International Journal of Corpus Linguistics

(The TQCC of International Journal of Corpus Linguistics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The Spoken BNC2014132
The TV and Movies corpora19
Universals in machine translation?18
The Covid infodemic17
A corpus-driven comparison of English and French Islamist extremist texts16
Methodological issues in contrastive lexical bundle research15
The Coronavirus Corpus13
The English Grammar Profile of learner competence11
Language and Covid-1910
Review of Feng (2020): Form, Meaning and Function in Collocation: A Corpus Study on Commercial Chinese-to-English Translation9
A discourse dynamics exploration of attitudinal responses towards COVID-19 in academia and media9
Language use in pop culture over three decades9
Oya let’s go to Nigeria”8
Adverb placement in EFL academic writing8
Communicating the unknown8
A diachronic perspective on telecinematic language7
Classifying heuristic textual practices in academic discourse7
Usage Fluctuation Analysis7
Realizing an online conference7
Key words when text forms the unit of study6
The affordances of metaphor for diachronic corpora & discourse analysis6
Research trends in corpus linguistics6
Speech acts in corpus pragmatics5
A comparison of automated and manual analyses of syntactic complexity in L2 English writing5
Stance nouns in COVID-19 related blog posts5
Tracking and analyzing recent developments in German-language online press in the face of the coronavirus crisis5
Author and register as sources of variation5
Productivity of French and Dutch (semi-)copular constructions and the adverse impact of high token frequency5
Turn structure and inserts4
Dative alternation in Chinese4
Verb form error detection in written English of Chinese EFL learners4
Concordancing for CADS4
Networked discourses of bereavement in online COVID-19 memorials4
Volatile concepts4
New methods for analysing diachronic suffix competition across registers4
Corpus approaches to telecinematic language4
Semi-lexical features in corpus transcription4
Formulaic sequences in native and non-native argumentative writing in German4
A linguistic typology of American television4