Ramanujan Journal

(The TQCC of Ramanujan Journal is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Coefficient estimates for a certain family of analytic functions involving a q-derivative operator17
On the total number of parts functions associated with ranks of partitions modulo 5 and 715
Weighted partition rank and crank moments II. Odd-order moments12
Proofs of some partition identities conjectured by Kanade and Russell11
Further q-analogues of the (G.2) supercongruence of Van Hamme10
Some exceptional sets of Borel–Bernstein theorem in continued fractions8
A proof of Mao’s conjecture on an identity of Beck’s partition statistics8
Robin’s criterion on divisibility8
Unconditional explicit Mertens’ theorems for number fields and Dedekind zeta residue bounds7
On a Tauberian theorem of Ingham and Euler–Maclaurin summation7
Improving bounds on prime counting functions by partial verification of the Riemann hypothesis7
Vanishing coefficients and identities concerning Ramanujan’s parameters7
Integer circulant determinants of order 166
Eichler integrals of Eisenstein series as q-brackets of weighted t-hook functions on partitions6
On two double series for $$\pi $$ and their q-analogues6
An exact formula for a Lambert series associated to a cusp form and the Möbius function6
Results on vanishing coefficients in infinite q-series expansions for certain arithmetic progressions mod 76
Results on vanishing coefficients in certain infinite q-series expansions6
On the divisibility of q-trinomial coefficients6
Congruences for the coefficients of the Gordon and McIntosh mock theta function $$\xi (q)$$6
Sequences in overpartitions6
Dirichlet series under standard convolutions: variations on Ramanujan’s identity for odd zeta values6
Human and automated approaches for finite trigonometric sums5
A note on Clebsch–Gordan integral, Fourier–Legendre expansions and closed form for hypergeometric series5
Turán inequalities for the broken k-diamond partition functions5
Linear inequalities concerning partitions into distinct parts5
Simultaneous indivisibility of class numbers of pairs of real quadratic fields5
Sets of values of equivalent almost periodic functions5
On 5- and 10-dissections for some infinite products5
On the approximation of some special functions in Ramanujan’s generalized modular equation with signature 3$$^{*}$$5
Trigonometric sums through Ramanujan’s theory of theta functions5
A note on an inequality of Paul Turán concerning polynomials5
Positivity and divisibility of enumerators of alternating descents5
Recurrence relations, associated formulas, and combinatorial sums for some parametrically generalized polynomials arising from an analysis of the Laplace transform and generating functions5
Certain transformations and special values of hypergeometric functions over finite fields4
Proof of two conjectures of Guo and Schlosser4
The sum of divisors function and the Riemann hypothesis4
Euler products of Selberg zeta functions in the critical strip4
On index divisors and monogenity of certain number fields defined by $$x^{12}+ax^m+b$$4
New application of the Cauchy operator on the homogeneous Rogers–Szegö polynomials4
Two explicit divisor sums4
New proofs of some double sum Rogers–Ramanujan type identities4
Some double-angle formulas related to a generalized lemniscate function4
On small sets of integers4
On k-partitions of multisets with equal sums4
Hyperbolic summation for functions of the GCD and LCM of several integers4
Some identities on Beck’s partition statistics4
An additive problem over Piatetski–Shapiro primes and almost-primes4
Another generalization of Euler’s arithmetic function and Menon’s identity4
Uniform asymptotic formulas for the Fourier coefficients of the inverse of theta functions4
A further look at cubic partitions4
Growth properties of the q-Dunkl transform in the space $$L^{p}_{q,\alpha }({\mathbb {R}}_{q},|x|^{2\alpha +1}d_{q}x)$$4
The rational Heun operator and Wilson biorthogonal functions3
Arithmetic properties for Appell–Lerch sums3
Integer group determinants for $$\text {C}_{2}^{4}$$3
Truncated Hecke–Rogers type series—part II3
$${\mathbb {Q}}$$-linear dependence of certain Bessel moments3
An efficient determination of the coefficients in the Chudnovskys’ series for 1/$$\pi $$3
Some q-supercongruences from Gasper’s Karlsson–Minton type summation3
A new extension of the (H.2) supercongruence of Van Hamme for primes $$p\equiv 3\pmod {4}$$3
Alternating multiple T-values: weighted sums, duality, and dimension conjecture3
Characterization of q-Dunkl-classical symmetric orthogonal q-polynomials3
Ranks, cranks for overpartitions and Appell–Lerch sums3
Congruences for a class of eta-quotients and their applications3
Remarks on Askey–Wilson polynomials and Meixner polynomials of the second kind3
Tweaking the Beukers integrals in search of more miraculous irrationality proofs a la Apéry3
On sums of sums involving cube-full numbers3
A ternary Diophantine inequality by primes with one of the form $$p=x^2+y^2+1$$3
Almost 3-regular overpartitions3
On primes and practical numbers3
Finite trigonometric sums arising from Ramanujan’s theta functions3
Averages of coefficients of a class of degree 3 L-functions3
Properties of the Appell–Lerch function (I)3
q-Pearson pair and moments in q-deformed ensembles3
Generalized q-difference equations for (q, c)-hypergeometric polynomials and some applications3
Atkin–Lehner theory for Drinfeld modular forms and applications3
$$\Gamma $$-evaluations of hypergeometric series3
A new Ramanujan-type identity for $$L(2k+1, \chi _1)$$3
Tight upper and lower bounds for the reciprocal sum of Proth primes3
Expansions over Legendre polynomials and infinite double series identities3
On Robin’s inequality2
Fixed points and matching points in partitions2
Convergent series of integers with missing digits2
On a sum involving certain arithmetic functions and the integral part function2
On variants of symmetric multiple zeta-star values and the cyclic sum formula2
The Lang–Trotter conjecture for products of non-CM elliptic curves2
Matching coefficients in the series expansions of certain q-products and their reciprocals2
Automatic conjecturing and proving of exact values of some infinite families of infinite continued fractions2
Absolutely convergent q-Dunkl integrals and classical function spaces2
Approximation by generalized shifts of the Riemann zeta-function in short intervals2
Crossed out modular equations of degree 11 of Ramanujan2
Projections of modular forms on Eisenstein series and its application to Siegel’s formula2
The Hecke system of harmonic Maass functions and applications to modular curves of higher genera2
Spectral exponential sums on hyperbolic surfaces2
Eisenstein series and an asymptotic for the K-Bessel function2
Automorphic Schwarzian equations and integrals of weight 2 forms2
New inequalities for p(n) and $$\log p(n)$$2
Menon-type identities with respect to sets of units2
Spectral density functions of bivariable stable polynomials2
On a conjecture of Heim and Neuhauser on some polynomials arising from modular forms and related to Fibonacci polynomials2
Determining an L-function in the extended Selberg class by its preimages of subsets2
Transcendency of some constants related to integer sequences of polynomial iterations2
A refinement of a result of Andrews and Newman on the sum of minimal excludants2
On the Fourier coefficients of Siegel–Eisenstein series of degree 2 for odd level2
On a ternary Diophantine equation involving fractional powers with prime variables of a special form2
Hypergeometric functions over finite fields2
Some tridiagonal determinants2
Algebraicity of critical values of adjoint L-functions for $$\mathrm{GSp}_4$$2
On the convolutions of sums of multiple zeta(-star) values of height one2
Lauricella hypergeometric series $$F_A^{(n)}$$ over finite fields2
Asymptotics of Chebyshev polynomials, V. residual polynomials2
Combinatorics of periodic ellipsoidal billiards2
Bounds for the generalized Marcum function of the second kind2
An Erdős–Fuchs theorem for ordered representation functions2
The average size of Ramanujan sums over quadratic number fields2
Polynomization of the Liu–Zhang inequality for the overpartition function2
A Lucas–Lehmer approach to generalised Lebesgue–Ramanujan–Nagell equations2
Symplectic Kloosterman sums and Poincaré series2
Generalization of five q-series identities of Ramanujan and unexplored weighted partition identities2
A Menon-type identity with Dirichlet characters in residually finite Dedekind domains2
Combinatorics of orthogonal polynomials of type $$R_I$$2
The modular differential equation for skew-holomorphic Jacobi forms2
Self-conjugate $$(s,s+d,\dots ,s+pd)$$-core partitions and free Motzkin paths2
Semi-modular forms from Fibonacci–Eisenstein series2
On 3-divisibility of 9- and 27-regular partitions2
Fields of small class number in the family $$\mathbb {Q}(\sqrt{9m^2+4m})$$2
Integral representation and computational properties of the incomplete Fox–Wright function2
Note on a simple trigonometric equality2
Ramanujan-like formulae for $$\pi $$ and $$1/\pi $$ via Gould–Hsu inverse series relations2
Some identities for Lin–Peng–Toh’s k-colored partition statistic2
Asymptotic distribution of the partition crank2
Effective estimation of some oscillatory integrals related to infinitely divisible distributions2
Twisting finite-dimensional modules for the q-Onsager algebra $${\mathcal {O}}_q$$ via the Lusztig automorphism2
On the Waring–Goldbach problem for squares, cubes and higher powers2
Inequalities between overpartition ranks for all moduli2
The zeros of odd period polynomials for newforms on $$\Gamma _0(2)$$2
A conjecture of Baruah and Begum on the smallest parts function of restricted overpartitions2
Even–odd partition identities of Rogers–Ramanujan type2
Average of Dirichlet coefficients of cuspidal representations related to GL(2)2
The Prouhet–Tarry–Escott problem, indecomposability of polynomials and Diophantine equations2
Divisibility of certain $$\ell $$-regular partitions by 22
Computable structural formulas for the distribution of the $$\beta $$-Jacobi edge eigenvalues2
Simultaneous approximations to p-adic numbers and algebraic dependence via multidimensional continued fractions1
Note on Halphen’s system1
Bounds on the Möbius-signed partition numbers1
The integral moments and ratios of quadratic Dirichlet L-functions over monic irreducible polynomials in $$\mathbb {F}_{q}[T]$$1
Ramanujan’s function k, revisited1
Ramanujan-type $$1/\pi $$-series from bimodular forms1
Generalized-hypergeometric solutions of the biconfluent Heun equation1
On p-divisibility of Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms1
Diophantine approximation with mixed powers of primes1
Primality tests, linear recurrent sequences and the Pell equation1
On the distribution of Ramanujan sums over number fields1
Wave packet transform and wavelet convolution product involving the index Whittaker transform1
Some remarks on Kida’s formula when $$\mu \ne 0$$1
Generalizations of the truncated pentagonal number theorem results1
Asymptotic expansions for the truncation error in Ramanujan-type series1
Borweins’ cubic theta functions revisited1
On cranks of partitions modulo 12 and 161
Moments of orthogonal polynomials and exponential generating functions1
An explicit version of Chen’s theorem assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis1
Multiple zeta star values on 3–2–1 indices1
A sum of squares not divisible by a prime1
On the infinite Borwein product raised to a positive real power1
Discrepancy estimates for some linear generalized monomials at prime arguments1
An algebraic approach to q-partial fractions and Sylvester denumerants1
Sums of logarithmic weights involving r-full numbers1
New companions to the generalizations of the Göllnitz–Gordon identities1
Generalizations of Alladi’s formula for arithmetical semigroups1
On the evaluation of the alternating multiple $$ t $$ value $$ t({\overline{1}},\ldots ,{\overline{1}}, 1, {\overline{1}},\ldots ,{\overline{1}}) $$1
Minimal additive complements in finitely generated abelian groups1
A deformation of multiple L-values1
Congruence relations satisfied by quaternionic modular forms1
Arithmetic statistics and diophantine stability for elliptic curves1
Sums of k-th powers and the Whittaker–Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms1
The log-balancedness of generalized derangement numbers1
Orthogonal functions related to Lax pairs in Lie algebras1
Factorizations of bivariate Taylor series via inverse power products1
Growth of torsion groups of elliptic curves upon base change from number fields1
Highly composite numbers and the Riemann hypothesis1
Sign behaviour of sums of weighted numbers of partitions1
Combinatorial proofs and refinements of three partition theorems of Andrews1
Sign changes in the prime number theorem1
Asymptotic expansions for the coefficients of extremal quasimodular forms and a conjecture of Kaneko and Koike1
The Frobenius formula for $$A=(a,ha+d,ha+b_2d, \ldots ,ha+b_kd)$$1
Uniqueness of Fourier coefficients of eigenforms1
On L-functions of modular elliptic curves and certain K3 surfaces1
Stieltjes constants of L-functions in the extended Selberg class1
On hybrid moments of $$\Delta _2(x)$$ and $$\Delta _3(x)$$1
Dimensions of certain sets of continued fractions with non-decreasing partial quotients1
Complete congruences of Jacobi sums of order $$2l^{2}$$ with prime l1
The asymptotic number of weighted partitions with a given number of parts1
Strong pseudoprimes to base 21
On the combinatorics of the number of even parts in all partitions with distinct parts1
Congruences between Ramanujan’s tau function and elliptic curves, and Mazur–Tate elements at additive primes1
On primitive elements of algebraic function fields and models of $$X_0(N)$$1
Weighted sum formulas for symmetric multiple zeta values1
Modular relations for the Rogers–Ramanujan functions with applications to partitions1
Three cubic q-series of Gasper and Rahman1
A note on the exceptional set for Diophantine approximation with mixed powers of primes1
On the Fourier coefficients of certain Hilbert modular forms1
Ideal class groups of imaginary quadratic fields1
On effective irrationality exponents of cubic irrationals1
Tate $$\gamma $$-factor, Weil index, and the metaplectic $$\widetilde{\gamma }$$ -factor1
Elementary proofs of infinite families of congruences for Merca’s cubic partitions1
Utility of integral representations for basic hypergeometric functions and orthogonal polynomials1
Andrews-Beck type congruences modulo powers of 51
On a ternary Diophantine inequality over primes1
Multiplicative functions supported on the k-free integers with small partial sums1
Some q-analogues of supercongruences for truncated $$_3F_2$$ hypergeometric series1
Asymptotics for Bailey-type mock theta functions1
On Y-coordinates of Pell equations which are Lucas numbers1
Double interlacing between zeros of modular forms1
Inverses of r-primitive k-normal elements over finite fields1
The three missing terms in Ramanujan’s septic theta function identity1
On the p-ranks of the ideal class groups of imaginary quadratic fields1
Powers in arithmetic progressions1
Lehmer sequence approach to the divisibility of class numbers of imaginary quadratic fields1
Counting multiplicative approximations1
Ramanujan’s Master Theorem and two formulas for the zero-order Hankel transform1
Congruence properties of coefficients of the eighth-order mock theta function $$V_0(q)$$1
Weighted Erdős–Kac theorem in short intervals1
Log-convexity and the overpartition function1
Parity of the 8-regular partition function1
Arithmetic of Châtelet surfaces under extensions of base fields1
Eighth power moment of Kloosterman sum, supercharacters, and elliptic curves1
On a divisor of the central binomial coefficient1
Partitions into Beatty sequences1
Additive decompositions of cubes in finite fields1
Rational points on algebraic curves in infinite towers of number fields1
An expansion of $$(q, \lambda )$$-derivative operator1
Congruences for odd class numbers of quadratic fields with odd discriminant1
Semi-invariants of binary forms and Sylvester’s theorem1
Completions and algebraic formulas for the coefficients of Ramanujan’s mock theta functions1
On a problem involving the squares of odd harmonic numbers1
Control theorems for fine Selmer groups, and duality of fine Selmer groups attached to modular forms1
Additive functions in short intervals, gaps and a conjecture of Erdős1
The partition-frequency enumeration matrix1
Small diameters and generators for arithmetic lattices in $$\textrm{SL}_2(\mathbb {R})$$ and certain Ramanujan graphs1
Some determinantal representations of derangement numbers and polynomials1
A new approach to the Dyson rank conjectures1
A harmonic mean inequality for the q-gamma function1
On a generalization of Menon–Sury identity to number fields involving a Dirichlet character1
On sums of coefficients of polynomials related to the Borwein conjectures1
Zeros of the combination of the Eisenstein series for $$\Gamma _0^+(2)$$1
Fine Selmer groups and ideal class groups1
Infinite co-minimal pairs involving lacunary sequences and generalisations to higher dimensions1
On two supercongruences of truncated hypergeometric series $${}_{4}F_{3}$$1
Characterizing the supernorm partition statistic1
A single-variable proof of the omega SPT congruence family over powers of 51