Molecular Breeding

(The H4-Index of Molecular Breeding is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A DNA test for high incidence of soft scald and soggy breakdown postharvest disorders in Malus domestica Borkh77
Pyramiding wheat pre-harvest sprouting resistance genes in triticale breeding54
Introgression of the RppQ gene from field corn improves southern rust resistance in sweet corn38
Fine mapping of the panicle length QTL qPL5 in rice35
Characterization of qPL5: a novel quantitative trait locus (QTL) that controls panicle length in rice (Oryza sativa L.)31
OsSRK1, a lectin receptor-like kinase, controls plant height by mediating internode elongation in Oryza sativa L30
Creation and gene expression analysis of a giant embryo rice mutant with high GABA content27
Chromosome karyotype and stability of new synthetic hexaploid wheat27
Genotype selection identified elite lines through quantitative trait loci mapping of agronomically important traits in wheat24
Cytological and genetic effects of rye chromosomes 1RS and 3R on the wheat-breeding founder parent Chuanmai 42 from southwestern China24
Rapid breeding of an early maturing, high-quality, and high-y.ielding rice cultivar using marker‑assisted selection coupled with optimized anther culture20
QTL detection for grain shape and fine mapping of two novel locus qGL4 and qGL6 in rice20
Genomic selection for crop improvement in fruits and vegetables: a systematic scoping review18
PbrCSP1, a pollen tube–specific cold shock domain protein, is essential for the growth and cold resistance of pear pollen tubes18
Accumulation of mutations in the AP2 homoeologs causes suppression of anther extrusion with altered spike and culm development in hexaploid wheat17
Genetic dissection of seed yield and yield-related traits in Brassica napus grown with contrasting nitrogen supplies15
A tetraploid-dominated cytochimera developed from a natural bud mutant of the nonapomictic mandarin variety ‘Orah’15