Neural Processing Letters

(The TQCC of Neural Processing Letters is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Video Super-Resolution with Frame-Wise Dynamic Fusion and Self-Calibrated Deformable Alignment102
A Unified Synchronization Criterion for Reaction-Diffusion Neural Networks with Time-Varying Impulsive Delays and System Delay99
A Centered Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machine Optimized by Hybrid Atom Search Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis76
Fuzzy Least Squares Support Vector Machine with Fuzzy Hyperplane75
Adaptive Graph Regularized Deep Semi-nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Data Representation71
AdaLip: An Adaptive Learning Rate Method per Layer for Stochastic Optimization68
Synchronization of Quaternion Valued Neural Networks with Mixed Time Delays Using Lyapunov Function Method66
Synchronization in Fixed Time for Reaction–Diffusion Quaternion-Valued NNs with Nonlinear Interconnected Protocol and Its Application62
A Novel Parallel Hybrid Model Based on Series Hybrid Models of ARIMA and ANN Models57
Convergence of Batch Gradient Method for Training of Pi-Sigma Neural Network with Regularizer and Adaptive Momentum Term56
Multiview Objects Recognition Using Deep Learning-Based Wrap-CNN with Voting Scheme49
An Improved U-Net for Human Sperm Head Segmentation46
The Understanding of Traffic Police Intention Based on Visual Awareness41
Deep Learning-Based Hand Gesture Recognition System and Design of a Human–Machine Interface39
Deep Learning Guided Double Hidden Layer Neural Synchronization Through Mutual Learning38
Complex-Valued UNet for Radar Image Segmentation36
Refine-FPN: Instance Segmentation Based on a Non-local Multi-feature Aggregation Mechanism34
Where Have You Gone: Category-aware Multigraph Embedding for Missing Point-of-Interest Identification34
Long Short Term Memory Based Self Tuning Regulator Design for Nonlinear Systems33
A Multi-prototype Capsule Network for Image Recognition with High Intra-class Variations32
Detection of Drug Abuse Using Rough Set and Neural Network-Based Elevated Mathematical Predictive Modelling32
$$\mathcal {H}_\infty $$ Synchronization and Robust $$\mathcal {H}_\infty $$ Synchronization of Coupled Neural Networks with Non-identical Nodes31
Ehsinet: Efficient High-Order Spatial Interaction Multi-task Network for Adaptive Autonomous Driving Perception31
Modeling Character–Word Interaction via a Novel Mesh Transformer for Chinese Event Detection31
Vision-Aware Language Reasoning for Referring Image Segmentation30
Hybrid Impulsive Control Based Synchronization of Leakage and Multiple Delayed Fractional-Order Neural Networks with Parameter Mismatch29
Edge Detection-Guided Balanced Sampling29
Smaller World Models for Reinforcement Learning29
Lightweight CNN-Based Low-Light-Image Enhancement System on FPGA Platform27
Mitigate Gender Bias Using Negative Multi-task Learning27
A Novel Fast Fixed-Time Control Strategy and Its Application to Fixed-Time Synchronization Control of Delayed Neural Networks26
Neural Combinatorial Optimization with Explanation26
Scalable Affine Multi-view Subspace Clustering26
A New Lyapunov Function Method to the Fixed-Time Cluster Synchronization of Directed Community Networks26
Periodic Stability on a Class of D-Operator-Based Neutral-Type Rayleigh Equations Accompanying Mixed Delays25
High-speed Scene Text Detection with Attention and Multi-scale Label Generation25
HMM-based finite-time synchronization of fuzzy jumping neural networks with input constraints and partial information24
A Novel Regularization Paradigm for the Extreme Learning Machine24
Synchronization of T–S Fuzzy Fractional-Order Discrete-Time Complex-Valued Molecular Models of mRNA and Protein in Regulatory Mechanisms with Leakage Effects24
Real Time Air-Written Mathematical Expression Recognition for Children’s Enhanced Learning23
Multi-speaker DoA Estimation Using Audio and Visual Modality23
Penalized Least Squares Classifier: Classification by Regression Via Iterative Cost-Sensitive Learning23
3D Face Recognition Using a Fusion of PCA and ICA Convolution Descriptors22
$$\overline{\text {pin}}$$-TSVM: A Robust Transductive Support Vector Machine and its Application to the Detection of COVID-19 Infected Patients21
Jacobi Neural Network Method for Solving Linear Differential-Algebraic Equations with Variable Coefficients21
Cluster Synchronization for Stochastic Coupled Neural Networks with Nonidentical Nodes via Adaptive Pinning Control21
Proposal-Based Graph Attention Networks for Workflow Detection21
Convolutional Shrinkage Neural Networks Based Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Learning20
Named Entity Recognition by Using XLNet-BiLSTM-CRF20
Can Global Strategy Outperform Myopic Strategy in Bayesian Sequential Design?20
Diffusion Modelling20
No-reference Video Quality Assessment Based on Spatio-temporal Perception Feature Fusion19
Robust Dual-Graph Regularized Deep Matrix Factorization for Multi-view Clustering19
CIRM-SNN: Certainty Interval Reset Mechanism Spiking Neuron for Enabling High Accuracy Spiking Neural Network19
Perceptual Monocular Depth Estimation19
Differential Neural Networks Prediction Using Slow and Fast Hybrid Learning: Application to Prognosis of Infectionsand Deaths of COVID-19 Dynamics19
Siamese Centerness Prediction Network for Real-Time Visual Object Tracking18
A Method of Sharing Sentence Vectors for Opinion Triplet Extraction18
An Efficient Dataflow Mapping Method for Convolutional Neural Networks18
Single-channel Multi-speakers Speech Separation Based on Isolated Speech Segments18
BDKM: A Blockchain-Based Secure Deduplication Scheme with Reliable Key Management18
Semi-supervised Multi-view Clustering Based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization and Low-Rank Tensor Representation17
ADCB: Adaptive Dynamic Clustering of Bandits for Online Recommendation System17
Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence Empowered Big Data Analytical Patterns for Medical Applications17
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Transfer Learning for Visual Sentiment Analysis17
A Transferred Daily Activity Recognition Method Based on Sensor Sequences17
Dynamic Feedback Tracking Control for Interval Type-2 T-S Fuzzy Nonlinear System Based on Adaptive Event-Triggered Strategy17
A Heterogeneous Interaction Graph Network for Multi-Intent Spoken Language Understanding16
Co-learning Graph Convolution Network for Mobile User Profiling16
Finite Time Stability of Caputo–Katugampola Fractional Order Time Delay Projection Neural Networks16
Next-Cart Recommendation by Utilizing Personalized Item Frequency Information in Online Web Portals16
Study on Neural Network Integration Method Based on Morphological Associative Memory Framework16
Precise Correspondence Enhanced GAN for Person Image Generation16
Hardware Spiking Neural Networks with Pair-Based STDP Using Stochastic Computing16
Neo Arithmetic and Ranking Techniques for Trapezoidal Generalized Interval Valued Fuzzy Numbers: Their Applications in Decision Making for Medical Investigation16
Conditional Variational Autoencoder Networks for Autonomous Vehicle Path Prediction16
Semantic Image Segmentation with Feature Fusion Based on Laplacian Pyramid16
Finite Time Synchronization of Delayed Quaternion Valued Neural Networks with Fractional Order15
A Neural Network Based System for Efficient Semantic Segmentation of Radar Point Clouds15
A Multi-scale Dilated Residual Convolution Network for Image Denoising15
Common Spatial Pattern with L21-Norm15
Further Results on Fixed-Time Cluster Synchronization of Coupled Neural Networks15
Dirichlet Graph Convolution Coupled Neural Differential Equation for Spatio-temporal Time Series Prediction14
Passivity-Based State Estimation of Markov Jump Singularly Perturbed Neural Networks Subject to Sensor Nonlinearity and Partially Known Transition Rates14
Gradient-Based Training of Gaussian Mixture Models for High-Dimensional Streaming Data14
Synchronization in Quaternion-Valued Neural Networks with Delay and Stochastic Impulses14
Flood Frequency Modeling and Prediction of Beki and Pagladia Rivers Using Deep Learning Approach14
Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Multi-strategies for Delay Scheduling14
Neural-Network-Based Adaptive Consensus Control for Nonlinear Multiagent Systems Subject to Time Delays and Unknown Disturbance14
Multi-scale Learning for Multimodal Neurophysiological Signals: Gait Pattern Classification as an Example14
Breast Cancer Detection Based on Modified Harris Hawks Optimization and Extreme Learning Machine Embedded with Feature Weighting14
Multi-Objective Memetic Algorithms with Tree-Based Genetic Programming and Local Search for Symbolic Regression13
Variational Diversity Maximization for Hierarchical Skill Discovery13
Multimodal Orthodontic Corpus Construction Based on Semantic Tag Classification Method13
Efficient Deep Feature Based Semantic Image Retrieval13
ORVAE: One-Class Residual Variational Autoencoder for Voice Activity Detection in Noisy Environment12
Crisply Generated Complex Fuzzy Concepts Analysis Using Shannon Entropy12
Neural Networks with Dependent Inputs12
Adaboost-based Integration Framework Coupled Two-stage Feature Extraction with Deep Learning for Multivariate Exchange Rate Prediction12
Research on Blind Recognition Algorithm of Channel Coding Based on One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network Under the Low SNR Regime12
Adaptive Guidance and Attention-Refined Network for Fast Video Object Segmentation12
Complementary Shifted Transformer for Image Captioning12
Mixture of Experts Residual Learning for Hamming Hashing12
Cancer Identification in Enteric Nervous System Preclinical Images Using Handcrafted and Automatic Learned Features12
New Advances in Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning Techniques12
Multi-view Subspace Clustering via Joint Latent Representations12
Quasi-projective Synchronization Analysis of Delayed Caputo-Type BAM Neural Networks in the Complex Field12
Finite-Time Synchronization for Delayed Inertial Neural Networks by the Approach of the Same Structural Functions11
An Improved Fixed-Time Stability Theorem and its Application to the Synchronization of Stochastic Impulsive Neural Networks11
Knowledge Reverse Distillation Based Confidence Calibration for Deep Neural Networks11
An Innovative Information-Based Strategy for Epileptic EEG Classification11
The Kuramoto Model: The Stability Conditions in the Presence of Phase Shift11
Robust Asymptotic Stability and Projective Synchronization of Time-Varying Delayed Fractional Neural Networks Under Parametric Uncertainty11
A Multi-objective Optimization Model for Redundancy Reduction in Convolutional Neural Networks11
An Efficient Hybrid Mine Blast Algorithm for Tackling Software Fault Prediction Problem11
Label-Aware Document Representation via Hybrid Attention for Extreme Multi-Label Text Classification11
COLAM: Co-Learning of Deep Neural Networks and Soft Labels via Alternating Minimization11
Global Exponential Stability of Inertial Cohen–Grossberg Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays via Feedback and Adaptive Control Schemes: Non-reduction Order Approach11
SFCC: Data Augmentation with Stratified Fourier Coefficients Combination for Time Series Classification11
Asynchronous $$H_\infty $$ Filtering for Singular Markov Jump Neural Networks with Mode-Dependent Time-Varying Delays11
A Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm Based on Community Detection and Graph Neural Network11
Meta-Heuristic Algorithms-Tuned Elman vs. Jordan Recurrent Neural Networks for Modeling of Electron Beam Welding Process11
Short Term Solar Power and Temperature Forecast Using Recurrent Neural Networks11
An Adaptive Learning Rate Schedule for SIGNSGD Optimizer in Neural Networks10
Classification of Phonocardiogram Based on Multi-View Deep Network10
Neural Network for a Novel Disturbance Optimal Control Model for Inventory and Production Planning in a Four-Echelon Supply Chain with Reverse Logistic10
KTBoost: Combined Kernel and Tree Boosting10
Automatic Detection of Drowsiness in EEG Records Based on Machine Learning Approaches10
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Histo-Quartic Graph and Stack Entropy-Based Deep Neural Network Method for Brain and Tumor Segmentation10
Feature Extraction via Sparse Fuzzy Difference Embedding (SFDE) for Robust Subspace Learning10
Robust Pinball Twin Bounded Support Vector Machine for Data Classification10
Attention-Based Deep Gated Fully Convolutional End-to-End Architectures for Time Series Classification10
A Hybrid VAE Based Network Embedding Method for Biomedical Relation Mining10
Ownership Recommendation via Iterative Adversarial Training10
Finite-Time Synchronization for T–S Fuzzy Complex-Valued Inertial Delayed Neural Networks Via Decomposition Approach10
An Unsupervised End-to-End Recursive Cascaded Parallel Network for Image Registration10
Lagrange Stability of BAM Quaternion-Valued Inertial Neural Networks via Auxiliary Function-Based Integral Inequalities10
Deep Active Autoencoders for Outlier Detection10
Semi-supervised Learning with Graph Convolutional Networks Based on Hypergraph10
Depth Enhanced Cross-Modal Cascaded Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection10
Educational Data Mining: Dropout Prediction in XuetangX MOOCs10
Adaptive Graph Learning for Semi-supervised Self-paced Classification10
Simple and Robust Locality Preserving Projections Based on Maximum Difference Criterion9
Deep Temporal Contrastive Clustering9
Density Weighted Twin Support Vector Machines for Binary Class Imbalance Learning9
An Effective Ionospheric TEC Predicting Approach Using EEMD-PE-Kmeans and Self-Attention LSTM9
An Integration of Archerfish Hunter Spotted Hyena Optimization and Improved ELM Classifier for Multicollinear Big Data Classification Tasks9
PReLCaP : Precedence Retrieval from Legal Documents Using Catch Phrases9
Neuro-Evolutionary Computing Paradigm for the SIR Model Based on Infection Spread and Treatment9
HOFT-MP: A Multipath Routing Algorithm Using Hybrid Optimal Fault Tolerant System for WSNs Using Optimization Techniques9
Evaluation of the Explanatory Power Of Layer-wise Relevance Propagation using Adversarial Examples9
A*-FastIsomap: An Improved Performance of Classical Isomap Based on A* Search Algorithm9
Dental Material Detection based on Faster Regional Convolutional Neural Networks and Shape Features9
Salp Swarm-Artificial Neural Network Based Cyber-Attack Detection in Smart Grid9
Real-Time Detection Network SI-SSD for Weak Targets in Complex Traffic Scenarios9
Kinematic Control of Manipulator with Remote Center of Motion Constraints Synthesised by a Simplified Recurrent Neural Network9
Exponential Synchronization of Stochastic Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays and Lévy Noises via Event-Triggered Control9
Event-Triggered Controller on Practically Exponential Input-to-State Stabilization of Stochastic Reaction–Diffusion Cohen–Grossberg Neural Networks and Its Application to Image Encryption9
DMADRL: A Distributed Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Cognitive Offloading in Dynamic MEC Networks9
Finger Vein De-noising Algorithm Based on Custom Sample-Texture Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets9
aiTPR: Attribute Interaction-Tensor Product Representation for Image Caption9
An Improved Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Optimization of Artificial Neural Network Training9
Breast Cancer Semantic Segmentation for Accurate Breast Cancer Detection with an Ensemble Deep Neural Network9
Distributed Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization for Micro-grid Adaptive Power Allocation9
A Targeted Universal Attack on Graph Convolutional Network by Using Fake Nodes9
Finite-Time Synchronization for a Coupled Fuzzy Neutral-Type Rayleigh System9
Detection of Copy-Move Forgery in Digital Image Using Multi-scale, Multi-stage Deep Learning Model9
A Survey of Micro-expression Recognition Methods Based on LBP, Optical Flow and Deep Learning9
Incomplete Multi-view Clustering Based on Self-representation9
Correction to: EFRNet: Efficient Feature Reuse Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation9
Smart Animal Detection and Counting Framework for Monitoring Livestock in an Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicle Using Restricted Supervised Learning and Image Fusion9
Correction to: Recent Deep Learning Techniques, Challenges and Its Applications for Medical Healthcare System: A Review9
FSFADet: Arbitrary-Oriented Ship Detection for SAR Images Based on Feature Separation and Feature Alignment9
Rapid Person Re-Identification via Sub-space Consistency Regularization8
Color Image Enhancement: A Metaheuristic Chimp Optimization Algorithm8
Finite/Fixed-Time Synchronization of Memristor-Based Fuzzy Neural Networks with Markov Jumping Parameters Under Unified Control Schemes8
Special Issue on Quantum Inspired Neural Networks for Engineering Optimization8
Synchronous Control of Neutral Stochastic Neural Network with Discrete and Distributed Delays Based on Delay Feedback Controller8
A Voltage Control Method of 6-DoF Underwater Robotic System with an Observer-Based Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Estimator8
Identification of Hammerstein Systems with Random Fourier Features and Kernel Risk Sensitive Loss8
Further Research on the Problems of Synchronization for Fractional-Order BAM Neural Networks in Octonion-Valued Domain8
Why Does Regularization Help with Mitigating Poisoning Attacks?8
Laplacian Generalized Eigenvalues Extreme Learning Machine8
DCT-Net: A Neurodynamic Approach with Definable Convergence Property for Real-Time Synchronization of Chaotic Systems8
ELANet: Effective Lightweight Attention-Guided Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation8
Multi-object Spatial–Temporal Anomaly Detection Using an LSTM-Based Framework8
Special Issue: Capsule Networks and Imaging Science (CNIS)8
Image Super-Resolution Based on Gated Residual and Gated Convolution Networks8
Security Event-Triggered Filtering for Delayed Neural Networks Under Denial-of-Service Attack and Randomly Occurring Deception Attacks8
A Perceptually Important Points Approach Based on Imputation Clustering with Weighted Distance Techniques for Big Data Reduction in Internet of Things Cloud8
Finite-Time Synchronization of Fractional-Order Quaternion-Valued Delayed Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks8
Decentralized PI Controller Design for Robust Perfect Adaptation in Noisy Time-Delayed Genetic Regulatory Networks8
Multichannel Matrix Randomized Autoencoder8
Augmenting Textbooks with cQA Question-Answers and Annotated YouTube Videos to Increase Its Relevance8
Time-Frequency Localization Using Deep Convolutional Maxout Neural Network in Persian Speech Recognition8
Distributed Analysis Dictionary Learning Using a Diffusion Strategy8
Convolutional Spiking Neural Networks for Spatio-Temporal Feature Extraction8
An Outlier-Robust Growing Local Model Network for Recursive System Identification8
Robust Discriminant Projection Via Joint Margin and Locality Structure Preservation8
Syncretic Feature Selection for Machine Learning-Aided Prognostics of Hepatitis8
Multi-scale Deep Feature Transfer for Automatic Video Object Segmentation8
A One-Layer Recurrent Neural Network for Interval-Valued Optimization Problem with Linear Constraints8
Singular Value Manipulating: An Effective DRL-Based Adversarial Attack on Deep Convolutional Neural Network8
Order-Dependent Sampling Control of Uncertain Fractional-Order Neural Networks System8
Passivity-based Bipartite Synchronization of Coupled Delayed Inertial Neural Networks via Non-reduced Order Method8
Stability and Bifurcation Behavior of a Neuron System with Hyper-Strong Kernel8
Adaptive DBN Using Hybrid Bayesian Lichtenberg Optimization for Intelligent Task Allocation8
Estimation of the Domain of Attraction of Discrete-Time Impulsive Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks Model With Impulse Input Saturation8
Discriminatory Label-specific Weights for Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels8
SRCNN-PIL: Side Road Convolution Neural Network Based on Pseudoinverse Learning Algorithm8
Attention-Guided Optimal Transport for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Class Structure Prior8
Combining Pixel-Level and Structure-Level Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation8
Image Denoising Network Based on Subband Information Sharing Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet7
Geometrically Preserved Dual Projections Learning for Multi-label Classification7
Feature Fusion Based Parallel Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Image Annotation7
Window-Adjusted Common Spatial Pattern for Detecting Error-Related Potentials in P300 BCI7
Beetle Antennae Search Strategy for Neural Network Model Optimization with Application to Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation7
A Novel Matching Operator for Visual Object Tracking7
$$H_\infty $$ State Estimation for Round-Robin Protocol-Based Markovian Jumping Neural Networks with Mixed Time Delays7
ZEPI-Net: Light Field Super Resolution via Internal Cross-Scale Epipolar Plane Image Zero-Shot Learning7
Nonlinear Graph Learning-Convolutional Networks for Node Classification7
An Efficient Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection System Using B-HKNN and C2 Search Based Learning Model7
GSA4FDA: Deep Geometric and Statistic Alignment for Fewer Labeled Domain Adaptation7
TriEP: Expansion-Pool TriHard Loss for Person Re-Identification7
Genetic Algorithm Optimized Grey-Box Modelling and Fuzzy Logic Controller for Tail-Actuated Robotic Fish7
ACR-GNN: Adaptive Cluster Reinforcement Graph Neural Network Based on Contrastive Learning7
Hierarchical Neural Network with Serial Attention Mechanism for Review Sentiment Classifification7
Synchronization Analysis of Multi-Order Fractional Neural Networks Via Continuous and Quantized Controls7
A New Result on Stability Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delay Based on an Extended Delay-Dependent Integral Inequality7
Improving Human Pose Estimation Based on Stacked Hourglass Network7
Adversarial-Based Ensemble Feature Knowledge Distillation7
A dark image enhancement method based on multiscale features and dilated residual networks7
Long Short-Term Memory Networks with Multiple Variables for Stock Market Prediction7
Iris Recognition using Multi Objective Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm with Autoencoder Classifier7
A State Recognition Method of Isolation Switch in Traction Substation Based on Key Components Detection and Geometric Ranging7
Preassigned-Time Synchronization of Delayed Fuzzy Cellular Neural Networks with Discontinuous Activations7
CDMC-Net: Context-Aware Image Deblurring Using a Multi-scale Cascaded Network7
Data-Free Quantization with Accurate Activation Clipping and Adaptive Batch Normalization7
Error Graph Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Data Representation7
Trajectory Association for Person Re-identification7
Using Hamiltonian Neural Networks to Model Two Coupled Duffing Oscillators7
Formal Derivation of Mesh Neural Networks with Their Forward-Only Gradient Propagation7
Improved Generative Adversarial Network Learning via Structural Pattern Classification7
Positive-Unlabeled Learning for Knowledge Distillation7
CNN-EFF: CNN Based Edge Feature Fusion in Semantic Image Labelling and Parsing7
A Contrastive Learning Framework with Tree-LSTMs for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis7
Image Quality Assessment via Inter-class and Intra-class Differences for Efficient Classification7
A Robust Fixed-Time Piecewise Dynamic Network for Convex Programming7
Model-Free Optimal Consensus Control for Multi-agent Systems Based on DHP Algorithm7
Dynamic Properties of Dual-delay Network Congestion Control System Based on Hybrid Control7