International Journal of Social Welfare

(The TQCC of International Journal of Social Welfare is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Practising professionalism in activation work: Developing and testing a questionnaire19
Reducing sex work by targeting ‘vulnerable’ sex workers: A post‐structural analysis of policies regulating Danish exit programmes directed at people involved in sex work12
Reaching without outreaching: A comparative policy study of EU member states policy agenda on youth unemployment12
Challenging scalar fallacy in state‐wide welfare studies: AUKsub‐state comparison of civil society approaches to addressing youth unemployment10
Distinguishing characteristics of out‐of‐school adolescents in South Korea: A machine learning approach10
Chinese older adults' personal–family life balance and its associations with social networks: The moderating role of internet use10
Issue Information9
Human rights and social justice in a global perspective: An introduction to international social workSusan C.MappNew York: Oxford University Press, 2021, 465 pp., US$60, ISBN: 9780190059477 (paperback9
Issue Information8
Home as a risk environment: Negotiating the boundaries of homes and social relationships in services for people using illicit drugs8
Revisiting auxiliary social services for persons with disability: The Philippines case7
Measuring public‐private‐substitution after divorce: Ex‐spouse income and the effect of marital separation on social assistance take‐up6
Who spends more to combat COVID‐19 social risks and why?6
Associations between HIV stigma and social support for people living with HIV in Hyderabad, India6
The role of social transfers in mitigating families with children from the economic impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic6
Cost‐effectiveness of a ‘Housing First’ programme implemented in Spain: An evaluation based on a randomised controlled trial6
A journey into the new employment service landscape of responsibilisation: Towards de‐personalisation of the caseworker–jobseeker relationship5
The perceived fair duration of unemployment benefits for older workers. The role of lifetime achievements in the labour market5
Security or autonomy? A comparative analysis of work values and labor market policies in different European welfare states4
The impact of tax reforms on human development index: Literature review approach4
Special issue of International Journal of Social Welfare: Integrating young people in the labour market, integrating methodologies4
Three dimensions of long‐term care provision in middle‐income countries—A view across Africa, Latin America and Asia4
Toward an inclusive system for informal workers? Diverging impacts of labor informality on Chinese workers’ pension enrollment4
One ‘welfare recipient’ stereotype or many? Using the stereotype content model to examine the stereotypes of different categories of benefit recipients4
From self‐care to compassion resilience: Extending the model of protective factors for humanitarian practitioners4
Making sense of reablement within different institutional contexts. Collaborative service ideals in Norwegian and Danish home care4
Family policies, social norms and marital fertility decisions: A quasi‐experimental study3
Work–family and family–work conflict and negative attitudes toward having children: A multilevel cross‐national analysis3
Exploring how international social workers perceive culturally relevant practices: A case study of Japanese social workers’ experiences in other Asian countries3
A six‐year longitudinal study of parenting and depressive symptoms among Taiwanese adolescents3
Experience of guilt in court hearings—Comparing rape, assault and fraud cases3
A behavioural livelihoods approach to address psychosocial constraints to empowerment3
Large and/or single‐parent families: Public attitudes towards pronatalist and anti‐poverty family policies in Hungary3
Satisfaction with social care in the UK: Assessing the interactive effects of age and ideology3
Precarious welfare‐to‐work transitions in a segmented labour market: Evidence from the Netherlands3
Intergenerational solidarity in a developing welfare state: The case of South Korea3
The prospects of judicial social work for incapacitated older adults: Evidence on how Chinese social workers may contribute3
Child‐related family policies in East and Southeast Asia: An intra‐regional comparison3
How culture influences the strengthening of market principles in conservative welfare states: The case of long‐term care policy3
Issue Information3
Bureaucratic sludge: Bureaucratic tasks and procedures leading to experiences of strain3
Poverty and public works: Evidence from Hungary3
Poor labour market prospects due to intensive caregiving? Childcare and eldercare among welfare recipients in Germany3
Role conflict, role ambiguity, and depressive symptoms: The moderating effects of job autonomy among social workers in China3
Effective local governance assisting vulnerable groups: The case of youth not in employment, education or training (NEETs) in Sweden3
Alleviating administrative burden through digitalization and redesign: A laboratory experiment on student financial aid in Germany3
Special Issue on the Challenges for family and child well‐being in the new era3
New configurations of labour insertion processes. The case of secondary technical and vocational education and training students in Chile3
Do childcare policies and schedule control enhance variable time workers' work–life balance? A gender analysis across European countries3
Self‐initiated moves during the formal eviction process: Findings from Swedish Register Data3
From welfare to work: The health and material well‐being effects of long‐term employment subsidies in Germany3
Dimensions of controversy: Investigating the structure of public support for universal basic income in the Netherlands3
‘The newcomer effect’: Gender quotas, state reforms and service responsiveness in local councils2
Virtue ethics in social work practice2
Ecosocial work among social welfare professionals in Finland: Key learnings for future practice2
Social safety net features in East Asia: A comparative analysis using the model family approach2
Generosity's double‐edged sword: Unmasking the impact of raised social assistance rates in Norway2
Targeting social welfare for people with severe mental illness: A review of policies in China and a call for further action2
Comparison of intergenerational income mobility in South Korea and the United States: Period changes between 1980‒1995 and 1996‒20152
Putting experts in their place: Achieving policy impact as an outsider‐academic in civil service reforms in Slovakia2
Long maternal working hours were linked to obesity, underweight and stunting in children under age 5 in China2
The family structural and socioeconomic characteristics of the family well‐being of Hong Kong people2
Shared residence and social security policy: A comparative analysis from 13 countries2
Large families and poverty in Austria: What explains their disproportionate risk of experiencing income poverty?2
The impact of labor market reforms on firm training for nonregular and regular workers2
Issue Information2
‘Radical Hope’ offers Poverty‐Aware Practice beyond social work2
Do cash transfer programs have different effects on children based on household disability status? Evidence from Malawi and Zambia2
Welfare conditionality in Latin America's conditional cash transfers: Models and trends2
The large family penalty in Italy: Poverty and eligibility to minimum incomes2
The role of social transfers in reducing the poverty risk for larger families in the European Union2