International Journal of Cultural Studies

(The TQCC of International Journal of Cultural Studies is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
In between the global and the local: Mapping the geographies of Netflix as a multinational service47
Digital media and the affective economies of transnational families30
Identity transformation, stigma power, and mental wellbeing of Chinese eSports professional players20
‘Everybody needs friends’: Emotions, social networks and digital media in the friendships of international students19
Introduction: Caring media futures19
‘I still want to know they’re not terrible people’: Negotiating ‘queer community’ on dating apps19
An anatomy of carewashing: Corporate branding and the commodification of care during Covid-1917
Digitised caring intimacies: More-than-human intergenerational care in Japan17
Migrancy and digital mediations of emotion15
Emotional practices of unaccompanied refugee youth on social media14
Psychedelic medicalization, public discourse, and the morality of ego dissolution14
‘Generic visuals’ of Covid-19 in the news: Invoking banal belonging through symbolic reiteration12
A theory of a theory of the smartphone11
Taking care of business: The routines and rationales of early-career musicians in the Dutch and British music industries11
Covid-19: The cultural constructions of a global crisis11
‘Forced empathy’: Manipulation, trauma and affect in virtual reality film9
‘The filthy people’: Racism in digital spaces during Covid-19 in the context of South–South migration9
Mobile-mediated mothering from a distance: A case study of Somali mothers in Port Elizabeth, South Africa9
Translating YouTube vlogs for a global audience: Innovative subtitling and community-building8
Intersectionality: A challenge for cultural studies in the 2020s8
An emerging art world: The de-subculturalization and artification process of graffiti and pixação in São Paulo7
Making players care: The ambivalent cultural politics of care and video games7
Crisis-ready responsible selves: National productions of the pandemic7
WeChat, we sell, we feel: Chinese women’s emotional petit capitalism7
Making digital ‘home-camps’: Mediating emotions among the Sahrawi refugee diaspora7
Migrant platformed subjectivity: Rethinking the mediation of transnational affective economies via digital connectivity services7
Living Through It: Anger, Laughter, and Internet Memes in Dark Times6
Sisterhood and affective politics: The CaiRollers mobilising change through roller derby in Egypt6
The cultural politics of racism in the Brexit conjuncture6
‘No room for hate in our country’: Constructing the LGBTI-friendly nation in news discourses after the murder of a gay man in Belgium6
Conjunctions of resilience and the Covid-19 crisis of the creative cultural industries5
‘I feel the irritation and frustration all over the body’ Affective ambiguities in networked parenting culture5
Situating ‘careful surveillance’5
Institutional trauma across the Americas: Covid-19 as slow crisis5
Regimes of visibility and the affective affordances of Twitter5
(Be)Longing through visual narrative: Mediation of (dis)affect and formation of politics through photographs and narratives of migration at DiasporaTürk5
The (broken) promise of queerbaiting: Happiness and futurity in politics of queer representation5
Towards inclusive international environmental communication scholarship: The role of Latin America5
Loving idols: K-pop and the limits of neoliberal solidarity in Cuba4
Work hard, fit in, and applaud her: Women developers blogging about their lived experiences4
Internetica: Poetry in the digital age4
Transnational togetherness through Rela: Chinese queer women’s practices for maintaining ties with the homeland4
Creating a patchwork of unruliness: The grumpy old woman as affect alien4
Filipino migrants in Germany and their diasporic (irony) chronotopes in Facebook4
Robot death care: A study of funerary practice4
Activism to make and do: The (quiet) politics of textile community groups4
Producing Nollywood portal films: Navigating precarity through informal social relations and hope4
The Korean Wave as a source of implicit cultural policy: Making of a neoliberal subjectivity in a Korean style4
Masculinity in crisis? Reticent / han-xu politics against danmei and male effeminacy4
Globalising the local in children’s television for the post-network era: How Disney+ and BBC Studios helpedBlueythe Australian cattle dog jump the national fence3
Humanizing the posthuman: Digital labour, food delivery, and openings for the new human during the pandemic3
Llamas are the new unicorns: Craft as competition television3
Culture is transnational3
Leaning in, pushed out: Postfeminist precarity, pandemic labor, and journalistic discourse3
Publicness and commoning: Pandemic intersections and collective visions at times of crisis3
Playing YouTube: How the Nancy YouTuber doll and app position children as aspiring YouTube influencers3
Transgression in contemporary media culture3
Apps, mobilities, and migration in the Covid-19 pandemic: Covid technology and the control of migrant workers in Singapore3
Environing media and cultural techniques: From the history of agriculture to AI-driven smart farming3
Mermaids as market creators: Cultural entrepreneurship in an emerging practice3
Poetic resistance: Karen long-distance nationalism, rap music, and YouTube3
The experience economy of TV promotion at San Diego Comic-Con3
Reorientation of foreign memories in domestic political speech: Considerations and effects3
Uneasy self-promotion and tactics of patience: Finnish MPs’ ambivalent feelings about personalised politics on social media3
Beyond Netflix: Ownership and content strategies among non-US-based video streaming services3
Globalization from above and below: Rejecting superficial multiculturalism and igniting anti-Korean sentiment in Japan3
On political street art as expressions of citizen media in revolutionary Egypt3
Game of Thrones tourism and the (re)imagination of the new Northern Ireland3
Streaming and India's film-centred video culture: Linguistic and formal diversity3
Chinese translational fandoms: Transgressing the distributive agency of assemblages in audiovisual media3
Representation and emancipation: Cinema of the oppressed3