Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education

(The median citation count of Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The role of teacher identity in teacher self-efficacy development: the case of Katie20
The influence of pedagogical beliefs on technology acceptance: a structural equation modeling study of pre-service mathematics teachers20
Balancing competing demands: Enhancing the mathematical problem posing skills of prospective teachers through a mathematical letter writing initiative14
How elementary prospective teachers use three fraction models: their perceptions and difficulties13
An emerging community in online mathematics teacher professional development: an interactional perspective11
(Mis)alignment between noticing and instructional quality: the role of psychological and cognitive constructs11
Processes of decision-making by mathematics PD facilitators: the role of resources, orientations, goals, and identities10
The mathematics teacher identity of two early career mathematics teachers and the influence of their working communities on its development9
Australian primary school teachers’ perceived barriers to and enablers for the integration of children’s literature in mathematics teaching and learning9
High school mathematics teachers' changes in beliefs and knowledge during lesson study8
The mathematics teacher in shadow education: a new area of focus in teacher education8
Productive ambiguity in unconventional representations: “what the fraction is going on?”8
Leveraging prospective teachers’ knowledge through their participation in lesson study8
Preservice mathematics teachers’ conceptions of mathematically rich and contextually realistic problems8
Teacher expertise for fostering at-risk students’ understanding of basic concepts: conceptual model and evidence for growth8
Coach learning to help teachers learn to enact conceptually rich, student-focused mathematics lessons8
Building on student mathematical thinking in whole-class discourse: exploring teachers’ in-the-moment decision-making, interpretation, and underlying conceptions7
Teachers’ noticing to promote students’ mathematical dialogue in group work7
Theory to practice: Prospective mathematics teachers’ recontextualizing discourses surrounding collective argumentation7
Critical moments: pre-service mathematics teachers’ narrative arcs and mathematical orientations over 20 years7
Learning to design effective professional development: The influence of integrating a coaching tool with an elementary mathematics specialist course assignment6
Conceptualizing content-related PD facilitator expertise6
Modelling lessons for more than imitation: investigating teachers’ reactions and decompositions of unfamiliar practices6
Profiles of teachers’ expertise in professional noticing of children’s mathematical thinking6
Doing the math together: coaches’ professional learning through engagement in mathematics6
Using scripting tasks to reveal mathematics teacher candidates'  resources for responding to student errors5
Who teaches mathematics content courses for prospective elementary teachers in the USA? Results of a second national survey5
Tools for supporting teacher noticing about classroom video in online professional development5
Providing a video-case-based professional development environment for prospective mathematics teachers to notice students’ misconceptions in measurement5
Mathematics teacher educator noticing: examining interpretations and evidence of students’ thinking5
Kyouzaikenkyuu: an exploration of Japanese mathematics teachers’ daily planning practices5
Interactional production of deficit talk in a professional development for mathematics teachers5
A promising approach to scaling up professional development: intelligent, interactive, virtual professional development with just-in-time feedback5
Self-efficacy, practices, and their relationships; the impact of a professional development program for mathematics teachers5
A framework for selecting strategies for whole-class discussions5
STEM teacher education programs for preservice and in-service secondary mathematics teachers: a review study5
The use of carefully planned board work to support the productive discussion of multiple student responses in a Japanese problem-solving lesson4
Addressing equity, diversity and inclusion in academic publishing: key initiatives from JMTE4
Special educators’ knowledge of student mathematical thinking4
The time is out of joint. Teacher subjectivity during COVID-194
What do mathematicians wish to teach teachers about the discipline of mathematics?4
Commognitive conflicts as a learning mechanism towards explorative pedagogical discourse4
US and Chinese elementary teachers’ noticing of cross-cultural mathematics videos4
Examining the potential of rehearsal interjections to support the teaching of mathematical practice: the case of mathematical defining4
Bridging the gap between observation protocols and formative feedback4
What might diversity mean in JMTE?4
Factor analysis and psychometric evaluation of the mathematical modeling attitude scale for teachers of mathematics4
An analysis of elementary prospective teachers’ noticing of student pattern generalization strategies in mathematics4
On the alignment of teachers’ mathematical content knowledge assessments with the common core state standards4
Finding the boundary of kindergarteners’ subtraction understanding: prospective teachers’ problem development and questioning3
Contradictions and their manifestations in professional learning communities in mathematics3
Researching “what went wrong” in professional development (PD) for mathematics teachers: What makes it so important, and so difficult?3
Investigating how secondary prospective teachers plan to launch cognitively demanding tasks3
Secondary mathematics teachers learning to do and teach mathematical modeling: a trajectory3
Handling the diversity of research on mathematics teacher education3
Investigating teachers’ understanding through topic modeling: a promising approach to studying teachers’ knowledge3
From mistakes, we learn? Mathematics teachers’ epistemological and positional framing of mistakes3
Instructional quality of mathematics teaching and mathematics teacher education3
Primary teachers’ preferred fraction models and manipulatives for solving fraction tasks and for teaching3
Mathematics teacher professional learning and teacher education practices3
Teachers’ perceptions of less successfully organized professional development practices in mathematics: A study of nine secondary schools in Shanghai, China2
Fostering pre-service teachers’ attention to mathematical objects: The realization tree mediator as a teaching representation2
Culturally crafted Lesson Study to improve teachers' professional development in mathematics: a case study in Italian secondary school2
An asset-based perspective on prospective teacher education2
Publishing mathematics education research in English: amplifying voices from the field2
Teachers’ practices of integrating challenging demands of inclusive mathematics education in a professional development program2
Process over product: associations among math anxiety, feelings about math, and instructional beliefs in early childhood preservice teachers2
Exploring change in secondary mathematics teachers' noticing of argumentation through experiencing peer-assessment strategies2
Using MKT measures for cross-national comparisons of teacher knowledge: case of Slovakia and Norway2
Tensions and strengths in the research on Mathematics Teacher Education and Mathematics Teacher practices2
Mathematical knowledge for teaching and mathematics didactic knowledge: a comparative study2
Knowledge-in-action for crafting mathematics problems in realistic contexts2
The use of a scriptwriting task as a window into how prospective teachers envision teacher moves for supporting student reasoning2
Computational thinking practices as tools for creating high cognitive demand mathematics instruction2
Preservice teachers’ expressed awarenesses: emerging threads of retro-spection of learning and pro-spection of teaching2
Learning to elicit student thinking: the role of planning to support academically rigorous questioning sequences during instruction2
Increase in self-efficacy in prospective teachers through theory-based lesson study2
I find this task interesting, so do you? Preservice teachers’ judgments of students’ enjoyment, boredom, and situational interest regarding tasks with and without a connection to reality2
Constructing coherency levels to understand connections among the noticing skills of pre-service mathematics teachers1
Relationships between elementary mathematics specialist certification, knowledge, beliefs, and classroom learning environments1
Multidimensionality as a feature of the research in mathematics teacher education: different targets to be noticed and different lenses to describe and explain1
Political Conocimiento in Teaching Mathematics: mathematics teacher candidates enacting their ethical identities1
A prospective teacher’s conceptions about the nature of mathematical tasks and professional knowledge within task unfolding1
Combining enactivism and systemic functional linguistics: a methodology for examining (mathematics teacher educator) language1
How often and when teachers should teach with challenging tasks: the role of motivational beliefs1
Examining technology-supported teacher responding and students’ written mathematical explanations1
Evolution of teachers’ and researchers’ praxeologies for designing inquiry mathematics tasks: the role of teachers’ beliefs1
Evaluating mathematics lessons for cognitive demand: Applying a discursive lens to the process of achieving inter-rater reliability1
Transformation of preservice mathematics teachers' teacher identity orientations through a video club1
Experienced teachers talking about their mathematics teaching with linguistically disadvantaged learners1
Introducing the role of being an advocate in mathematics teacher education1
Validating psychometric classification of teachers’ fraction arithmetic reasoning1
Lesson study beyond its initial adaptation: a case without external support1
Centering on power relations in collaboration among mathematics teacher educator-researchers1
Some mathematicians’ perceived and envisioned instructional relationships in secondary teaching and teaching secondary teachers1
Learning to teach ambitiously: a multiple case study of practicing teachers’ experimentation with enablers and extenders1
Documenting two emerging sociomathematical norms for examining functions in mathematics teachers’ online asynchronous discussions1
Secondary mathematics preservice teachers’ perceptions of program (in)coherence1
Inquiry-based approaches to mathematics learning, teaching, and mathematics education research1
Mental processes underlying a mathematics teacher’s learning from student thinking1
Correction to: Theory to practice: Prospective mathematics teachers’ recontextualizing discourses surrounding collective argumentation1
What motivates and demotivates Estonian mathematics teachers to continue teaching? The roles of self-efficacy, work satisfaction, and work experience1
Exploring prospective teachers’ stances in making sense of students’ mathematical ideas1
Relating chains of instrumental orchestrations to teacher decision-making1
LGBTQ+ Life conditions: a landscape of investigation in mathematics education1
How early career elementary teachers vary in planning mathematics instruction1
Multidimensionality as a feature of the research in mathematics teacher education: different targets to be noticed and different lenses to describe and explain1
Preservice elementary teachers’ mathematical achievement and attitudes: A study of blended learning1
Teachers’ press for contextualization to ground students’ mathematical understanding of ratio1
Algebra-focused features of instruction: an integrated investigation of curricular guidance and instructional enactment1