Interventions-International Journal of Postcolonial Studies

(The median citation count of Interventions-International Journal of Postcolonial Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Angloglobalism, Multilingualism and World Literature17
The Global Anglophone: An Institutional Argument10
An Anticolonial way of Seeing9
Portuguese Fascism’s Genocidal Strategy in Mozambique: the Zambezi River South Bank in the Early-Mid 1970s8
Introduction the Temporal Politics of Anticolonial Aesthetics8
To Be or Not to Be [Grateful]: Epistemologies of Belonging to a “Host-Home”5
Anticolonial Aesthetics: Towards Eco-Cinema5
Rethinking Knowledge through Early English Translations of Zhu Xi’s Study of Li4
Discordant Trajectories of the (Post-)Soviet (Post)Colonial Aesthetics4
Woman, child, and minor forms in contemporary world literature: Lydia Davis and J. M. Coetzee4
Travels to metropolitan London3
Unburials and Skeletal Reconstructions: Narrative as Forensics in Michael Ondaatje's Anil's Ghost3
Clasping Together the Magical and the Menial3
Inhabiting the Hyphen: (Re)Negotiating Arab-American Identity in Poems by Lisa Suhair Majaj, Laila Halaby and Suheir Hammad3
When the subaltern speaks: solo narrative performance in Heather Raffo’sNine Parts of Desireand Issam El-Yousfi’sTears with Alcohol3
From Treasure To Trash Island Colonialist Fantasies Of Island Wealth Reworked In Satin Island By Tom Mccarthy And Crazy Rich Asians By Kevin Kwan3
A Map of Divergence and Connection: Voices from Nineteenth-century Nunavut and Aberdeen3
Reading for Water3
Loose Canons: The Global Anglophone Novel and the Failures of Universalism3
The Mosaics of an Arctic Seamstress: Narrative Versions of Ada Blackjack on Wrangel Island, 1921–19233
Decolonizing the Museum3
The Invisibility of Southern Migration3
The Burden of the Past: Memories, Resistance and Existence in Susan Abulhawa’sMornings in Jeninand Hala Alyan’sSalt Houses2
Monuments of Italian Colonialism as a Transcultural Heritage2
Memory Novels as Lieux De Mémoire2
Refuse/Refuge: Castaways on Islands of Exception2
Labour, Enclosure, and Form in World Literature2
Decolonizing Language Resources in the Human-Machine Era2
Resituating Nikolai Marr2
The Balfour Conversations: British Human Rights Activists and the Call to Reckon with Implication2
The Concept of “International Protection” in the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration2
Picturing “our colonial problem”2
Uhyggelig Horror: Narratives of Asylum in Hassan Blasim’s Nordic Stories2
Patriotic Science2
Book Festivals and the Special Economic Zone of Culture2
The Myth of Sufi Sindh: Reflections on the Orientalist and Nationalist Historiography2
The Reconfiguration of Nationalist Movements in a Context of Crisis: Evidence from the Case of Catalonia2
Dealing with the Material Legacies of Italian Fascist Colonialism in Post-Communist Tirana2
‘No Bodies’2
Constructing a Poetics of Connections: From Network to Relation in Pandemic Poetry Performances from South Africa2
INTRODUCTION: Forms of cultural enclosure2
The Guanches , a Spectral Border. The Hauntological Condition of the Indigenous of the Canary Islands and Decolonial Thought2
The Un-Human Beings2
Hospitality and Amnesty: Aravind Adiga’s Narrative of Legal Liminality1
Spectrality and Thanatic Ethics of Care in Atlantique and Biutiful1
Introduction: Thanatic Ethics: The Circulation of Bodies in Migratory Spaces1
Rewording the World or Reworlding the Word? Some Postcolonial Perspectives on the “World” of World Literature1
Rubber genocide in Joyce and Beckett: from Roger Casement’s Congo to Vél d’Hiv and Auschwitz1
Horizons of liberation: materialism, ecology, and the colonial question1
Cultural attachés: African literature, the CIA, and the hermeneutics of suspicion1
Palestine 2048 in Inertia: False Utopias, a Dwindling Nation, and the Last Palestinian1
Palestine and the Aesthetics of the Future Impossible1
Imperial Medicine and Proselytization in Robert Kerr’s “Salvific” Activities In Morocco, 1886–19151
Words on Black Water: Setting South African “Plantation Literature” Afloat on the Kala Pani1
Islands in the City: Negotiating the Location of British Concessions Along the Yangtze River in 1861 China1
White Erethism: Beckett, Crevel, and Negro: An Anthology1
Reading the Radio-Magazine: Culture, Decolonization and the Paigc’s Rádio libertação1
Another Orientalism? the Case of Eva De Vitray-Meyerovitch and Rumi1
Rethinking Indigenous and Collaborative Archaeologies1
People of the Footprints1
Cosmopolitan Repair: Reclaiming and Restoring Cultural Heritage in Postcolonial Nigeria1
NGOs and Neocolonialism in Postcolonial Literature: The Case of Central Asia1
Reaching for the Stars: The Zambian Space Programme and Alternative Imaginaries of Space Travel1
TEMPORALITIES. Algerian Revolutions: Whose Star? Then/Now?1
A Postcolonial Analysis of Austria’s Political Approach to Islam1
Roman Routes in Italian Postcolonial Women Writers1
Brexit as a constitutive force in the Commonwealth: Constitutional identities and the withering Sovereign1
Walking with Fanon: Towards Decolonized Embodiments1
Testimonies, Landscapes, and Reenactments in Im Heung-Soon's Documentary Works1
Minority, collectivity, and the short story cycle. Identity and difference in Chika Unigwe’s Better Never Than Late1
C.L.R. James and the Genealogies of Socially Transformative Aesthetics1
Beyond the Liberal Subject: Susan N. Kiguli and the Lyric Poem in 1990s Uganda1
Intertextuality, World Literature and Migration: Dictionaries and the Female Body in Najat El Hachmi’s L’últim Patriarca and Xiaolu Guo’s A Concise Chines1
Recognition beyond recognition!1
Playing with Saris: Material and Affective Unfoldings of Violence and Resistance in Shailja Patel’sMigritude1
Plaiting The Pandanus Mat of Change in Vanuatu1
Discoursing Asia: The Regional Contemporary and Historical Fracture In Asian Contemporary Art Symposia, 1997–20021
Negotiating Moral Authority for Body Repatriation: The Case of Senegalese Migration1
Lidio Cipriani, Attilio Gatti, and the shooting of Siliva Zulu (1927)1
Against minoritization: five strategies for world literature1
Beckett in the Postcolony: Introduction1
On Pluviality: Reading for Rain in Namwali Serpell’s The Old Drift1
Whispers in the Armenian Quarter, Jerusalem1
Protection of refugees and migrants in the era of the global compacts1
Introduction: Counter-stories from the Arctic Contact Zone1
The Postcolonial Malaise in Narration1
Looking into Walcott’s Homer: Omeros between epic and mock-epic1
The Road to Lotus: Faiz Ahmad Faiz’s Magazine Proposal to the Soviet Writers Union1
“Does The Water Repeat?”0
Grafting Missionary Infrastructures: Korean Missions to Cambodia in an IT Age0
Introduction: Genres, Poetics and Subjectivities of Migration0
Exposing Islands of Refuge0
“Writing Orality”: Preserving Oral Tradition and Cultural Identity in the Select Writings of Easterine Kire0
Contemporary Art’s Thanatic Work0
Minor Literature and the Translation of the (M)other0
Appeals to shared Africanness: Negotiating precarious childhoods and intra-African migration in two coming-of-age narratives in contemporary South Africa0
Public health as critique: examining the caste of filth and disease in Katherine Mayo’s Mother India0
An Island Under Siege: Negative Australian Media Narratives of Asylum Seekers and the Opportunity for Counter-Discourses0
Performing trauma in the Arabic appropriations of Shakespeare’s Hamlet0
A weapon of responsibility: the lyric cry in Alda Espírito Santo’s and Maria Manuela Margarido’s negritude poetics0
Colonial Ethnography and the Rhetoric of Bodo Identity0
When rhythm becomes resistance: transcreating songs in Arabic0
Gramsci’s Writing Body. On Embodiment and Subaltern Knowledge0
Rum and Coca-Colonization?0
Introduction: Infrastructure as an Inter-Asian Method0
Built to last? Material legacies of Italian colonialism0
Abolition of a National Paradigm0
A Passage to More than India0
Repurposing Fantasy Island: Lani Wendt Young’s Telesā Series and the Politics of Postcolonial Romance0
Racial Capitalism and Racial Intimacies: Post-Emancipation British Guiana in David Dabydeen’s The Counting House0
From Colonial to Postcolonial0
Fanon’s Frame of Violence0
‘There is Nothing Post-Colonial About it’0
Showcasing Italianness through migration governance0
Traces of an Arctic Voice: The Portrait of Qalaherriaq0
Interventions in Adolescent Lives in Africa Through Story0
Hydrocolonial Johannesburg0
Third World Crossings0
Life-Work: Institutional Constructions of Afro-diasporic Poetics During the Postcolonial Cold War0
Alnayah’s People: Archival Photographs from West Greenland, 1908–19090
Shipwreck and Psychosis: Sheila Fugard’s The Castaways0
Introduction: Poetics from the Global South0
Insolence, Indolence, and the Ayitian free Black0
Madhavrao Sapre at the Advent of Writing0
From Telegraph to Fibre Optics0
Suppressed Nakba memories in Palestinian female narratives0
Paradigms of Power in Postcolonial Translation0
Wandering abroad: British law, Irish independence, and Beckett’s vagrants0
Hidden Stories0
Voyage Out, Voyage Up?0
When the People Behind the Scenes Come to the Fore:0
Sudanese Women, Slavery, and Race in Samiha Khrais’s NovelSlaves’ Peanuts0
Memorializing Masculinity?0
The infrastructure humanities0
Of Global Anglophone: A Response0
The Burmese Refugee Exodus of 1942: Making a Case for the Refugee Archive and Inclusive Refugee Policies0
The Rise of Global Anglophone0
The Making of a Supranational Stereotype: Western Literary Constructions of the Chinese in Manila and Beyond0
The Notion of the “Subaltern” and the Drone Victim Subjectivities in Pakistani Anglophone Fiction0
Globalization and Affective Economy of Othering in South Korea: Emotional Particularism in Orion Choco Pie Advertisements0
Language, Caste and the Brahmanical framing of European Indology: Aleksei Barannikov's “Some Positions in the Field of Indology” (1941)0
The varieties of European colonialism in Central and Eastern Europe: The Polish and the Czech Cases0
Introduction: Island Narratives of Persistence and Resistance0
Listening to Landseer's Polar Bears0
Parables for planetary crisis: storytelling and multispecies migration in Amitav Ghosh’s Gun Island0
Supply Chain Capitalism in the Planetary Network Blockbuster0
Political theology from the global south: Enrique Dussel and the poetics of liberation0
Colonial Czechoslovakia? Overseas and Internal Colonization in the Interwar Czechoslovak Republic0
Unseen City: Review Forum0
Muybridge and the Imperial Pacific: Fashioning Histories of Empire and the Coffee State, 1867–18760
Caché,Colonial Psychosis and the Algerian War0
“They Drew An Entire People After Them”0
An island in the sun. material Legacies of colonialism in sardinia between the nation-building process and (a lack of) decolonization0
The postcolonial museum and nonsynchronous heritage0
Decolonizing Irishness: Assertions of Afro-Irish Self-Determination in Nicky Gogan and Paul Rowley’s Seaview and Melatu Uche Okorie’s This Hostel Life0
‘Sleep is an Overlord and Sovereign’ The Poetics and Politics of Sleep in Mahmoud Darwish’sIn the Presence of Absence0
Dark Water: Rustum Kozain’s This Carting Life (2005)0
Vernacular animalities: reading multispecies ethics in Hasan Azizul Haque’s short stories0
A Mermaid in a Dry City: A Watery Reading of Yvonne Vera’sButterfly Burning0
“NOT I”: postcolonial reconfigurations of Samuel Beckett0
Laudable Madness: Seizing Life from the Teeth of Death0
Aspirations of Relationality: Asian American Studies, American Studies, East Asian Studies, and the Global Anglophone0
Johan Turi's Ecology0
Nabeul … Taroudant . El Jadida . . Tangier0
Deep Historicities0
Imperial Remnants of a Contested Alpine Border Region: Encountering Bolzano’s Ambiguous Monuments0
Sri Lankan anglophone poetry and modernist painting0
Offshore Islands in Aotearoa New Zealand: Robin Hyde, Janet Frame and the “Other” TRADITION0
Just Add Global0
Extractive Modernity at Large0
Anatomy of Political Violence in South Africa0
Samuel Hearne, the Denesuline, and the Beaver0
Perilous Pacific: Thanatic Archive and Vietnamese Refugees0
Anomalous, Containerized and Inundating Waters: Thinking from the Cape and through Blue Focalization with K. Sello Duiker’sThirteen Cents0
A Fictional Prescription for National Emancipation0
Queer Acts and Caste Hegemony0
Queering Chinese Crossings in Late Twentieth Century Jamaica: Larry Chang and the Gay Freedom Movement0
“This is China’s Sputnik Moment”: The Politics and Poetics of Artificial Intelligence0
Rewriting Solidarities in Juxtaposition0
Shadow of a Drought: Notes from Cape Town’s Water Crisis0
Traces, Absences, and Distortions in Emilie Demant Hatt’s Representations of Sámi Life0
Out of the Blue and into the Black: Mobility and Sculptural Opacity in the Work of Flaka Haliti and Serge Alain Nitegeka0
Writing Cyprus: Postcolonial and Partitioned Literatures of Place and Space0
Shaping Identity0
“The Pleasure of Drawing While People are Drowning” Graphic Literature and the Critical Engagement with Death in Migratory Spaces0
Fiction’s gothic imagination of reverse domination: Western migrants in Saudi Arabia0
The Role of Purity and Pollution Rituals in Religious Conversions of Goa During Portuguese Colonization: A Probe Through Select Goan Novels0
Commemorating the Fascist Empire: The Public Memory of Rodolfo Graziani in Modern Italy0
Thawrah Des Odalisques at the Matisse Retrospective0
Translating Islamic Knowledge for the New Soil: Two Korean Translations of the Qur’an in South Korea0
“He Wants Me to Bring Him Home, Even in the Form of a Shell”0
Transmodern Liberation Philosophies0
Tragedy and Postcolonial Literature0
Irish Setters and Palestine Retrievers: Liberal Zionism in Beckett’s Watt Manuscripts0
Necropolitical Ecologies: Creative Articulations of Nature’s Death-Work in the Borderzone0
Intellectual Decolonization and Harmful Nativism: Arabic Knowledge Production of Ancient Egyptian Literature0
Neoliberal Film and Feminism0
A Ciné-Geography of Militant Cinema in the age of Three Worlds. Making Global History Appear in the Long 1960s0
Indentured Labour in South Africa0
Stuplime Orientalism0
Poetry on the edge0
Manufacturing Environmental Disasters: An Analysis of Eco-documentaries in the Age of Asia0
The bad migrant. The crisis of democratic education and the decolonization of the curriculum in French and German school dramas0
Constructing and Consuming the Periphery0
The rights of whites (in search of a majority)0
Informal Street Vending in Harare0
Area Studies: From “Global Anglophone” to Afropolitan Literature0
Black Lives Matter: Solidarity Between Indigenous and Chinese Australians?0
Introduction: Visualizing Violence0
Orientalism Otherwise: A Poetics of Adjacency in Négar Djavadi’s Disoriental0
From Green Hell to Grey Heritage: Ecologies of Colour in the Penal Colony0
Social Encounters: Portraits of the Yup’ik Women of Taciq, Alaska, 1850–18510
Exponential minor literatures: a Yiddish poem of the Shoah in Judeo-Spanish translation0
The Performative Politics of Greek Debt0
Towards A New Kinship? Affective Engagements with Migrants Dead in the Mediterranean0
Futures in the Presents: Decolonial Visions of the Haitian Revolution0
Colonial Amnesia and the Material Remains of Italian Colonialism in Mogadishu0
Beyond Tourism: Alternative Futures in Contemporary Caribbean Poetry0
Between Imperial Rule and Sovereignty: Rethinking Afghanistan Studies0
The Transcultural Flow and Consumption of OnlineWuxiaLiterature through Fan-based Translation0
The poetic excess of Susana Thénon’s Ova completa0
Agency in Economic Justice0
Through the Colonial Lens: Images of Alaska Native Peoples in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries0
The Postsecular Turn: Interrogating Postcolonialism after 9/110
From Chinese to Global Humanism: Articulations and Decolonial Critiques of New Confucian Philosophy in Cold War Taiwan and Hong Kong0
Denise Levertov’s Mexican sojourn: poets of the north, materials of the south0
Neither Black Nor White: Colonial Myths, Irish Women, and Chinese Men’s Quest for Respectability0
Minor characters, genre, and relationality: Antigone’s sister in contemporary literature0
Postcolonial Italy , A Public History Project Mapping Colonial Heritage0
Queering the Postcolonial Auto/biography: Doubleness and Unspeakability in J. M. Coetzee’s Boyhood and Jamaica Kincaid’s My Brother0
Negotiating the Carceral Space0
The Residual Migrant0
National History, Resistance, and Cultural Enclosure in Iceland’s Bell0
Spectres of ascendancy: Beckett, Yeats, and the politics of postcolonial amnesia0
Is the Anthropocene Conniving with Capital?0
Sexual Violence Against Indigenous Women as Represented by the Performance of Regina José Galindo0
Queer Performativities in Pakistan0
Postcolonial Theory and the Challenge of Caste0
Deep History and the Pitfalls of Periodization0
Outsider-Within: The Sociological Significance of Dalit Women’s Life Narratives0
Introduction: the aesthetic agency of minor literature0
The Question of Script for Sindhi in India: Reflections on Postcolonial Grammatology0
The Limits of the Anthropocene: Anticolonial Humanity in Kidlat Tahimik’s Mababangong Bangungot and Souleymane Cissé’s Yeelen0
Postcolonial Plumbing0