Social Psychology of Education

(The TQCC of Social Psychology of Education is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The impact of COVID-19 triggered changes to instruction and assessment on university students’ self-reported motivation, engagement and perceptions98
Teacher stress and burnout in Australia: examining the role of intrapersonal and environmental factors77
High school students’ math and science gender stereotypes: relations with their STEM outcomes and socializers’ stereotypes48
The role of passion for studies on academic procrastination and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic46
Growth mindset predicts achievement only among rich students: examining the interplay between mindset and socioeconomic status44
Towards fostering growth mindset classrooms: identifying teaching behaviors that signal instructors’ fixed and growth mindsets beliefs to students33
Number of books at home as an indicator of socioeconomic status: Examining its extensions and their incremental validity for academic achievement30
Understanding procrastination: A case of a study skills course25
Contribution of social support to home-quarantined Chinese college students’ well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of online learning self-efficacy and moderating role of anxiety25
How do growth mindsets contribute to academic engagement in L2 classes? The mediating and moderating roles of the L2 motivational self system23
Teachers’ perceived time pressure, emotional exhaustion and the role of social support from the school principal22
Subtle discrimination: do stereotypes among teachers trigger bias in their expectations and widen ethnic achievement gaps?22
Teacher support and the social classroom environment as predictors of student loneliness22
Drivers of technology adoption during the COVID-19 pandemic: The motivational role of psychological needs and emotions for pre-service teachers22
Academic self-efficacy, self-esteem, and grit in higher online education: Consistency of interests predicts academic success21
Job load, job stress, and job exhaustion among Chinese junior middle school teachers: Job satisfaction as a mediator and teacher’s role as a moderator21
A multilevel examination of teachers’ occupational commitment: the roles of job resources and disruptive student behavior19
A meta-analysis of induced achievement goals: the moderating effects of goal standard and goal framing19
Testing the social-ecological factors of school belonging in native-born, first-generation, and second-generation Australian students: A comparison study18
Social-emotional need satisfaction, prosocial motivation, and students’ positive behavioral and well-being outcomes16
Math self-efficacy or anxiety? The role of emotional and motivational contribution in math performance16
Problematic internet use and academic achievement: a focus on interpersonal behaviours and academic engagement15
Opening minds by supporting needs: do autonomy and competence support facilitate mindfulness and academic performance?14
Collective teacher culture: exploring an elusive construct and its relations with teacher autonomy, belonging, and job satisfaction14
Teachers’ experiences and recommendations to support refugee students exposed to trauma14
How does race play out in schools? A scoping review and thematic analysis of racial issues in Australian schools14
Cross-cultural differences in academic self-efficacy and its sources across socialization contexts13
Links between psychological disengagement from school and different forms of self-esteem in the crucial period of early and mid-adolescence13
A review of growth mindset intervention in higher education: the case for infographics in cultivating mindset behaviors13
Collective teacher culture and school goal structure: Associations with teacher self-efficacy and engagement12
The effect of academic performance, individualistic and collectivistic orientation on Chinese youth’s adjustment12
Classroom goal structures and communication style: the role of teacher immediacy and relevance-making in students’ perceptions of the classroom12
Teacher well-being and student achievement: A multilevel analysis12
School principals’ social support and teachers’ basic need satisfaction: The mediating role of job demands and job resources12
Teachers with a growth mindset are motivated and engaged: the relationships among mindsets, motivation, and engagement in teaching12
Girls suffer: the prevalence and predicting factors of emotional problems among adolescents during upper secondary school in Norway12
The relationships between bonding social capital, personal belief in a just world and well-being: an analysis of a diverse student sample11
Teacher expectation effects in Chinese junior high schools: Exploring links between teacher expectations and student achievement using a hierarchical linear modelling approach11
Are teachers’ personal values related to their attitudes toward inclusive education? A correlational study11
The role of school identification and self-efficacy in school satisfaction among Norwegian high-school students11
Pygmalion in the genes? On the potentially negative impacts of polygenic scores for educational attainment10
Teachers’ emotion regulation and related environmental, personal, instructional, and well-being factors: A meta-analysis10
‘Believe in me, and I will too’: a study of how teachers’ expectations instilled confidence in Grade 10 students10
The influence of individual, peer, and family factors on the educational aspirations of adolescents in rural China10
The buffering effect of parent social support in the longitudinal associations between cyber polyvictimization and academic outcomes10
Structural relationships between classroom emotional climate, teacher–student interpersonal relationships and students’ attitudes to STEM9
Associations of social and emotional competencies, academic efficacy beliefs, and emotional distress among students in lower secondary school9
Beyond level of self-esteem: exploring the interplay of level, stability, and contingency of self-esteem, mediating factors, and academic achievement9
Typology of habitus in education: Findings from a review of qualitative studies9
Associations between burnout and personal and professional characteristics: a study of Portuguese teachers9
Parent and Sibling Science Support for Latinx Adolescents8
Social factors of procrastination: group work can reduce procrastination among students8
Gender matters when sports engagement and self-efficacy interact with academic achievement8
“Where will I belong more?”: The role of belonging comparisons between STEM fields in high school girls’ STEM interest8
Addressing racial misinformation at school: a psycho-social intervention aimed at reducing ethnic moral disengagement in adolescents8
Ethnic discrimination in secondary education: Does the solution lie in multicultural education and the ethnic school composition?8
Self-efficacy and academic success among diverse first-generation college students: The mediating role of self-regulation8
Do adolescents want death to be included in their education?8
Do teachers’ cultural beliefs matter for students’ school adaptation? A multilevel analysis of students’ academic achievement and psychological school adjustment8
How implicit racial bias and concern about appearing racist shape K-12 teachers’ race talk with students7
Resilience and grit predict fewer academic and career concerns among first-year undergraduate students during COVID-197
Parent involvement, expectancy values, and STEM outcomes among underrepresented adolescents7
Academic entitlement decreases engagement in and out of the classroom and increases classroom incivility attitudes7
Bullies, victims, and meanies: the role of child and classmate social and emotional competencies7
Teachers' perception of aggressive student behavior through the lens of chronic worry and resignation, and its association with psychophysiological stress: An observational study7
Teachers’ awareness in identifying microaggressive behaviors within the K-12 classroom7
Patterns of motivation and communication in learning environments: a latent profile analysis6
Nevertheless, she persisted (in science research): Enhancing women students’ science research motivation and belonging through communal goals6
A need to belong: the impact of institutional diversity ideologies on university students’ belonging and interracial interactions6
‘At first I was overwhelmed, but then—I have to say—I did almost enjoy it’. Psychological needs satisfaction and vitality of student teachers during the first Covid-19 lockdown6
Intentions to quit upper secondary education among first generation immigrants and native Norwegians: the role of loneliness and peer victimization6
Motivational and personality variables distinguish academic underachievers from high achievers, low achievers, and overachievers6
Perceived need-supportive leadership, perceived need-supportive teaching, and student engagement: A self-determination perspective6
COVID-19’s impact on learning processes in Australian university students6
Dynamics between perceived social support and study engagement among primary school students: A three-year longitudinal survey6
Non-communicated judgements of, versus feedback on, students’ essays: Is feedback inflation larger for students with a migration background?6
Unravelling socioeconomic school composition effects on higher education enrollment: the role of students’ individual and shared feelings of futility and self-efficacy6
Teacher exhaustion: The effects of disruptive student behaviors, victimization by workplace bullying, and social support from colleagues5
Understanding motivation for implementing cooperative learning methods: a value-based approach5
Teachers’ sentiment about physical appearance of primary school students: Associations with student–teacher relationship quality and student popularity among classroom peers5
Sixty seconds about each student–studying qualitative and quantitative differences in teachers’ knowledge and perceptions of their students5
Stressors and vulnerability during upper secondary school: subjective experiences of classroom climate and coping beliefs as predicting factors of school stress in Norway5
Trajectories of scholastic well-being: The effect of achievement emotions and instructional quality in the first year of secondary school (fifth grade)5
Self-advocacy experiences of students with specific learning disabilities5
Academic affect shapes the relationship between racial discrimination and longitudinal college attitudes5
Seeking congruity for communal and agentic goals: a longitudinal examination of U.S. college women’s persistence in STEM5
Longitudinal reciprocal associations between student–teacher relationship quality and verbal and relational bullying victimization5
Understanding Filipino students’ achievement in PISA: The roles of personal characteristics, proximal processes, and social contexts5
Predictors of procrastination in first-year university students: role of achievement goals and learning strategies5
Prospective associations between peer support, academic competence, and anxiety in college students5
Gender stereotypes and belonging across high school girls’ social groups: beyond the STEM classroom5
The influence of in-group and out-group favouritism on the disciplinary practice of ethnic majority and minority preservice teachers5
Does parental concern about their child performance matter? Transactional links with the student's motivation and development of self-directed learning behaviors5
When pursuing bad goals for good reasons makes it even worse: a social value approach to performance-avoidance goal pursuit5
Need-supportive and need-thwarting interpersonal behaviors by teachers and classmates in adolescence: The mediating role of basic psychological needs on school alienation and academic achievement5
Recognizing the diversity in how students define belonging: evidence of differing conceptualizations, including as a function of students’ gender and socioeconomic background5
Detrimental educational practices deemed as culturally acceptable: Adultcentrism and Black Pedagogy in Italian primary schools5
Do educational aspirations and expectations matter in improving school achievement?5