Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics

(The H4-Index of Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Effects of cooperative membership on financial performance of banana farmers in China: A heterogeneous analysis40
Cooperative identity as a yardstick for transformative change31
What is the influence of government programs on farmer organizations and their impacts? Evidence from Zambia28
Impact of cooperative membership on production efficiency of smallholder goat farmers in Nepal22
Moderating effects of corruption and informality on the fiscal decentralization—economic growth nexus: Insights from OECD countries12
Human development and decentralization: The importance of public health expenditure12
What is the benefit of membership in farm producer organizations? The case of coffee producers in Peru11
Yield effects of agricultural cooperative membership in developing countries: A meta‐analysis11
Farmers’ organizations and sustainable development: An introduction11
Determinants of women's financial inclusion: Evidence from India11
Effect of board gender diversity on the financial performance of microfinance institutions: Does judicial efficiency matter?10
Corruption and tax revenues: Evidence from Italian regions10
When ‘uncertainty’ becomes ‘unknown’: Influences of economic uncertainty on the shadow economy10
Factors affecting borrowers’ turnover in microfinance institutions: A panel evidence10
Une analyse socio‐économique de la trajectoire institutionnelle de l'entreprise sociale : le cas de la Corée du Sud10