Precision Agriculture

(The median citation count of Precision Agriculture is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Deep mango cultivars: cultivar detection by classification method with maximum misidentification rate estimation195
Deep-learning-based counting methods, datasets, and applications in agriculture: a review112
Correlation of UAV and satellite-derived vegetation indices with cotton physiological parameters and their use as a tool for scheduling variable rate irrigation in cotton103
Spatial patterns of soil microbial communities and implications for precision soil management at the field scale101
Monitoring leaf nitrogen content in rice based on information fusion of multi-sensor imagery from UAV89
Correlating the field water balance derived crop coefficient (Kc) and canopy reflectance-based NDVI for irrigated sugarcane68
The effect of growth stage and plant counting accuracy of maize inbred lines on LAI and biomass prediction57
An economic evaluation of site-specific input application Rx maps: evaluation framework and case study52
Estimating litchi flower number using a multicolumn convolutional neural network based on a density map51
Investigation of the similarities between NDVI maps from different proximal and remote sensing platforms in explaining vineyard variability50
The noise-reduction potential of Radar Vegetation Index for crop management in the Czech Republic49
Impact of potassium fertilisation on mobile proximal gamma-ray spectrometry: case study on a long-term field trial47
Mapping fire blight cankers and autumn blooming in pear trees using Faster R-CNN46
In vivo sensing to monitor tomato plants in field conditions and optimize crop water management42
Potential of multi-seasonal vegetation indices to predict rice yield from UAV multispectral observations42
On-farm evaluation of a crop forecast-based approach for season-specific nitrogen application in winter wheat41
Estimation of corn crop damage caused by wildlife in UAV images40
Field validation of NDVI to identify crop phenological signatures39
From pen and paper to digital precision: a comprehensive review of on-farm recordkeeping38
Assessing grapevine water status in a variably irrigated vineyard with NIR/SWIR hyperspectral imaging from UAV38
Adoption of internet of things-enabled agricultural systems among Chinese agro-entreprises36
Improving the congruency of satellite-based fertilizer maps with field-operable units using pneumatic spreaders36
Implementing variable-rate herbicide applications based on soil physical properties in grain sorghum35
iDVS: interactive 2D and 3D visualizations of proximal sensor data for rapid characterization of soil profiles35
Analysis of sampling precision in low-density weed populations33
Water distribution analysis of a linear move irrigator by aerial survey and RTK-GNSS monitors31
Potential of fertilizer segregation during application using spinner disc spreader30
A new multispectral index for canopy nitrogen concentration applicable across growth stages in ryegrass and barley30
Soil sampling and sensed ancillary data requirements for soil mapping in precision agriculture I. delineation of management zones to determine zone averages of soil properties30
Adaptively spatial feature fusion network: an improved UAV detection method for wheat scab27
An autonomous navigation method for orchard rows based on a combination of an improved a-star algorithm and SVR27
Sweet corn yield prediction using machine learning models and field-level data26
Spatial estimation methods for mapping corn silage and grain yield monitor data24
Soil-moisture-index spectrum reconstruction improves partial least squares regression of spectral analysis of soil organic carbon24
Improved piezoelectric grain cleaning loss sensor based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system24
Applying colour-based feature extraction and transfer learning to develop a high throughput inference system for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) stems with images from unmanned aerial vehicles after can24
A W-shaped convolutional network for robust crop and weed classification in agriculture24
A bio-inspired optimization algorithm with disjoint sets to delineate orthogonal site-specific management zones23
A hybrid representation of the environment to improve autonomous navigation of mobile robots in agriculture23
Statistical and machine learning methods for crop yield prediction in the context of precision agriculture23
On-farm experimentation: assessing the effect of combine ground speed on grain yield monitor data estimates23
Semantic segmentation of citrus-orchard using deep neural networks and multispectral UAV-based imagery23
Recognition of mango and location of picking point on stem based on a multi-task CNN model named YOLOMS22
Deep learning-based identification system of weeds and crops in strawberry and pea fields for a precision agriculture sprayer22
Flying over the farm: understanding drone adoption by Australian irrigators21
Promoting excellence or discouraging mediocrity – a policy framework assessment for precision agriculture technologies adoption21
The effect of local samples in the accuracy of mid-infrared (MIR) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) -based spectral prediction models21
The 14th European conference on precision agriculture21
Management zone classification for variable-rate soil residual herbicide applications20
Predicting on-farm soybean yield variability using texture measures on Sentinel-2 image20
A new spectral index for estimation of wheat canopy chlorophyll density: considering background interference and view zenith angle effect19
MangoDetNet: a novel label-efficient weakly supervised fruit detection framework19
Optimization strategies of fruit detection to overcome the challenge of unstructured background in field orchard environment: a review18
Strategies for monitoring within-field soybean yield using Sentinel-2 Vis-NIR-SWIR spectral bands and machine learning regression methods18
High-resolution satellite image to predict peanut maturity variability in commercial fields17
Evaluating the accuracy and usefulness of commercially-available proximal soil mapping services for grassland nutrient management planning and soil health monitoring17
A comparison of precision and conventional irrigation in corn production in Southeast Alabama17
Recognition of sunflower growth period based on deep learning from UAV remote sensing images17
Early/late fusion structures with optimized feature selection for weed detection using visible and thermal images of paddy fields17
Near real-time yield forecasting of winter wheat using Sentinel-2 imagery at the early stages17
Clustered tomato detection and picking point location using machine learning-aided image analysis for automatic robotic harvesting17
Interviews with farmers from the US corn belt highlight opportunity for improved decision support systems and continued structural barriers to farmland diversification16
Deep learning techniques for in-crop weed recognition in large-scale grain production systems: a review16
Spectroscopic determination of chlorophyll content in sugarcane leaves for drought stress detection16
Multi-sensors data fusion approach for site-specific seeding of consumption and seed potato production16
Application of visible near-infrared absorbance spectroscopy for the determination of Soil pH and liming requirements for broad-acre agriculture15
A fast and robust method for plant count in sunflower and maize at different seedling stages using high-resolution UAV RGB imagery15
Detecting the attack of the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in cotton plants with machine learning and spectral measurements15
A novel end-effector for a fruit and vegetable harvesting robot: mechanism and field experiment15
Using UAV-based multispectral remote sensing imagery combined with DRIS method to diagnose leaf nitrogen nutrition status in a fertigated apple orchard15
Recalibrating plant water status of winter wheat based on nitrogen nutrition index using thermal images15
Adoption of digital technologies in agriculture—an inventory in a european small-scale farming region15
Characterization of portuguese sown rainfed grasslands using remote sensing and machine learning14
Evaluation of machine learning-dynamical hybrid method incorporating remote sensing data for in-season maize yield prediction under drought14
Hyperspectral sensing and mapping of soil carbon content for amending within-field heterogeneity of soil fertility and enhancing soil carbon sequestration14
Object-level classification of vegetable crops in 3D LiDAR point cloud using deep learning convolutional neural networks14
Correction to: Automation in Agriculture by Machine and Deep Learning Techniques: A Review of Recent Developments14
Process improvement of selecting the best interpolator and its parameters to create thematic maps13
Deep convolutional neural networks for estimating maize above-ground biomass using multi-source UAV images: a comparison with traditional machine learning algorithms13
Red-green-blue to normalized difference vegetation index translation: a robust and inexpensive approach for vegetation monitoring using machine vision and generative adversarial networks13
Design considerations of variable rate liquid fertilizer applicator for mature oil palm trees12
Potential of laboratory hyperspectral data for in-field detection of Phytophthora infestans on potato12
LAI estimation through remotely sensed NDVI following hail defoliation in maize (Zea mays L.) using Sentinel-2 and UAV imagery12
Estimating maize seedling number with UAV RGB images and advanced image processing methods12
Estimation of soil classes and their relationship to grapevine vigor in a Bordeaux vineyard: advancing the practical joint use of electromagnetic induction (EMI) and NDVI datasets for precision viticu12
Pedotransfer functions for adsorbed phosphorus evaluations using magnetic susceptibility for mapping purposes12
Dynamic delineation of management zones for site-specific nitrogen fertilization in a citrus orchard12
Growth monitoring of field-grown onion and garlic by CIE L*a*b* color space and region-based crop segmentation of UAV RGB images12
Field methods for making productivity classes for site-specific management of wheat12
Retinanet_G2S: a multi-scale feature fusion-based network for fruit detection of punna navel oranges in complex field environments12
The need for streamlining precision agriculture data in Africa12
Relevance of NDVI, soil apparent electrical conductivity and topography for variable rate irrigation zoning in an olive grove11
Combining 2D image and point cloud deep learning to predict wheat above ground biomass11
Pedology-based management class establishment: a study case in Brazilian coffee crops11
Downscaling crop production data to fine scale estimates with geostatistics and remote sensing: a case study in mapping cotton fibre quality11
Multi-temporal analysis of terrestrial laser scanning data to detect basal stem rot in oil palm trees11
Detection of fusarium wilt-induced physiological impairment in strawberry plants using hyperspectral imaging and machine learning11
European stakeholders’ perspectives on implementation potential of precision weed control: the case of autonomous vehicles with laser treatment11
Accuracy and robustness of a plant-level cabbage yield prediction system generated by assimilating UAV-based remote sensing data into a crop simulation model10
RS-Net: robust segmentation of green overlapped apples10
Olive yield monitor for small farms based on an instrumented trailer to collect big bags from the ground10
The economic effects of unmanned aerial vehicles in pesticide application: evidence from Chinese grain farmers10
Simulating within-field spatial and temporal corn yield response to nitrogen with APSIM model10
End-to-end 3D CNN for plot-scale soybean yield prediction using multitemporal UAV-based RGB images10
Precision of grain yield monitors for use in on-farm research strip trials10
Guest editorial for the special issue: ECPA 202110
Identification of table grapes in the natural environment based on an improved Yolov5 and localization of picking points10
Laser and optical radiation weed control: a critical review10
Remote estimation of leaf water concentration in winter wheat under different nitrogen treatments and plant growth stages10
Destructive and non-destructive measurement approaches and the application of AI models in precision agriculture: a review9
Identification of main factors affecting the within-field spatial variability of grapevine phenology and total soluble solids accumulation: towards the vineyard zoning using auxiliary information9
Assessing accuracy of crop water stress inversion of soil water content all day long9
Improved estimation of herbaceous crop aboveground biomass using UAV-derived crop height combined with vegetation indices9
Quantifying corn LAI using machine learning and UAV multispectral imaging9
Optimization of the factors affecting droplet deposition in rice fields by rotary unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)9
UAV-based canopy monitoring: calibration of a multispectral sensor for green area index and nitrogen uptake across several crops9
Monitoring soil–plant interactions and maize yield by satellite vegetation indexes, soil electrical conductivity and management zones9
An accurate monitoring method of peanut southern blight using unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing9
Spectral characteristics of winter wheat varieties depending on the development degree of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis9
Economically targeting conservation practices to optimize conservation and net revenue using precision agriculture tools9
Machine learning approach for satellite-based subfield canola yield prediction using floral phenology metrics and soil parameters9
Hyperspectral imaging predicts yield and nitrogen content in grass–legume polycultures9
Within-field extrapolation away from a soil moisture probe using freely available satellite imagery and weather data9
A novel plant disease prediction model based on thermal images using modified deep convolutional neural network9
Effects of pre-emergence herbicide on targeted post-emergence herbicide application in plasticulture production9
Enhancing phenotyping efficiency in faba bean breeding: integrating UAV imaging and machine learning9
Use of remote sensing-derived fPAR data in a grapevine simulation model for estimating vine biomass accumulation and yield variability at sub-field level8
A coupled atomization-spray drift model as online support tool for boom spray applications8
Evaluating unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) imagery as an alternative tool towards cotton-based management zones8
Soil mapping for precision agriculture using support vector machines combined with inverse distance weighting8
Quantification of rice spikelet rot disease severity at organ scale with proximal imaging spectroscopy8
Influences of wind vortex intensity of rotor UAV on rice morphology and yield8
Spatio-temporal analysis of yield and weather data for defining site-specific crop management zones8
Impact of in-field soil heterogeneity on biomass and yield of winter triticale in an intensively cropped hummocky landscape under temperate climate conditions8
Efficient tomato harvesting robot based on image processing and deep learning8
Hybrid rice row detection at the pollination stage based on vanishing point and line-scanning method8
Influence of short-term surface temperature dynamics on tree orchards energy balance fluxes8
Design, implementation and validation of a sensor-based precise airblast sprayer to improve pesticide applications in orchards8
Toward an effective approach for on-farm experimentation: lessons learned from a case study of fertilizer application optimization in Japan8
Management zone-specific N mineralization rate estimation in unamended soil8
Extracting illuminated vegetation, shadowed vegetation and background for finer fractional vegetation cover with polarization information and a convolutional network7
Factors affecting farmer perceived challenges towards precision agriculture7
Comparing machine learning algorithms for predicting and digitally mapping surface soil available phosphorous: a case study from southwestern Iran7
Semi-supervised deep learning and low-cost cameras for the semantic segmentation of natural images in viticulture7
On crop yield modelling, predicting, and forecasting and addressing the common issues in published studies7
Comparative study of interpolation methods for low-density sampling7
A novel approach for analysing environmental sustainability aspects of combine harvesters through telematics data. Part II: an IT tool for comparative analysis7
A review of methods to evaluate crop model performance at multiple and changing spatial scales7
Small-target weed-detection model based on YOLO-V4 with improved backbone and neck structures7
Soil sampling and sensed ancillary data requirements for soil mapping in precision agriculture II: contour mapping of soil properties with sensed z-score data for comparison with management zone avera7
Improving soil property maps for precision agriculture in the presence of outliers using covariates7
Integration of machine learning models with real-time global positioning data to automate the wild blueberry harvester7
Maize tassel number and tasseling stage monitoring based on near-ground and UAV RGB images by improved YoloV87
Assessing plant traits derived from Sentinel-2 to characterize leaf nitrogen variability in almond orchards: modeling and validation with airborne hyperspectral imagery7
Economic potential of site-specific pesticide application scenarios with direct injection and automatic application assistant in northern Germany7
Spatial and temporal correlation between soil and rice relative yield in small-scale paddy fields and management zones7
Economics of autonomous equipment for arable farms7
Spatiotemporally variable incident light, leaf photosynthesis, and yield across a greenhouse: fine-scale hemispherical photography and a photosynthesis model7
Grape leaf disease identification with sparse data via generative adversarial networks and convolutional neural networks6
An assessment of multi-view spectral information from UAV-based color-infrared images for improved estimation of nitrogen nutrition status in winter wheat6
Yield map generation of perennial crops for fresh consumption6
Mapping coffee yield with computer vision6
Drone remote sensing of wheat N using hyperspectral sensor and machine learning6
A novel approach for analysing environmental sustainability aspects of combine harvester through telematics data. Part I: evaluation and analysis of field tests6
What if precision agriculture is not profitable?: A comprehensive analysis of the right timing for exiting, taking into account different entry options6
Novel attitude control of Korean cabbage harvester using backstepping control6
Aboveground wheat biomass estimation from a low-altitude UAV platform based on multimodal remote sensing data fusion with the introduction of terrain factors6
Impact of soil electrical conductivity-based site-specific seeding and uniform rate seeding methods on winter wheat yield parameters and economic benefits6
Estimation of the economic impacts and operational limitations imposed on unmanned aerial systems by poor sky conditions6
Field path optimization to reduce headland and turning maneuvers at regional scales: automated detection of cultivation direction in the state of Brandenburg, Germany6
Strawberries recognition and cutting point detection for fruit harvesting and truss pruning6
Unmanned aerial vehicle to evaluate frost damage in coffee plants6
Direct prediction of site-specific lime requirement of arable fields using the base neutralizing capacity and a multi-sensor platform for on-the-go soil mapping6
Repeatability of commercially available visible and near infrared proximal soil sensors6
Site‐specific nitrogen balances based on spatially variable soil and plant properties6
Estimating rainfed groundnut’s leaf area index using Sentinel-2 based on Machine Learning Regression Algorithms and Empirical Models6
Suitability of satellite remote sensing data for yield estimation in northeast Germany6
The potential of image segmentation applied to sampling design for improving farm-level multi-soil property mapping accuracy5
Imaging the electrical conductivity of the soil profile and its relationships to soil water patterns and drainage characteristics5
Optimal treatment placement for on-farm experiments: pseudo-Bayesian optimal designs with a linear response plateau model5
Using UAV-based hyperspectral imaging and functional regression to assist in predicting grain yield and related traits in wheat under heat-related stress environments for the purpose of stable yieldin5
Development and performance tests of an on-the-go detector of soil total nitrogen concentration based on near-infrared spectroscopy5
Spatial patterns of magnetic susceptibility optimized by anisotropic correction in different Alisols in southern Amazonas, Brazil5
Estimation of tea leaf blight severity in natural scene images5
Comparing how accurately four different proximal spectrometers can estimate pasture nutritive characteristics: effects of spectral range and data type5
Biologically inspired robotic perception-action for soft fruit harvesting in vertical growing environments5
Within‐farm wheat yield forecasting incorporating off‐farm information5
Economics of field size and shape for autonomous crop machines5
Can machine learning models provide accurate fertilizer recommendations?5
Surface reflectance calculation and predictive models of biophysical parameters of maize crop from RG-NIR sensor on board a UAV5
Supporting operational site‐specific fertilization in rice cropping systems with infield smartphone measurements and Sentinel-2 observations5
Potential to reduce the nitrate residue after harvest in maize fields without sacrificing yield through precision nitrogen management5
Adoption of precision agriculture technologies by sugarcane farmers in the state of São Paulo, Brazil5
Evaluation of different crop model-based approaches for variable rate nitrogen fertilization in winter wheat5
Prediction of grain yield and nitrogen uptake by basmati rice through in-season proximal sensing with a canopy reflectance sensor5
Quantification of self-propelled sprayers turn compensation feature utilization and advantages during on-farm applications5
Practical methods for aerial image acquisition and reflectance conversion using consumer-grade cameras on manned and unmanned aircraft4
Mechanized wet direct seeding for increased rice production efficiency and reduced carbon footprint4
Combining leaf fluorescence and active canopy reflectance sensing technologies to diagnose maize nitrogen status across growth stages4
Spatiotemporal normalized ratio methodology to evaluate the impact of field-scale variable rate application4
Within-season vegetation indices and yield stability as a predictor of spatial patterns of Maize (Zea mays L) yields4
Analysing the number of images needed to create robust variable spray maps4
The estimation of wheat tiller number based on UAV images and gradual change features (GCFs)4
Yield potential of site-specific integrated pest and soil nutrient management at different harvest intervals under two commercial cocoa planting systems in Malaysia4
On-farm cereal rye biomass estimation using machine learning on images from an unmanned aerial system4
Remote sensing inversion of soil organic matter by using the subregion method at the field scale4
Multi-species weed density assessment based on semantic segmentation neural network4
The economic performances of different trial designs in on-farm precision experimentation: a Monte Carlo evaluation4
Unmanned aerial system plant protection products spraying performance evaluation on a vineyard4
Taking into account change of support when merging heterogeneous spatial data for field partition4
Processing of remote sensing information to retrieve leaf area index in barley: a comparison of methods4
Crop stress detection from UAVs: best practices and lessons learned for exploiting sensor synergies4
Evaluating the utility of combining high resolution thermal, multispectral and 3D imagery from unmanned aerial vehicles to monitor water stress in vineyards4
An improved approach to estimate ratoon rice aboveground biomass by integrating UAV-based spectral, textural and structural features4
Quantifying real-time opening disk load during planting operations to assess compaction and potential for planter control4
Explainable machine learning for revealing causes of citrus fruit cracking on a regional scale4
Leaf area index estimation in maize and soybean using UAV LiDAR data4
Predicting site-specific economic optimal nitrogen rate using machine learning methods and on-farm precision experimentation4
Fertilization and soil management machine learning based sustainable agronomic prescriptions for durum wheat in Italy3
Maximizing dataset variability in agricultural surveys with spatial sampling based on MaxVol matrix approximation3
Plant disease detection using drones in precision agriculture3
Ground speed and planter downforce influence on corn seed spacing and depth3
Digital strategies for nitrogen management in grain production systems: lessons from multi-method assessment using on-farm experimentation3
Correction to: On-farm experimentation of precision agriculture for differential seed and fertilizer management in semi-arid rainfed zones3
A new method to compare treatments in unreplicated on-farm experimentation3
Identifying crop yield gaps with site- and season-specific data-driven models of yield potential3
A computer vision system for apple fruit sizing by means of low-cost depth camera and neural network application3
UAV-based multi-sensor data fusion and machine learning algorithm for yield prediction in wheat3
Acceptance of artificial intelligence in German agriculture: an application of the technology acceptance model and the theory of planned behavior3
Yield sensing technologies for perennial and annual horticultural crops: a review3
A novel method for optimizing regional-scale management zones based on a sustainable environmental index3
Transfer learning for plant disease detection model based on low-altitude UAV remote sensing3
Evaluation of the PROMET model for yield estimation and N fertilization in on-farm research3
A decision-supporting system for vineyard management: a multi-temporal approach with remote and proximal sensing3
A meta-analysis of factors driving the adoption of precision agriculture3
Identification of pathogens in corn using near-infrared UAV imagery and deep learning3
High-throughput phenotyping of individual plant height in an oilseed rape population based on Mask-RCNN and UAV images3
Machine learning as a tool to predict potassium concentration in soybean leaf using hyperspectral data3
Correction to: Chickpea leaf water potential estimation from ground and VENµS satellite3
Land surface phenology for the characterization of Mediterranean permanent grasslands3