International Politics

(The TQCC of International Politics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-03-01 to 2025-03-01.)
Exposing the binding chains of discursive bondage33
The swing states dilemma in US alliance politics30
A secretary and a reluctant general22
The mission of relational IR and the translation of the Chinese relational school19
Introduction: explaining the far-right over the longue durée through capital, race and space15
Organizing nuclear policies in Europe: of bricoleur plurality, architect absence, and spoiler disruption12
A shift in (a)symmetry, not gravity: the transformation of Central and Eastern Europe in transatlantic relations12
Not a solution but a struggle: anticolonial connectivity and steadfastness against replacement12
Regional powers, global aspirations: lessons from India and Iran10
Brexit and ‘Global Britain’: role adaptation and contestation in trade policy10
Rethinking non-state armed actors and sovereignty10
The politics of military deployments: contestation of foreign and security policy in the Netherlands9
Contempt, fear, and hubris: the 2008 Russian–Georgian war through the lens of affect9
Tracing bilateral security cooperation: the asymmetric deterioration of US–Venezuelan defense relations8
The Philippines in the face of the Ukraine–Russia War: from confusion and disorientation to critical neutrality8
Between ambition and ambiguity: reconsidering Watson’s discussion of (semiperipheral) marcher states8
Governmentality in the liberal international order: the responsibilization of small states8
Not Just hydrocarbons: Japan’s multifaceted foreign policy approaches towards the GCC states8
Conceptualizing religion and religious ideology in political science research: what is in a name and what description can do8
Can drones coerce? The effects of remote aerial coercion in counterterrorism7
Forward to the 1980s: US strategic trade in the world order7
The climatization of global politics: introduction to the special issue7
From mandate to actor: the case of the International Law Commission7
International law is dead, long live international law: the state practice of drone strikes7
Turkey–Iran affairs since the Arab uprisings: contending ‘strategic depths’ and Turkey’s ambiguous ‘strategic autonomy’7
The study of international society after Watson7
The G20 reciprocal socialization for global coordination on sovereign debt and development: perspective of China6
The EU’s performance in rural Georgia: the common agricultural policy’s relevance, effectiveness, and impact6
Foreign aid, soft power, and domestic government legitimacy: experimental evidence from South Korean aid to Indonesia6
International borders and armed conflicts in Europe and Northeast Asia since 1945: the moral hazard of great-power encroachments6
Why foreign military interventions prolong civil wars: lessons from Yemen6
Assessing NATO’s cohesion: methods and implications6
Foreign policy strategies of Nepal between China and India: bandwagon or hedging5
Humanitarian rebels? Rebel governance and international humanitarian engagement5
Men on top: sexual economy of bacha bazi in Afghanistan5
Farewell to revolution: the ‘Chinese School of IR’ and the depoliticisation of IR theory in post-Mao China5
Description as the basis for conceptualization and inquiry: studying perceptions and practices of citizenship in Tanzania and Kenya5
The recurrence of terrorism5
Turkish power contestation with the United Arab Emirates: an empirical assessment of official development assistance5
Gender inclusion and rebel strategy: legitimacy seeking behavior in rebel groups5
Global Kondratiev waves and political transformations in Russia since 1800: a relative deprivation approach5
Rethinking remote warfare4
Rebel courts and rebel legitimacy4
Transitional justice and small states: Bosnia-Herzegovina and Tunisia4
Catch 2020: explaining the performance of the EU policy towards Belarus4
Normalizing the exception: prejudice and discriminations in detention and extraordinary reception centres in Italy4
The role of doctors in torture: from middle age to Abu Ghraib4
Light footprint—heavy destabilising impact in Niger: why the Western understanding of remote warfare needs to be reconsidered4
Roles and locations in relational hierarchies: imperial role-authority order in Cold War Latin America4
Not so remote drone warfare4
Arrighi’s pendulum: (Re)reading The Evolution of International Society in the twenty-first century4
Correction to: How closely aligned are China and Russia? Measuring strategic cooperation in IR4
EU-Ukraine “deep” trade agenda: the effectiveness and impact perspectives3
Beyond the pendulum: situating Adam Watson in International Relations and the English School3
Phenomenon and experience: searching for the civilian in an age of remote warfare3
Between role adaptation and contestation: the UK’s status as a nuclear weapon state after Brexit3
A humane analysis of a violent liberal international order3
Correction to: Let sleeping bears lie: an analysis of the factors behind Indonesia’s response to the Russo–Ukrainian war and its implications for the Indo‑Pacific region3
Archive as land: toward a land-based archival methodology with Lynette Hiʻilani Cruz and Emilia Kandagawa3
Smaller Gulf states and competing geopolitical scripts in the Indo-Pacific3
From wages for housework to self-care: feminist perspectives on the care economy3
Considering liberation beyond statehood (deferred)3
From fiscal-military state to laissez-faire science: liberal government and the nineteenth-century market of scientific activity3
Beyond IR? Relationality, complementarity and entangled systems: response to Shih Chih-yu3
Raced and gendered inequities in the discipline of political science3
IPR forum on Chih-yu Shih’s intervention on the relational turn in IR3
Unequal justice under law3
Multi-alignment and India’s response to the Russia–Ukraine war3
Race in IR: toward empirical study3
Conspiratorial imaginaries of the right: a commentary on capital, race and space by Richard Saull3
Adam Watson and the structure of the Cold War international society: power structure versus social structure3
Contemplating Palestine: matters of truth and justice with rage, love and anger3
Negotiating regional order: regional power influences on nuclear nonproliferation in East Asia2
Networks of order in East Asia: Beyond hegemonic theories of the Liberal International Order2
Introduction: Narendra Modi and India’s foreign policy2
Writing for justice, reading for absence2
The girl powering of global politics2
Ukraine, the de-targetization of EU sanctions, and the rise of the European commission as architect of EU foreign policy2
Whose anxiety? What practices? The Paris School and ontological security studies2
The paradox of ontological security in far-right narratives and the securitization of identified alterities: the cases of Spain and Italy2
Sino-American competition since 2017: is there a U.S. foreign policy consensus and continuity on China?2
When winners win, and losers lose: are altruistic views on immigration always affordable?2
Brakeman or booster? Presidents, ideological polarization, reciprocity, and the politics of US arms control2
Coronavirus diplomacy: Chinese medical assistance and its diplomatic implications2
Debating Britain’s role in the world: from decolonisation to Brexit2
Refugee flows and terrorism in the European Union: securitization through association2
Don’t let a good crisis go to waste: China’s response to the Russia–Ukraine war2
‘Claim no easy victories:’ on the political and ideational content of liberation2
The ‘China Threat’: Stereotypical representations in the US competition with China2
Bridges across regions: the effects of Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific cooperation on European security architectures2
India as a restorationist state: implications for US-India relations and South Asian politics2
Unsettling settler colonialism: anticolonialism with and against postcolonialism2
Hydrohegemony in the context of Shatt al-Arab River: from coercion to consent2
Habermasian analysis of reports on Presidential tweets influencing politics in the USA2
Knowledge as healing: on Laura shepherd’s the self and other stories2
Sanctioned terror: economic sanctions and more effective terrorism2
Public diplomacy and regional leadership struggles: the case of Saudi Arabia2
Love, hope, and hopelessness2
Historical analogies and general theoretical schemes in the study on contemporary international relations: anachronism or opportunity?2
Engineering global governance in the Kofi Annan era and today2
A tax like any other? Rebel taxes on narcotics and war time economic order2
Foreign policy free agents: how lawmakers and coalitions on the political margins help set boundaries for US foreign policy2
AI-enabled remote warfare: sustaining the western Warfare paradigm?2