Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics

(The TQCC of Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Information criteria for inhomogeneous spatial point processes21
Modelling temporal genetic and spatio‐temporal residual effects for high‐throughput phenotyping data*13
Globally intensity‐reweighted estimators forK‐ and pair correlation functions9
Accelerating adaptation in the adaptive Metropolis–Hastings random walk algorithm9
Adversarial risk analysis for first‐price sealed‐bid auctions8
A new minification integer‐valued autoregressive process driven by explanatory variables6
Spying on the prior of the number of data clusters and the partition distribution in Bayesian cluster analysis6
Depth and outliers for samples of sets and random sets distributions6
Properties of the affine‐invariant ensemble sampler's ‘stretch move’ in high dimensions5
Infill asymptotics for adaptive kernel estimators of spatial intensity5
Forecasting the old‐age dependency ratio to determine a sustainable pension age5
Bessel regression and bbreg package to analyse bounded data4
Variable selection using penalised likelihoods for point patterns on a linear network4
Modelling students’ career indicators via mixtures of parsimonious matrix‐normal distributions4
Modelling columnarity of pyramidal cells in the human cerebral cortex4
Permutation entropy and its variants for measuring temporal dependence4
What is the effective sample size of a spatial point process?4
Exact likelihoods for N‐mixture models with time‐to‐detection data3
Bayesian estimation and model comparison for linear dynamic panel models with missing values3
The Inverse G‐Wishart distribution and variational message passing3
MPS: An R package for modelling shifted families of distributions3
Non‐parametric depth‐based tests for the multivariate location problem3
A Richards growth model to predict fruit weight3
A few statistical principles for data science3
An adequacy approach for deciding the number of clusters for OTRIMLE robust Gaussian mixture‐based clustering3
Sufficient dimension reduction for clustered data via finite mixture modelling2
Projection properties of three‐level screening designs2
Experimental design in practice: The importance of blocking and treatment structures2
Penalised, post‐pretest, and post‐shrinkage strategies in nonlinear growth models2
Model‐based inference using judgement post‐stratified samples in finite populations2
Fast and efficient algorithms for sparse semiparametric bifunctional regression2
Dependent radius marks of Laguerre tessellations: a case study2
Conditional intensity: A powerful tool for modelling and analysing point process data2
Global implicit function theorems and the online expectation–maximisation algorithm2
Detection boundary for a sparse gamma scale mixture model2
Anna Karenina and the two envelopes problem2
Efficient error variance estimation in non‐parametric regression2
Regression trees for poverty mapping2
Multivariate Kruskal_Wallis tests based on principal component score and latent source of independent component analysis2
Unified robust estimation2
Statistical methods for astronomical data analysis. By A. K.Chattopadhyay and T.Chattopadhyay. New York: Springer. 2014. 349 pages. UK£49.99 (hardback). ISBN: 978‐1‐4939‐1506‐4.2
ECM algorithm for estimating vector ARMA model with variance gamma distribution and possible unbounded density2