Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics

(The TQCC of Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Multivariate Kruskal_Wallis tests based on principal component score and latent source of independent component analysis21
A Festschrift for Geoff McLachlan13
A Richards growth model to predict fruit weight9
The Inverse G‐Wishart distribution and variational message passing8
Issue Information6
A class of kth‐order dependence‐driven random coefficient mixed thinning integer‐valued autoregressive process to analyse epileptic seizure data and COVID‐19 data6
Conditional intensity: A powerful tool for modelling and analysing point process data5
Model averaged tail area confidence intervals in nested linear regression models5
A shared parameter mixture model for longitudinal income data with missing responses and zero rounding4
Asymptotics for the conditional self‐weighted M$$ M $$ estimator of GRCA(p$$ p $$) models and its statistical inference4
Issue Information4
Short‐term forecasting with a computationally efficient nonparametric transfer function model4
Measuring the values of cricket players4
Functional dimension reduction based on fuzzy partition and transformation4
Bayesian hierarchical mixture models for detecting non‐normal clusters applied to noisy genomic and environmental datasets3
Infill asymptotics for adaptive kernel estimators of spatial intensity3
Visual assessment of matrix‐variate normality3
A new minification integer‐valued autoregressive process driven by explanatory variables3
A calibrated data‐driven approach for small area estimation using big data3
Modelling temporal genetic and spatio‐temporal residual effects for high‐throughput phenotyping data*3
Spying on the prior of the number of data clusters and the partition distribution in Bayesian cluster analysis3
PanIC: Consistent information criteria for general model selection problems2
Stereological inference on mean particle shape from vertical sections2
Variable selection in heterogeneous panel data models with cross‐sectional dependence2
Bayesian credible intervals for population attributable risk from case–control, cohort and cross‐sectional studies2
Dependent radius marks of Laguerre tessellations: a case study2
Bayesian hypothesis tests with diffuse priors: Can we have our cake and eat it too?2
Issue Information2
Modelling columnarity of pyramidal cells in the human cerebral cortex2
Full Bayesian analysis of triple seasonal autoregressive models2
Issue Information2
Issue Information2
Minimum cost‐compression risk in principal component analysis2