Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour

(The median citation count of Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The short-term effectiveness of online group hazard perception training in experienced drivers79
Distracted and unfocused driving in supervised and unsupervised teen drivers: Associations with sleep, inattention, and cognitive disengagement syndrome symptoms67
Acceptance towards advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS): A validation of the unified model of driver acceptance (UMDA) using structural equation modelling60
Higher investment levels into pre-planned routes increase the adherence of pedestrians to them58
Heavy vehicle driver fatigue: Observing work and rest behaviours of truck drivers in Australia56
Exploring multi-homing behavior of ride-sourcing drivers via real-world multiple platforms data56
Influence mechanism of the urban traffic climate on prosocial driving behavior: The combined role of rational, affective and moral factors56
Exploring the role of social networks in modeling drivers’ route choice behavior52
Effects of within-trip subjective experiences on travel satisfaction and travel mode choice: A conceptual framework51
Modeling the effects of perceived intuitiveness and urgency of various auditory warnings on driver takeover performance in automated vehicles50
Predicting drivers’ intentions to voluntarily use intelligent speed assistance systems: An application of the theory of planned behaviour49
Assessing shared auto-rickshaws adoption by intra-city commuters as part of the public transport system: The influence of negative encounters on passenger satisfaction44
The bigger the better? Investigating the effects of driving simulator fidelity on driving behavior and perception44
Safe driving and road-crossing tasks: A particular case of successful transfer of learning43
Improving interest in public, active, and shared travel modes through nudging interventions40
Biased judgments of the effects of speed change on travel time, fuel consumption and braking: Individual differences in the use of simplifying rules producing the same biases39
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Use of Level 1 and 2 driving automation on horizontal curves on interstates and freeways38
Changes in older drivers’ risky driving behavior over time: Insights from a naturalistic study37
The differences in hazard response time and driving styles of violation-involved and violation-free taxi drivers37
Driver trust in and training for advanced driver assistance systems in Real-World driving37
Motivation and active travel in adolescent girls and boys in Germany – Findings from the ARRIVE study37
The impact of cognitive load on a lane change task (LCT) among male autistic individuals: A driving simulator study36
Do one’s moral foundations impact how they respond to information on climate change emissions? A vehicle choice experiment36
Predicting trucking accidents with truck drivers’ safety climate perception: An in-depth evaluation of the pretrain-then-finetune approach35
A systematic review of road traffic suicides: Do we know enough to propose effective preventive measures?33
How to define the threshold of takeover response ability of different drivers in conditional automated driving32
The family climate for road safety scale in young Chinese drivers: An analysis of reliability and validity32
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Towards safer streets: A review of child pedestrian behavior and safety worldwide32
Impact on driver behaviour of guardrails of different height in horizontal-vertical coordinated road scenarios with a limited available sight distance32
Aberrant driving behaviour among home healthcare workers31
The self-reported psychosocial and legal factors contributing to drink and drug driving31
Effects of a frontal brake light on (automated) vehicles on children’s willingness to cross the road31
The effects of implementing human valence into the behavioral model of a fully autonomous vehicle31
Computerized cognitive training to improve executive functions and driving skills of adolescents with and without symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder30
A cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT) evaluation of a pre-driver education intervention using the Theory of Planned Behaviour29
A study of the compliance level of connected vehicle warning information in a fog warning system based on a driving simulation29
How does emotional intelligence predict driving behaviors among non-commercial drivers?28
Eyes on the road, hands upon the wheel? Reciprocal dynamics between smartphone use while driving and job crafting28
Regular looks out the window do not maintain situation awareness in highly automated driving28
Assessment of the effect of attentional control and experience on event-related potential P300 in visual perception during vehicle driving28
Visualizing the autonomous vehicle’s maneuvers – Does an ecological interface help to increase the hedonic quality and safety?28
Graphic traffic signals—The color design of 3D crosswalks27
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Environmental, altruistic, or monetary benefits? A longitudinal online experiment on how framed behavioral consequences affect self-reported eco-driving of German vehicle owners26
The effects of depressed mood and 0.05 % blood alcohol concentration on risky driving in males26
Promotion of driver compliance with V2V information in car-following tasks via multimodal display26
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Evaluating driver comprehension of the roadway environment to retain accountability of safety during driving automation25
Young pedestrians' behaviours and risk perception: a pilot study with Italian early adolescents25
The impact of courteous and discourteous drivers on physiological stress25
What are the factors determining user intentions to use AV while impaired?25
What is the motor vehicle crash risk for drivers with a sleep disorder?25
Psychometric adaptation of the driving cost and benefit scale in Chinese drivers25
Unveiling the drivers of modal switch from motorcycles to public transport in Southeast Asia24
How impressions of other drivers affect one’s behavior when merging lanes24
Comparing implicit communication via longitudinal driving dynamics: A cross-cultural study in Germany and the UK24
“A reservation I have is that presumably no travel app will improve the actual services”: Place based perspectives of mobility as a service24
Behind the wheels with autism and ADHD: Brain networks involved in driving hazard detection24
Older drivers’ attitudes are associated with readiness for changes in mobility24
Impact of the health crisis, COVID 19, on compliance with safety rules by type of user: Comparative analysis of car drivers and motorcyclists24
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Effects of explanation-based knowledge regarding system functions and driver’s roles on driver takeover during conditionally automated driving: A test track study23
Behaviour and perceptions of powered two-wheeler users in street designs with elements of shared space23
Gaze tracking patterns on different types of traffic risk in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease23
Validating a methodology for understanding pedestrian – vehicle interactions: A comparison of video and field observations23
Effect of chevron design on driver behaviour when encountering and passing through a dangerous curve22
Effect of verbal messages with reminders to communicate driving situations to alter driver behavior in conditional driving automation22
Exploring the usage of supervised driving automation in naturalistic conditions22
Impressions after an automated mobility experience: An acceptance study22
Does it deliver what it promises? Evaluation of cognitive distraction caused by speech-based interfaces with detection response and box task22
Factors associated with speeding behavior: Literature review and meta-analysis21
The influence of music genres on the driving behaviour of young drivers and their visual scanning of the environment21
Understanding car-sharing by integrating long-, medium- and short-term cognitions21
A multi-road user evaluation of the acceptance of connected and automated vehicles through the lenses of safety and justice21
Adaptations in driver deceleration behaviour with automatic incident detection: A naturalistic driving study21
Understanding autonomous vehicle adoption intentions in Malaysia through behavioral reasoning theory21
The influence of fatalistic beliefs and risk perceptions on road safety attitudes in Latin America; A two-country study21
Children’s street crossing performance when auditory information about traffic is lacking21
Sustainable Steps in the Snow: Exploring factors associated with active school commuting in Finland20
Cognitive load and task switching in drivers: Implications for road safety in semi-autonomous vehicles20
Charging or Swapping? A study on the private Consumers’ acceptance of the electricity replenishment mode of new energy vehicles20
The art of riding safely: A critical examination of advanced rider assistance systems in motorcycle safety discourse20
Impact of commuting on mental well-being: Using time-stamped subjective and objective data20
Validating risk behavior in driving simulation using naturalistic driving data20
Exploring implications and current practices in e-scooter safety: A systematic review20
Investigating the potential of a battery swapping method at refuel stations for electric vehicle: A case study of INDIA20
Exploration of the effects of task-related fatigue on eye-motion features and its value in improving driver fatigue-related technology19
Editorial Board19
Exploring perceptions of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in older drivers with age-related declines19
Therapists’ perspectives on experience and treatment of mobility-related anxiety disorders19
Incorporating personality traits for the study of user acceptance of electric micromobility-sharing services19
Factors affecting motorcyclists’ behavior in car-following condition19
Transparent internal human-machine interfaces in highly automated shuttles to support the communication of minimal risk maneuvers to the passengers19
Development and validation of the Driver Attention Regulation Scale: A measure of the perceived ability to regulation attention on the road18
Ergonomic Design Improves Cross-Cultural Road Sign Comprehension18
Should older people be considered a homogeneous group when interacting with level 3 automated vehicles?18
Cyclists’ handheld phone use and traffic rule knowledge18
The fast and the female: Gender differences in wellbeing and wage consequences of commute impedance18
A validation study comparing performance in a low-fidelity train-driving simulator with actual train driving performance18
Evidence that implementation intentions reduce drivers’ use of mobile phones while driving18
Perceived risk of using shared mobility services during the COVID-19 pandemic18
An exploratory investigation into the self-regulatory processes influencing drug driving: Are young drivers more externally regulated?18
The contribution of memory to differences in situation awareness in expert and non-expert drivers18
Understanding distracted pedestrians’ risky behaviour: The role of walking and visual characteristics through a field study18
How to resolve the contradiction between driving safety and lighting energy conservation in a highway tunnel? − An experiment on linear guiding system17
Psychometric properties of the Driving Cognitions Questionnaire, Driving Situations Questionnaire, and Driving Behavior Survey17
It’s about time! Earlier take-over requests in automated driving enable safer responses to conflicts17
The implications of situation and route familiarity for driver-pedestrian interaction at uncontrolled mid-block crosswalks17
A meta-analysis of the n-back task while driving and its effects on cognitive workload17
Trust in what? Exploring the interdependency between an automated vehicle’s driving style and traffic situations17
Keeping the driver in the loop in conditionally automated driving: A perception-action theory approach17
The relationship between cognitive functioning and street-crossing behaviours in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis17
The appraisal of roadway environment and infrastructure by drivers with autism: A qualitative study17
Estimating effectiveness of speed reduction measures for pedestrian crossing treatments using an empirically supported speed choice modeling framework17
Driver social desirability scale: A Turkish adaptation and examination in the driving context17
Measuring workload effects of augmented reality head-up displays using detection response task17
Psychological consequences of motor vehicle accidents: A systematic review17
Relating emotions, psychophysiological indicators and context in public transport trips: Case study and a joint framework for data collection and analysis16
Effects of risk perception on commuters’ mode choice behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Shenzhen, China16
“This is where public transport falls down”: Place based perspectives of multimodal travel16
Evaluating self-reported pedestrian behaviour and investigating factors influencing road interactions in Jordan16
Passengers’ acceptance and perceptions of risk while riding in an automated vehicle on open, public roads16
Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS): Demographics, preferred sources of information, and accuracy of ADAS knowledge16
Investigating sex, masculinity and femininity in relation to impulsive driving and driving anger expression16
Translation and adaptation of the family climate for road safety scale to a Spanish speaking population using confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equational modeling16
Investigating impact of situation awareness-based displays of semi-autonomous driving in urgent situations16
Traffic safety effects of economic driving in trucking companies16
Pilot study: Effect of roles and responsibility training on driver's use of adaptive cruise control between younger and older adults16
Are we leaving some people behind? Travel autonomy, perceived accessibility, and well-being among people experiencing mental and physical difficulties16
Combining survey-based and neuroscience measurements in customer acceptance of self-driving technology16
Analysis of factors influencing aberrant riding behavior of food delivery riders: A perspective on safety attitude and risk perception15
Can prosocial attitude reduce the risk behavior in simulated driving?15
Support for distracted driving laws: An analysis of adolescent drivers from the Traffic Safety Culture Index from 2011 to 201715
Distracted driving caused by voice message apps: A series of experimental studies15
How various urgencies and visibilities influence drivers’ takeover performance in critical car-following conditions? A driving simulation study15
A two-stage incentive mechanism for rebalancing free-floating bike sharing systems: Considering user preference15
The adoption and application of Intelligent Speed Assistance by private motorists: User and non-user perspectives15
The impact of COVID-19 on transportation-related and risky driving behaviors in Canada15
Social identity and cycling among women: The case of Tel-Aviv-Jaffa15
The impacts of the traffic situation, road conditions, and driving environment on driver stress: A systematic review15
Motivations for watching videos on mobile phones while driving in parking lots and while waiting at intersections in the United States15
Does recognizability of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) platoons affect drivers’ behavior and safety?15
Antecedents of consumer loyalty in ride-hailing14
Towards a new approach to detect sleepiness: Validation of the objective sleepiness scale under simulated driving conditions14
Beliefs and attitudes of Australian learner drivers toward driving and avoiding driving through floodwater14
The influence of the built environment on pedestrians’ perceptions of attractiveness, safety and security14
Evaluating the effectiveness of Didi ride-hailing security measures: An integration model14
In their own words: A qualitative study of users’ acceptance of connected vehicle technology after nine months of experience with the technology14
How fast would you (or should you) drive here? Investigation of relationships between official speed limit, perceived speed limit, and preferred speed14
Study on physiological representation of passenger cognitive comfort: An example with overtaking scenarios14
Interaction between pedestrians and automated vehicles: Exploring a motion-based approach for virtual reality experiments14
Research on parking choice behavior of shared autonomous vehicle services by measuring users’ intention of usage14
An empirical investigation of driver’s eye-catching effect in the entrance zone of freeway tunnels: A naturalistic driving experiment14
Influence of perceived safety in the technology acceptance model14
Effects of environmental, vehicle and human factors on comfort in partially automated driving: A scenario-based study14
Interaction strategies with advanced driver assistance systems14
Two-step communication for the interaction between automated vehicles and pedestrians14
External human-machine interfaces: Effects of message perspective14
The effect of technological readiness dimensions on the adoption of autonomous vehicles: Focusing on behavioral reasoning theory14
Why drivers use in-vehicle technology: The role of basic psychological needs and motivation13
What is the role of active mobility habits in the relationship between self-determination and modal shift intentions? A mediation analysis13
The impact of E-bus satisfaction on driving behaviour: A questionnaire-based study on E-bus drivers13
Insights into the effectiveness of messaging promoting intentions to use connected vehicle technology13
Parents’ perceptions of driver education: A theoretically guided qualitative investigation13
Representations of truck platooning acceptance of truck drivers, decision-makers, and general public: A systematic review13
The effect of widening longitudinal road markings on driving speed perception13
Unraveling the complex interplay between curved tunnels and drivers’ physiological responses: An HRV perspective13
“I will raise my hand and say ‘I over-trust Autopilot’. I use it too liberally” – Drivers’ reflections on their use of partial driving automation, trust, and perceived safety13
Demographic risk factors and injury severity scores in Substance-use behaviour related traffic crashes13
Hours-of-service compliance and safety outcomes among long-haul truck drivers13
Assessment of driver’s attentional resource allocation to visual, cognitive, and action processing by brain and eye signals13
Analyzing electric vehicle users’ intention to use dynamic wireless charging facilities: A study from New Zealand13
What is the role of narcissism in the relationship between impulsivity and driving anger expression?13
Corrigendum to “Evaluating the impacts of driver’s pre-warning cognitive state on takeover performance under conditional automation” [Transp. Res. Part F: Traffic Psychol. Behav. 83 (2021) 80–90]13
Misuse or abuse of automation? Exploring drivers’ intentions to nap during automated driving13
Road safety behaviors: Role of control beliefs and risk perception13
Identifying the determinants and understanding their effect on the perception of safety, security, and comfort by pedestrians and cyclists: A systematic review13
Moving around with an anxiety disorder13
Analysing driver’s decision in dilemma zone at signalized intersections under disordered traffic conditions13
Inducing driving anger with multi-stage road events in simulator environment13
Sleep in automated driving – Effects of time of day and chronotype on sleepiness and sleep inertia13
Risky and anxious-aggressive drivers: A key barrier to traffic safety legislation in Germany13
Is physical literacy associated with active transportation among children? A general mixed model analysis across twelve schools13
Safety evaluation and prediction of takeover performance in automated driving considering drivers’ cognitive load: A driving simulator study12
Disengagement from driving when using automation during a 4-week field trial12
Investigating what makes people walk or cycle using a socio-ecological approach in seven European cities12
For whom is sharing really scaring? capturing unobserved heterogeneity in perceived comfort when cycling in shared spaces12
Cycling subjective experience: A conceptual framework and methods review12
Comparing the sensitivity of the box task combined with the detection response task to the lane change test12
A qualitative study on transportation experiences of public transport users in Türkiye during the COVID-19 pandemic12
Does age matter? Examining age-dependent differences in at-fault collisions after attending a refresher course for older drivers12
Editorial Board12
Effect of road markings and road signs quality on driving behaviour, driver’s gaze patterns and driver’s cognitive load at night-time12
Comparing the bad media-fuelled reputation of e-scooters with real-life user and non-user perceptions: Evidence from Sweden12
A systematic review of observational studies investigating the influence of mobile phone distraction on road crossing behaviour of pedestrians12
Impact of variable message signs on drivers’ situation awareness in freeway exit areas12
Non-Driving Related tasks and journey types for future autonomous vehicle owners12
A scoping review of E-scooter safety: Delightful urban slalom or injury epidemic?12
“Did you fall asleep?” – Younger and older drivers’ recollection of prior sleepiness while driving12
A comparison of glance coding approaches for driver attention assessment12
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Self-Explaining Roads: Effects of road design on speed choice12
Designing user interfaces for partially automated Vehicles: Effects of information and modality on trust and acceptance12
Impact of interface design on drivers’ behavior in partially automated cars: An on-road study12
Psycho-physiological measures on a bicycle simulator in immersive virtual environments: how protected/curbside bike lanes may improve perceived safety12
Are novice drivers competent to take over control from level 3 automated vehicles? A comparative study with experienced drivers12
Implicit and explicit attitudes in transportation research: A literature review12
Assessing the effectiveness of autism spectrum disorder roadway warning signs: A case study in New Jersey12
Predictive validity of the Multidimensional Driving Style Inventory in bus drivers’ crash involvement: A follow-up study12
Which visual cues do drivers use to anticipate and slow down in freeway curve approach? An eye-tracking, think-aloud on-road study12
Walk or run? An observational study to explore pedestrian crossing decision-making at intersections in Dhaka, Bangladesh applying rules mining technique11
Do sport modes cause behavioral adaptation?11
Can cargo bikes compete with cars? Cargo bike sharing users rate cargo bikes superior on most motives – Especially if they reduced car ownership11
Impact of pandemic restrictions on travel patterns in urban centres: A case-study of Dublin City, Ireland11
A home-based approach to understanding the effect of spatial autocorrelation on seat belt non-use11
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Climate change and transportation companies: A bibliometric and systematic literature review11
Behavioural adaptation or constraint? The effect of curve proximity on driving behaviour11
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Adaptation of the safe driving climate among friends scale in Chinese drivers and its associations with risky driving behaviours11
The notorious B.I.T: The effects of a ransomware and a screen failure on distraction in automated driving11
Drinking, drug use and road rage in Turkish drivers11
Evaluation of a user-accessible countermeasure: Effect of manual dexterity gymnastics on passive driver fatigue11
Eco driving as a road safety measure: Before and after study of three companies11
Younger drivers executive functioning and the relationship with experiencing signs of sleepiness11
“Pédaler en toute sécurité”: The Cycling Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ) in Belgium – A validation study11
Monitoring driver drowsiness in partially automated vehicles: Added value from combining postural and physiological indicators10
Bicyclists’ behavioral and physiological responses to varying roadway conditions and bicycle infrastructure10
Gender differences in the use of ADAS technologies: A systematic review10
Audiovisual time-to-collision estimation for accelerating vehicles: The acoustic signature of electric vehicles impairs pedestrians' judgments10
Did COVID-19 mandates influence driver distraction Behaviors? A case study in New Jersey10
Safeguarding motorcyclists: Trialing new PRIME road markings for casualty reduction10
Exploration of mental envelope determinants when pedestrians interact with various mobilities on mixed streets10
Car following with an inertia-oriented driving technique: A driving simulator experiment10
An analysis of factors affecting wrong-way driving at a highway entrance using a driving simulator among older drivers with cognitive decline10
How human-automation interaction experiences, trust propensity and dynamic trust affect drivers’ physiological responses in conditionally automated driving: Moderated moderated-mediation analyses10
Effect of multiple traffic information sources on route choice: A driving simulator study10
Measuring optimism bias among military personnel10
Effect of speed on flow and enjoyment for driving and rollercoasters10
A data–information–knowledge cycle for modeling driving behavior10
More afraid of the virus than of bad weather? Exploring the link between weather conditions and cycling volume in German cities before and during the COVID-19 pandemic10
Modeling social rejection, physiological arousal, and peer influence on risky driving among adolescents and young adults10
The prevalence of in-vehicle driving distractions in road traffic collisions as a function of road type10
The quiet passenger: Cognitions, avoidance, and onset among people with driving anxiety10
Evaluation of a dynamic blocking concept to mitigate driver distraction: Three simulator studies10
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