Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials

(The H4-Index of Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
An experimental and modeling investigation on the effects of temperature and strain rate on the tensile-deformation behavior of TB991 weld sealant34
Transient thermoelastic response in a semi-infinite medium subjected to a moving heat source: an implementation of the Moore–Gibson–Thompson model with higher-order memory-dependent derivatives18
Tailorable non-linear viscoelastic behavior of hydrogels15
The effect of a geometry-based breathing crack model on a viscoelastic composite rotor-shaft system15
Stress-induced diffusion in viscoelastic electrode particles of Li-ion batteries: a comparative analysis using chemo-viscoelastic finite element models14
Simultaneous determination of dynamic fracture toughness and tensile strength through a single three-point bending test13
Modeling the strain-softening behavior of glass-filled epoxy composites using a hyperelastic–viscoplastic model12
Evaluation of viscoelastic non-isochoric plastic behavior of PBT and PA612
Creep instability analysis of viscoelastic sandwich shell panels12
Simulation of time-fractional oxygen diffusion in cornea coated by contact-lens10
Modeling the viscoelastic behavior in the frequency domain of crosslinked polystyrene with different degrees of crosslinking from the perspective of relaxation10
The effects of cyclic fluid pressure on time-dependent corrosion behaviour of offshore concrete caused by chloride ions10
Humidity field in early-age shotcrete with alkaline and alkali-free accelerators10
Time-dependent behavior of discontinuous biocomposites in soft tissues10