Information Technology & Management

(The median citation count of Information Technology & Management is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Examining the determinants of continuance intention to use and the moderating effect of the gender and age of users of NFC mobile payments: a multi-analytical approach89
Impact of organizational inertia on organizational agility: the role of IT ambidexterity27
Framework for implementing big data analytics in Indian manufacturing: ISM-MICMAC and Fuzzy-AHP approach19
Impact of perceived diagnosticity on live streams and consumer purchase intention: streamer type, product type, and brand awareness as moderators17
How do firms create business value and dynamic capabilities by leveraging big data analytics management capability?14
In-store shopping with location-based retail apps: perceived value, consumer response, and the moderating effect of flow13
WeChat mobile-payment-based smart retail customer experience: an integrated framework13
Employee mindfulness, innovative work behaviour, and IT project success: the role of inclusive leadership12
Evaluating technology innovation capabilities of companies based on entropy- TOPSIS: the case of solar cell companies12
Adapting agile development practices for hyper-agile environments: lessons learned from a COVID-19 emergency response research project11
A lightweight and proactive rule-based incremental construction approach to detect phishing scam10
Data privacy-preserving distributed knowledge discovery based on the blockchain10
Exploring factors that influence information resources sharing intention via the perspective of consensus perception of blockchain9
Enterprise’s internal control for knowledge discovery in a big data environment by an integrated hybrid model9
The role of social network sites on the relationship between game users and developers: an evolutionary game analysis of virtual goods9
Why do people speak about products online? The role of opinion leadership9
Performance analysis and managerial ability in the general insurance market: a study of India and Iran8
SRCMIMM: the software requirements change management and implementation maturity model in the domain of global software development industry8
The state of lead scoring models and their impact on sales performance8
Platform trust in C2C e-commerce platform: the sellers’ cultural perspective8
The effects of interaction between team climates and KMS value perception on knowledge activities: a multilevel socio-technical systems approach8
Detecting users’ usage intentions for websites employing deep learning on eye-tracking data8
Influence of diagram layout and scrolling on understandability of BPMN processes: an eye tracking experiment with BPMN diagrams7
Encourage autonomy to increase individual work performance: the impact of job characteristics on workaround behavior and shadow IT usage7
Multicriteria decision making taxonomy of code recommendation system challenges: a fuzzy-AHP analysis5
Hybrid time centric recommendation model for e-commerce applications using behavioral traits of user5
Knowledge transfer between physicians from different geographical regions in China’s online health communities5
Investor participation in reward-based crowdfunding: impacts of entrepreneur efforts, platform characteristics, and perceived value5
Optimal configuration of intrusion detection systems5
The role of E-leadership in ICT utilization: a project management perspective4
Sustainable behavior in motion: designing mobile eco-driving feedback information systems4
Social media for talent selection? a validity test of inter-judge agreement and behavioral prediction4
Predicting diffusion dynamics and launch time strategy for mobile telecommunication services: an empirical analysis4
Rumor conversations detection in twitter through extraction of structural features4
Towards aspect based requirements mining for trace retrieval of component-based software management process in globally distributed environment4
Optimal service versioning for dating platforms4
The role of collectivism and moderating effect of IT proficiency on intention to disclose protected health information4
Beyond the review information: an investigation of individual- and group-based presentation forms of review information4
Development of a Knowledge Discovery Computing based wearable ECG monitoring system4
Towards a framework for sustaining Green IT initiatives: an empirical investigation4
Innovation investment and subsidy strategy in two-sided market3
An analysis of operating strategy for a video live streaming platform: advertisement, advertorial, and donation3
Talk more about yourself: a data-driven extended theory of reasoned action for online health communities3
Alerting patients via health information system considering trust-dependent patient adherence3
AI adoption and labor cost stickiness: based on natural language and machine learning3
Healthcare professionals satisfaction and AI-based clinical decision support system in public sector hospitals during health crises: a cross-sectional study3
When the technology abandonment intentions remitted: the case of herd behavior3
Retailer response to negative online consumer reviews: how can damaged trust be effectively repaired?3
The bi-objective orienteering problem with hotel selection: an integrated text mining optimisation approach3
Understanding crowdsourcing adoption based on IT managers’ decision3
A new look at returns of information technology: firms’ diversification to IT service market and firm value3
More work cooperation or relationship harmony in mass customization? The impacts of personalized design, modular design, and automated processes3
Effects of digital nudging on the adoption of APPs for value co-creation among online consumers2
Coping or threat? Unraveling the mechanisms enabling user acceptance of blockchain technologies2
Management response and user idea generation: evidence from an online open innovation community2
Online social transparency in enterprise information systems: a risk assessment method2
An exploratory case study using events as a software size measure2
An economic analysis of different types of subsidies by UGC platforms2
Manufacturing firms’ E-commerce adoption and performance: evidence from a large survey in Jiaxing, China2
Automatic customer targeting: a data mining solution to the problem of asymmetric profitability distribution2
Persona preparedness: a survey instrument for measuring the organizational readiness for deploying personas2
How finance shared services affect profitability: an IT business value perspective2
Automatic generation of traditional patterns and aesthetic quality evaluation technology2
The application grouping problem in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) networks2