World Wide Web-Internet and Web Information Systems

(The median citation count of World Wide Web-Internet and Web Information Systems is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Multi-center federated learning: clients clustering for better personalization86
LSH-aware multitype health data prediction with privacy preservation in edge environment81
Sentiment analysis and topic modeling for COVID-19 vaccine discussions75
Explainable depression detection with multi-aspect features using a hybrid deep learning model on social media66
DDoS attacks in IoT networks: a comprehensive systematic literature review59
A Bi-GRU with attention and CapsNet hybrid model for cyberbullying detection on social media47
Attentive sequential model based on graph neural network for next poi recommendation47
Edge-cloud-enabled matrix factorization for diversified APIs recommendation in mashup creation46
Deep fusion of multimodal features for social media retweet time prediction44
High-order nonlocal Hashing for unsupervised cross-modal retrieval43
Vulnerability exploitation time prediction: an integrated framework for dynamic imbalanced learning43
A knowledge graph empowered online learning framework for access control decision-making42
DIMA: Distributed cooperative microservice caching for internet of things in edge computing by deep reinforcement learning40
A novel knowledge graph embedding based API recommendation method for Mashup development40
Distributed attribute-based access control system using permissioned blockchain38
Link prediction in complex networks using node centrality and light gradient boosting machine29
TransO: a knowledge-driven representation learning method with ontology information constraints28
Long short-term enhanced memory for sequential recommendation26
ModalNet: an aspect-level sentiment classification model by exploring multimodal data with fusion discriminant attentional network26
Persistent graph stream summarization for real-time graph analytics24
CSR: A community based spreaders ranking algorithm for influence maximization in social networks23
A hybrid approach for stock trend prediction based on tweets embedding and historical prices22
Reinforced KGs reasoning for explainable sequential recommendation21
A survey of typical attributed graph queries21
Clustering-enhanced stock price prediction using deep learning21
Task offloading for vehicular edge computing with edge-cloud cooperation21
Auxiliary signal-guided knowledge encoder-decoder for medical report generation21
Leaning compact and representative features for cross-modality person re-identification20
Binarized graph neural network19
IBE-BCIOT: an IBE based cross-chain communication mechanism of blockchain in IoT19
Exploiting intra- and inter-session dependencies for session-based recommendations17
Joint optimization of delay and cost for microservice composition in mobile edge computing17
Explainable recommendation: when design meets trust calibration17
Path-enhanced explainable recommendation with knowledge graphs17
On prediction of traffic flows in smart cities: a multitask deep learning based approach16
Towards understanding governance tokens in liquidity mining: a case study of decentralized exchanges16
FedAda: Fast-convergent adaptive federated learning in heterogeneous mobile edge computing environment16
A survey on nature-inspired techniques for computation offloading and service placement in emerging edge technologies15
HWOA: an intelligent hybrid whale optimization algorithm for multi-objective task selection strategy in edge cloud computing system15
Solutions for concurrency conflict problem on Hyperledger Fabric15
Efficient critical relationships identification in bipartite networks15
Open-world knowledge graph completion with multiple interaction attention15
Community-based influence maximization in location-based social network15
PriMonitor: An adaptive tuning privacy-preserving approach for multimodal emotion detection14
Efficient continual cohesive subgraph search in large temporal graphs14
Decentralized collaborative business process execution using blockchain13
Polarity-based graph neural network for sign prediction in signed bipartite graphs13
Towards an attestation architecture for blockchain networks13
Patent2Vec: Multi-view representation learning on patent-graphs for patent classification13
GoMIC: Multi-view image clustering via self-supervised contrastive heterogeneous graph co-learning13
Semantic-aware heterogeneous information network embedding with incompatible meta-paths12
Core decomposition and maintenance in weighted graph12
Activity location inference of users based on social relationship12
Temporal high-order proximity aware behavior analysis on Ethereum12
Data privacy preservation algorithm with k-anonymity12
Contextual semantic embeddings for ontology subsumption prediction11
Powerful graph of graphs neural network for structured entity analysis11
Towards multi-dimensional knowledge-aware approach for effective community detection in LBSN11
Conspiracy vs science: A large-scale analysis of online discussion cascades11
Multi-type factors representation learning for deep learning-based knowledge tracing11
DPNLP: distance based peripheral nodes label propagation algorithm for community detection in social networks11
Aspect-based sentiment analysis for online reviews with hybrid attention networks11
A distributed learning based sentiment analysis methods with Web applications10
Guest editorial: WWWJ special issue of the 21th international Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2020)10
CrowdMed-II: a blockchain-based framework for efficient consent management in health data sharing10
Time-optimal and privacy preserving route planning for carpool policy10
Leveraging statistical information in fine-grained financial sentiment analysis10
HOPE: a hybrid deep neural model for out-of-town next POI recommendation10
Course map learning with graph convolutional network based on AuCM10
A block-based generative model for attributed network embedding10
Memory-augmented meta-learning framework for session-based target behavior recommendation10
Robust self-tuning multi-view clustering10
Attribute-aware explainable complementary clothing recommendation10
Using context information to enhance simple question answering10
Discovering key users for defending network structural stability9
The art of characterization in large networks: Finding the critical attributes9
Semantic-guided hashing learning for domain adaptive retrieval9
Bipartite graph capsule network9
Implicit relation-aware social recommendation with variational auto-encoder9
bi-directional Bayesian probabilistic model based hybrid grained semantic matchmaking for Web service discovery9
A fairness-aware multi-stakeholder recommender system9
An edge-assisted cloud framework using a residual concatenate FCN approach to beam correction in the internet of weather radars9
Deep medical cross-modal attention hashing8
Super-resolution-based part collaboration network for vehicle re-identification8
Efficient maintenance for maximal bicliques in bipartite graph streams8
Multi-task hourglass network for online automatic diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip8
Intra- and inter-association attention network-enhanced policy learning for social group recommendation8
HMGCL: Heterogeneous multigraph contrastive learning for LBSN friend recommendation8
Attention-based hierarchical denoised deep clustering network8
Web Intelligence meets Brain Informatics: Towards the future of artificial intelligence in the connected world8
Leveraging pointwise prediction with learning to rank for top-N recommendation8
A multi-attribute decision making approach based on information extraction for real estate buyer profiling8
SSLE: A framework for evaluating the “Filter Bubble” effect on the news aggregator and recommenders7
Contrastive heterogeneous graphs learning for multi-hop machine reading comprehension7
PDA-GNN: propagation-depth-aware graph neural networks for recommendation7
McHa: a multistage clustering-based hierarchical attention model for knowledge graph-aware recommendation7
FPGNN: Fair path graph neural network for mitigating discrimination7
A novel feature-based framework enabling multi-type DDoS attacks detection7
FTMF: Few-shot temporal knowledge graph completion based on meta-optimization and fault-tolerant mechanism7
Foreseeing private car transfer between urban regions with multiple graph-based generative adversarial networks7
Enhancing decision-making in user-centered web development: a methodology for card-sorting analysis7
HOPLoP: multi-hop link prediction over knowledge graph embeddings7
A lightweight automatic sleep staging method for children using single-channel EEG based on edge artificial intelligence7
Charge prediction modeling with interpretation enhancement driven by double-layer criminal system7
Critical Nodes Identification in Large Networks: The Inclined and Detached Models6
GSIRec: Learning with graph side information for recommendation6
Multi-source and heterogeneous marine hydrometeorology spatio-temporal data analysis with machine learning: a survey6
Aspect-level sentiment capsule network for micro-video click-through rate prediction6
ELIS++: a shapelet learning approach for accurate and efficient time series classification6
CDAML: a cluster-based domain adaptive meta-learning model for cross domain recommendation6
Sparse relation prediction based on hypergraph neural networks in online social networks6
When large language models meet personalization: perspectives of challenges and opportunities6
Multi-granularity interaction model based on pinyins and radicals for Chinese semantic matching6
CoTask: Correlation-aware task offloading in edge computing6
To hop or not, that is the question: Towards effective multi-hop reasoning over knowledge graphs6
Fast datalog evaluation for batch and stream graph processing6
A fast local community detection algorithm in complex networks6
Locating pivotal connections: the K-Truss minimization and maximization problems6
Influence-Aware Successive Point-of-Interest Recommendation6
Cyclic label propagation for graph semi-supervised learning6
BotFinder: a novel framework for social bots detection in online social networks based on graph embedding and community detection6
Optimization of maintenance personnel dispatching strategy in smart grid5
EVSS: An efficient verifiable search scheme over encrypted cloud data5
Personalized federated learning with model interpolation among client clusters and its application in smart home5
An empirical study of pre-trained language models in simple knowledge graph question answering5
An effective method for the protection of user health topic privacy for health information services5
Edge data based trailer inception probabilistic matrix factorization for context-aware movie recommendation5
AskMe: joint individual-level and community-level behavior interaction for question recommendation5
Design of vehicle certification schemes in IoV based on blockchain5
Handling conditional queries and data storage on Hyperledger Fabric efficiently5
A text and GNN based controversy detection method on social media5
CupMar: A deep learning model for personalized news recommendation based on contextual user-profile and multi-aspect article representation5
A joint sharing approach for online privacy preservation5
Event prediction from news text using subgraph embedding and graph sequence mining5
Identifying informative tweets during a pandemic via a topic-aware neural language model5
Leverage knowledge graph and GCN for fine-grained-level clickbait detection5
Structured anchor-inferred graph learning for universal incomplete multi-view clustering5
SSDLog: a semi-supervised dual branch model for log anomaly detection5
Efficient trajectory compression and range query processing5
Generative adversarial network for unsupervised multi-lingual knowledge graph entity alignment5
K-truss community most favorites query based on top-t5
Community search over large semantic-based attribute graphs5
Learning to effectively model spatial-temporal heterogeneity for traffic flow forecasting5
Graph embeddings in criminal investigation: towards combining precision, generalization and transparency5
Edge computing empowered anomaly detection framework with dynamic insertion and deletion schemes on data streams5
An integrated model based on deep multimodal and rank learning for point-of-interest recommendation5
FlowSpectrum: a concrete characterization scheme of network traffic behavior for anomaly detection5
Special issue on Intelligent Fog and Internet of Things (IoT)-Based Services4
Query on the cloud: improved privacy-preserving k-nearest neighbor classification over the outsourced database4
Hierarchical neural topic modeling with manifold regularization4
Group homophily based facility location selection in geo-social networks4
Spatial-temporal fusion graph framework for trajectory similarity computation4
Token replacement-based data augmentation methods for hate speech detection4
Object detection network pruning with multi-task information fusion4
API-GNN: attribute preserving oriented interactive graph neural network4
Graph embedding based real-time social event matching for EBSNs recommendation4
GANAD: A GAN-based method for network anomaly detection4
XChange: A Universal Mechanism for Asset Exchange between Permissioned Blockchains4
Intellectual property protection of DNN models4
Computing reverse nearest neighbourhood on road maps4
EBSS: A secure blockchain-based sharing scheme for real estate financial credentials4
Continuous matching of evolving patterns over dynamic graph data4
Multi-feature fusion point cloud completion network4
Universal adversarial perturbations generative network4
VEK: a vertex-oriented approach for edge k-core problem4
PreCLN: Pretrained-based contrastive learning network for vehicle trajectory prediction4
Temporal knowledge completion with context-aware embeddings4
Efficient privacy-preserving frequent itemset query over semantically secure encrypted cloud database4
Multi-scale graph classification with shared graph neural network4
Assessing the authenticity of subjective information in the blockchain: a survey and open issues4
Quantifying controversy from stance, sentiment, offensiveness and sarcasm: a fine-grained controversy intensity measurement framework on a Chinese dataset4
An efficient privacy-preserving blockchain storage method for internet of things environment4
Knowledge-graph-enabled biomedical entity linking: a survey4
DIRS-KG: a KG-enhanced interactive recommender system based on deep reinforcement learning4
A generalized multi-skill aggregation method for cognitive diagnosis4
Key-core: cohesive keyword subgraph exploration in large graphs4
Backup gateways for IoT mesh network using order-k hops Voronoi diagram3
Entity alignment via graph neural networks: a component-level study3
Improving medical experts’ efficiency of misinformation detection: an exploratory study3
Finding attribute diversified community over large attributed networks3
DFIAM: deep factorization integrated attention mechanism for smart TV recommendation3
Multi-objective optimisation based fuzzy association rule mining method3
Correlation embedding learning with dynamic semantic enhanced sampling for knowledge graph completion3
Mining multiple sequential patterns through multi-graph representation for next point-of-interest recommendation3
Auto-regressive extractive summarization with replacement3
Clustering Enhanced Error-tolerant Top-k Spatio-textual Search3
Semi-supervised collaborative filtering ensemble3
Practical approximate indoor nearest neighbour locating with crowdsourced RSSIs3
Description and demonstration guided data augmentation for sequence tagging3
Continuous spatial keyword query processing over geo-textual data streams3
Few-shot named entity recognition with hybrid multi-prototype learning3
Personalized tag recommendation via denoising auto-encoder3
DACAS: integration of attribute-based access control for northbound interface security in SDN3
Why does batch normalization induce the model vulnerability on adversarial images?3
Spatial-temporal meta-path guided explainable crime prediction3
A novel semantic-aware search scheme based on BCI-tree index over encrypted cloud data3
Death comes but why: A multi-task memory-fused prediction for accurate and explainable illness severity in ICUs3
Multi-label transfer learning via latent graph alignment3
Efficient information diffusion in time-varying graphs through deep reinforcement learning3
Graph-aware collaborative reasoning for click-through rate prediction3
One-step spectral rotation clustering with balanced constrains3
DFedSN: Decentralized federated learning based on heterogeneous data in social networks3
ELM-based data distribution model in ElasticChain3
EmoChannel-SA: exploring emotional dependency towards classification task with self-attention mechanism3
HURI: Hybrid user risk identification in social networks3
Transfer learning based cascaded deep learning network and mask recognition for COVID-193
A DRL-based online VM scheduler for cost optimization in cloud brokers3
Multiple interleaving interests modeling of sequential user behaviors in e-commerce platform3
A reranking-based tweet retrieval approach for planned events3
EEUPL: Towards effective and efficient user profile linkage across multiple social platforms3
A survey on large language models for recommendation3
Bayesian networks and chained classifiers based on SVM for traditional chinese medical prescription generation3
Enhancing bitcoin transaction confirmation prediction: a hybrid model combining neural networks and XGBoost2
Modeling the social influence of COVID-19 via personalized propagation with deep learning2
Knowledge based natural answer generation via masked-graph transformer2
Integrating fine-grained attention into multi-task learning for knowledge tracing2
FPIRPQ: Accelerating regular path queries on knowledge graphs2
Metacognition-driven user-to-project recommendation for online education services2
Glider: rethinking congestion control with deep reinforcement learning2
Onion under Microscope: An in-depth analysis of the Tor Web2
NAH: neighbor-aware attention-based heterogeneous relation network model in E-commerce recommendation2
Towards robust trajectory similarity computation: Representation-based spatio-temporal similarity quantification2
EAGS: An extracting auxiliary knowledge graph model in multi-turn dialogue generation2
DRA-ODM: a faster and more accurate deep recurrent attention dynamic model for object detection2
Unified-memory-based hybrid processing for partition-oriented subgraph matching on GPU2
Rumor blocking with pertinence set in large graphs2
Microservices priority estimation for IoT platform based on analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive method2
SINN: A speaker influence aware neural network model for emotion detection in conversations2
An efficient multidimensional $L_{\infty }$ wavelet method and its application to approximate query processing2
Optimizing subgraph matching over distributed knowledge graphs using partial evaluation2
A generation probability based percolation network alignment method2
Maximizing the influence of bichromatic reverse k nearest neighbors in geo-social networks2
Top-k heavy weight triangles listing on graph stream2
Special Issue on Decision Making in Heterogeneous Network Data Scenarios and Applications2
Compression techniques for 2-hop labeling for shortest distance queries2
TG-OUT: temporal outlier patterns detection in Twitter attribute induced graphs2
Joint service-function deployment and task scheduling in UAVFog-assisted data-driven disaster response architecture2
Group-based social diffusion in recommendation2
FPGN: follower prediction framework for infectious disease prevention2
Maximal paths recipe for constructing Web user sessions2
Desynchronization-attack-resilient audio watermarking mechanism for stereo signals using the linear correlation between channels2
Intrinsically motivated reinforcement learning based recommendation with counterfactual data augmentation2
An efficient index method for the optimal path query over multi-cost networks2
Classifying encrypted traffic using adaptive fingerprints with multi-level attributes2
A novel cross-network node pair embedding methodology for anchor link prediction2
GCMT: a graph-contextualized multitask spatio-temporal joint prediction model for cellular trajectories2
Efficient distributed path computation on RDF knowledge graphs using partial evaluation2
Parallel algorithms for parameter-free structural diversity search on graphs2
A customisable pipeline for the semi-automated discovery of online activists and social campaigns on Twitter2