Flow Turbulence and Combustion

(The TQCC of Flow Turbulence and Combustion is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Large Eddy Simulation of a Reacting Kerosene Spray in Hot Vitiated Cross-Flow35
Supervised Clustering for Optimal Sub-model Selection in Reactor-Based Models24
Flame Self-interaction and Flow Topology in Turbulent Homogeneous Mixture n-Heptane MILD Combustion16
The UK Turbulence Consortium15
Surface Roughness Effects on Cavity Flows15
Experimental Study on Spray Characteristics of Nano-TiO2/Propylene Glycol Nanofluids14
Large-Eddy Simulation of Bypass Transition on a Zero-Pressure-Gradient Flat Plate Using the Spectral-Element Dynamic Model14
Statistical Behaviour and Modelling of Variances of Reaction Progress Variable and Temperature During Flame-Wall Interaction of Premixed Flames Within Turbulent Boundary Layers12
Exploring the Potential and the Practical Usability of a Machine Learning Approach for Improving Wall Friction Predictions of RANS Wall Functions in Non-equilibrium Turbulent Flows12
Effects of Intrinsic Instabilities on the Response of Premixed Hydrogen/Air Conical Flames to Inlet Flow Perturbations11
Numerical Investigation of Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics of an Ammonia/Hydrogen/n-Heptane Engine Under RCCI Operating Conditions11
Experimental Characterization of Upper Trailing Edge Flaps for Transonic Buffet Control11
Scalar Forcing Methodology for Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Stratified Mixture Combustion11
A Priori Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis of the Closure of Cross-Scalar Dissipation Rate of Reaction Progress Variable and Mixture Fraction in Turbulent Stratified Flames10
A Survey on Control Techniques to Augment Compressible Jet Mixing10
Optical Investigation of the Influence of In-cylinder Flow and Mixture Inhomogeneity on Cyclic Variability in a Direct-Injection Spark Ignition Engine10
Turbulent Drag Reduction by Travelling Waves of Spanwise Lorentz Force10
Coupling of Combustion Simulation with Atomisation and Filming Models for LES in Swirled Spray Flames10
On the Use of Bi-species ZDES for Multi-nozzle Space Launcher Configurations9
Large-Eddy Simulations of Spray a Flames Using Explicit Coupling of the Energy Equation with the FGM Database9
A Strategy to Couple Thickened Flame Model and Adaptive Mesh Refinement for the LES of Turbulent Premixed Combustion9
ZDES Simulation and Spectral Analysis of a High-Reynolds-Number Out-of-Equilibrium Turbulent Boundary Layer9
Turbulence and Interface Waves in Stratified Oil–Water Channel Flow at Large Viscosity Ratio9
Collision Statistics of Droplets in Turbulence Considering Lubrication Interactions, Mobility of Interfaces, and Non-continuum Molecular Effects9
Flame Surface Density and Artificially Thickened Flame Combustion Models Applied to a Turbulent Partially-Premixed Flame9
Wall-Resolved Large Eddy Simulations of the Transient Turbulent Fluid Mixing in a Closed System Replicating a Pressurized Thermal Shock8
Effect of Varying Internal Geometry on the Near-Field Spray Characteristics of a Swirl Burst Injector8
A Priori Evaluation of the Laminar Flamelet Decomposition Model for Turbulent Premixed Flames using DNS Data8
Effects of Synthetic Jets on Swirl Inflow in a Variable-Geometry Twin Air-Intake8
Correction Methods for Exchange Source Terms in Unstructured Euler-Lagrange Solvers with Point-Source Approximation8
Advances in Computational Combustion: The UK Consortium on Turbulent Reacting Flows8
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Effect of Braking Plate Configurations on the Aerodynamic Behaviors of an Ahmed Car8
Effects of Pressure and Characteristic Scales on the Structural and Statistical Features of Methane/Air Turbulent Premixed Flames8
Towards Direct Numerical Simulations of Reactivity-Controlled Compression Ignition Engine Using n-Octanol/Ethanol Fuel Blends8
Assessment of LES-ADM Accuracy for Modelling of Auto-Ignition and Flame Propagation in a Temporally-Evolving Nitrogen-Diluted Hydrogen Jet7
Numerical and Experimental Study on the Deflagration Characteristics of Premixed CO in a Tube with Obstacles7
Analysis of Global and Local Hydrodynamic Instabilities on a High-Speed Jet Diffusion Flame via Time-Resolved 3D Measurements7
Study on the Spray Characteristics and Oscillation Mechanism of a Feedback-Free Internal Impinging Nozzle7
On the Chemical Effect of Steam Addition to Premixed Hydrogen Flames with Respect to $$\text {NO}_\text {x}$$ Emissions and Flame Speed7
Blowout and Blowoff Limits of Confined Coaxial Ammonia/Hydrogen/Nitrogen-Air Flames with Variable Ammonia Fraction7
Automatic Edge Detection Applied to Cavitating Flow Analysis: Cavitation Cloud Dynamics and Properties Measured through Detected Image Regions7
CFD Uncertainty Quantification using PCE–HDMR: Exemplary Application to a Buoyancy-Driven Mixing Process7
Multi-fidelity Bayesian Optimisation of Wind Farm Wake Steering using Wake Models and Large Eddy Simulations7
Effect of Vortex Generators on the Aerodynamic Performance of High-Speed Trains7
Direct Numerical Simulation of Vortex Breakdown in Evaporating Dilute Sprays7
Assessment of Wall Modeling With Adverse Pressure Gradient for High Reynolds Number Separated Flows6
Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamic Noises during Bubble Rising Process6
Review of Modelling of Pyrolysis Processes with CFD-DEM6
Computational Study of Laser-Induced Modes of Ignition in a Coflow Combustor6
Influence of Flow Configuration and Thermal Wall Boundary Conditions on Turbulence During Premixed Flame-Wall Interaction within Low Reynolds Number Boundary Layers6
An Empirical Wall Law for the Mean Velocity in an Adverse Pressure Gradient for RANS Turbulence Modelling6
Effects of water droplet injection on turbulent premixed flame propagation: a direct numerical simulation investigation6
Experimental Investigation on the Propagation Process of Combustion Wave in the Annular Channel Filled with Acetylene-Air/Oxygen Mixture6
The Influence of Source Froude Number and Turbulent Fluctuations on the Development of Turbulent Fountains in Stratified Ambient6
Remarks on Energy Partitioning Control in the PITM Hybrid RANS/LES Method for the Simulation of Turbulent Flows6
Numerical Dissipation Rate Analysis of Finite-Volume and Continuous-Galerkin Methods for LES of Combustor Flow-Field5
Binary Droplet Collisions in Bioprinting: Influence of Material Properties on Mixing and Repeatability5
Assessment of the Partially Stirred Reactor Model for LES in a Swirl-Stabilized Turbulent Premixed Flame5
Study of a Premixed Turbulent Counter-Flow Flame with a Large Eddy Simulation Method5
Effects of Body Forces on Turbulent Kinetic Energy Transport in Premixed Flames5
Assessment of Extrapolation Relations of Displacement Speed for Detailed Chemistry Direct Numerical Simulation Database of Statistically Planar Turbulent Premixed Flames5
Variable Resolution in Scale-Resolved Simulations of Turbulence5
Direct numerical simulations of turbulent channel flow over ratchet roughness5
Correction to: Permeability and Turbulence Over Perforated Plates5
How to Design a 2D Active Grid for Dynamic Inflow Modulation5
Quadrant Analysis of the Reynolds Shear Stress in a Two-Height Canopy5
Energy Partitioning Control in the PITM Hybrid RANS/LES Method for the Simulation of Turbulent Flows5
Hydrogen Jet Flame Control by Global Mode5
Spatial Averaging Effects in Adverse Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layers5
Correction to: Effects of Jet–Flap Interaction on Flow and Acoustic Fields5
Extension of the Spectral Difference Method to Premixed Laminar and Turbulent Combustion5
On the Underlying Drag-Reduction Mechanisms of Flow-Control Strategies in a Transitional Channel Flow: Temporal Approach5
Study of the Large Local Specific Heat Capacity Impact on Turbulent Heat Transfer at Supercritical Pressure5
Towards the Suitability of Information Entropy as an LES Quality Indicator4
The Wall-Jet Region of a Turbulent Jet Impinging on Smooth and Rough Plates4
Analysis of Space-Time Correlations to Support the Development of Wall-Modeled LES4
Period-2 Thermoacoustics in a Swirl-Stabilised Partially Premixed Flame Computed Using Large Eddy Simulation4
Flow Topology of the Bi-Stable Wake States for the DrivAer Fastback Model4
Reynolds Number Dependency of Wall-Bounded Turbulence Over a Surface Partially Covered by Barnacle Clusters4
A Combined Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Cycle-to-Cycle Variations in an Optically Accessible Spark-Ignition Engine4
Flame Flashback Critical Damköhler Number for CO$$_2$$ Diluted CH$$_4$$ and C$$_3$$H$$_8$$ Mixtures with Air4
High-Order Finite-Difference Schemes for (Hyper-) Viscous Filtering on Non-Uniform Meshes4
Experiment-Based Modeling of Turbulent Flames with Inhomogeneous Inlets4
Characterization of the Unsteady Wake Aerodynamics for an Industry Relevant Road Vehicle Geometry Using LES4
Measurements for Characteristics of Turbulence over a Streamwise Preferential Porous Substrate4
Drag Reduction Effect of Streamwise Traveling Wave-Like Wall Deformation with Spanwise Displacement Variation in Turbulent Channel Flow4
A Lagrangian Analysis of Combustion Regimes Using Multi-modal Turbulent Combustion Model4
Relations Between Statistics of Three-Dimensional Flame Curvature and its Two-Dimensional Counterpart in Turbulent Premixed Flames4
On the Definition of Reaction Progress Variable in Exhaust Gas Recirculation Type Turbulent MILD Combustion of Methane and n-Heptane4
Realisation of Fractal Grid-Induced Turbulence Strength with PTFV: Effects of Grid Geometry4
Effects of Body Forces on the Statistics of Flame Surface Density and Its Evolution in Statistically Planar Turbulent Premixed Flames4
The Effect of Bogie Positions on the Aerodynamic Behavior of a High-Speed Train: An IDDES Study4
Bayesian Optimization of Wall-Normal Blowing and Suction-Based Flow Control of a NACA 4412 Wing Profile4
Time-Averaged Analysis and Numerical Modelling of the Behavior of the Multiphase Flow and Liquid Lamella Thickness Inside an Internal-Mixing ACLR Nozzle4
Energy Cascade Phenomena in Temporal Boundary Layers4
Development and Validation of a New Formulation of Hybrid Temporal Large Eddy Simulation4
Correlation in the Near and Far Field of Compressible Jet to Identify Noise Source Characteristics4
Investigation of Entrainment and its Effect on Flame Stabilization in a Turbulent High Karlovitz Number Premixed Jet Flame using Direct Numerical Simulation4
Effects of DC Electric Fields on Flickering and Acoustic Oscillations of an M-shape Premixed Flame4
Numerical Investigation on the Head-on Quenching (HoQ) of Laminar Premixed Lean to Stoichiometric Ammonia–Hydrogen-Air Flames4