Contributions to Zoology

(The TQCC of Contributions to Zoology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Biodiversity hotspot in cold waters: a review of the genus Cuthonella with descriptions of seven new species (Mollusca, Nudibranchia)15
Integrative systematics reveals the new land-snail genus Taphrenalla (Eupulmonata: Ariophantidae) with a description of nine new species from Thailand12
Growth and limb bone histology of aetosaurs and phytosaurs from the Late Triassic Krasiejów locality (sw Poland) reveals strong environmental influence on growth pattern10
Reassessment and systematic position of the sinistral snails of genus Hemiplecta from Thailand (Eupulmonata: Ariophantidae), with description of two new species9
Integrative systematics illuminates the relationships in two sponge-associated hydrozoan families (Capitata: Sphaerocorynidae and Zancleopsidae)8
Deciphering “cryptic” nature of European rock-dwelling Pyramidula snails (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora)5
Coming out of your shell or crawling back in: multiple interphylum host switching events within a clade of bivalve- and ascidian-associated shrimps (Caridea: Palaemonidae)5
Multigene phylogeny reveals the ribbed shell morphotypes in the land snail genus Sarika (Eupulmonata: Ariophantidae), with description of two new species from Thailand and Myanmar5
Effects of background color on pigmentation, morphological traits, and behavior in the European tree frog (Hyla arborea, Hylidae, Anura) tadpoles4
One step closer but still far from solving the puzzle – The phylogeny of marine associated mites (Acari, Oribatida, Ameronothroidea) inferred from morphological and molecular genetic data4
Split distribution, biogeography and morphological and genetic diversity of the Iberobathynellini Tribe in the family Parabathynellidae (Crustacea, Malacostraca, Bathynellacea)4
A new perspective on the molecular dating of the brown trout complex with an extended phylogeographic information on the species in Serbia4
DNA-barcode and endophallus morphology delimit congruent species in a systematic revision of the oxyporine rove beetles of Russia (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxyporinae)3
Coexistence of two newt species in a transition zone of range overlap3
Phylogenetics and taxonomy of the scleractinian coral family Euphylliidae3
Paul Kammerer and epigenetics – a reappraisal of his experiments3
The Hyalella species flock of Lake Titicaca (Crustacea: Amphipoda): perspectives and drawbacks of dna-based identification3
Biodiversity, ecology, and taxonomy of sediment-dwelling Dendrophylliidae (Anthozoa, Scleractinia) in the Gulf of Thailand3
The world’s tiniest land snails from Laos and Vietnam (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Hypselostomatidae)3
The diversity of molluscan faunas in marine lakes of Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia3