International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics

(The TQCC of International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Proposal of strain wave gear actuated by magnetic force24
Effects of the adjacent channels on IP3 and IP5 of RF amplifier20
Multi-objective optimization of permanent magnet motors using deep learning and CMA-ES19
Ensemble learning for monitoring process in electrical impedance tomography18
Effect of steering reaction torque of ultra-compact electric vehicle on steering burden for active steering wheel system17
Analysis of the grain oriented electrical steel heterogeneities and their influence on the Epstein frame loss measurements15
Control-oriented modeling for the electrodynamic levitation with permanent magnet Halbach array14
Electromagnetically excited torsional vibration to rock drilling support13
Design and analysis of a high speed double-sided axial flux permanent magnet motor suspended vertically by magnetic bearings11
Linear antenna array modeling with deep neural networks11
Study of a new axial-field superconducting inductor for a synchronous machine10
Shaft alignment for rotary machines using wireless power transfer process: Foundations and design approach10
The application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the design process for electromagnetic devices10
An improved subdomain modeling technique for surface-mounted permanent magnet Vernier motor9
Electro-thermal modeling of an induction heating process of 42CrMo4 steel probe9
Resonant coil matrix shielding for dynamic WPT systems9
Calculation of mutual inductance between arbitrarily positioned planar spiral coils for wireless power applications9
A novel method to predict the influence of rotor structures on the core loss of permanent magnet synchronous machines8
A pseudo density topology optimization approach in nonlinear electromagnetism applied to a 3D actuator8
Relationship between applied force and magnetic field in a pseudo-static test of a portal frame8
Multi-material topology optimization of permanent magnet synchronous motors7
The comparison of the enhanced integration-type E&S model and the improved dynamic E&S model of electrical steel sheet under DC-biased magnetizing condition7
Optimal design of magnetorheological damper with multiple axial fluid flow channels using BP neural network and particle swarm optimization methodologies7
Nonlinear adaptive tracking control of piezoelectric bimorph actuator using hybrid modeling approach6
Support characteristics and application of permanent magnet suspension active mass drive system6
Influence of laminated stainless steel composite can sleeve on electromagnetic field and performance of canned induction motor6
Integrated control of electric power steering and active suspension systems based on model predictive algorithm6
Reconstruction schemes of load and constraint for global vibration evaluation of pipeline structures6
Low-profile high impedance surface on magneto-dielectric nanocomposite for wideband absorption of mobile phone radiation6
Wire gauge analysis of planar spiral coil and its optimization technique in Wireless Power Transfer system5
Research on identification method of transformer winding material based on vibration characteristic5
FDTD investigation of cylindrical waveguides with azimuthal corrugations excited by axisymmetric TE modes5
Fault tolerance analysis of double winding permanent magnet wind generator based on field circuit combination method5
A modified direct inverse Prandtl–Ishlinskii model based on two sets of operators for the piezoelectric actuator hysteresis compensation5
Double duty ratio PWM control method for a novel HSV actuator with low power consumption5
Magnetic memory detection of corroded reinforced concrete considering the influence of tensile load5
Experimental study on the critical pressure of divergent stepped magnetic fluid seal with a small clearance and single magnetic source4
Study on leakage magnetic field and magnetic field shielding for transformers4
Research on simulation calculation on short-circuit electrodynamics force of power transformer winding4
Armature winding analysis for high-temperature superconducting PM-excited AC machines4
Magnetic field sensor based on a low-frequency-tail spintronic diode4
A new AC motor driven by travelling magnetic field excited on LC ladder circuit without its nonlinearity4
A comparative study of LC filter and damper winding for noise reduction of PWM-fed IM4
Convolutional neural networks for the shape design of a magnetic core for material testing: Forward and inverse approaches4
Design and development of wireless power transfer system for implantable cardioverter defibrillator4
Development of a phased array flexible Rayleigh-wave electromagnetic acoustic transducer for pipe inspection4
Two complementary examples of electrification in the cement industry4
Study on torque ripple suppression of permanent magnetic in-wheel motor under rotor eccentricity by separated harmonic current injection4
Optimal control strategy of state feedback control for surface-mounted PMSM drives based on auto-tuning of seeker optimization algorithm4
New non-destructive testing approach based on eddy current for crack orientation detection and parameter estimation4
Numerical simulations of magnetic induction tomography system based on a 3D head model3
Design study of FIT dataflow machine for high performance 3-D electrostatic field simulation3
Speed-up of scattered field formulation of FDTD method combining with time-domain EFIE by using spherical harmonic expansion of Green’s function3
Micromagnetic model analysis of dual field generation layer (FGL) spin torque oscillators (STO) for microwave-assisted magnetic recording (MAMR)3
Design and analysis of a novel AFPM with counter-rotation dual rotors based on non-linear magnetic circuit model3
Toroidal expansion based modeling and analysis of spherical motor with stepped cylindrical permanent magnets3
e-NVH response synthesis of electric motors based on stator teeth FRF measurements3
Analysis of corona discharge current trigger threshold for different shapes metal tips3
Applicability of simulation-assisted probability of detection analysis considering multiple signal features to eddy current testing of weld3
Influence of loss function on training the LSTM network in wall moisture tomography3
Influence of annealing temperature on nanocrystalline alloy’s excess loss parameters3
Path planning of UHV equipotential live working3
The design of the adaptive prosthetic socket3
Steady-state multiphysics analysis of stator bar using finite element method3
Multiphysical field simulation of exchange current density effection on solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) with methane mixture fuel3
Single-structured zero-bias hybrid gas-magnetic bearing and its rotordynamic performance3
The low-frequency improvement with loading soft magnetic ferrite films for multiband antenna applications3
Performance of the ferrofluid-spiral labyrinth combined seal for sealing liquid2
Simulation and experimental research on electromagnetic radiation from suspended permanent magnetic levitation train2
Levitation behaviours of an eccentric SC-PM system with multi-degree-of-freedom motion2
Torque ripple optimization for synchronous reluctance motors based on a virtual permanent magnet harmonic machine model2
Synthesis of WPTS compensation networks considering multiple criteria2
State-space model for induction motors with static eccentricity faults2
Design and analysis of a new bearingless switched reluctance motor2
Multi-objective optimization design of permanent magnet linear synchronous machine based on stratified strategy2
Melt azimuthal rotation in direct current electric arc furnace without external axial magnetic field2
Addendum to: Research on electromagnetic torque and fault parameter identification of pumped storage machine under power generation state based on optimized network parameter method2
Imaging of conducting materials via the Kernel Method2
Analytical calculation method of a liquid-cooling eddy current brake considering magnetic saturation and skin effect2
Research on the high temperature calibration of the electromagnetic damping generator applied to the rotary steerable system2
Optimal sizing and placement of D-SVC in radial distribution systems using an exhaustive analytical search2
Design and shape optimization of interior permanent magnet synchronous machine based on hybrid cores2
Collaborative optimization of multi-physical fields for composite electromagnetic linear actuators2
Optimal solution of PM synchronous motor obtained by gravitational search algorithm2
Quantitative detection of combined cracks based on artificial neural network and eddy current testing signals2
An efficient multi-objective optimization strategy for Halbach array permanent magnet synchronous machines based on nonlinear semi-analytical model2
Research on combination of passive magnetic bearing and mechanical bearing for vertical axis wind turbine2
A novel scheme for determination of vessel heading using airborne magnetic wake scanning2
Influence of key design parameters on the critical speed of eddy current brake2
A study on masking system using 1/f fluctuation to improve comfort in ultra-compact EVs2
Braking performance and temperature characteristics analysis of parallel multi-channel magnetorheological brake2
Mechanical performance of nano-silica modified insulating paper with mechanical-thermal synergy2
Design and analysis of a protecting breathing device (VITER) disinfecting air with an integrated UVC radiation mechanism2
Identification of moisture inside walls in buildings using machine learning and ensemble methods2
Effect of shielding of eddy current probes on the sensitivity for sweep frequency measurements2
Comparison of nonlinear solution methods for magnetic equivalent circuits of saturated induction motors2
Finite-time disturbance observer-based levitation control for vehicle-guideway coupling systems2
Optimization of dual-function suspension structures using particle swarm optimization approaches2
Development of an array pickup electromagnetic acoustic transducer and application to surface wave visualization2
Core loss analysis of soft magnetic composite under non-sinusoidal excitation based on finite element models2
Light scattering properties of cellulose microcrystals from multiple angles under a magnetic field2
Numerical analysis on electromagnetic and mechanical properties of the quasi-isotropic strand2
Research on grounding grid corrosion detection based on hybrid artificial intelligence algorithm2
Extraction of weak signal based on wire rope detection in timing belt of wind turbines2
An overview of power loss calculation methods for high-frequency litz wires2
Parameter-topology hybrid optimization of electric motor with multiple permanent magnets2
Evaluation of detection capability of eddy current probes with stochastic decision threshold for inspecting pits on austenitic stainless steel welding2
Sensitivity analysis for the eddy current testing of carbon fiber reinforced plastic materials2
Special issue on electromagnetic fields in mechatronics, computer sciences, electrical and electronic engineering2
Toward efficient very low frequency wireless power transfer for EVs: From grid to battery2
Optimization of a hybrid electromagnetic system with magnetic modulation2
Erratum to: Ultrasonic unilateral double-position excitation lamb wave defect detection and quantification method for ground electrode of transmission tower2
Additional eddy current losses in transformer working at static VAr compensation station2
Optimal parameters of a nonmagnetic conducting cylindrical double-shell shield rotating in a static magnetic field2
Advanced 3D electromagnetic transient-thermal steady coupled FEM simulation of a LV busbar of a rectifier transformer2
Magnetoelastic buckling properties of type-II superconducting thin strip subjected to perpendicular magnetic field and parallel distributed uniform mechanical load2
Research on electromagnetic field characteristics of rotating-magnet based mechanical antenna through the earth1
Thrust ripple analysis for improved modular tubular permanent magnet synchronous linear motor1
An investigation on AC loss reduction for permanent-magnet superconducting electrical machine1
Analysis of pole pair number impact on single-sided linear induction machine performances1
Loss analysis of electromagnetic valve train under different service conditions1
Eddy current non-destructive testing for inspection of reformer tubes applying machine learning1
Reducing heat generation in a boost inductor using a magnetic tape1
Accurate modeling and analysis of the winding inductances of a linear permanent-magnet actuator using an improved Fourier series expansion1
A tidal energy harvesting system in point of view of the robotic notation1
A portable induction heating system for implanted prosthesis disinfection1
The effect of high-penetrating emission on the growth, superoxide accumulation and ATP/ADP ratio in Saccharomyces cerevisiae1
Improvement of core loss model under AC–DC hybrid excitation and verification based on TEAM P21 extended model1
Convolutional neural networks applied to dissolved gas analysis for power transformers condition monitoring1
Comparison of 12/10 switched reluctance motors with star and polygon connections1
Analysis of power-sizing equations for rotor-permanent-magnet flux-switching machines1
A velocity evaluation method for in-pipe metallic flow through inversion of magnetic field perturbation measured surrounding the pipe1
Analysis of winding MMF of PMSM with multi-phase and multi-layer layout using holospectrum method1
Receiver operating characteristic analysis for evaluating a proper experimental condition of eddy current tests under a low signal-to-noise ratio1
Assessment of thermographic tools for the validation of physics-based models of an induction sealing process1
Peristaltic flow of Herschel Bulkley nanofluid through a non-Darcy porous medium with heat transfer under slip condition1
A novel flux switching claw pole machine with soft magnetic composite cores1
An omnidirectional acoustic energy harvester based on six Helmholtz resonators1
Electromagnetic performance and thermal analysis of a novel permanent magnet fluxed-switching coupler1
Eddy current loss and its magnetization effect of electromagnetic buffer under intensive impact load1
An efficient robust optimization methodology for metamaterial unit design1
Electromagnetic modeling and experimental study of can-effect on a canned switched reluctance machine1
Numerical analysis and experimental verification of magnetic fluid sealing for air cylinder in Aerospace Engineering1
A non-differential method for solving many-objective optimization problems: An application in IPM motor design1
Capacitance balance control strategy for three-phase four-switch open-winding permanent magnet synchronous motor1
Quantitative evaluation of corrosion in conductors under stress via GPEC1
A new dynamic displacement prediction method for contactors with constant air gap1
FEM-based transformer design optimization technique with evolutionary algorithms and geometric programming1
Application of chirp pulse compression technique to a high-temperature EMAT with a large lift-off1
Coupling of PSO and FE methods for electrical conductivity identification of materials used in eddy current separator1
Thermal analysis method of electromagnetic linear actuator based on multiphysics coupling model1
Lie group analysis method for the transverse shift of electromagnetic wave on interface of media1
Electromagnetic calculation and kinematics analysis of multi-DOF motor with air-floation1
Decoupling control of a bearingless switched reluctance motor with hybrid-rotor1
Numerical calculation method of magnetization and eddy current by applying the subdomain method to integral equations1
Optimal analysis on coil and rotor in a diamagnetically airflow energy harvester1
Modeling of the interaction between human body and electromagnetic waves near resonance using machine learning1
Soil microbial fuel cells with low-cost anode made of rice husk charcoal and Japanese drawing ink “Bokuju”1
A new efficiency figure of merit for induction heating appliances operating under highly variable operating conditions1
Experimental analysis of electromagnetic pulse effects on engine fuel electronic control system1
Effect of permanent magnets in optimized arrangement for levitation support on vibration characteristics of levitated flexible steel plate1
Physical simulation and computational modelling for validation of soft magnetic composite impeder performance1
Electromagnetic torque control for six-phase induction motor expelled continuously variable transmission clumped system using sage dynamic control system1
Influence of voltage fluctuations on core vibration of a UHV shunt reactor1
Proposal of 5-phase 3-degree-of-freedom spherical actuator with auxiliary poles1
Investigation of high frequency loss in electrical machine lamination considering skin effect and hysteresis1
Simultaneous electromagnetic evaluation method for surface thickness of nickel layer and lift-off on nickel coating steel by alternating magnetic field1
Parameter identification method of J–A hysteresis model based on improved sparrow search algorithm1
Future trends in magnetic source device design for magnetic targeted drug delivery system1
Vibration based energy harvesting system for mobile device charging1
Design of triangular shaped slotted patch antennas for both wideband and multiband applications1
Introduction to the ISEM 2022 special issue1
Study on fluid friction loss on rotor surface of FeCo based high speed permanent magnet motor1
Parameter identification of Bouc-Wen model for MR damper by parameter sensitivity analysis and modified PSO algorithm1
Application of dimensional analysis to ECT in the era of NDE 4.01
Method of improving performance of the low-inductance PMSM drive system1
Decoupling control of bearingless PMSM with LSSVM inverse system and IMC1
Optimal design of piezoelectric cantilever velocity sensor based on PVDF1
Effect of AMB winding configurations on static and dynamic performances and power consumptions of the AMB-rotor system1
Design and performance analysis of an improved double-flux-concentrating coaxial magnetic gear1
Electromagnetic modeling of coils made of twisted litz wire by combining finite element simulation and circuit laws1
The effect of permanent magnet position on axial and radial load capability in axial hybrid magnetic bearing1
A simplified magnetostrictive model under rotational magnetization in an electrical steel sheet taking the pinning hysteresis effect into account1
High power density by combining of a double stator and an opposite-magnets linear generator in a dual-type free-piston engine generator1
Neural metamodelling of fields: Towards a new deal in computational electromagnetics1
Parameter sensitivity analysis and efficiency optimization design of wireless charging system1
Magnetic hysteresis model using chained plays1
Flexible wheel displacements for electromagnetic harmonic movable tooth drive system1
Force and stiffness behavior of natural rubber based magnetorheological elastomer bushing1
Multi-objective cooperation optimization research on dynamic response and energy loss of high-speed solenoid valve for diesel engine injector1
Design and analysis methods of a novel inductor with metamaterial core1
Feature fusion for pulse-modulation eddy current imaging and evaluation of defects in layered conductors1
A review on the magnetorheological materials and applications1
Bending levitation control of flexible steel plate: Consideration of effect of magnetic properties on electromagnetically levitated steel plate vibration1
Research on transmission characteristics of sleeve type electromagnetic hybrid governor1
Design and performance analysis of a novel PM assisted synchronous reluctance machine1
Analysis of position response characteristics of magnetic driven oil-free scroll compressor1
Analysis of current linkage harmonics in multi-phase machines with distributed windings1
Electromagnetohydrodynamic peristaltic flow of a couple stress nanofluid through a vertical annulus in the presence of Hall currents and thermal radiation1
Ultrasonic unilateral double-position excitation lamb wave defect detection and quantification method for ground electrode of transmission tower1
Magneto-thermal coupling simulation and experimental verification for a three-winding high-frequency transformer1
Analytic formulation for the calculation of leakage reactance in wound-core transformers1
Electromagnetic interference shielding performance calculate model for double layer shielded cable connector in EV1
Adaptive sliding mode control of a magnetic levitation three-point bending device1
An efficient one-dimensional time-domain algorithm for obliquely incident plane wave in BOR-SMRTD1
Magnet eddy-current losses reduction of an axial-flux in-wheel motor with amorphous magnet metal1
Investigation on magnetic shield thickness of remote field eddy current probes for inspection of ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic plates1
Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of two-dimensional micro-positioning workbench based on giant magnetostrictive actuators1
Multiobjective optimization research on the response time of a pneumatic pilot-operated high speed on/off valve1
Armature dynamics - an aspect of rail gouging mechanisms in electromagnetic railgun1
Cattaneo–Christov heat flux effect on MHD peristaltic transport of Bingham Al2O3 nanofluid through a non-Darcy porous medium1
Evaluation of the detectability of flaws in a two layer structure: A simulation-based PoD study incorporating correlated variables1
A novel squirrel cage eddy current coupling with adjustable radial air gap and its performance analysis1
A conformal symplectic multi-resolution time-domain method with ADE-PML1
Development of a steel health monitoring device based on anisotropic magnetoresistance sensors1
An efficient combination of topology optimization and parameter optimization for electromagnetic devices1
Research on eddy current and force of non-ferrous metal in eddy current separator1
A benchmark problem for the verification of numerical calculation methods considering magnetic hysteresis1
Examination of ferromagnetic materials using Magnetic Recording Method1
Influence of the magnetization vector misalignment on the magnetic force of permanent ring magnet and soft magnetic cylinder1