International Journal of Cultural Studies

(The TQCC of International Journal of Cultural Studies is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Sisterhood and affective politics: The CaiRollers mobilising change through roller derby in Egypt22
Automated graves: The precarity and prosthetics of caring for the dead in Japan19
Introduction: Caring media futures18
Materializing storyworld, battles of transmedia storytelling: Trans-fandom cultures of The King's Avatar on Chinese social media platform15
Situating ‘careful surveillance’15
Minority representation in the streaming era: An analysis of Jewish identity in competing subscription video on-demand platforms14
‘The pandemic helped me!’ Queer international students’ identity negotiation with family on social media in immobile times12
Researching (im)mobile lives during a lockdown: Reconceptualizing remote interviews as field events11
Online gathering in times of physical (im)mobility: Facebook practices of Malagasy mothers in France11
Getting to yes: An interview with Igor Vamos10
On mediations and the environment: Material, spatial and epistemic considerations9
Thai creative labour solidarity, (post)-pandemic precarity, and directions of production studies in the Global South8
Environing media and cultural techniques: From the history of agriculture to AI-driven smart farming8
We are not raised by wolves: Decentering human exceptionalism in nature8
Towards inclusive international environmental communication scholarship: The role of Latin America8
Game of Thrones tourism and the (re)imagination of the new Northern Ireland7
The digital Creole7
The memefication of Squid Game and mimicry of Asian images6
‘When it comes to the true crime community, Taylor is a legend’: Social and symbolic capital among murderabilia fans6
Representations of mental health and mental health problems in content published by female social media influencers6
The dead pig's photo album: Affective visual rituals in collective identity formation6
Cultures of reading: Then and now6
Locating cultural studies: The limits of translation in knowledge production6
Four concepts to think from the South6
Soft nationalism and China: A case study of nationalism in short videos by US-Chinese rapper MC Jin6
Activism to make and do: The (quiet) politics of textile community groups5
Culture is transnational5
How fan clubs manage the authenticity of fans’ identities in Chinese idol culture5
Young people's digital drawing practices as cultural heritage5
Vicarious expertise: Locating skilled knowing in craft reality competition television5
‘They are now pocket videos, not home videos’: Streaming and reconfiguration of video consumption in Nigeria5
‘No room for hate in our country’: Constructing the LGBTI-friendly nation in news discourses after the murder of a gay man in Belgium5
The border as “other space”5
We got you covered: Contextualizing industry insurance practices and the response to Covid-194
Breaking the chains of television: Streaming and the ‘Netflix effect’ in Turkey4
The carnivalesque celebration of a slack laborer icon on a talent show: Civic engagement, commercialization, and political control4
The house cannot be full: Risk, anxiety, and the politics of collective spectatorship in a pandemic4
Mermaids as market creators: Cultural entrepreneurship in an emerging practice4
Not just Netflix: Interventions of Korea's domestic streamers4
Thanks to Reviewers4
Sartorial subversion in subculture of Malaysian female Muslim punks4
Conceptualizing gossip as a counterdiscourse: Alternative ways of publicly alleging sexual misconduct in an online groupie community3
Globally connected, nationally restrained: Platform ambiguities and censorship in Turkey's drama production3
Post-Covid: What is cultural theory useful for?3
RETRACTION NOTICE: Reconceptualising a Quandamooka Storyweave of language reclamation3
#Values for money? The neoliberal construction of “values” across Instagram language communities3
Global perspectives on platforms and cultural production3
Turning disaster into crisis3
De-celebrifying the problematic wanghong: Interlocking tensions in Chinese digital anti-fandom3
RETRACTED: Reconceptualising a Quandamooka Storyweave of language reclamation3
Localised precarity in social media entertainment: YouTubing in Turkey3
Struggling with platforms: Marxist identities, cultural production, and everyday work in Brazil3
Cultivating vigilant drivers through TV: On the cultural work of dashcam videos and normalization of surveillance2
Masculinity in crisis? Reticent / han-xu politics against danmei and male effeminacy2
Lifestyle, nostalgia, and serial storytelling in the Southern Living South2
The neoliberal perils of yoga and self-care on apps and platforms2
Ambivalence of informality: Covid-19 and unmasked precarity in Nollywood2
Cultural proximity and gender representation: Why Italian women are drawn to Turkish TV serials2
#Nature is trending: Social media, viral landscapes, and digital environmental activism in Oman2
Robot death care: A study of funerary practice2
A Brazilian Hollywood in the making? Film, tourism and creative city discourse in the hinterland of Paraíba2
Intersectional methods to study the intellectual production of a Black female samba composer2
Globalization from above and below: Rejecting superficial multiculturalism and igniting anti-Korean sentiment in Japan2
Cooptation, hijacking, or normalization? The discursive concession of body politics on Douyin2
Digital labor in the state-led/capitalist complex: State labor and playful workaholics in the Chinese digital space2
Between resistance and commodification: The art and cultural labor of Telangana ‘Dhoom Dham2
Curating new ethnicities in a digital era: Women and media work in the British South Asian diaspora2
Engaging the present, embracing the past: Pop culture museums and cultural continuity in Fukushima2
Girl-instrument: Posthumanism, producers, and virtual performers in Japanese music2
‘Bella ciao’: A portable monument for transnational activism2
Humanizing the posthuman: Digital labour, food delivery, and openings for the new human during the pandemic2
More than a makeover: Discourses of masculinity, hyposexuality, and marriage in Queer Eye: We’re in Japan!2
Cultural studies in South Africa, or not2
‘Platform-ised’ work? The case of neo-craft work2
Where are all the Black girls on TikTok?: Exploring in-group community and (in)visibility through #BlackGirlTikTok2
Spectacular whiteness: The tactics and mediation of white protests for Black Lives2
The Paradox of a Mobile Society: Situating Cultural Studies in the Global South Context2
The patriarchal Western gaze and the discursive policing of fandom: “Koreaboo” as stigma2
Museums in the age of platform giants: Disconnected policies and practices2
Apps, mobilities, and migration in the Covid-19 pandemic: Covid technology and the control of migrant workers in Singapore2
‘Generic visuals’ of Covid-19 in the news: Invoking banal belonging through symbolic reiteration2
Death to Chad and Stacy: Incels and anti-fandom as group identity2