Journal of African Cultural Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of African Cultural Studies is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Reading Dina Ligaga’s Women, Visibility and Morality in Kenyan Popular Media From Nigeria19
Youth, Associational Life and Civic Engagement in Northern Cameroon: Association des Jeunes Élèves et Étudiants de la Faada10
Youth, Football and Everyday Lived Experience in Ajegunle, Lagos6
Lyrical Renegades: Reframing Narratives of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Kenyan Urban Margins Through Hip-Hop5
Chihuahua Promises and the Notorious Economy of Fake Pets in Cameroon5
Landscapes of Distant Suffering: Interrogating Humanitarian Documentary Film Representation of “Harmful” Cultural Practices4
Ja Pa and Jokes in Nigerian Skits: Humour and the Imagineering of a National Dystopian Consciousness4
Method and Antimethod: Reflecting on Keguro Macharia’s Frottage4
Reflecting on “Chinese” Positionality in Africa: An Encounter with Another “Other”4
“Fake” Journals and the Fragility of Authenticity: Citation Indexes, “Predatory” Publishing, and the African Research Ecosystem4
Re-Contextualising Breakdance Aesthetics: Performance, Performativity, and Re-Enaction of Breakdancing in Uganda4
L’enseignement artistique et culturel dans la formation professionnelle des universités publiques au Bénin : de la marginalisation à la réintégration progressive3
Re-membering the Postcolonial Musical Audience with Indigenous Soundscapes:Mbeyu NjijaMusic-Video Documentary in Tanzania3
Re-centring the Mothers of Rwanda’s Abducted “Métis” Children3
Vital Atmospherics: Sonic City-Making in Africa3
The Dream Factory: Chinese Presence on a Nigerian University Campus3
There Was a Campus: Nostalgia, Memory and the Formation of University of Nigeria “Campus Kids” Online Communities3
Textualisation of Sexual Harassment on the Cameroonian University Campus: Moone Nda’a’s La révolte de Mbazoua et autres nouvelles3
Sound Studies from Africa3
Booty Power Politics: The Social-mediated Consumption of Black Female Bodies in Popular Culture3
Ears to the Ground: Realness, Decolonial Meta-Rap, and the Language Debate in Nigerian Hip-Hop2
Les universités africaines francophones : le campus sous toutes ses formes2
Civilisation under Colonial Conditions: Development, Difference and Violence in Swahili Poems, 1888–19072
The Governor and the Everyday Woman: Reflections on Dina Ligaga’s Women, Visibility and Morality in Kenyan Popular Media2
Malawians’ Foreign Film Dubbing, Film Pirating and Consumption as “Weapons of the Weak”2
Campus and Creation in Côte d’Ivoire: Issues and Strategies for an Aesthetic of Camouflage in Zouglou2
Fake Wax2
The Yorùbá Concepts of Ìgbàgbọ́ and Ìmọ̀ : Understanding Human and Nonhuman Species Interactions2
Fakeness, Human-Object Fluidity and Ethnic Suspicion on the Kenyan Pharmaceutical Market2
The Limits of Governmentality: Call-in Radio and the Subversion of Neoliberal Evangelism in Zambia2
Language and Hip-Hop in Africa: A Tanzanian Perspective2
Arts and Culture in Professional Training Programmes at Beninese State Universities: From Marginalisation to Progressive Reintegration2
The Campus as War Zone: Contemporary Anglophone Fiction, Post-Independence Civil War, and the African University2
Speargrass Blossoms: Patriarchy and the Cultural Politics of Women’s Ephemerality on the Land in Acholi2
The Racialization of Drug Fakery and Pharmaceutical Markets2
Faith and Governance: A Study of Mawlid in Contemporary Morocco1
Self-censorship and Shifting Cognitions of Offence in the Stand-up Acts of Basket Mouth and Trevor Noah1
Fakery and Fabrications in Kumasi’s “Modern” Market1
Edible Bodies? Conspicuous Consumption, Women’s Bodies and Postcolonial Masculinities in Fast-Food Advertisements in Zimbabwe1
Re-imagining How We Want to Be Touched1
Voicing Afro-Modernity: How Black Atlantic Audiobooks Speak Back1
The Labor of the Living Dead1
Yeset Lij’s Tribute to the Praxis of Collective Mothering: Childhood in Derg’s Ethiopia1
Beyond the Static: Women, Voice and Radio Zulu in the 1970s and 1980s1
Collective Creativity in the Lecture Hall: Key Issues, Participant Strategies and Aesthetic Challenges1
Encountering Mudi Yahaya’s Nina Fischer-Stephan’s Respectful Gaze in Lagos1
“Mama Majuto”: A Reflection on Playing Mzungu in Tanzanian Video Films1
Performing Spiritual Solidarity: Christian Music and #EndSARS Protest in Nigeria1
Desiring Queer Motherhood and Mothering Ourselves1
Being Muslim at the Intersection of Islam and Popular Cultures in Nigeria1
Keeping Time: Prayers and Social Vitality in the Ashanti Adaε Festival1
Foreign Bodies, Local Language: Voicing Foreignness in a Casablanca Dubbing Studio1
Textualisation du harcèlement sexuel dans le campus universitaire camerounais : une analyse à partir de La révolte de Mbazoua de Moone Nda’a1
Enlivening Prayers: Aesthetic and Function in the Supplicatory Odes of Shaykh Abū Bakr Atiƙu (Kano, Nigeria, d. 1974)1
Unmuting Conversations on Fakes in African Spaces1
Introduction to Campus Forms1
fokkol graad vi jou nie” [Fuck All Degree for You]: Black Afrikaans Poets, Critical University Studies, and Transcripting the Afrikaans University1
Mimicry of European Football Commentary: Arap Uria’s Comic Lip-Sync Impressions in Kenyan Social Media1