Culture Health & Sexuality

(The median citation count of Culture Health & Sexuality is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Sexual orientation labelling: relational processes of trans identity development32
A new sexual wellbeing paradigm grounded in capability approach concepts of human flourishing and social justice28
Population politics, reproductive governance and access to abortion in Turkey23
“Agape love is justice”: Black clergies’ public and theological support of Black gay men23
#WhyIDidntReport my sexual violence and its effect on social support19
Balancing risk, intimacy and (non)compliance: a qualitative study of sex across household during COVID-19 social restrictions17
Understanding social capital among young black gay and bisexual men living with HIV: a qualitative exploration16
Branched sexuality and sexual health among Black cisgender sexual minority men in Baltimore, Maryland: an exploratory study16
‘Change creates change’ – older female sex workers’ experiences through the early COVID-19 pandemic14
Contemplating abortion: a qualitative study of men and women’s reactions to unplanned pregnancy in Sierra Leone14
‘It’s not a me thing’: the role of transcendence and critical politics in Black LGBTQ wellness in Montreal13
Addressing sexual health concerns in Tanzania: perceived barriers among healthcare professionals and students in the “training for health professionals” study12
From AIDS to COVID-19, and back again12
Exploring Latino cultural factors from the perspective of sexual minority men in the USA12
Missing voices: building women living with HIV’s meaningful engagement in HIV clinical and cure research12
“The sky is the limit; I am going there”: experiences of hope among young women receiving a conditional cash transfer in rural South Africa11
‘I did not get this disease on the street; it was brought home as a gift’: Gender, violence and HIV vulnerability among Cuban women11
“I want to become someone!” gender, reproduction and the moral career of motherhood for women with sickle cell disorders9
Mental health and related service use by sex workers in rural and remote Australia: ‘there’s a lot of stigma in society’9
Transgender migration and displacement: the experience of khwaja sira sex workers in Lahore9
Business like any other? New Zealand’s brothel industry post-decriminalisation9
Understanding young Black women’s socialisation and perceptions of sexual and reproductive health9
Sexual health activism: the motivations of near-peer volunteer educators working to promote positive understandings of gender and sexuality in UK secondary schools9
“Females are always dominated and disregarded by males, just because they are female”: the continuation of patriarchal norms for young trafficked women in Nepal8
“These attitudes are a pressure”: women with disabilities’ perceptions of how stigma shapes their sexual health choices8
‘That just sounds bizarre’: factors affecting heterosexual college students’ perceptions of new sperm-targeting contraceptives8
Women’s views on communication with health care providers about pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention8
Gender norms and sexual consent in dating relationships: a qualitative study of university students in Vietnam8
‘We don’t openly discuss these things’: Cultural complexities in teaching about sexuality and HIV in South Africa8
A desirable future or unaffordable hope? Queer people becoming parents through assisted reproductive technology (ART) in Guangdong, China8
‘Test Now, Stop HIV’: COVID-19 and the idealisation of quarantine as the ‘end of HIV’7
Logics of control and self-management in narratives of people living with HIV, hepatitis C and hepatitis B7
Sexual healthcare to meet the needs of sexuality and gender diverse aboriginal young people: imagined possibilities7
Interpersonal violence victimisation, HIV-related behaviours and STIs among adult, urban Indigenous and non-Indigenous gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Guatemala7
‘The body is difficult’: reproductive navigation through sociality and corporeality in rural Burundi7
“Having a guru is like having a licence”: analysing financial relationships between khwaja sira gurus and chelas in Swat, Pakistan7
Contraceptive decision making among Chinese international students in Melbourne: findings from a qualitative investigation7
Iatrogenic necropolitics: forced anal examinations and state-sanctioned homophobia7
Abortion in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic7
Relating ‘to her Human Side’: a Grounded Theory analysis of cosmetologists’ and aestheticians’ relationships with clients in Black American beauty salons to inform sexual health interventions7
Reconciling moral discourses on choice, risk and pronatalism: the politics of elective egg freezing in Singapore7
Self-diagnosing the end of pregnancy after medication abortion6
Girls’ experiences of cellphone porn use in South Africa and their accounts of sexual risk in the classroom6
Between ‘block course relationships and abstinence: cultures of sexuality among students at Addis Ababa University6
Exploring the role of motherhood in healthcare engagement for women living with HIV in the USA6
“I did not know I was gay”: sexual identity development and fluidity among married tongzhi in China6
Stepping out of secrecy: heterosexuality, quality of life, and experiences of HIV peer navigation in Australia6
‘I don’t want to have to teach every medical provider’: barriers to care among non-binary people in the Canadian healthcare system6
Women’s perspectives on barriers to potential PrEP uptake for HIV prevention: HIV risk assessment, relationship dynamics and stigma6
Travel for later abortion in the USA: lived experiences, structural contributors and abortion fund support6
‘You are looked upon as a luxury tool’: Young Tanzanian women’s perception of community norms supporting partner violence during transactional sex ( kudanga )6
The end point of it is abstinence: a qualitative analysis of underlying factors influencing Christian leaders’ adoption and implementation of sex and sexuality education in Bolgatanga, Ghana6
‘No test, no disease’: Multilevel barriers to HIV testing among young men who have sex with men and transgender women in three semi-urban areas in Thailand6
“You feel like you’re fairly disadvantaged with an advert over your head saying ‘in final years of reproduction’”: social egg freezing, dating and the (unequal) politics of reproductive ageing5
Pampalibog : chemsex, desire and pleasure in the Philippines5
Sexual and reproductive health knowledges: a study with Pacific young people enrolled in an Aotearoa New Zealand tertiary institution5
‘My safety depends on everyone else feeling safe and good’: emotion work among transgender and gender diverse Texans5
HIV risk management among sexual minority men in China: context, lived experience, and implications for pre-exposure prophylaxis implementation5
The juxtaposition of invalidation and “inviting in”: a qualitative study of bisexual identity in South Africa5
One person, many changes: a socioecological qualitative analysis of the experiences of transfeminine individuals undergoing feminising gender-affirming hormone therapy5
Coping responses to intimate partner violence: narratives of women in North-west Tanzania5
Women who have undergone female genital mutilation/cutting’s perceptions and experiences with healthcare providers in Paris5
Viral times, viral memories, viral questions5
Gender role beliefs and adolescent pregnancy in Colombia: findings from the 2015 DHS survey5
Gender diversity and social change: transgressions, translations, transformations5
Between personal and social matters: identifying public perceptions of childfree decisions in Indonesia5
Young men who have sex with men and digital technologies for HIV prevention and care: qualitative findings from the conectad@s study5
Multilevel experiences of carceral violence in Los Angeles, California: first-hand accounts from a racially diverse sample of transgender women5
A decade of PrEP: the evolution of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis content and sentiments in South African print news media, 2012–20215
‘The abortion gave me my life back’: the long-term impact of access to self-managed medication abortion through telemedicine on women’s lives in legally restricted countries5
Abortion: Autonomy, Anxiety and Exile – Editorial Introduction to a CHS Collection5
‘We need a culture change’: military sexual trauma through the lens of rape culture5
Plurality of beliefs about female genital mutilation amidst decades of intervention programming in Narok and Kisii Counties, Kenya4
‘People need to know we exist!’: an exploratory study of the labour experiences of transmasculine and non-binary sex workers and implications for harm reduction4
Framing HIV and AIDS: how leaders of black religious institutions in New York City interpret and address sex and sexuality in their HIV interventions4
Women are the thread: Keetoowah elders’ experiences of becoming a mother4
Putting it behind? Young Indian victim-survivors of sexual violence and the quest for sexual well-being4
South African male university students’ perspectives on gender norms concerning alcohol and related harmful behaviours towards female drinkers4
Cellphones and romantic relationships of young women in urban informal settlements in South Africa4
Taking matters into our own hands? Hierarchies of power and knowledge in online framings of IUD self-removal4
‘It’s a very grey, very messy area’: a qualitative examination of factors influencing undetectable gay men’s HIV status disclosure to sexual partners4
The medicalisation of female genital cutting in Kenya: a threefold exposition4
Indigenous men’s pathways to ‘living the right kind of life and walking the right path’ post incarceration in Canada: understanding the impacts of systemic oppression, and guidance for healing and (w)4
‘Every slap demeans me’: at the intersection of disability, masculinity and intimate partner violence in the Global South4
Restorative solutions for anti-LGBT victimisation experiences: potential pathways for victims’ wellbeing and key challenges and needs4
The scarlet V: how women with dyspareunia negotiate postfeminist discourses of sexual agency4
Sex work stigma and the recuperation of moral personhood through gendered labour: sex worker diaries in Ukraine4
Is sex lost in translation? Linguistic and conceptual issues in the translation of sexual and reproductive health surveys4
Photodiagnosis of genital herpes and warts: a sociomaterial perspective on users’ experiences of online sexual health care4
Intersectional vulnerabilities and differential impacts of COVID-19 responses on young people who sell sex in Zimbabwe4
Narrative strategies to re-signify sexual violence among gender and sexuality diverse Central American migrants in Tijuana4
Blessing of the moon: cultural beliefs, birth timing and child health in Nepal4
First Nations music and social emotional wellbeing and health among LGBTIQA+SB First Nations peoples: a review of the literature4
A fertility app for two? Women’s perspectives on sharing conceptive fertility work with male partners4
They call us goor-jigeen: a qualitative exploration of the experiences of Senegalese Muslim men who have sex with men living with HIV3
Helping to destigmatise the use of period products for trans, masculine presenting, non-binary and gender diverse (TMNG) consumers through an inclusive communication design framework3
Medical gendered racism and Black women’s experiences of genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder in the USA – A conceptual exploration3
Using youth participatory action research to explore the impacts of structural violence on LGBTQIA + youth health3
Reproductive futures within a context of uterus transplants in India3
COVID-19 and the shifting organisation of sex work markets in Singapore3
From Hell to Heaven? Lived experiences of LGBTQ migrants in relation to health and their reflections on the future3
Experiences of gender-based violence among Somali refugee women: a socio-ecological model approach3
‘It’s history in the making all around us’: examining COVID-19 through the lenses of HIV and epidemic history3
‘Manopause’: sexual response changes as a threat to ageing manhood3
‘I miss being honest’: sex workers’ accounts of silence and disclosure with health care providers in Ireland3
‘Just be strong and keep going’: the influence of Superwoman Schema on Black women’s perceived expectations of coping with sexual pain3
Viral forgetting, or how to have ignorance in a syndemic3
Intersectional stigma and coping strategies of single mothers living with HIV in Thailand3
Sexting among British adults: a qualitative analysis of sexting as emotion work governed by ‘feeling rules’3
Are daughters more preferred by young people in contemporary China? Qualitative evidence from one-child generation cohorts in urban Jiangsu3
Using the behaviour change wheel to examine facilitators and barriers to assertive contraception-use conversations for Indonesian women3
South African university women's perspectives on intimate partner violence: a qualitative study of reactions to a tailored vignette3
Association of traditional marital practices with contraceptive decision-making, couple communication, and method use among couples in rural Maharashtra, India3
Relationship impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown restrictions on young women and men in Durban and Soweto, South Africa3
Good servant, bad master: How eighty women perceive the influence of pornography on sexual scripts3
Trusted networks: a study of communication flow and access to abortion information in Argentina3
The invisibility of Black and Latina women in sexual health care: shifting from biological individualism to intersectionality3
‘Direct’ and ‘instant’: the role of digital technology and social media in young Filipinos’ intimate relationships3
‘Defending the unborn’, ‘protecting women’ and ‘preserving culture and nation’: anti-abortion discourse in the Polish right-wing press3
Facilitating an encounter with a new sexuality discourse: the role of civic communicators in building sexual health literacy among newly arrived migrants3
Re-membering HIV in the Black Church: women’s religious and social identity in relation to perceived risk and men on the down low3
Prostate cancer-related sexual dysfunction – the significance of social relations in men’s reconstructions of masculinity3
Challenging the stigma of premarital sex in urban Afghanistan2
Men’s Achilles’ heel: prostate cancer and the reconstruction of masculinity2
A qualitative study of women’s experiences of vaginal douching in Türkiye2
Migrants facing intersectional vulnerability to HIV and AIDS in Switzerland: an exploratory study2
Interpersonal scripts and sexual communication: experiences and perspectives of young people in St. Petersburg, Russia2
‘This is what's going to heal our kids’: bringing the Sexy Health Carnival into Indigenous cultural gatherings2
‘Let the ladies know’: queer women’s perceptions of how gender and sexual orientation shape their eating and weight concerns2
The role of activists’ sexual orientation and gender identity in their participation in LGBT movements: a case study from Yunnan, China2
‘My partner will think I’m weak or overthinking my pain’: how being superwoman inhibits Black women’s sexual pain disclosure to their partners2
Sexual healthcare experiences of nonbinary young adults2
Affirming and negotiating gender in family and social spaces: Stigma, mental health and resilience among transmasculine people in India2
Attitudes towards infertility: perspectives from the African diaspora in Poland2
Towards a context-specific understanding of masculinities in Eswatini within voluntary medical male circumcision programming2
‘I created my own access:’ understanding mental healthcare access experiences among LGTBQ + youth who use cannabis in Canada2
Patient-provider power relations in counselling on long-acting reversible contraception: a discursive study of provider perspectives2
‘How can you worry about employment and survival at the same time?’: employment and mental health among precariously employed cisgender and transgender sexual minority adult men in Toronto, Canada2
Who does what? Reproductive responsibilities between heterosexual partners2
From stigma to solutions: harnessing local wisdom to tackle harms associated with menstrual seclusion ( chhaupadi ) in Nepal2
‘You have to trust their word’: transmasculine experiences with sex partners and safety during the early COVID-19 outbreak2
HIV prevention among gay and other men who have sex with men: public policy and social movements in Brazil, 1983-20192
Social and emotional wellbeing of indigenous gender and sexuality diverse youth: mapping the evidence2
Understanding access to healthcare for gender diverse young people: a critical review of the literature2
‘It changes everything’: the impact of HIV-related stigma on sexual health and intimacy among African American women2
How to have sex in a pandemic: the development of strategies to prevent COVID-19 transmission in sexual encounters among gay and bisexual men in Australia2
Women’s experiences of needing abortion care whilst incarcerated: a systematic review of the international literature2
Social support among women with genital fistula in Uganda2
Sex workers’ self-reported physical and mental health in Greece. A repeated cross-sectional study in 2009, 2013 and 20192
Which factors contribute to sexual well-being? A comparative study among 17 to 20 year old boys and girls in Belgium and Ecuador2
‘Hoping for a life that isn’t just surviving:’ a qualitative study on sexual minority college students’ experiences with identity formation and coming out at a religious institution in the USA2
The ongoing and contentious coverage of abortion in a progressive context: a long-term cross-outlet assessment of Dutch abortion news (2000–2022)2
Selling sex: what determines rates and popularity? An analysis of 11,500 online profiles2
School teachers’ menstrual experiences and practices: reflections from rural Rajasthan, India2
Access to fertility preservation for trans and non-binary people in Aotearoa New Zealand2
‘There are people like me who will see that, and it will just wash over them’: Black sexual minority men’s perspectives on messaging in PrEP visual advertisements2
‘If we take the engine out, how will the car go?’: beliefs, understanding and access to vasectomy services in Timor-Leste2
Living in a liminal space: Experiences of 2SLGBTQ + official language minority Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic2
A press(ing) issue: analysing local news coverage of abortion in the US South during the COVID-19 pandemic2
Determinants of women’s agency in accessing and utilising reproductive healthcare services; a systematic review2
Health intervention experiences and associated mental health outcomes in a sample of LGBTQ people with intersex variations in Australia2
Interactive community-based theatre to address social barriers to accessing reproductive health services in patriarchal societies: the case of Jordan2
Regimes of truth regarding ‘sexual justice’ in academic literature from 2012 to 2022: a scoping review2
‘Oh, I don’t really want to bother with that:’ gay and bisexual young men's perceptions of barriers to PrEP information and uptake2
‘Endure and excuse’: a mixed-methods study to understand disclosure of intimate partner violence among women living with HIV in Uganda2
Money, chores and emotional support: Kenyan and Zambian fathers’ perceptions of male partner involvement in maternal and infant health within the context of HIV2
Views and experiences of young women from a migrant or refugee background regarding the contraceptive implant in Australia2
‘Eventually I wanted something more’: sexual self-reflections of South African women engaged in transactional sexual relationships with blessers2
Sexual minority men’s experiences of, and strategies for emotional intimacy in intimate partner relationships2
The politics of LGBT+ suicide and suicide prevention in the UK: risk, responsibility and rhetoric1
The queers are all right: a content analysis of LGBTQIA + mental health on TikTok1
Sexuality and gender change efforts in Malaysia – proximal stressors and mental ill-health amongst LGBT+ adults1
‘I did not have sex outside of our bubble’: changes in sexual practices and risk reduction strategies among sexual minority men in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic1
‘Yeah, they suck. It’s like they don’t care about our health.’ Medical mistrust among Black women under community supervision in New York city1
Healthcare professionals’ attitudes towards the termination of pregnancy: a qualitative analysis of survey data in Northern Ireland1
Joining the tribe: adult circumcision among immigrant men in Israel and its traumatic aftermath1
Do initiation rites hasten sexual debut among adolescent girls? A longitudinal analysis from Ghana1
From AIDS to COVID-19: the interplay between dual pandemics in social perceptions of disease1
Dissolution of transactional sex relationships during COVID-19: a qualitative study of Ugandan men’s experiences during COVID-19 lockdowns1
Childbearing after treatment for obstetric fistula: perspectives from survivors in Malawi1
The construction of intimacy in long-term commercial relationships in Sweden1
From the bar to the cowshed: the impact of COVID-19 on female sex workers in Pattaya, Thailand1
Sexual and reproductive health literacy of culturally and linguistically diverse young people in Australia: a systematic review1
Sexual health communication between sex worker mothers and their children in India1
Self-care practices during the gender transition of Costa Rican transgender men1
Young people’s perceptions of young women’s engagement in sexting1
The Beijing Rainbow Film Festival: between depoliticisation and performative activism1
“Know your worth and play it safe:” messages to daughters from Mexican-origin mothers in conversations about dating and romantic relationships1
‘Chinese academia wouldn’t be tolerant of my research’: gay academics’ concerns about conducting queer research in China1
Submit to survive: an exploration of sexual cleansing as an act of violence against widows in the Luo community of Kenya1
Experiences of discrimination and support among trans men and women partnered with cis men1
‘I just LOVE data’: perceptions and practices of data sharing and privacy among users of the Lioness1
Peer advice for women living with HIV in the Southern USA1
‘Remember there is that thing called confidentiality’: experiences of institutional discrimination in the health system among adolescent boys and young men living with HIV in the Eastern Cape province1
Using an intersectional life course perspective to understand familial environment and its impact on sexuality development among Asian American sexual minority college students1
Perceptions of healthcare accessibility and medical mistrust among Black women living with HIV in the USA1
Negotiating sexual and gender diversity in rural and peri-urban KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa1
Feeling better: representing abortion in ‘feminist’ television1
Cultural taboos and low sexual and reproductive health literacy among university students in Magway city, Myanmar1
Older men, younger women: blesser–blessee relationships among university students in Durban, South Africa1
Parental attitudes towards sexual orientation and gender diversity: challenging LGBT discrimination in Australian schools1
Women's sexual subjectivity in a Tanzania city in the era of neoliberalism and AIDS1
Marriage practices, decision-making process and contraception use among young married men in rural Odisha, India1
Sex on screens: the language of sexting and amateur pornography1
Mental health and societal challenges among forced migrants of diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions: health professionals’ descriptions and interpretations1
Transnational AIDS networks, regional solidarities and the configuration of meti in Nepal1
Experience of menstruation with the use of reusable menstrual products: a qualitative study among menstruators in Israel1
‘I still desire to have a child’: a qualitative analysis of intersectional HIV- and childlessness-related stigma in rural southwestern Uganda1
(Re)regulating gay sex in viral times: COVID-19 and the impersonal intimacy of the glory hole1
Improving menstrual equity in the USA: perspectives from trans and non-binary people assigned female at birth and health care providers1
Exploring ambivalence toward pregnancy among young Inuit women1
Communicative appeals and messaging frames in visual media for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis promotion to cisgender and transgender women1
Stigmatised as ‘promoting’ with a duty to report: public healthcare workers providing services to criminalised ‘key populations for HIV’ under Uganda’s 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act1
An ecological analysis of hope amongst Asian rainbow young people in Aotearoa New Zealand1
Theorising masculinity, ageing, and the lived body: the case of prostate cancer1
Reproductive coercion and abuse against women from minority ethnic backgrounds: views of service providers in Australia1
Men who have sex with men experience low anxiety and few barriers to performing anal self or companion examinations: a qualitative study of the Prevent Anal Cancer Palpation Study1
Non-binary narratives: subjectivation and lived experiences in contemporary Italy1
Managing motherhood – the experiences of female sex workers in Nairobi, Kenya1
‘I never realised that sex between two women was not safe’: narratives of lesbian safer sex1
‘Surviving and thriving’: intersectional stigma and resilience of dual minority identities among Chinese gay and bisexual men living with HIV1
Prep-Tok: a queer critical discourse analysis of TikToks regarding HIV-related pre-exposure prophylaxis1
Virality, desire and health assemblages: mapping (dis)continuities in the response to and management of HIV and COVID-191
Beyond dichotomies: contesting cultural stereotypes through the lived experience of sexuality among Turkish-Dutch women1
Free, but at what cost? How US crisis pregnancy centres provide services1
The intersectional social patterning of early-COVID-era digital intimacies among transgender and gender-diverse young adults: effects on peri-pandemic sexual decision-making1
Understanding drivers of female sex workers’ experiences of external/enacted and internalised stigma: findings from a cross-sectional community-centric national study in South Africa1
Sexual and reproductive health and digital human rights: a study with people living with HIV and key populations in Vietnam1
Social resources, resilience, and sexual health among South African adolescent girls and young women: findings from the HERStory study1
Female genital cosmetic surgery in Indonesia: a qualitative analysis of medical advertising on Instagram1
Unintended pregnancies in the lives of young people in Luwero, Uganda: a narrative analysis1
Exploring the identities and experiences of young queer people in Mongolia using visual research methods1
‘That decision really was mine…’. Insider perspectives on health care controversies about intersex/diverse sex development1
Shared decision making for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with black transgender women1
Cultural practices supporting early motherhood in a Ghanaian community1
Going through treatment: experiences of women who sought assisted reproductive technology treatment in five selected hospitals in Ghana1
An object-oriented analysis of social apps, syringes and ARTs within gay Taiwanese men’s chemsex practices1
Navigating LGBTQ+ visibility in Poland: evidence from a community experiencing minority stress1
Growing up in the shadow of HIV: post-AIDS generation of HIV-negative men who have sex with men in Sweden and their perceptions of HIV and stigma1
Understanding service preferences among consensually non-monogamous individuals seeking sexual healthcare1
Chest binding in context: stigma, fear, and lack of information drive negative outcomes1
Family planning in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo: personal beliefs, intimate partner negotiations and social pressure1