Health Risk & Society

(The TQCC of Health Risk & Society is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Democratising participatory health promotion: power and knowledge involved in engaging European adolescents in childhood obesity prevention16
‘The ones who die are lost and the survivors are what we have’: neoliberal governmentality and the governance of Covid-19 risk in social media posts in Turkey16
Italian doctors’ understandings of work-related health and safety risks among women migrant home care workers14
The role of culture in the (re)production of inequalities of acceptable risk exposure: a case study in Singapore13
Embracing uncertainty post-COVID-19 crisis: insights from young people12
‘It touches my heart more when I see this…’: visual communication in the realisation of risk - the case of type 2 diabetes in Stockholm11
Risk at the boundaries of social work: an editorial11
Conceptualising the experience of health risk: the case of everyday management of elevated cholesterol9
Risk and the importance of absent symptoms in constructions of the ‘cancer candidate’9
Constructing Ebola martyrs, warriors, and saviours: online heroisation in a context of risk and unease8
Experiences of social support among Kashmiri women with breast cancer7
Exploring the HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) risk rituals: individualisation, uncertainty and social iatrogenesis7
Ultrasound scans as risk rituals in obstetric prenatal care in South Africa7
Affect mediates culture’s effects on COVID-19 risk perceptions, behavioral intentions, and policy support among americans6
Reassessing social trust: gossip, self-policing, and Covid-19 risk communication in Norway5
Hospital transfers from care homes: conceptualising staff decision-making as a form of risk work5
Risk and responsibility: lay perceptions of COVID-19 risk and the ‘ignorant imagined other’ in Indonesia4
Culture and perceptions on cancer risk and prevention, information access, and source credibility: a qualitative interview study in Chinese adults4
People’s understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic: social representations of SARS-CoV-2 virus in Italy4
Is my risk lower than yours? The role of compared risk, illness perceptions, and self-efficacy as determinants of perceived risk for COVID-193
Nina Hallowell, 4th november 1957 – 28th June 2023: a risk researcher who explored the ways in which genetics touches human lives3
Antimicrobial resistance in the risk society – a Danish study on how veterinarians and human medical doctors construct risk through blaming3
Making Sense of Risk: Social Work at the Boundary between Care and Control3
In the name of health: affect theory and the role of public health risks in the creation of carceral spaces3
On the borderline of diabetes: understanding how individuals resist and reframe diabetes risk3