Current Issues in Tourism

(The TQCC of Current Issues in Tourism is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The impact of social media influencers on travel decisions: the role of trust in consumer decision journey260
Impact of the perceived risk from Covid-19 on intention to travel226
The potential of virtual tourism in the recovery of tourism industry during the COVID-19 pandemic164
Impact of health risk perception on avoidance of international travel in the wake of a pandemic156
Monitoring the impacts of tourism-based social media, risk perception and fear on tourist’s attitude and revisiting behaviour in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic154
Visit intention and destination image in post-Covid-19 crisis recovery148
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural tourism in Czechia Preliminary considerations136
Tourism and Hospitality industry resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from England135
Virtual reality and tourism marketing: conceptualizing a framework on presence, emotion, and intention133
Does the size of the tourism sector influence the economic policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic?117
The impact of Covid-19 media coverage on tourist's awareness for future travelling112
Enhancing resilience in the Covid-19 crisis: lessons from human resource management practices in Vietnam107
Motivating or manipulating: the influence of health-protective behaviour and media engagement on post-COVID-19 travel104
Climate change, coastal tourism, and impact chains – a literature review89
Metaverse tourism: conceptual framework and research propositions85
COVID-19, mental health problems, and their detrimental effects on hotel employees’ propensity to be late for work, absenteeism, and life satisfaction83
Solo female travel risks, anxiety and travel intentions: examining the moderating role of online psychological-social support83
Tourist destination residents’ attitudes towards tourism during and after the COVID-19 pandemic81
Impact of psychological capital and life satisfaction on organizational resilience during COVID-19: Indian tourism insights76
Green HRM and psychological safety: how transformational leadership drives follower’s job satisfaction76
Increasing the efficiency of knowledge transfer in an Italian tourism system: a network approach75
The structural changes of a local tourism network: comparison of before and after COVID-1973
The economic impact of a global pandemic on the tourism economy: the case of COVID-19 and Macao’s destination- and gambling-dependent economy71
A two-dimensional approach to travel motivation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic69
Tourism organizations’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: an investigation of the lockdown period63
Emotions and involvement in tourism settings63
The role of natural soundscape in nature-based tourism experience: an extension of the stimulus–organism–response model62
Rural tourism recovery between two COVID-19 waves: the case of Portugal59
Tourism crisis management: evidence from COVID-1956
Profiling and evaluating Chinese consumers regarding post-COVID-19 travel56
Do hotel employees really care for corporate social responsibility (CSR): a happiness approach to employee innovativeness54
COVID-19 and sectoral employment trends: assessing resilience in the US leisure and hospitality industry51
Cryptocurrency adoption in travel and tourism – an exploratory study of Asia Pacific travellers50
Artificial intelligence’s impact on hospitality and tourism marketing: exploring key themes and addressing challenges49
The impact of geopolitical risk on tourism49
Festival travellers’ pro-social and protective behaviours against COVID-19 in the time of pandemic49
Is Vietnam ready to welcome tourists back? Assessing COVID-19’s economic impact and the Vietnamese tourism industry’s response to the pandemic49
Reimagining resilience: COVID-19 and marine tourism in Indonesia48
A systematic literature review on the use of big data for sustainable tourism48
A risk perception scale for travel to a crisis epicentre: visiting Wuhan after COVID-1948
Current workplace issues and behaviours in tourism and hospitality: moderating role of empowering leadership48
Augmented reality and the enhancement of memorable tourism experiences at heritage sites47
Russia-Ukraine War and the global tourism sector: A 13-day tale47
How travel influencers affect visit intention? The roles of cognitive response, trust, COVID-19 fear and confidence in vaccine46
The effects of risk message frames on post-pandemic travel intentions: the moderation of empathy and perceived waiting time46
The impact of destination live streaming on viewers’ travel intention45
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) COVID-19 post-pandemic tourism recovery: A system dynamics approach45
Examining the effect of potential tourists’ wine product involvement on wine tourism destination image and travel intention45
How do museums foster loyalty in tech-savvy visitors? The role of social media and digital experience45
Tracking tourism and hospitality employees’ real-time perceptions and emotions in an online community during the COVID-19 pandemic44
Analysis of the attributes of smart tourism technologies in destination chatbots that influence tourist satisfaction43
The role of engagement in travel influencer marketing: the perspectives of dual process theory and the source credibility model42
Does the level of a country's resilience moderate the link between the tourism industry and the economic policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic?41
Understanding tourists’ protection motivations when faced with overseas travel after COVID-19: the case of South Koreans travelling to China40
The impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on tourist evaluation and behavioural intentions in Spain: implications for market segmentation analysis40
COVID-19 vaccine confidence and tourism at the early stage of a voluntary mass vaccination campaign: a PMT segmentation analysis40
Twitter public sentiment dynamics on cruise tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic39
Rethinking the consequences of postmodern authenticity: the case of a World Cultural Heritage in Augmented Reality38
Sentiment analysis of online destination image of Hong Kong held by mainland Chinese tourists38
Tourist experience in Halal tourism: what leads to loyalty?37
Effects of socio-demographics, sense of control, and uncertainty avoidability on post-COVID-19 vacation intention34
Impact of tourist arrivals on environmental quality: a way towards environmental sustainability targets34
Can film tourism experience enhance tourist behavioural intentions? The role of tourist engagement33
The relevance of motivation, authenticity and destination image to explain future behavioural intention in a UNESCO World Heritage Site33
Exploring the components of meal-sharing experiences with local foods: a netnography approach33
Tourist behaviour and dynamics of domestic tourism in times of COVID-1933
Viral marketing: influencer marketing pivots in tourism – a case study of meme influencer instigated travel interest surge33
The paradox of tourism extremes. Excesses and restraints in times of COVID-1933
A meta-narrative analysis of smart tourism destinations: implications for tourism destination management33
Behavioural intention of forest therapy tourism in China: based on health belief model and the theory of planned behaviour33
Tourism value assessment of linear cultural heritage: the case of the Beijing–Hangzhou Grand Canal in China32
On the choice of accommodation type at the time of Covid-19. Some evidence from the Italian tourism sector32
What motivates and hinders people from travelling alone? A study of solo and non-solo travellers32
Flow in soundscape: the conceptualization of soundscape flow experience and its relationship with soundscape perception and behaviour intention in tourism destinations32
Engaging with restorative environments in wellness tourism32
Supervisor incivility, job insecurity, and service performance among flight attendants: the buffering role of co-worker support31
Investigating the role of experience quality in predicting destination image, perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioural intentions: a case of war tourism31
The practices of virtual reality marketing in the tourism sector, a case study of Bali, Indonesia31
The use of big data analytics to discover customers’ perceptions of and satisfaction with green hotel service quality31
Lockdown, unlock, stock returns, and firm-specific characteristics: the Indian tourism sector during the Covid-19 outbreak30
A true friend becomes apparent on a rainy day: corporate social responsibility practices of top hotels during the COVID-19 pandemic30
What influences COVID-19 biosecurity behaviour for tourism?30
When TikTok meets celebrity: an investigation of how celebrity attachment influences visit intention29
From pandemic to systemic risk: contagion in the U.S. tourism sector28
The impact of volunteer interaction on the tourism experience of people with visual impairment based on a mixed approach28
Impact of COVID-19 on different business models of European airlines28
Tourists’ negative emotions: antecedents and consequences28
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on tourism in Indonesia28
Travel vlogging practice and its impacts on tourist experiences28
Influence of COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism sector: evidence from China and United States stocks28
Is the coast clear? Trust, risk-reducing behaviours and anxiety toward cruise travel in the wake of COVID-1928
Forecasting hotel demand for revenue management using machine learning regression methods27
Sustainable and accessible tourism in natural areas: a participatory approach27
Transforming local knowledge into lifestyle entrepreneur’s innovativeness: exploring the linear and quadratic relationships27
Tourism, transport infrastructure and income inequality: A panel data analysis of China27
Emotional attachment, age and online travel community behaviour: the role of parasocial interaction26
Can tourism sustain itself through the pandemic: nexus between tourism, COVID-19 cases and air quality spread in the ‘Pineapple State’ Hawaii26
Effects of multisensory virtual reality on virtual and physical tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic26
Towards the quest to reduce income inequality in Africa: is there a synergy between tourism development and governance?25
The effects of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) on senior tourists’ experiential quality, perceived advantages, perceived enjoyment, and reuse intention25
From 9/11 through Katrina to Covid-19: crisis recovery campaigns for American destinations25
Social media destination information features and destination loyalty: does perceived coolness and memorable tourism experiences matter?25
Personalized travel recommendation: a hybrid method with collaborative filtering and social network analysis24
Impact of environmental quality, real exchange rate and institutional performance on tourism receipts in East-Asia and Pacific region24
Is smart scary? A mixed-methods study on privacy in smart tourism24
Visualizing experiencescape – from the art of intangible cultural heritage24
Analysing tourism destination promotion through Facebook by Destination Marketing Organizations of India24
Which construct is better at explaining residents’ involvement in tourism; emotional solidarity or empowerment?24
Tour leader likeability and tourist citizenship behaviours: mediating effect of perceived value23
What influences people’s willingness to receive the COVID-19 vaccine for international travel?23
Impact of climate change on hiking: quantitative evidence through big data mining23
Developing climate services for Caribbean tourism: a comparative analysis of climate push and pull influences using climate indices23
‘Thank you, God. You saved us' - examining tourists’ intention to visit religious destinations in the post COVID23
The evolutionary characteristics, driving mechanism, and optimization path of China’s tourism support policies under COVID-19: a quantitative analysis based on policy texts23
Tourism employees’ fear of COVID-19 and its effect on work outcomes: the role of organizational support23
Airbnb and the sharing economy23
Developing a brand heritage model for time-honoured brands: extending signalling theory22
Is urbanization the link in the tourism–poverty nexus? Case study of China22
The role of disaggregated search data in improving tourism forecasts: Evidence from Sri Lanka22
Smart destinations: a new planning and management approach?22
The water-energy nexus in hotels and recreational activities of a mass tourism resort: the case of Benidorm22
COVID-19: management focus of reopened tourist destinations22
A rational-affective-moral factor model for determining tourists’ pro-environmental behaviour22
Services trade–ICT–tourism nexus in selected Asian countries: new evidence from panel data techniques22
Testing the relationship between value co-creation, perceived justice and guests’ enjoyment22
How does involvement affect attendees’ aboriginal tourism image? Evidence from aboriginal festivals in Taiwan22
Past, present and future: trends in tourism research21
All you can eat or all you can waste? Effects of alternate serving styles and inducements on food waste in buffet restaurants21
Using a value-attitude-behaviour model to test residents’ pro-tourism behaviour and involvement in tourism amidst the COVID-19 pandemic21
Strategic crisis response through changing message frames: a case of airline corporations20
The impact of COVID-19 on the regional tourism flow network: an empirical study in Hubei Province20
A longitudinal study of residents’ attitudes toward tourism development20
Developing an overarching framework on theme park research: a critical review method20
Reconciling civilizations: eliciting residents’ attitude and behaviours for international Muslim tourism and development20
Measuring the impacts of travel influencers on bicycle travellers20
Climate change and the future of the Olympic Winter Games: athlete and coach perspectives20
Resident support in China’s new national parks: an extension of the Prism of Sustainability20
The roles of novelty seeking and food authenticity in youth travellers’ decision-making process at night markets: an application of a model of goal-directed behaviour20
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourist plans: a case study from Poland20
Adaptive capacity of ski resorts in Western Norway to projected changes in snow conditions19
How to create a memorable night tourism experience: atmosphere, arousal and pleasure19
Exploring the motives for entrepreneurship in the meal-sharing economy19
The effect of Rugby World Cup 2019 on residents’ psychological well-being: a mediating role of psychological capital19
Volunteer tourism fields: spaces of altruism and unsustainability19
Framing the travel livestreaming in China: a new star rising under the COVID-1919
Social media management in the traveller's customer journey: an analysis of the hospitality sector19
High regional economic activity repels domestic tourism during summer of pandemic19
Are shocks to tourist arrivals permanent or transitory? A comprehensive analysis on the top 20 most-visited countries18
Introducing destination brand hate: an exploratory study18
Residents’ risk perceptions, willingness to accept international tourists, and self-protective behaviour during destination re-opening amidst the COVID-19 pandemic18
Analyzing the adoption of online tourism purchases: effects of perceived tourism value and personal innovativeness18
Does corruption undermine tourism development in Africa?18
Is there a COVID-19 vaccination effect? A three-wave cross-sectional study18
How are small businesses adapting to the new normal? Examining tourism development amid COVID-19 in Phuket18
Rural hotel resilience during COVID-19: the crucial role of CSR18
Smart contracts in tourism industry: a model with blockchain integration for post pandemic economy18
How does the perceived physical risk of COVID-19 affect sharing economy services?18
The ‘why’ and ‘what for’ of participation in tourism activities: travel motivations of people with disabilities18
The effect of tourism development on the ecological footprint in Singapore: evidence from asymmetric ARDL method18
Female entrepreneurship, creating shared value, and empowerment in tourism; the neutralizing effect of gender-based discrimination17
Recovering hotel room sales during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons from OTA information using the quantile regression approach17
Travel vlog ecosystem in tourism digital marketing evolution: a narrative literature review17
Event motivation, subjective well-being, and revisit intentions during the second wave of the pandemic: moderating effect of affective risk about COVID-19 and perceived trust17
Does witnessing the effects of climate change on glacial landscapes increase pro-environmental behaviour intentions? An empirical study of a last-chance destination.17
Camping climate resources: the camping climate index in the United States17
Tourist segments of eco-cultural destinations17
COVID-19, camping and construal level theory16
Do the size of the tourism sector and level of digitalization affect COVID-19 economic policy response? Evidence from developed and developing countries16
Impact of cognitive aspects of food mobile application on customers’ behaviour16
Discovering the determinants of museum visitors’ immersion into experience: the impact of interactivity, expectations, and skepticism16
Island ferry travel during COVID-19: charting the recovery of local tourism in Hong Kong16
Smart or partly smart? Accessibility and innovation policies to assess smartness and competitiveness of destinations16
Political uncertainty in the tourism industry: evidence from China’s anti-corruption campaign16
From virtual to actual destinations: do interactions with others, emotional solidarity, and destination image in online games influence willingness to travel?16
How do hotel characteristics moderate the impact of COVID-19 on hotel performance? Evidence from Taiwan16
Tourism subindustry level environmental impacts in the US16
Determinants of travel apps continuance usage intention: extension of technology continuance theory16
To adopt or not to adopt? A co-evolutionary framework and paradox of technology adoption by small museums16
Millennial loyalty in Halal tourism: a destination-based analysis16
A review on destination social responsibility: towards a research agenda15
Scale development and validation of anime tourism motivations15
Corporate social responsibility and employee moral identity: a practice-based approach15
Studying Online Travel Reviews related to tourist attractions using NLP methods: the case of Guanajuato, Mexico15
The moral gaze in commercialized dark tourism15
Utilizing TOPSIS-Sort for sorting tourist sites for perceived COVID-19 exposure15
Tourists’ mindsets and choice of adventurous holiday activities15
Travel before you actually travel with augmented reality – role of augmented reality in future destination15
COVID-19 and its potential impact on stages of tourist Destination Development15
Cruise tourism ‘brain drain’: exploring the role of personality traits, educational experience and career choice attributes15
People's perception on dark tourism: a quantitative exploration15
Cruising to nowhere: Covid-19 crisis discourse in cruise tourism Facebook groups15
Examining the impact of short-term rental regulation on peer-to-peer accommodation performance: a difference-in-differences approach15
Time-varying foreign currency risk of world tourism industry: effects of COVID-1914
Is visitors’ expenditure at destination influenced by weather conditions?14
Hotel guests’ demanding level and importance of attribute satisfaction ratings: an application of MUltiplecriteria Satisfaction Analysis on TripAdvisor’s hotel guests ratings14
Tourist’s destination image, place dimensions, and engagement: the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and dark tourism14
Blockchain-based entrepreneurial finance: success determinants of tourism initial coin offerings14
Can financial technology development change the causality between tourism and economic growth?14
C2C co-creation of inclusive tourism experiences for customers with disability in a shared heritage context experience14
Novelty in tourism experiences: the influence of physical staging and human interaction on behavioural intentions14
Impacts of regional conflicts on tourism in Africa and the Middle East: a spatial panel data approach14
Tourism and rural income inequality: empirical evidence for China14
Are hotel stay characteristics influencing guests’ environmental behaviour? Predicting water conservation habits14
Climate change risk in the Swedish ski industry14
Does K-pop affect Peruvians’ Korean images and visit intention to Korea?13
The perceived impact of hosting mega-sports events in a developing region: the case of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games13
Constructing online destination brand experience and bilateral behavioral intentions: a sensory conduction perspective13
Heterogeneity of inbound tourism driven by exchange rate fluctuations: implications for tourism business recovery and resilience in Australia13
COVID-19, social distancing and guests' preferences: impact on peer-to-peer accommodation pricing13
Cyber-physical traveler performances and Instagram travel photography as ideal impression management13
The changing face of wildlife tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic: an opportunity to strive towards sustainability?13
The effects of tourism market diversification on CO2 emissions: evidence from Australia13
Tourists’ work-related smartphone use at the tourist destination: making an otherwise impossible trip possible13
How does Metaverse affect the tourism industry? Current practices and future forecasts13
Can you imagine Bethlehem without tourism: the impacts of Covid-19 on Bethlehem, Palestine13
Care-full academic activism for sustainable transformations in tourism13
Developing effective strategic decision-making in the areas of hotel quality management and customer satisfaction from online ratings13
The rise of a new form of virtual tour: Airbnb peer-to-peer online experience13
Does Airbnb offer hedonic or utilitarian products? An experimental analysis of motivations to use Airbnb13
The impact of COVID-19 on tourism firm value in an emerging market during various pandemic prevention periods13
Investor attention, uncertainty and travel & leisure stock returns amid the COVID-19 pandemic13
The portrayal of Greenland: a visual analysis of its digital storytelling12
Tourism seasonality and hotel firms’ financial performance: evidence from Norway12
Investigating Airbnb evolution in an urban tourism context: the application of mathematical modelling and spatial analysis12
Tourism promotion through vlog advertising and customer engagement behaviours of generation Z12
Geotagged data from social media in visitor monitoring of protected areas; a scoping review12
Co-creating emotional value in a guided tour experience: the interplay among guide’s emotional labour and tourists’ emotional intelligence and participation12
Uncovering the effect of environmental performance on hotels’ financial performance: a global outlook12
Destination experiencescape: conceptualization and scale development amid COVID-19 pandemic12
Loneliness, travel nostalgia, subjective well-being and prevention regulatory focus: a moderated mediation model analysis12
Culturally-based community tourism ventures in Southern Africa and rural women entrepreneurs’ skills12
The augmentation effect of artificial intelligence: can AI framing shape customer acceptance of AI-based services?12
Monitoring and forecasting COVID-19 impacts on hotel occupancy rates with daily visitor arrivals and search queries12
Exploring tourist opinion expression on COVID-19 and policy response to the pandemic’s occurrence through a content analysis of an online petition platform12
Modelling the impact of COVID-19 in small pacific island countries12
Proposing a systematic approach for integrating traditional research methods into machine learning in text analytics in tourism and hospitality12
‘We did everything we could’: how employees’ made sense of COVID-19 in the tourism and hospitality industry12
Understanding destination brand love using machine learning and content analysis method12
Attributes that form romantic travel experience: a study of Chinese Generation Y tourists12
Daily tourism demand forecasting: the impact of complex seasonal patterns and holiday effects12
Peak-bagging and cartographic misrepresentations: a call to correction12
Crisis? How small tourism businesses talk about COVID-19 and business change in the UK12
Demystifying tourists’ intention to purchase travel online: the moderating role of technical anxiety and attitude11
Exploring the role of tourism dependency on COVID-19 induced economic shock in the Small Island Developing States11
Social support to mitigate perceived risk: moderating effect of trust11
Measurement and determinants of smart destinations’ sustainable performance: a two-stage analysis using DEA-Tobit model11
Climate suitability for tourism in China in an era of climate change: a multiscale analysis using holiday climate index11
Advancing tourism recovery through virtual tourism marketing: an integrated approach of uses and gratifications theory and attachment to VR11
Why are smart destinations not all technology-oriented? Examining the development of smart tourism initiatives based on path dependence11
Meeting public health objectives and supporting the resumption of tourist activity through COVID-19: a triangular perspective11