Multibody System Dynamics

(The median citation count of Multibody System Dynamics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Dynamic simulation analysis and experimental study of an industrial robot with novel joint reducers44
Using high fidelity discrete element simulation to calibrate an expeditious terramechanics model in a multibody dynamics framework24
Dynamics of serial chain systems using dual algebra23
Phase plane analysis applied to non-explicit multibody vehicle models16
Robust transient oscillation reduction for rest-to-rest motion of underactuated multibody systems16
On shift selection for Krylov subspace based model order reduction15
Comparison of numerical and computational aspects between two constraint-based contact methods in the description of wheel/rail contacts15
A fast water-slide layout approach using smooth surfaces, Saint Venant’s stationary water streamline, and passenger sliding interaction – theory, implementation, and validation13
A fast ligament model with scalable accuracy for multibody simulations13
Modeling and experimental study on dynamics of a gas-driven split nut device13
Balancing riderless electric scooters at zero speed in the presence of a feedback delay13
A series of locking-free beam element models in absolute nodal coordinate formulation13
Explicit parallel co-simulation approach: analysis and improved coupling method based on H-infinity synthesis12
An exact analytical solution for dynamic loads generated by imperfect lubricated journal bearings in multibody systems12
Dynamic modelling and analysis for a flexible brush sampling mechanism10
Variational integrators and graph-based solvers for multibody dynamics in maximal coordinates10
Estimation of wheelset equivalent conicity using the dual extended Kalman filter10
Robust optimal solution for a smart rigid–flexible system control during multimode operational mission via actuators in combination10
Analytical differentiation of the articulated-body algorithm: a geometric multilinear approach9
An electric kickscooter multibody model: equations of motion and linear stability analysis9
Multi-physics tribo-dynamics simulation of lubricated translational joints in marine engines9
State estimator based on an indirect Kalman filter for a hydraulically actuated multibody system9
Nonsmooth strategy for rigid-flexible multibody system considering different types of clearance joints and lubrication9
Dynamics of a knuckle crane carrying a load subjected to wind pressure9
Using musculoskeletal models to generate physically-consistent data for 3D human pose, kinematic, dynamic, and muscle estimation9
Modelling and system identification of uninhabited airship with a slung payload9
Explicit smooth/nonsmooth cosimulation using kinematic constraints8
Sharing the load: modeling loads in OpenSim to simulate two-handed lifting8
Rigid–flexible–thermal coupling dynamics of a hub and multiplate system considering frictional contact8
A control Hamiltonian-preserving discretisation for optimal control8
Gamification of control valves in real-time multibody simulation of an excavator7
Continuous methods for dynamic optimization of multibody systems with discrete and mixed variables7
An overview of the ANCF approach, justifications for its use, implementation issues, and future research directions7
A continuous contact-force model for the impact analysis of viscoelastic materials with elastic aftereffect7
Efficient formulation of the Gibbs–Appell equations for constrained multibody systems7
Correction to: On the use of adjoint gradients for time-optimal control problems regarding a discrete control parameterization7
A new contact and road model for multi-body dynamic simulation of wheeled vehicles on soft-soil terrain7
Bond-graph representation of ideal constraints via the principle of virtual power7
Improving the robustness of non-Hertzian wheel–rail contact model for railway vehicle dynamics simulation6
SID-Net: machine learning based system identification framework for rigid and flexible multibody dynamics6
Influence of gravity on the vibration characteristics of a geometrically nonlinear McPherson-suspension model6
Analysis of driving styles of a GP2 car via minimum lap-time direct trajectory optimization6
Determination of effective mass for continuous contact models in multibody dynamics6
Model predictive control for path tracking in cable driven parallel robots with flexible cables: collocated vs. noncollocated control6
Critical features of centrifugal pendulum vibration absorbers dynamic modeling6
FPGA acceleration of planar multibody dynamics simulations in the Hamiltonian–based divide–and–conquer framework6
A projection continuation approach for minimal coordinate set constrained dynamics6
Augmented Lagrangian index-3 semi-recursive formulations with projections5
The discretization method and multi-contact force model on 3D cylindrical clearance joint for multibody dynamics of spatial mechanical system5
Contact mechanics for dynamical systems: a comprehensive review5
Investigation of the driving characteristics of electric bicycles by means of multibody simulation5
Traction control design for off-road mobility using an SPH-DAE cosimulation framework5
Optimal configuration for dual-arm space robot grasping a tumbling target based on task compatibility5
Friction modeling from a practical point of view5
A redundantly actuated 2-DOF 3RRR PKM with flexure joints: less is more5
A validated railway vehicle interior layout with multibody dummies and finite element seats models for crash analysis5
Derivation of a superelement with deformable interfaces – applied to model flexure joint5
Cushioning performance analysis of multilayered rubber materials with nonuniform friction coefficients of corrugated contact surface under the bipotential framework5
Command shaped trajectory tracking control for a two-link flexible manipulator5
Multibody model of the human-inspired robot CHARMIE5
Hybrid modeling of multibody vehicles with partially known physics: discovering complex behaviors of tires4
A unified approach to dynamic analysis of tensegrity structures with arbitrary rigid bodies and rigid bars4
Analysis of the model-based corrector approach for explicit cosimulation4
Multibody Models Generated from Natural Language4
Calculation of tooth pair stiffness by finite element analysis for the multibody simulation of flexible gear pairs with helical teeth and flank modifications4
Use of a path-following method for finding static equilibria of multibody systems modeled by the reduced transfer matrix method4
Reliability evaluation of reinforcement learning methods for mechanical systems with increasing complexity4
Dynamics of double pin caterpillar platform using a generalized cylindrical contact model4
Load torque estimation for cable failure detection in cable-driven parallel robots: a machine learning approach4
An articulated spine and ribcage kinematic model for simulation of scoliosis deformities4
Exponential integration for efficient and accurate multibody simulation with stiff viscoelastic contacts4
Global reorientation of a free-fall multibody system using periodical joint motions – theory and motion planning4
Discrete adjoint variable method for the sensitivity analysis of ALI3-P formulations3
Kinematics, dynamics, and muscle-synergy analysis of single-leg Yoga postures3
Multibody dynamic modeling and motion analysis of flexible robot considering contact3
State observer of multibody systems formulated using differential algebraic equations3
Frequency veering of railway vehicle systems and its mapping to vibration characteristics3
Multibody dynamics and control using machine learning3
Hierarchical refinement in isogeometric analysis for flexible multibody impact simulations3
Forward dynamics simulation of a simplified neuromuscular-skeletal-exoskeletal model based on the CMA-ES optimization algorithm: framework and case studies3
Dynamic modeling and simulation of a snake-like multibody robotic system with ground-adaptive strategy and efficient undulatory locomotion3
Human motion capture, reconstruction, and musculoskeletal analysis in real time3
Optimization of design parameters and improvement of human comfort conditions in an upper-limb exosuit for assistance3
Comparison of flexibility models for the multibody simulation of compliant mechanisms2
Dynamic modeling and simulation of the multi-point collision and contact problem of multi-legged robots2
Discrete adjoint method for variational integration of constrained ODEs and its application to optimal control of geometrically exact beam dynamics2
Spatial locomotion of a metameric earthworm-like robot: generation and analysis of gaits2
Predictive multibody dynamic simulation of human neuromusculoskeletal systems: a review2
Two-field formulation of the inertial forces of a geometrically-exact beam element2
Data-driven inverse dynamics modeling using neural-networks and regression-based techniques2
On the use of adjoint gradients for time-optimal control problems regarding a discrete control parameterization2
An efficient discrete algorithm in dynamic modeling of large-deformation flexible mechanisms2
Employing a variable modal basis for small deformation flexible multibody formulations2
Conserving integration of multibody systems with singular and non-constant mass matrix including quaternion-based rigid body dynamics2
Predictive simulation framework for replicating energy reduction trends and joint kinematic adaptations in walking with powered ankle exoskeletons2
Identification of lumped stiffness parameters for a motorcycle model in investigating weave and wobble2
Dynamic modeling and nonlinear free vibration analysis of a rotating 3D beam induced by adjacent two revolute joints2
Discrete element method simulator for joint dynamics: a case study using a red-tailed hawk’s hallux digit2
Node-to-surface contact algorithm for the calculation of the acoustic response2
Long-term dynamic simulation of adipogenic differentiation of a human mesenchymal stem cell2
Thin-walled composite beam elements via the absolute nodal coordinate formulation2
Projection continuation for minimal coordinate set formulation and singularity detection of redundantly constrained system dynamics2
Integration of prioritized impedance controller in improved hierarchical operational-space torque control frameworks for legged locomotion robots2
Preface – Special issue: recent advances and applications of multibody dynamics methodologies2
Time integration of rigid bodies modelled with three rotation parameters1
An improved Udwadia–Kalaba approach for controller design in underactuated mechanical systems1
A benchmark problem with singularities for multibody system dynamics formulations with constraints1
Nonsmooth spatial frictional contact dynamics of multibody systems1
Numerical methods of closed-loop multibody systems with singular configurations based on the geometrical structure of constraints1
Modeling of rigid-link and compliant joint manipulator using the discrete body dynamics method1
An objective isogeometric mixed finite element formulation for nonlinear elastodynamic beams with incompatible warping strains1
A discrete mechanics approach for musculoskeletal simulations with muscle wrapping1
Local coordinates on Lie groups for half-explicit time integration of Cosserat-rod models with constraints1
Experimental validation for the combination of funnel control with a feedforward control strategy1
Clearance joints and friction models for the modelling of friction damped railway freight vehicles1
Correlation propagation for dynamic analysis of a multibody system with multiple interval parameters1
A new human-like walking for the humanoid robot Romeo1
Simulation of generally shaped 3D elastic body dynamics with large motion using transfer matrix method incorporating model order reduction1
Simultaneous optimal system and controller design for multibody systems with joint friction using direct sensitivities1
Preliminary optimization of cup-implant orientation in total-hip arthroplasty using a parametric predictive analysis of lower-limb dynamics influenced by spine stiffness1
Flexible multibody approaches for simulating the deflection and contact mechanics of toothbrush bristles: modelling and testing1
Dynamic performance evaluation of parallel manipulators and its application in a 5-axis loading device1
Modelling and stabilization of a load suspended by cable from an airship1
A discrete adjoint gradient approach for equality and inequality constraints in dynamics1
Preface for the Special Issue IMSD20221
Benchmark and validation of state-of-the-art muscle recruitment strategies in shoulder modelling1
Optimising a driving mechanism mechanical design of EXOTIC exoskeleton—a review on upper limb exoskeletons driving systems and a case study1
A method to determine local aerodynamic force coefficients from fiber-resolved 3D flow simulations around a staple fiber yarn1
Combined recurrent neural networks and particle-swarm optimization for sideslip-angle estimation based on a vehicle multibody dynamics model1
Virtual pantograph-catenary environment for control development based on a co-simulation approach1
Space-time rigid multibody dynamics1
Non-smooth numerical solution for Coulomb friction, rolling and spinning resistance of spheres applied to flexible multibody system dynamics1
Thermal-structure interactions on the nonlinear behavior of the heavy-load mechanical press with multiple clearance-induced joints1
An extended modelling technique with generalized strains for flexible multibody systems1
Swift augmented human–robot dynamics modeling for rehabilitation planning analyses1
Modeling and reinforcement learning-based locomotion control for a humanoid robot with kinematic loop closures1
Topology optimization for eigenfrequencies of a flexible multibody system1
A consensus-based alternating direction method of multipliers approach to parallelize large-scale minimum-lap-time problems1
A novel co-simulation approach for mechanical systems1
Beam modeling in a floating frame of reference for torsion dynamics of helicopter rotor blades1
Exudyn – a C++-based Python package for flexible multibody systems1
On design sensitivities in the structural analysis and optimization of flexible multibody systems1
The optimal control methodology based on normalized Gaussian functions for vibration-driven locomotion robots1
Tailored gait-pattern generation and verification based on the dynamic analysis of the human musculoskeletal model1
On an objective, geometrically exact coupling element for a director-based multi-body finite element framework1
A general continuous contact force model for contact collisions of soft and hard materials1
Kane’s equations for nonholonomic systems in bond-graph-compatible velocity and momentum forms1
Tire–road contact modelling for multibody simulations with regularised road and enhanced UA tire models1
Mutual information-based feature selection for inverse mapping parameter updating of dynamical systems1
Quaternion-based finite-element computation of nonlinear modes and frequency responses of geometrically exact beam structures in three dimensions1
Comparison of X–T and X–X co-simulation techniques applied on railway dynamics1
Dynamic characteristics of the planetary gear system with rolling bearing1
Sensitivity-analysis methods for nonsmooth multibody systems with contact and friction1
Wear factor comparison between single and dual mobility cup in total hip arthroplasty1
3D projection of the LuGre friction model adapted to varying normal forces1