Plant Ecology

(The median citation count of Plant Ecology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Plant age affects intraspecific variation in functional traits28
Functional traits, growth patterns, and litter dynamics of invasive alien and co-occurring native shrub species of chir pine forest in the central Himalaya, India24
The effect of fire on seed germination of campo rupestre species in the South American Cerrado19
Effect of leaf water extracts of four Asteraceae alien invasive plants on germination performance of Lactuca sativa L. under acid deposition18
Herbaceous plant diversity in forest ecosystems: patterns, mechanisms, and threats18
Superior performance of invasive grasses over native counterparts will remain problematic under warmer and drier conditions18
Dark septate endophyte improves the drought-stress resistance of Ormosia hosiei seedlings by altering leaf morphology and photosynthetic characteristics18
Decoupling of nitrogen and phosphorus in dominant grass species in response to long-term nitrogen addition in an Alpine Grassland in Central Asia17
Reintroduction of large herbivores restored plant species richness in abandoned dry temperate grassland16
Salinity thresholds for understory plants in coastal wetlands16
Continuous grazing disrupts desert grass-soil seed bank composition under variable rainfall14
Climatic and anthropogenic factors affect Ailanthus altissima invasion in a Mediterranean region14
A global review and network analysis of phytophagous insect interactions with ferns and lycophytes14
Linking responses of native and invasive plants to hurricane disturbances: implications for coastal plant community structure12
The interactions among fire, logging, and climate change have sprung a landscape trap in Victoria’s montane ash forests12
The global invader Ligustrum lucidum accumulates beneficial arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a novel range12
Seedling recruitment in response to artificial gaps: predicting the ecological consequence of forest disturbance11
Variation in floristic and trait composition along environmental gradients in the herb layer of temperate forests in the transition zone between Central and SE Europe11
The intermediate dispersal hypothesis: seed dispersal is maximized in areas with intermediate usage by hoarders10
Structural changes of vegetation and its association with microclimate in a successional gradient of low thorn forest in northeastern Mexico10
Edaphic characteristics drive functional traits distribution in Amazonian floodplain forests10
Factors involved in the biogeography of the honey locust tree (Gleditsia triacanthos) invasion at regional scale: an integrative approach10
Grass competition is more important than fire for suppressing encroachment of Acacia sieberiana seedlings10
The leaf anatomical trade-offs associated with plant ecological strategy variation9
Changes in the resilience of resprouting juvenile tree populations in temperate forests due to coupled severe drought and fire9
Nonsampling error in vegetation surveys: understanding error types and recommendations for reducing their occurrence9
Plant size of the alpine cushion Thylacospermum caespitosum affects soil amelioration at different elevations9
Spatio-temporal distribution of broad-leaved Quercus semecarpifolia indicates altitudinal shift in northwestern Himalayas9
Spatially structured soil properties and climate explain distribution patterns of herbaceous-shrub species in the Cerrado9
Initial succession after wildfire in dry boreal forests of northwestern North America9
Enhancement of photosynthetic parameters and growth of Zelkova serrata by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under simulated sulfuric acid rain9
Predicting distribution and range dynamics of Trillium govanianum under climate change and growing human footprint for targeted conservation9
Leaf functional traits and monodominance in Southern Amazonia tropical forests9
Winners and losers in the predicted impact of climate change on cacti species in Baja California9
Exotic insect pollinators and native pollination systems8
Effects of grazing on plant communities and successional processes vary along an aridity gradient at a northern temperate grassland8
Plant species over-occupancy indicates river valleys are natural corridors for migration8
Historical links between climate and fire on species dispersion and trait evolution8
Translocations of threatened plants in the Mediterranean Basin: current status and future directions8
Reproductive strategies involving biomass allocation, reproductive phenology and seed production in two Asteraceae herbs growing in karst soil varying in depth and water availability8
Variations in temperate forest stem biomass ratio along three environmental gradients are dominated by interspecific differences in wood density8
Climate change impacts on migration of Pinus koraiensis during the Quaternary using species distribution models8
Impacts of moderateness and cobalancedness in seed mass and coat thickness on seed dispersal effectiveness of Quercus variabilis by rodents7
Dominant drivers of plant community assembly vary by soil type and time in reclaimed forests7
Drought sensitivity of Empetrum nigrum shrub growth at the species’ southern lowland distribution range margin7
Investigating pollination strategies in disturbed habitats: the case of the narrow-endemic toadflax Linaria tonzigii (Plantaginaceae) on mountain screes7
Forever young: arrested succession in communities subjected to recurrent fires in a lowland tropical forest7
How common and dispersal limited are ant-dispersed plants in eastern deciduous forests?7
Growth plasticity in response to shading as a potential key to the evolution of angiosperm herbs7
Preventing inbreeding depression in Anacamptis coriophora (Orchidaceae) as a model of food-rewarding orchid7
Friend or foe? The role of biotic agents in drought-induced plant mortality7
Monitoring time of conservation-driven and mitigation-driven plant translocations in Europe7
Stigmas arrangement, reproductive system, and maternal reproductive success in two species of Stigmaphyllon (Malpighiaceae): does pollinator size matter?7
Assessment of climate change effects on alpine summit vegetation in the transition of tropical to subtropical humid climate7
Fern and lycophyte niche displacement under predicted climate change in Honduras7
Gender-biased nectar targets different behavioural traits of flower visitors7
Effect of species environment on host preference of Cuscuta campestris7
Invasive nitrogen-fixing plants increase nitrogen availability and cycling rates in a montane tropical grassland7
Plant performance responds to intraspecific variation in soil inocula from individual Solidago clones6
Potential extinction debt due to habitat loss and fragmentation in subalpine moorland ecosystems6
Sheep grazing differentially affects the canopy attributes and functional diversity of shrubs and perennial grasses in arid rangelands6
Demographic processes underpinning post-fire resilience in California closed-cone pine forests: the importance of fire interval, stand structure, and climate6
Endangered globose cactus Melocactus lanssensianus P. J. Braun depends on lizards for effective seed dispersal in the Brazilian Caatinga6
Evidence of interpopulation variation in the germination of Eryngium maritimum L. (Apiaceae)6
Soil resource availability, plant defense, and herbivory along a successional gradient in a tropical dry forest6
Herbivore exclusion and water availability improve success across 76 translocations of 50 threatened plant species in a biodiversity hotspot with a Mediterranean climate6
Achieving conservation outcomes in plant mitigation translocations: the need for global standards6
High summer temperatures do not interact with fire to promote germination among seeds of Cistaceae: a reinterpretation of Luna (2020) with extra data on wet/dry conditions*6
One large tree crown can be defined as a local hotspot for plant species diversity in a forest ecosystem: a case study in temperate old-growth forest6
Construction of an ecological model of Sambucus javanica blume in China under different climate scenarios based on maxent model6
Sphagnum and feather moss-associated N2 fixation along a 724-year chronosequence in eastern boreal Canada6
Germination performance of alien and native species could shape community assembly of temperate grasslands under different temperature scenarios6
Fire season and canopy cover interact to affect reproduction of a pyrogenic bunchgrass, Aristida beyrichiana5
Effects of warming and nutrient fluctuation on invader Chromolaena odorata and natives in artificial communities5
Climate change might lead to substantial niche displacement in one of the most biodiverse regions in the world5
Fire regime and climate determine spatial variation in level of serotiny and population structure in a fire-killed conifer5
Leaf trait integration mediates species richness variation in a species-rich neotropical forest domain5
Impact of a native invasive weed (Microstegium ciliatum) on regeneration of a tropical forest5
Conspecific and heterospecific plant–soil biota interactions of Lonicera japonica in its native and introduced range: implications for invasion success5
Both weather and resources influence masting in chestnut oak (Quercus montana Willd.) and black oak (Q. velutina Lam.)5
Unsuspected prevalence of Pinus cembra in the high-elevation sky islands of the western Alps5
Seed bank dynamics of the annual halophyte Salicornia ramosissima: towards a sustainable exploitation of its wild populations5
Post-dispersal seed predation in Patagonia temperate forest depends on habitat patchiness and seed species5
Endemism in recently diverged angiosperms is associated with polyploidy5
Impacts of soil disturbance on plant diversity in a dry grassland5
Close linkages between leaf functional traits and soil and leaf C:N:P stoichiometry under altered precipitation in a desert steppe in northwestern China5
Reproductive strategies of Xanthium italicum differ from those of native Xanthium sibiricum, and they are key to its invasiveness5
Mapping risk to plant populations from short fire intervals via relationships between maturation period and environmental productivity5
Potential effects of domestication on non-native plant invasion risk5
Dependence of the dwarf sundew (Drosera brevifolia) on burrowing crayfish disturbance5
Stage-dependent plasticity in biomass allocation and allometry in response to population density in Abutilon theophrasti: a step forward to understanding the nature of phenotypic plasticity5
Association of flower color with pollen reward may explain increased bumblebee visitation to the Scotch broom yellow morph5
Flowering phenology and reproduction of a forest understorey plant species in response to the local environment5
Contrasting climate influences on Nothofagus pumilio establishment along elevational gradients5
Applying simple genomic workflows to optimise practical plant translocation outcomes4
Predicting biomass of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) using rank distribution and root-to-shoot ratio models4
Environmental characterization of an Amazonian lake for Isoëtes cangae translocation4
The relevance of plant translocation as a conservation tool in France4
Variation in plant–soil interactions among temperate forest herbs4
Nectar secretion patterns are associated to nectar accessibility in a guild of crepuscular-nocturnal flowering plants4
Implications of seed germination ecology for conservation of Camptotheca acuminata, a rare, endemic, and endangered species in China4
Canopy cover size and establishment rate determine biotic resistance to Aster pilosus invasion: a priority effect4
Soil sterilization and fertility impacts on urease and belowground mass specific phosphatase activity vary among Chinese tallow tree (Triadica sebifera) populations4
Foliar water uptake in the needles of Pinus torreyana4
Quantifying functional trait assembly along a temperate successional gradient with consideration of intraspecific variations and functional groups4
Impact of competition on the growth of Pinus tabulaeformis in response to climate on the Loess Plateau of China4
Factors affecting germination and establishment success of an endemic cactus of the Chihuahuan Desert4
Consequences of tropical dry forest conversion on diaspore fate of Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Fabaceae)4
Non-native Microstegium vimineum populations collapse with fungal leaf spot disease outbreak4
Understorey light environment impacts on seedling establishment and growth in a typhoon-disturbed tropical forest4
Seasonal soil moisture variability, not drought, drives differences in photosynthetic physiology of two C4 grass species4
Jackfruit trees as seed attractors and nurses of early recruitment of native plant species in a secondary forest in Brazil3
Advances in plant conservation translocation3
Abiotic conditions shape the relationship between indigenous and exotic species richness in a montane biodiversity hotspot3
Metals or metabolites? Leafy volatile metabolomics revealed a trade-off between elemental defense and organic defense in Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii3
Effect of soil temperature on the morphological and physiological traits of Kandelia obovata seedlings3
Male-biased effective sex ratio across populations of the threatened Zamia boliviana (Zamiaceae)3
Presence of N-fixing neighbors increases leaf N and δ13C in Castilleja applegatei, a root hemiparasite3
Vegetation responses to pathogen-induced tree loss: Swedish elm and ash forests revisited after 32 years3
Co-flowering modularity and floral trait similarity help explain temporal changes in plant–pollinator network structure3
Burn severity in Araucaria araucana forests of northern Patagonia: tree mortality scales up to burn severity at plot scale, mediated by topography and climatic context3
Climate refugia for Pinus spp. in topographic and bioclimatic environments of the Madrean sky islands of México and the United States3
Large-diameter trees buffer monsoonal changes to tree biomass over two decades3
The enemy within: the effects of mistletoe parasitism on infected and uninfected host branches3
Can saline preconditioning enhance plant survival in degraded soils? Physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses in Casuarina glauca saplings3
Functional traits influence local plant distributions and spatial patterns of diversity within a heterogeneous bedrock glade3
Fire effects on the vital rates and stochastic population growth rate of the rare shrub Lindera subcoriacea Wofford3
Strong spatial and temporal limitations in seed arrival as complementary mechanisms for species coexistence in a tropical Atlantic coastal forest3
Response of leaf morphological traits of relict-endemic Symplocos species (S. coccinea and S. speciosa) to elevation and abiotic fluctuations3
Permanent floral closure enhances the reproductive efficiency in Merremia umbellata subsp. orientalis (Hallier f.) Ooststr. (Convolvulaceae)3
Multifaceted diversity changes reveal community assembly mechanisms during early stages of post-logging forest succession3
Understory physical structures reduce browsing damage to palatable shrubs in a dry conifer forest, western North America3
The potential effect of climate change on the establishment of invasive pines in Patagonia3
How do soil resources affect herbivory in tropical plants along environmental gradients? A test using contrasting congeneric species3
Granivory in California sage scrub: implications for common plant invaders and ecosystem conservation3
Phenological responsiveness and fecundity decline near the southern range limit of Trientalis borealis (Primulaceae)3
Fire and water: the role of grass competition on juvenile tree growth and survival rates in a mesic savanna3
Preparing threatened plants for translocation: does home soil addition and nutrient loading improve growth and flowering?3
Nests of the white stork as suitable microsites for the colonisation and establishment of ruderal plants in the agricultural landscape3
Long-term monitoring confirms limitations of recruitment and facilitation and reveals unexpected changes of the successional pathways in a glacier foreland of the Central Austrian Alps3
All savanna islands of fertility are not equal: colonial birds influence soil nutrient stoichiometries with consequences for tree seedling growth3
Frequency of flower visitors and achene production increase with rising population size in the self-incompatible herb Centaurea scabiosa (Asteraceae)3
Co-occurrences of tropical trees in eastern South America: disentangling abiotic and biotic forces3
Native and invasive bunchgrasses have different responses to trail disturbance on California coastal prairies3
Seed burial depth, seedling emergence, and height as affected by animal trampling in marl soils2
Context-dependent outcomes in plant–plant interaction: impacts of abiotic factors and host plant on a hemiparasitic plant performance2
Response of pteridophyte richness to water-energy dynamic hypothesis under climate change in China2
Heatwave implications for the future of longleaf pine savanna understory restoration2
Phenological shifts of the invasive annual weed Bidens pilosa var. pilosa in response to warmer temperature2
No evidence for flooding stress memory in saplings of eight hardwood floodplain forest species2
Effect of rhizome exposure to contrasting abiotic conditions on the performance of the invasive macrophyte Hedychium coronarium J. Koenig (Zingiberaceae)2
Modeling the 20th-century distribution changes of Microgyne trifurcata, a rare plant of the southern South American grasslands2
Prediction of potentially suitable distribution areas of Thesium chinense Turcz. in China against the background of climate change2
Intraspecific trait variation and species turnover in successional tropical forests: assessing trait imputation for community-weighted means2
Different regrowth patterns after repeated clipping in two Mongolian pasture species2
The scaling of leaf nitrogen and phosphorus along a phosphorus availability gradient in a subtropical forest2
Density-dependent impacts of invasive Vincetoxicum rossicum (pale swallowwort) and native Asclepias syriaca (common milkweed) on plant traits and competitive interactions2
Effects of linear edges on tree communities and soil properties in a moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana2
Patterns in climate and seedling establishment at a dry tropical treeline2
Vegetation dynamics under residual large trees following a volcanic eruption in a Valdivian temperate rainforest2
Seed rain across fire-created edges in a neotropical rainforest2
Nitrogen, water, and phosphorus uptake as functions of fine-root mass in greenhouse microcosms of Poa pratensis2
Does seed dispersal mode matter?2
Environmental adaptability of the genus Carex-A case study of Carex heterostachya and Carex breviculmis in northwest China2
Flower-visiting and pollen-carrying arthropods of Leucojum aestivum L. (Amaryllidaceae) in wild, reintroduced and ex situ populations2
Germination niche of co-occurring threatened native and alien species: a case study in Lindernia procumbens and L. dubia2
The contribution of the spatial hydrological niche to species diversity in rare plant communities of English floodplain meadows2
Trait divergence between endemic plants of Aegean islands and their widespread congeners2
Fire effects on diversity patterns of the understory communities of Araucaria-Nothofagus forests2
The impact of environmental factors on traits of Hedera helix L. vegetative shoots2
Biomass partitioning pattern of Rheum tanguticum on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau was affected by water-related factors2
Responses of absorptive root and mycorrhizal colonization of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) to varied environmental conditions2
Gall midge pollination and ant-mediated fruit dispersal of Pinellia tripartita (Araceae)2
Myrtaceae richness and distribution across the Atlantic Forest Domain are constrained by geoclimatic variables2
Congruence between vascular plants and bryophytes in response to ecological conditions in sustainably managed temperate forests (taxonomic- and trait-based levels)2
Spatial analysis reveals facilitation in young clonal trees and competition in older trees during re-invasion of encroaching trees in an African savanna2
Felling the giants: integral projection models indicate adult management to control an exotic invasive palm2
Enhancing rare plant population predictions through demographic modeling of seed predation, dispersal, and habitat suitability2
Thigmomorphogenic responses of epiphytic bromeliads to mechanically induced stress2
Can we foresee future maple invasions? A comparative study of performance-related traits and invasiveness of eight Acer species2
Increased solar radiation and soil moisture determine flower colour frequency in a mountain endemic plant population2
The effect of human impact and environmental conditions on Polylepis forest and on the world’s highest mistletoe infestation2
Disturbance as a driver of trait assembly in liana communities in a semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest2
Wildfires did not ignite boreal forest range expansion into tundra ecosystems in subarctic Yukon, Canada2
The adaptive function of touch-sensitive stigmas2
Improving conservation and translocation success of an endangered orchid, Caladenia xanthochila (Orchidaceae), through understanding pollination2
Plant reproductive systems in a secondary deciduous forest remnant in the Caracas valley, Venezuela2
Site dependence of local variations in taxonomic and functional diversity of plant communities in semi-natural dry grasslands2
Different adaptive strategies of three mangrove species to nutrient enrichment2
Fugitive road dust alters annual plant physiology but perennial grass growth appears resistant2
Modeling the distribution of Acadian vascular rare plant species under future climate scenarios2
Intraspecific sexual competition in the clonal gynodioecious herb Glechoma hederacea in response to patchy nutrient distribution2
Family legacy: contrasting diversity–elevation relationships on a coastal Atlantic Forest mountain system2
Independent effects of drought and shade on growth, biomass allocation and leaf morphology of a flammable perennial grass Tetrarrhena juncea R.Br2
Effects of simulated fire and browsing on the resprouting of subtropical dune thicket shrubs in the southeastern Cape Floristic Region2
Plant behavior and coexistence: stem elongation of the carnivorous subshrub Drosophyllum lusitanicum within xerophytic shrub canopies2