Postcolonial Studies

(The TQCC of Postcolonial Studies is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Unsettling truths: modernity, (de-)coloniality and Indigenous futures43
White hallucinations18
The Indigenous development assemblage and contemporary forms of elimination in settler colonial Australia14
Decolonial anxieties in a postcolonial world: an interview with Achille Mbembe13
Postcolonial responses to decolonial interventions11
Postcolonial intellectuals: new paradigms8
No ordinary company: Arnhem Land Fire Abatement (Northern Territory) Limited7
‘Lateral violence stems from the colonial system’: settler-colonialism and lateral violence in Aboriginal Australians7
Slow infrastructures in times of crisis: unworking speed and convenience5
Postcolonial and decolonial subaltern feminisms5
The Israeli elephant in the settler-colonial room5
The violence of analogy: abstraction, neoliberalism and settler colonial possession4
Do African postcolonial theories need an epistemic decolonial turn?4
Ends of worlds or the continuation of the planet? Postcolonial theory, the Anthropocene, and the nonhuman4
Gharbzadegi, colonial capitalism and the racial state in Iran4
OMG settler colonial studies: response to Lorenzo Veracini: ‘Is Settler Colonial Studies Even Useful?’3
Epistemic daring: an interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak3
Crossfire: postcolonial theory between Marxist and decolonial critiques3
Decoding the cybaltern: cybercolonialism and postcolonial intellectuals in the digital age3
Writing rights: suturing Spivak’s postcolonial and de Sousa Santos’ decolonial thought3
60,000 Years is not forever: ‘time revolutions’ and Indigenous pasts2
The politics of metaphor: traces of casteism and patriarchy in the work of Shah Abdul Latif2
The Louvre going APESHIT: audiovisual re-curation and intellectual labour in The Carters’ Afrosurrealist music video2
False dilemmas and settler colonial studies: response to Lorenzo Veracini: ‘Is Settler Colonial Studies Even Useful?’2
Negotiating the ‘Holy Land’: Cross-Cultural Encounters from Bonaparte to Blake2
Antibiotic resistance, planetary health and the mimetic trap: a historical account of present-day sanitary, environmental and social crises2
‘Sea-salt rides its currents to the city’: Lagos and the poetics of flooding2
Rethinking or delinking? Said and Mignolo on humanism and the question of the human2
Poetry, Palestine and posthumanism2
Migration after empire: postcolonial masculinities and the transnational dynamics of subalternity2
Thought-crimes: dissent, disaffection and intellectual labour in contemporary India2
De-worlding IR theory2
Learning to be refused: exploring refusal, consent and care in storytelling research2
Truth-telling about a settler-colonial legacy: decolonizing possibilities?2
The politics of eviction and citizenship in the Brahmaputra valley, Assam, India1
Sympathy across Eighteenth-Century Worlds: Proximity against Global Vision1
Colonialism and politics from the abyss The world as abyss: the Caribbean and critical thought in the Anthropocene , by Jonathan Pugh and David Chandler, London, Univers1
Academic colonialism and marginalization: on the contentious postcolonial–decolonial debate in Latin American Studies1
‘Who Nigeria Epp?’: from muse to text, neo-Marxist appeal and alter/native canonicity of two Nigerian poets1
‘Emigrantes, Palestinos, Estamos Unidos’: anticolonial connectivity and resistance along the ‘Palestine-Mexico’ border1
Oceans, islands, closets and smells: decolonization through spatial metaphors1
Epidemic illusions and decolonial imaginings: a dialogic review essay1
‘The eyed side of the glass’: transnational curation and the politics of exhibiting the Empire in a post-imperial world1
Precarious duniyas in The Ministry of Utmost Happiness: life, death and repair in ‘ruin-worlds’1
Decolonising Algerian development through rethinking the body: the Naïliyat’s dance alternatively considered1
Post-imperial spaces and alternative imaginaries of the human and nonhuman in Bong Joon Ho’s transnational films1
Contesting the EU border: lessons and challenges from the Bosnian frontier1
‘Because we are not apart, we are a part’: an interview with Vandana Singh1
Anti-colonial connectivity between Islamicate movements in the Middle East and South Asia: the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamati Islam1
The intellectual as partisan: Sylvia Pankhurst and the Italian invasion of Ethiopia1
Voice and the metaphysics of protest1
Difference and Accountability: Framing the Black Female Voice1
British colonialism, Ireland and the ‘old firm’: postcolonial identities and contemporary Scottish football and society1
Reading Paul Carter’s decolonising governance: archipelagic thinking1
Post-Soviet subalternity and the dialectic of race: reflections on Tamar Koplatadze’s article1
Indigenous Critique and the Eighteenth-Century English Stage1
The colonial difference in Hugo Grotius: rational man, slavery and Indigenous dispossession1
Reimagining the Plantation (ocene): Mulk Raj Anand’s Two Leaves and a Bud1
Anticolonial connectivity and the politics of solidarity: between home and the world1
‘To unawaken’d earth’: Paul Carter’s archipelagic poetics of decolonization1
Between Algeria and the world: anticolonial connectivity, aporias of national liberation and postcolonial blues1