Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education

(The median citation count of Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Analyzing the development of children’s thinking: a review of “learning and teaching early math: the learning trajectories approach”20
How novice mathematics teacher-educators notice the mathematical and pedagogical thinking of preservice mathematic teachers: An emerging model20
Balancing competing demands: Enhancing the mathematical problem posing skills of prospective teachers through a mathematical letter writing initiative14
Providing a video-case-based professional development environment for prospective mathematics teachers to notice students’ misconceptions in measurement13
Utilising personas as a methodological approach to support prospective mathematics teachers’ adaptation and development of digital mathematics learning resources11
STEM teacher education programs for preservice and in-service secondary mathematics teachers: a review study11
Tensions and strengths in the research on Mathematics Teacher Education and Mathematics Teacher practices10
Evaluating mathematics lessons for cognitive demand: Applying a discursive lens to the process of achieving inter-rater reliability9
Open mathematical tasks conceived, designed, and reflected upon by preservice elementary teachers9
Studying a mathematics teacher’s documentational and identity trajectories over time8
What do mathematicians wish to teach teachers about the discipline of mathematics?8
Teacher attitudes towards streaming in mathematics education8
Conceptualizing content-related PD facilitator expertise8
Investigating how secondary prospective teachers plan to launch cognitively demanding tasks8
First- and third-person mathematics-related teacher identity: capturing the learning pathway of an out-of-field teacher of mathematics acquiring mathematics teacher certification8
Examining teachers' relational noticing: promoting equity through positive interactions in mathematics education8
High school mathematics teachers' noticing of inequitable talk8
Coach learning to help teachers learn to enact conceptually rich, student-focused mathematics lessons7
A promising approach to scaling up professional development: intelligent, interactive, virtual professional development with just-in-time feedback7
Correction to: Political conocimiento in teaching mathematics: mathematics teacher candidates enacting their ethical identities7
What might diversity mean in JMTE?7
Assessing student teachers’ procedural fluency and strategic competence in operating and mathematizing with natural and rational numbers6
In-the-moment discussions during launch rehearsals: an analysis of participation, substance, and structure6
Mathematics teacher professional learning and teacher education practices5
The use of carefully planned board work to support the productive discussion of multiple student responses in a Japanese problem-solving lesson5
Evolution of teachers’ and researchers’ praxeologies for designing inquiry mathematics tasks: the role of teachers’ beliefs5
Prospective and in-service teachers’ use of pedagogical mathematical practices in approximations of teaching practice5
Examining technology-supported teacher responding and students’ written mathematical explanations5
Promoting teachers’ awareness about mathematics, its teaching and learning5
An asset-based perspective on prospective teacher education5
Self-efficacy in teaching mathematics and the use of effective pedagogical practices in New Zealand primary schools5
Contradictions in the learning of Euclidean constructions with GeoGebra by pre-service mathematics teachers5
Reflecting on the aims and scopes of JMTE: Considerations for prospective authors5
Tools and resources for mathematics teaching and mathematics teacher education5
Australian primary school teachers’ perceived barriers to and enablers for the integration of children’s literature in mathematics teaching and learning5
Preservice elementary teachers’ mathematical achievement and attitudes: A study of blended learning4
Learning to elicit student thinking: the role of planning to support academically rigorous questioning sequences during instruction4
Interactional production of deficit talk in a professional development for mathematics teachers4
Embracing local insights for global advancement4
Secondary mathematics preservice teachers’ perceptions of program (in)coherence4
Tensions as springboards to actions in a partnership between mathematics teachers and mathematics education researchers4
Teachers’ press for contextualization to ground students’ mathematical understanding of ratio4
Doing the math together: coaches’ professional learning through engagement in mathematics4
The influence of pedagogical beliefs on technology acceptance: a structural equation modeling study of pre-service mathematics teachers4
Tools for supporting teacher noticing about classroom video in online professional development4
Documenting two emerging sociomathematical norms for examining functions in mathematics teachers’ online asynchronous discussions4
The role of teacher identity in teacher self-efficacy development: the case of Katie3
Using MKT measures for cross-national comparisons of teacher knowledge: case of Slovakia and Norway3
How early career elementary teachers vary in planning mathematics instruction3
Leveraging prospective teachers’ knowledge through their participation in lesson study3
Acknowledgement of reviewers3
Promotion and offering in professional development programmes for mathematics teachers: What happens when there’s a mismatch?3
Mathematics teacher educators’ documents, praxeologies, and beliefs: a holistic model3
Contradicting activity systems–learning from large-scale interventions that fail to change mathematics teaching practice as intended3
Raising the standards by standardization?2
Productive ambiguity in unconventional representations: “what the fraction is going on?”2
Listening to learn: investigating how teacher leaders elicit and attend to students’ mathematical thinking in clinical interviews2
LGBTQ+ Life conditions: a landscape of investigation in mathematics education2
Multidimensionality as a feature of the research in mathematics teacher education: different targets to be noticed and different lenses to describe and explain2
How often and when teachers should teach with challenging tasks: the role of motivational beliefs2
Investigating teachers’ understanding through topic modeling: a promising approach to studying teachers’ knowledge2
The learning and teaching of algebra. Ideas, insights, and activities: Abraham Arcavi, Paul Drjvers, and Kaye Stacey (2017)2
A framework for selecting strategies for whole-class discussions2
Learning to teach ambitiously: a multiple case study of practicing teachers’ experimentation with enablers and extenders2
An exploratory study of the relation between teachers’ implicit theories and teacher noticing2
The role of mathematics teachers' previous professional experiences in their collaborative sensemaking: an ecological perspective2
A prospective teacher’s conceptions about the nature of mathematical tasks and professional knowledge within task unfolding2
Reviewing the theory of objectification: a Vygotskian perspective on knowing and becoming in mathematics teaching and learning, by Luis Radford2
Centering on power relations in collaboration among mathematics teacher educator-researchers2
Learning to design effective professional development: The influence of integrating a coaching tool with an elementary mathematics specialist course assignment2
Primary teachers’ preferred fraction models and manipulatives for solving fraction tasks and for teaching2
Salience and feasibility of enacting rough draft math: Teachers’ voices about productive and powerful variations1
Who teaches mathematics content courses for prospective elementary teachers in the USA? Results of a second national survey1
Why ask why? An analysis of teachers’ why-questions in elementary and middle grade mathematics classrooms1
Modelling lessons for more than imitation: investigating teachers’ reactions and decompositions of unfamiliar practices1
Handling the diversity of research on mathematics teacher education1
Contradictions and their manifestations in professional learning communities in mathematics1
Reasoning with ratios as multiplicative comparisons1
Developing practice-based educative mentoring with secondary mathematics mentor teachers1
Political Conocimiento in Teaching Mathematics: mathematics teacher candidates enacting their ethical identities1
Mathematics teacher educators’ navigational expertise when designing multimodal representations of practice: a semiotic analysis1
On designing better structures for feedback in practice-based professional development: Using “failure” to innovate1
Facilitating collaborative inquiry into practice around artifacts of mathematics teaching1
Examining the potential of rehearsal interjections to support the teaching of mathematical practice: the case of mathematical defining1
On the alignment of teachers’ mathematical content knowledge assessments with the common core state standards1
Noticing struggle during collaborative problem-solving in the middle-school mathematics classroom1
(Mis)alignment between noticing and instructional quality: the role of psychological and cognitive constructs1
The mathematics teacher in shadow education: a new area of focus in teacher education1
Relating chains of instrumental orchestrations to teacher decision-making1
Teacher expertise for fostering at-risk students’ understanding of basic concepts: conceptual model and evidence for growth1
Initiating a conversation about expertise in designing elementary mathematics methods courses for equity1
Culturally crafted Lesson Study to improve teachers' professional development in mathematics: a case study in Italian secondary school1
Exploring change in secondary mathematics teachers' noticing of argumentation through experiencing peer-assessment strategies1
Some mathematicians’ perceived and envisioned instructional relationships in secondary teaching and teaching secondary teachers1
The time is out of joint. Teacher subjectivity during COVID-191
Objects of study in research on mathematics teacher education1
Kyouzaikenkyuu: an exploration of Japanese mathematics teachers’ daily planning practices1
Researching “what went wrong” in professional development (PD) for mathematics teachers: What makes it so important, and so difficult?1
Fostering pre-service teachers’ attention to mathematical objects: The realization tree mediator as a teaching representation1
One university’s story on teacher preparation in elementary mathematics: examining opportunities to learn1
Combining enactivism and systemic functional linguistics: a methodology for examining (mathematics teacher educator) language1
Theory to practice: Prospective mathematics teachers’ recontextualizing discourses surrounding collective argumentation1