Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

(The median citation count of Journal of Asian Earth Sciences is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The effect of crustal density heterogeneity on determining gravimetric geoid: Example in Central Anatolia, Türkiye59
Formation mechanism of the Beidagang Uplift, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China: Insights from apatite fission track analysis and seismic data44
Thermo-tectonic evolution of the northern Erlian Basin (NE China): Evidence from fission track and (U–Th)/He thermochronology41
Origin and tectonic significance of Eocene sodic lamprophyres in the Southern Qiangtang Orogen, Tibet37
Volcanism-driven marine eutrophication in the end-Ordovician: Evidence from radiolarians and trace elements of black shale in South China34
Pore throat radius cutoffs from depression to uplift zones: A case study of the tight oil reservoir from the Songliao Basin, NE China29
Kinematic analyses of the asymmetric boudins in the Tutak area within the Zagros hinterland fold-and-thrust belt, Iran28
Imaging of moho topography with conditional generative adversarial network from observed gravity anomalies27
Crustal structure beneath the northern part of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau revealed by a seismic dense nodal array27
Sequence stratigraphy of the Cryogenian Nantuo Formation in South China: Constraints on Marinoan glaciation dynamics26
Editorial Board26
Creating a big data source of landslide deformation stages: New thoughts on identifying displacement warning thresholds25
Intraplate stress distribution within the Indian Plate: Insights from finite element modelling25
Three-dimensional VP, VS, and VP/VS imaging based on AI microseismic detection reveals the mechanism of induced earthquakes in the Xiluodu Reservoir Area, China23
Structure and dynamics of the Indian lithosphere and its leading edge_Editorial23
Origin of mafic microgranular enclaves from the Late Triassic Cuojiaoma granitic pluton: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Yidun arc belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau22
Liquid immiscibility acting on the formation of the Miaoya carbonatite-syenite complex in the South Qinling Belt, Central China22
Microfacies and reservoir quality of the Middle Cretaceous Rumaila Formation in the AD oilfield, central Mesopotamian Basin, southern Iraq22
Deciphering the genetic relationship between W and Au in a W-Au co-mineralized system: Trace elements of pyrite and sulfur isotopes of sulfides from the Yangwuchang W-Au deposit, North Qinling, China21
Paleomagnetic rotations in the circum-Marmara region, northwestern Turkey since the Late Cretaceous19
Causes and consequences of Oligocene-Miocene relative sea level change in Asia: An example from the Labuan Island (Sabah), Malaysia19
Structural implications of paleofluid pressure and paleostress estimates of the quartz veins from sulfide deposits of the Ambaji-Deri region, Neoproterozoic South Delhi Terrane, Aravalli-Delhi Mobile 18
Editorial Board18
Upper to middle crustal structure beneath the Longmen Shan fault zone: Implications for the growth of eastern Tibet18
Regional tectonic dynamics in Central Iran: Unveiling the interplay of fault systems through morphotectonic and seismological analyses in the Shotori mountains18
Ca. 800 Ma I-type granites from the Hong’an Terrane, central China: New constraints on the mid-Neoproterozoic tectonic transition from convergence to extension in the northern margin of the Yangtze Bl17
Editorial Board17
Editorial Board17
First micropalaeontological record from the early and middle Eocene Mamuca Formation of the Dümrek Basin, western Central Anatolia, Turkey: Biostratigraphy, depositional history and palaeoclimate17
Crustal structure and deformation in southeastern China revealed by receiver functions17
Petrography, geochemistry and genesis of dolomites in the upper Cambrian Sanshanzi Formation of the western Ordos Basin, northern China17
The effect of the Najd shear deformation on the Pan-African belt of the central Egyptian Nubian Shield: a synthesis for the post-collision tectonic events17
The late Cenozoic expansion of the northeastern Pamir: Insights from the stratigraphic architecture of the Wupoer Piggyback Basin17
Constraints of rare detrital V-rich tourmaline and rutile on late Devonian palaeogeographic reconstruction in the Azarbaijan district, NW Iran17
Geochemical and geochronological constraints on the gold-sulfide mineralization and host granitoid rocks in the Bulghah and Al-Maham prospects, central Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia17
Gravity anomaly and fine crustal structure in the middle segment of the Tan-Lu fault zone, eastern Chinese mainland17
Trace metals in saline waters and brines from China: Implications for tectonic and climatic controls on basin-related mineralization16
How did the climate and human activities modulate the sedimentary evolution of the central Yellow Sea Mud, China16
Late Cretaceous – Paleogene tectonothermal evolution of the Akdağ Massif in the central anatolian crystalline complex (northern Kayseri, central Turkey)16
Crustal structure along the Kerala-Konkan Basin, southwest continental margin of India, using multi-channel seismic and gravity modelling: Implications on India-Madagascar rifting and basin evolution16
Early Cretaceous Sn-bearing granite porphyries, A-type granites, and rhyolites in the Mikengshan–Qingxixiang–Yanbei area, South China: Petrogenesis and implications for ore mineralization16
Geodynamic evolution of lithospheric removal of the North China Craton: Constraints from late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the Bohai Bay Basin, East China16
Cryptic compositional variation of olivine between interlayered troctolite and net-textured Fe-Ti oxide ore in the Baima layered intrusion, SW China: Implications for the origin of banded Fe-Ti oxide 16
Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of deep-marine mudstones, Xigaze forearc basin, southern Tibet: Implications for drainage evolution and expansion16
Emplacement and exhumation history of Mesozoic granitic rocks in the Jiaonan uplift, eastern China16
Organic matter enrichment of the Late Triassic Bagong Formation (Qiangtang Basin, Tibet) driven by paleoenvironment: Insights from elemental geochemistry and mineralogy16
Cenozoic double-layered structure in the western Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau, China16
Petrogenesis and tectonic implication of the Triassic syenitic complexes in the eastern Qinling orogen, central China15
Tectono-thermal evolution of the northern Tarim Basin, Central Asia: New insights from apatite low-temperature thermochronometers15
In situ elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of hydrothermal apatite from the Shazhou U deposit in the Xiangshan complex: Implications for the origins of ore-forming fluids of volcanic related U 15
Spatiotemporal distribution of seamount volume along the Kyushu-Palau Ridge: Implications for rejuvenated volcanism15
Nature and origin of primary ore-forming fluids in the highly metamorphosed Archean Hongtoushan VMS deposit, North China: Insights from in situ S isotopes and trace elements of sulfides15
Deep structure and formation model of the southernmost Tanlu fault Zone, eastern China: Constrained from magnetotelluric imaging15
Surface sediment diatoms in the northern and middle Okinawa Trough and their correlation with environmental variables15
Influence of high-frequency lake level fluctuations on organic matter accumulation in the northern Qaidam Basin, NW China: Insights from spectral attribute analysis and geochemistry15
Gravity patterns and crustal architecture of the South-Central Indian Ridge at 22°-17°S: Evidence for the asymmetric ridge accretion15
Multi–timescale mechanical coupling, fault interactions, and seismicity in the Anninghe-Zemuhe-Daliangshan fault system of southeastern Tibetan Plateau15
External geodynamic evolution of the Mongolian Accretionary Collage: Insights from petro-chronology of zircon15
Transition from non-adakitic rocks to adakitic rocks in the southern Lhasa subterrane: Implications for progressive crustal thickening and tectonic evolution during the Early Cenozoic14
Liquid immiscibility in the Panzhihua intrusion, SW China: Evidence from ore textures and Fe–Ti oxide-rich globules in gabbros14
A review of the geological characteristics and spatiotemporal distribution of copper–gold deposits in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Xinjiang, Northwest China14
Devonian stratiform ironstone deposits in South China formed in a shallow marine environment of a passive continental margin14
Editorial Board14
Stress field and tectonic regime of the Eastern Mediterranean from inversion of earthquake focal mechanisms14
Spatial and temporal distributions of clay minerals in the central Andaman Sea: Provenances and sedimentary processes over the last 42 kyr14
Editorial Board13
Multiple intrusions of barren and fertile magmas in a complex island arc system: Insights from igneous rocks in the Suyoc area, Southern Mankayan Mineral District, Philippines13
Detrital zircon U-Pb dating of Late Mesozoic strata in the Junggar Basin, NW China: Implications for the timing of collision between the Karakoram-Lhasa Block and the Eurasian continent13
Editorial Board13
A marine transgressive cycle driven by the dynamics of the Paleo-Pacific subduction: Insights from structural architecture and kinematics of the Jixi basin, NE China13
Hybrid thrust sequences – A new structural perspective13
In situ titanite ages and Mesozoic metamorphism of Paleoproterozoic mafic granulites from the Wuhe metamorphic complex, southeastern North China Craton13
Geochemical records provide evidences for the evolution of the marine redox environment in the southwestern Sumatra waters over the past 35,000 years13
The exploration prospects of Ediacaran shales in the Yangtze Platform, South China: Insights from the coupling of generation, storage, and preservation13
Late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic metamorphic history of the North Wulan terrane, NW China: New constraints on the evolution of Rodinia13
Oil-source correlations and petroleum accumulation in oil sands in the Carboniferous Yanghugou Formation in the Shajingzi area, Ordos Basin, China13
Local provincialism of late Permian plant–arthropod associations in South Cathaysia: Evidence of arthropod-mediated damages in a Wuchiapingian assemblage of South China13
Ages and character of igneous rocks of the Da Lat Zone in SE Vietnam and adjacent offshore regions (Cuu Long and Nam Con Son basins)12
Postseismic deformation mechanism of the 2021 Mw7.3 Maduo earthquake, northeastern Tibetan plateau, China, revealed by Sentinel-1 SAR images12
Permian rugose coral Thomasiphyllum as a paleogeographical indicator of the Gondwana-derived Cimmerian Continent12
Genesis of uranyl mineralization in the Arabian Nubian Shield: A review12
Combined stratigraphic-structural play characterization in hydrocarbon exploration: A case study of Middle Miocene sandstones, Gulf of Suez basin, Egypt12
Controls of strike-slip faults on condensate gas accumulation and enrichment in the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs of the central Tarim Basin, NW China12
Late Triassic paleolatitude of the Southern Qiangtang terrane, central Tibet: Implications for the closure of the Longmu Co-Shuanghu Paleo-Tethyan Ocean12
Present-day crustal strain and major fault slip rates in North China determined using GNSS observations12
Late Miocene to Pliocene delta-lacustrine to incised-valley fills sedimentation of the Ransiki Area, Bird’s Head Papua, Indonesia: The sedimentary record of Lengguru Fold and Thrust Belt wedge-top dep12
Diverse metavolcanic sequences in the Cambrian accretionary complex at the Pamir Syntax: Implications for tectonic evolution from Proto-Tethys to Paleo-Tethys12
Statistical framework for the evaluation of earthquake forecasting: A case study based on satellite surface temperature anomalies12
In-situ calcite U-Pb geochronology of hydrothermal veins in Thailand: New constraints on Indosinian and Cenozoic deformation12
Seismic anisotropy and crustal deformation in the Satluj valley and adjoining region of northwest Himalaya revealed by the splitting analysis of Moho converted Ps phases12
Permian to Cretaceous granites and felsic volcanics from SW Vietnam and S Cambodia: Implications for tectonic development of Indochina11
Initial oceanic subduction triggered by arc–continent collision: An example from the convergence between the Paleo-Asian Ocean and the North China Craton11
Early Paleozoic and Late Mesozoic crustal reworking of the South China Block: Insights from Early Silurian biotite granodiorites and Late Jurassic biotite granites in the Guangzhou area of the south-e11
Zinc isotopes of high silica granites in the Qilian Orogenic belt and implications for mineralization potential11
Analysis of crustal seismic anisotropy of the Eastern Himalayan collision zone and its adjoining regions11
The P-T-t path of pelitic gneisses in the Zanhuang Complex: Further constraints on the Palaeoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen, North China Craton11
Geothermal regime and implications for basin resource exploration in the Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau11
Abrupt changes in the southwest monsoon during Mid-Late Holocene in the western Bay of Bengal11
Importance of real-time PGV in terms of lead-time and shakemaps: Results using 2018 ML 6.2 & 2019 ML 6.3 Hualien, Taiwan earthquakes11
Precambrian tectonics and metacratonization in the NW Indian shield inferred from magnetotelluric imaging across the Marwar Terrane and Aravalli-Delhi Mobile Belt11
Depositional and diagenetic controls on hydrocarbon generation of mudstones through clay–organic matter interactions: A comparative study of the Dongpu Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China11
Moho depth and crustal density structure in the Tibetan Plateau from gravity data modelling11
A climate change from icehouse to greenhouse following Huronian glaciation: Evidence from long-term storm deposits of the Paleoproterozoic Hutuo Group in the North China Craton11
Sinistral displacement along the Tan–Lu Fault during the Cretaceous induced by Paleo-Pacific subduction: Constraints from new paleomagnetic and U–Pb geochronological data11
Reconstruction of the late Holocene climate variability from the summer monsoon dominated Bhagirathi valley, western Himalaya11
Crustal thickness and Poisson’s ratio variations in the Siang Window and adjoining areas of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis11
Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Rebangco ophiolite, Tibet: Constraints on the Meso-Tethys Ocean tectonic evolution11
Early Cretaceous magmatic-hydrothermal processes for the lode Yingdongpo gold and Poshan silver deposits in the Tongbai Orogen, central China11
Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Middle Triassic basalts and rhyolites in the northern Qiangtang Block, central Tibet11
A dynamic rifting model of the Caroline Ridge, West Pacific11
Early–Middle Jurassic magmatic rocks along the coastal region of southeastern China: Petrogenesis and implications for Paleo-Pacific plate subduction11
Triassic two-stage intra-continental orogensis of the South China Block, driven by Paleotethyan closure and interactions with adjoining blocks11
Three stages of early Paleozoic magmatism in the Tibetan-Himalayan orogen: New insights into the final Gondwana assembly10
Structure and kinematics of active faulting in the northern domain of Western and Central Alborz, Iran and interpretation in terms of tectonic evolution of the region10
Remote sensing and structural studies of the Central Asir Shear Zone, Western Arabian Shield: Implications for the late Neoproterozoic E-W Gondwana assembly10
Elevation and age of a raised beach in the upper Gulf of Thailand, as evidence for regional sea level during the Late Holocene10
Kinematic analysis of fault-slip data in the Nanling Tectonic Belt and Cretaceous to Paleogene tectonic evolution of the Central South China Block10
Seismic attributes and instantaneous spectral analysis-based temperature-porosity simulations: An example of imaging shale gas-bearing basin floor fans of early-cCretaceous delta sequences, Southeast 10
Late Jurassic to early Cretaceous radiolarian faunas from Changku, Gyangze, southern Tibet: Implications for the evolution of the Neo-Tethys10
Formation and preservation of ultra-deep liquid petroleum in the Ordovician sedimentary succession in Tarim Basin during the neotectonic phase10
Occurrence state of shale oil in saline lacustrine basins: A lithofacies perspective10
Data-based analysis about the influence on erosion rates of the Tibetan Plateau10
The impacts of volcanic eruptions and climate changes on the development of Hani peatland in northeastern China during the Holocene10
Fault interaction and active crustal extrusion in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from geodynamic modeling10
Stress distribution in the western India-Eurasia collision zone, its kinematics and seismotectonic implications10
Using detrital zircons to constrain the late Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the adjacent tectonic domains of the Tarim Craton, NW China10
Source rupture characteristics and ground motion simulation of the southernmost Ryukyu subduction zone 31 March 2002 Mw7.1 earthquake10
Diagenesis and reservoir quality of Cambrian carbonates in the Tarim Basin, northwestern China10
Lithofacies and reservoir characteristics of saline lacustrine fine-grained sedimentary rocks in the northern Dongpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin: Implications for shale oil exploration10
Significance of sandstone provenance in tracking potential uranium reservoirs: A case study of the Middle Jurassic Zhiluo Formation, western Ordos Basin, northern China10
Formation of orthopyroxene-magnetite symplectites by reactive melt flow: Insights into the Shangzhuang layered intrusion in Beijing, China10
Ocean–continent transition of the northeastern Paleotethys during the Triassic: Constraints from Triassic sedimentary successions across the Qinling Orogen, central China10
Pn anisotropic tomography and mantle dynamics underneath the South China Sea and surrounding areas10
Miocene development of the Main Boundary Thrust and Ramgarh Thrust, and exhumation of Lesser Himalayan rocks of the Kumaun-Garhwal region, NW-Himalaya (India): Insights from Fission Track Thermochrono10
Genesis of the Hujiazhuang apatite-rich carbonatite complex in North China and its implication for the REE fertility of the carbonatite system10
Silicon isotopic constraints on the genesis of cherts in the Ordovician sedimentary succession in Tarim Basin, Western China10
Seismic analysis of fault damage zones in the northern Tarim Basin (NW China): Implications for growth of ultra-deep fractured reservoirs9
Laminar characteristics of lacustrine organic-rich shales and their significance for shale reservoir formation: A case study of the Paleogene shales in the Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China9
Expanded deepwater euxinia recorded in the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary interval in South China9
A-type granite in the Boein-Miandasht Complex: Evidence for a Late Jurassic extensional regime in the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, western Iran9
Late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic tectonic evolution of Japan based on crystal morphologies and U–Pb ages of detrital zircons from the middle Permian sedimentary succession, Maizuru Belt, Southwest Jap9
Biostratigraphically constrained age assessment and paleoenvironments of the early Miocene syn-rift deposits of the Gulf of Suez eastern margin, Egypt9
A synthesis of Carboniferous stratigraphy in Xinjiang, Northwest China with emphasis on regional and global correlations9
Seismicity around the boundary between eastern and western Makran9
The oldest eugaleaspiform fishes from the Silurian red beds in Jiangxi, South China and their stratigraphic significance9
The boundary between the North China Craton and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in NE China: Seismic evidence from receiver function imaging9
Origin of pegmatitic melts from granitic magmas in the formation of the Jiajika lithium deposit in the eastern Tibetan Plateau9
Natural and anthropogenic factors influencing hydrochemical characteristics and heavy metals in groundwater surrounding a gold mine, Thailand9
A deep encoder-decoder neural network model for total organic carbon content prediction from well logs9
Precise geopressure predictions in active foreland basins: An application of deep feedforward neural networks9
Paleozoic tectonothermal evolution of the Jinchuan Ni-Cu sulfide deposit, NW China: New constraints from 40Ar/39Ar and (U-Th)/He thermochronology9
Middle Jurassic radiolarians and chert geochemistry, Dajiweng ophiolite, SW Tibet: Implications for Neotethyan Ocean evolution9
Paleomagnetic results from the Early–Middle Jurassic rocks in the Tethyan Himalayas and tectonic implications9
Sulfide S-Zn-Cd isotopes and origin of the Liangyan Zn-Pb deposit in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou metallogenic province, SW China9
Origin of chamosite and berthierine: Implications for volcanic-ash-derived Nb-Zr-REY-Ga mineralization in the Lopingian sequences from eastern Yunnan, SW China9
Crustal flow and fluids affected the 2021 M7.4 Maduo earthquake in Northeast Tibet9
Cascading rupture of large strike-slip fault bends: Evidence from paleoearthquakes in the Xianshuihe fault zone, Eastern Tibetan Plateau9
Metamorphic evolution of mafic granulites in the Kuruksayi area of the South Altyn Orogen, West China: Insights from petrography, phase equilibria modeling and geochronology9
Stratigraphic influences on reservoir heterogeneities of the Mid-Cretaceous carbonates in southwest Iran: Insight from an integrated stratigraphic, diagenetic and seismic attribute study9
Mesoproterozoic accretionary orogenesis: Evidence from ∼ 1.4 Ga metamorphism on the southeastern margin of the North China Craton9
Provenance of Early Carboniferous clastic sedimentary rocks in the Lhasa Block, Tibet: Insights into the paleogeography and tectonic evolution of the northern margin of East Gondwana9
Spatial and temporal changes of b-value, fractal analysis and stress tensor inversion in the Sistan and Makran zones, Eastern and Southeastern Iran9
Continental weathering led to the accumulation of Early Carboniferous bauxite deposits in the SW South China Craton9
Reconstruction of the South Qiangtang–Zhongba–Tethyan Himalaya continental margin system along the northern Indian Plate: Insights from the paleobiogeography of the Zhongba microterrane9
Glaciations and palaeoclimate of the last millennium in the Drongtso Lungpa Co Valley, southeastern Tibetan Plateau, based on cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating and glacier modelling9
Structural styles of the Aras fault zone with implications for a transpressive fault system in NW Iran9
Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Tonian island arc volcanic rocks from the Gabgaba Terrane in the Arabian-Nubian Shield (NE Sudan)9
Chromitites and associated mineralization of the Akkarga ophiolitic massif in the southeastern Urals (Russia)9
Carbon-isotope excursions in the Norian stage (Upper Triassic) of the Baoshan terrane, western Yunnan, China9
Editorial Board8
Obstacle leads to local stress reorientation: Insights from the formation mechanism of the Maiduoshan superimposed fold in the Weiningbeishan fold-thrust belt, NW China8
Detrital clay mineral input reconstructed based on weathering records and its influence on organic matter enrichment: A case study of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the Dongpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basi8
Paleozoic rapid denudation of the Proterozoic Jinchuan Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposit, NW China: Insights from single-grain zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology8
Protracted Paleoproterozoic partial melting recorded in the Taihua Complex, southern North China Craton: Insights from zircon U–Pb ages of leucosomes within migmatites8
Investigating the influence of climate on the evolution of fold-and-thrust belts in Chinese Tianshan: A 2D doubly vergent numerical model approach8
Geophysical 3D-static reservoir and basin modeling of a Jurassic estuarine system (JG-Oilfield, Abu Gharadig basin, Egypt)8
Tectonic and climatic controls on topographic spatial variability across the Pamir Plateau and implications for drainage evolution8
The late Holocene hydroclimate variability in the Northwest Himalaya: Sedimentary clues from the Wular Lake, Kashmir Valley8
Industrially induced warming triggered synchronous intensity changes in the East Asian summer and winter monsoons8
Successive magma mixing in deep-seated magma chambers recorded in zircon from mafic microgranular enclaves in the Triassic Mishuling granitic pluton, Western Qinling, Central China8
Origin of clinopyroxene megacrysts from the 1.1 Ga Chigicherla-4 kimberlite (CC4), Dharwar craton, southern India: Implications for multi-stage metasomatism of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle8
Tectonic evolution of the Early Paleozoic proto-East Asian continental margin: Inference from Paleozoic metamorphic rocks in the South Kitakami belt, northeast Japan8
An end-to-end multi-task network for early prediction of the instrumental intensity and magnitude in the north–south seismic belt of China8
Morphotectonic analysis of strike-slip faults in the Sayan-Tuva Upland (North Mongolia and South Siberia): Age and displacement rates8
Subduction initiation of the Bangong–Nujiang Tethys Ocean, Tibetan Plateau8
Chemical weathering processes impacted by pyrite oxidation in the upper Indus River basin, Western Himalaya8
Air-sea CO2 exchange in the western Pacific influenced by monsoon and giant diatom (Ethmodiscus rex) blooms during the last deglaciation8
Active fault mapping in the onshore northern Banda Arc, Indonesia: Implications for active tectonics and seismic potential8
Contrasting diagenetic evolution and hydrocarbon charge of tight gas sandstones in the lower Permian Shanxi Formation, southeastern Ordos Basin, China8
Melting of the Neoproterozoic Yangtze crustal remnants beneath the North Qinling Terrane induced by the Paleo-Pacific plate subduction: Evidence from the Early Cretaceous Laojunshan granitoids8
Occurrence and mobility of shale oil in the Jiyang Depression, eastern China8
Corrigendum to “Qinling gneiss domes and implications for tectonic evolution of the Early Paleozoic Orogen in Central China” [J. Asian Earth Sci. 188 (2020) 104052]8
Corrigendum to “Late Cenozoic magnetostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental change in the ortheastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from a drill core in the Wuwei Basin, NW China” [J. Asian Earth Sci. 224 (28
Microseismicity and fault structure in the Daliangshan block within the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau8
Late Paleozoic to Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Qinling Orogenic Belt: Structural and geochronological constraints from the Devonian Liuling Group, eastern Qinling area, China8
Anomalously high enrichment of mercury in early Cambrian black shales in South China8
Sedimentary differentiation triggered by the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event and formation of lacustrine shale oil reservoirs: Organic matter accumulation and pore system evolution of the Early Jurassic8
A geochemical comparison between volcanic and non-volcanic hot springs from East Malaysia: Implications for their origin and geothermometry8
Hydrogen loss from pyroxene within granulite xenoliths at Damaping, North China craton8
In-situ calcite U-Pb ages and absolute timing of oil charge events: A case study of ultra-deep carbonate reservoirs in the Shunbei oilfield, Tarim basin, Northwest China8
Seismic Reflection Imaging Reveals Relict Subduction Zone of the Paleo-Pacific Plate in the Northeastern South China Sea8
Petrogenesis of post-orogenic Pan-African rare-element granitic pegmatites in the western Arabian-Nubian Shield, Aswan area, southern Egypt8
Influence of crustal rheology and heterogeneity on tectonic stress accumulation characteristics of North China constrained by GNSS observations8
Sedimentary records of liquefaction from central Kerala (southwestern India), as earthquake indicators in a cratonic area8
Relocation of the 2024 MS 7.1 Wushi, Xinjiang, China earthquake sequence and implications for seismogenic structure7
Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of the Late Cretaceous to Paleogene calc-alkaline volcanic rocks, Ladakh Himalaya7
Episodic cooling of the Hannan-Micangshan Dome at the northern margin of the Yangtze Block, Central China: Response to progressive convergence in the eastern Tethys since the Mesozoic7
Surin-Mastgarh Anticline in NW Himalaya from 2D seismic data, and its implication on geotectonics and hydrocarbon exploration7
3-D shallow crustal structure and offshore geothermal potential of the Aegean region of Türkiye from ambient noise tomography7
Contrasting zircon and garnet behaviors during metamorphic transformation from eclogite to granulite facies: Constraints from orogenic metabasites from North Qaidam in northern Tibet7
Generation of Neoproterozoic granites of the Huangling batholith in the northern Yangtze Block, South China: Implications for the evolution of the Precambrian continental crust7
Provenance of late Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in eastern Kazakhstan: Implications for the collision of the Siberian margin with the Kazakhstan collage7
Deep CO2 emissions facilitated by localized shear deformation: A case study of the Karakoram fault system, western Tibet7
A study of crustal deformation beneath the Qinling Orogenic belt, Central China based on receiver function data7
New paleomagnetic and geochronologic results from the eastern Tethyan Himalaya refine the size of Greater India in the Early Cretaceous7
An overview of the Qiangtang Basin: Geology, hydrocarbon resources and the role of the Tethyan evolution7
Mesozoic magmatism and mineralization in Southeastern China: An introduction7
Distribution and development of submarine mud volcanoes on the Makran Continental Margin, offshore Pakistan7
Base metals- and Lithium- rich ferromanganese oxide deposits from the South Andaman Sea, Northeastern Indian Ocean: Mode of occurrence and genesis7
Corrigendum to “Mesozoic–Cenozoic exhumation of the giant Jinchuan Ni-Cu sulfide deposit, China: Evidence from single-grain apatite (U-Th)/He ages” [J. Asian Earth Sci. 271 (2024) 106231]7
3D seismic tomography models of the Baikal Rift zone and surrounding areas based on regional seismological data7
Coexistence of episodic and prolonged magmatism during the exhumation of subducted continental crust revealed by multi-method chronology of Early Paleozoic granites in South Altyn, western China7
Hierarchical cluster and principal component analyses of multi-scale pore structure and shale components in the Upper Triassic Chang 7 Member in the Ordos Basin of Northern China7
A probability-based approach for estimating ground motion using initial P-wave for earthquake early warning7
Multi-stage crustal magma reservoirs of ultrapotassic rocks recorded by zoned clinopyroxene7
P-T-fluid evolution of migmatites from the Leo Pargil gneissic dome, India: Insights into partial melting and exhumation processes in North Himalayan Domes7
Constraints of geomorphic indices on the expansion mode of the southeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau7
Enrichment of cobalt at Baijian skarn Fe-Co deposit in the Handan-Xingtai region, North China Craton: Insights from mineral trace elements and pyrite sulfur isotopes7
Abundance and origin of helium in the Lower Paleozoic gas: A case study from the Daniudi field of the Ordos Basin, central China7
Corrigendum to “The Guttenberg δ13C excursion (GICE) and paleoclimate change recorded in the early Late Ordovician carbonate succession of the Ordos Basin, Northern Chinas” [J. Asian Earth Sci. 231 (27
Active tectonics and kinematic architecture of intraplate strike-slip fault: Savrun fault zone, SE Türkiye7
Paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic records from the Bay of Bengal sediments during the last 30 ka7
A 51 ka sedimentary sequence in a seamount basin, Eastern Arabian Sea: Records for paleoceanographic and paleoclimate conditions7
Multi-stage hydrothermal activity affecting the early Jurassic K7 coal seam from the Gaosheng coal Mine, Sichuan Basin, southwest China: Evidence from whole-rock geochemistry and C-O-Sr isotopes in au7
Geomorphological and geo/thermo-chronological responses of Indian plate’s deformation during neogene- quaternary time along the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis: Formation of Manabhum anticline7
Corrigendum to “New paleomagnetic and geochronologic results from the eastern Tethyan Himalaya refine the size of Greater India in the Early Cretaceous” [J. Asian Earth Sci. 278 (2025) 106428]7
Seismic characteristics of the underthrusting Indian lithosphere beneath the eastern Kumaun Himalaya using regional earthquake waveform analysis7
Gravity anomalies and deep structure of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas7
Sediment provenance variations driven by sea level in the eastern Arabian Sea since the MIS 9 period: Evidence from geochemical proxies7
Crust and uppermost mantle S-wave velocity structure of the Wudalianchi volcanic belt from direct surface-wave tomography7
Multi-stages of Paleozoic deformation of the fault system in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin, NW China: Implications for hydrocarbon accumulation7
Crustal structure and tectonic evolution of the Pranhita-Godavari Rift: A comprehensive study using edge enhancement techniques and 2D gravity modeling7
Deep shale gas in the Ordovician-Silurian Wufeng–Longmaxi formations of the Sichuan Basin, SW China: Insights from reservoir characteristics, preservation conditions and development strategies7
Depositional and diagenetic heterogeneities in sequence stratigraphic framework of a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic reservoir: A case study from Oligocene–Miocene Asmari Formation in the Persian Gulf7
Explosive ultramafic volcanism in phanerozoic accreted terranes: A case study of the Taragai peridotite complex (Russian Far East)7
Origin of Late Triassic lamprophyres in the western Yanshan Tectonic Belt related to destruction of the North China Craton: Geochronological and geochemical constraints7
Current glacier status and ELA changes since the Late Pleistocene in the Hindu Kush Mountains of Afghanistan7
Lithospheric structure of the Dharwar Craton (India) from joint analysis of gravity, topography, and teleseismic travel-time residuals7
Pockmark reservoir, a new carbonate reservoir type from the Madura Sub-Basin, Indonesia6
Salt tectonics along the High Zagros Fault in Iran, faulting through welded salt walls6