanish minors2
Chinese Educators Adoption of Multimedia Tools for Teaching: A Cross-sectional Research on Beijing Population2
New map of the research published in Profesional de la Información (2006-2023)2
Función social y digital de las bibliotecas públicas en España tras la crisis económica y sociosanitaria: perspectivas y retos2
Open access: a journey from impossible to probable, but still uncertain2
Digital Competencies and their Impact on Public Servants' Productivity in Peru2
Libros en abierto de las editoriales universitarias españolas2
Una nota complementaria al artículo “Biblioteconomía y Documentación en España: balance de 40 años de estudios universitarios”2
Carta: Reflexiones sobre posibles razones de una minorización profesional excesiva y propuestas para su reversión2
Map of scientific research on Communication in Spain: study fronts and rankings of authors, publications and institutions2
Who does SEO in Spain? A cybermetric methodology for the construction of company universes2
Media labs: journalistic innovation, evolution and future according to experts2
Evolution of the media: map of a discipline under construction. A review2
El Espectáculo de la Floración. Los Medios de Comunicación en la Creación de una imagen turística en una Zona Rural2