Health Risk & Society

(The median citation count of Health Risk & Society is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
‘The ones who die are lost and the survivors are what we have’: neoliberal governmentality and the governance of Covid-19 risk in social media posts in Turkey16
Democratising participatory health promotion: power and knowledge involved in engaging European adolescents in childhood obesity prevention16
Italian doctors’ understandings of work-related health and safety risks among women migrant home care workers14
The role of culture in the (re)production of inequalities of acceptable risk exposure: a case study in Singapore13
Embracing uncertainty post-COVID-19 crisis: insights from young people12
‘It touches my heart more when I see this…’: visual communication in the realisation of risk - the case of type 2 diabetes in Stockholm11
Risk at the boundaries of social work: an editorial11
Risk and the importance of absent symptoms in constructions of the ‘cancer candidate’9
Conceptualising the experience of health risk: the case of everyday management of elevated cholesterol9
Constructing Ebola martyrs, warriors, and saviours: online heroisation in a context of risk and unease8
Exploring the HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) risk rituals: individualisation, uncertainty and social iatrogenesis7
Ultrasound scans as risk rituals in obstetric prenatal care in South Africa7
Experiences of social support among Kashmiri women with breast cancer7
Affect mediates culture’s effects on COVID-19 risk perceptions, behavioral intentions, and policy support among americans6
Reassessing social trust: gossip, self-policing, and Covid-19 risk communication in Norway5
Hospital transfers from care homes: conceptualising staff decision-making as a form of risk work5
Culture and perceptions on cancer risk and prevention, information access, and source credibility: a qualitative interview study in Chinese adults4
People’s understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic: social representations of SARS-CoV-2 virus in Italy4
Risk and responsibility: lay perceptions of COVID-19 risk and the ‘ignorant imagined other’ in Indonesia4
Antimicrobial resistance in the risk society – a Danish study on how veterinarians and human medical doctors construct risk through blaming3
Nina Hallowell, 4th november 1957 – 28th June 2023: a risk researcher who explored the ways in which genetics touches human lives3
Is my risk lower than yours? The role of compared risk, illness perceptions, and self-efficacy as determinants of perceived risk for COVID-193
On the borderline of diabetes: understanding how individuals resist and reframe diabetes risk3
Making Sense of Risk: Social Work at the Boundary between Care and Control3
In the name of health: affect theory and the role of public health risks in the creation of carceral spaces3
Risk, emotion and responsibility: an analysis of the storylines used by vaccine hesitant mothers2
Layering risk work amidst an emerging crisis: an ethnographic study on the governance of the COVID-19 pandemic in a university hospital in the Netherlands2
Organisational learning, or organised irresponsibility? Risk, opacity and lesson learning about mental health related deaths2
Interrogating the deployment of ‘risk’ and ‘vulnerability’ in the context of early intervention initiatives to prevent child sexual exploitation2
Factors in intention to get the COVID-19 vaccine change over time: Evidence from a two-wave U.S. study2
What is more dangerous – the disease, the vaccine or the government? Using governmentality theory to understand vaccine hesitancy among Israeli citizens in times of corona2
Food, bodies, health (risks): the biopolitics of organic materiality testing in the context of diet-associated health risk management practices2
‘I’d best take out life insurance, then.’ Conceptualisations of risk and uncertainty in primary care consultations, and implications for shared decision-making2
“I can go teach for 30 minutes, and then I can tell” – The risk work of teachers in Danish secondary schools2
A trail leading home. Analysing the evolution of Mpox risk narratives and targets of blame in UK media1
From risks to catastrophes: How Chinese Newspapers framed the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in its early stage1
Use of ‘risk’ language in breastfeeding promotional materials: US state and local health departments1
The influence of artificial intelligence within health-related risk work: a critical framework and lines of empirical inquiry1
Covid-19, pandemic risk and inequality: emerging social science insights at 24 months1
Personal narratives, public risk: using Foucault’s ‘confessional’ to examine adult retrospective disclosures of childhood abuse1
Problematising older motherhood in Canada: ageism, ableism, and the risky maternal subject1
Experiences and management of uncertainty following treatment for prostate cancer1
Occupation, risk culture, and risk perception: empirical evidence from China on COVID-191
‘Do you think this is normal?’: risk, temporality, and the management of children’s food allergies through online support groups1
Plus ça change? The COVID-19 pandemic as continuity and change as reflected through risk theory1
‘How shall we handle this situation?’ Social workers’ discussions about risks during the COVID-19 pandemic in Swedish elder care1
The role of trust in government and risk perception in adherence to COVID-19 prevention measures: survey findings among young people in Luxembourg1
‘Assessing my risk and that of my whānau is my right’: a longitudinal media analysis of risk and COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand news media1
“You have to be street smart”: Street capital and the social organisation of risk among people who inject drugs in Norway1
‘If you know the person, there are no risks’: ‘in-between’ strategies for reducing HIV sexual risk among young sub-Saharan migrants living in Switzerland1
Perceptions of alcohol health harm among midlife men in England: a qualitative interview study1