European Journal of Cultural Studies

(The median citation count of European Journal of Cultural Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Emotional scapes in Mediterranean port cities: Walking Barcelona, Marseille and Genova56
‘If I don’t do some couching I will burst’51
The British state, citizenship rights and gendered folk devils: The case of Shamima Begum45
The social positions of taste between and within music genres: From omnivore to snob38
Classical music as genre: Hierarchies of value within freelance classical musicians’ discourses28
‘Good food’ in an Instagram age: Rethinking hierarchies of culture, criticism and taste24
Fat shaming, feminism and Facebook: What ‘women who eat on tubes’ reveal about social media and the boundaries of women’s bodies21
The political economy of fanzines on the threshold of state socialism and post-socialism: The story of Czech(o)slovak fanzines20
Book review: Kaitlynn Mendes, Jessica Ringrose and Jessalynn Keller, Digital Feminist Activism Girls and Women Fight Back Against Rape Culture17
Black cultural intermediaries: Difference, neoliberalism and the negotiation of Black cultural value17
Book Review: Catherine McDermott, Feel-Bad Postfeminism: Impasse, Resilience and Female Subjectivity in Popular Culture13
‘Pack your patience’: US air travel discourse in Summer 202212
‘Even if the algorithm is a terrible workmate, you just need to learn to live with it’: Perceptions of data analytics among game industry professionals12
Humour under occupation: Jokes and humorous anecdotes and their reflections in Palestine11
Artificial Intelligence and the question of creativity: Art, data and the sociocultural archive of AI-imaginations11
Book review: Laura Clancy, Running the Family Firm: How the Monarchy Manages its Image and our Money10
Mapping the music of migration: Emergent themes and challenges10
Women as ‘space invaders’ in a gendered billiards hall: The male space and moments of change10
Advocacy for territorial and people-centered approaches to development in Romania: Place attachment based on industrial heritage9
Listening to the cultural acoustics of migrant voices: The archived conversations of the British Broadcasting Corporation and the British Library’s ‘Listening Project’9
The semiotic heritage of grunge and the distressed sneakers trend9
Equity, diversity and inclusivity: Once more, with feeling9
What is needed to promote gender equality in the cultural sector? Responses from cultural professionals in Catalonia9
Photographable femininities in women’s magazines and on Instagram8
AIDS melodrama now: Queer tears in It’s a Sin and Pose8
HIV/AIDS and its monsters. Negotiating criminalisation along the monster–human continuum8
‘I don’t want to be known for it’: Girls, leadership role models and the problem of representation8
Nobody cares for men anymore: Affective-discursive practices around men’s victimisation across online and offline contexts8
From ‘girlboss’ to #stayathomegirlfriend: The romanticisation of domestic labour on TikTok7
‘I can live without you’: Self-branding as individuation in young Chinese women’s transnational mobilities7
‘It’s not who I want to be!’: Negotiating the ‘illegible’ single woman in US–UK popular culture7
Musical metapolitics and the Alt-Right6
How time flows making games: An ethnographic analysis of experiences of temporality in an indie videogame studio6
Book review: Yiu Fai Chow, Jeroen de Kloet and Leonie Schmidt, ‘It’s My Party’: Tat Ming and the Postcolonial Politics of Popular Music in Hong Kong6
‘Grand designs?’ Investigating the cultural and spatial logics of Channel 4’s media hub workspaces in Leeds, Bristol and Glasgow6
Machinic, inadequate, entrepreneurial: Uncovering the citizen subject of the human-centric welfare state5
Crafting professionals: Skills and resources for graduates entering the craft economy5
Becoming apart: Drag and the practice of immanent resistance in postsocialist Belgrade5
Book Review: Anne M Cronin, Secrecy in Public Relations, Mediation and News Cultures5
Religious migrant women as builders of the new ummah in the Netherlands: A belonging path for Muslims?5
The Good, the Bad and the Disney: Employing princesses to examine Hungarian tweens’ understanding of gender5
We have never been human: Staging subjectivity from Diderot and Artaud to the aesthetics of the European refugee crisis5
Discourses of cultural diversity and inclusion in film policy: The case of Flanders (2002–2022)5
Contrasting media representations of race and national identity: The case of England and Italy at the Union of European Football Associations Euro 20205
Reality offsets: Climate meets capitalism at the Olympic Games4
Space oddity – Reading Nirmal Puwar’s Space Invaders: race, gender and bodies out of place in decolonial times4
Cultural omnivorousness in Ukraine: Examining relationships with social indicators via literary preferences among readers4
Gendering the history of cinemagoing in Izmir, Turkey: Middle-class women’s experiences of cinema in the 1960s and 1970s4
Pansy asses and terrorists: Sensibilities of anti-environmentalist toxic speech against Extinction Rebellion Finland4
When in Camelot: Space invaders, neurodiversity and popular culture4
Microcelebrities’ identity construction on social media: A systematic review and synthesis4
From progressiveness to perfection: Mothers’ descriptions of their children in print media, 1970–1979 versus 2010–20194
The politics of vulnerability in the influencer economy4
Beyond the Giralda: Residents’ interpretations of the Seville portrayed in fictional movies and TV series4
He said, she said4
Deconstructing the stigma of ageing: The rise of the mature female influencers4
Book review: Lin Zhang, The Labor of Reinvention: Entrepreneurship in the New Chinese Digital Economy4
Beyond ‘reifying whiteness’ in feminist media studies4
Networks revisited: Social media, inequality and network culture in the independent television production sector4
Contemporary curating: Gift-giving in the Zürcher Theater Spektakel performing arts festival4
Keywords as method4
The revival of radical popular education in Italy as a new form of cultural and class struggle: The case of popular schools in Rome4
‘When showing Hanfu to foreigners, I feel very proud’: The imagined community and affective economies of Hanfu (Chinese traditional couture) among Chinese migrant youth in the United Kingdom3
Need for belonging: Exploring subcultural identity in the Chinese Lolita online community3
‘We haven’t got here just on our own. It’s a conversation’: An interview with Carol Tulloch3
Book review: Ya-Hui Cheng, The Evolution of Chinese Popular Music: Modernization and Globalization, 1927 to the Present3
Queer media production as soft activism: Insights from a Chinese community project3
Purging the neoliberal poison? Marina Diamandis and the cultural grammar of popular left politics3
Book Review: Orian Brook, Dave O’Brien and Mark Taylor, Culture Is Bad for You: Inequality in the Cultural and Creative Industries3
Book Review: Koen Leurs, Digital Migration3
From London to Bali: Raymond Williams and communication as transport and social networks3
Making the invisible visible3
Book review: Štětka V and Mihelj S, The Illiberal Public Sphere: Media in Polarized Societies3
Book review: Joanne Hollows, Celebrity Chefs, Food Media and the Politics of Eating3
Jo Cox, public feeling and British political culture: #MoreInCommon3
ECS-Ecrea Early Career Scholar Prize winner - An astrological genealogy of artificial intelligence: From ‘pseudo-sciences’ of divination to sciences of prediction3
Book review: Jia Tan, Digital Masquerade: Feminist Rights and Queer Media in China3
Deepfakes and the promise of algorithmic detectability3
Representation of climate change and global warming in comics: From apocalyptic fiction to educational tool3
Space invaders: “Dissonant bodies” in positions of power: A conversation with Nirmal Puwar3
Analyzing the Justice and Development Party’s changing discourse on the headscarf issue as the constitutive part of its drift toward authoritarian politics in Turkey3
‘Scatter my ashes at Saks Fifth Avenue’: Boundary work and intermediation in the fashion landscape3
Intersectionality and the Construction of Humour in Contemporary Stand-up Comedy3
Book review: Karen Wells, The Visual Cultures of Childhood: Film and Television from The Magic Lantern to Teen Vloggers3
WhatsAppening Donald: The social uses of Trump memes3
The mediated circulation of the United Kingdom’s YouthStrike4Climate movement’s discourses and actions3
Book review: Joy White, Terraformed: Young Black Lives in the Inner City2
Genres at work: A holistic approach to genres in book publishing2
Beyond fact and fiction: Cultural memory and transmedia ethics in Netflix’sThe Crown2
‘In the end you adapt to anything’: Responses to narratives of resilience and entrepreneurship in post-recession Spain2
Womens’ football, sexism and media representation: Contextualising the Rubiales/Hermoso kiss2
Book review: Romit Chowdhury, City of Men: Masculinities and Everyday Morality on Public Transport2
Ageing and unruliness: Articulations of gaga feminism in representations of ageing, gender and sexuality2
Breaking the logic of neoliberal victimhood: Vulnerability, interdependence and memory in Captain Marvel (Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, 2019)2
Ethnography as thrownness and the face of the sufferer2
When the dancing went wrong, the evening went right: An argument for ageing and changing cultural practice2
A music for all times: Arabesk as a nostalgic commodity for New Turkey’s entertainment industry2
‘The man that got away’: Gender inequalities in the consumption and production of jazz2
Authenticity, uniqueness and talent: Gay male beauty influencers in post-queer, postfeminist Instagram beauty culture2
‘The world’s shortest highway’: Entrepreneurial populism and the making of a personal campaign2
‘Come and get a taste of normal’: Advertising, consumerism and the Coronavirus pandemic2
Book review: Queer China: Lesbian and Gay Literature and Visual Culture under Postsocialism2
Fatal feminisation: Problematising endocrine-disrupting chemicals in Denmark2
We will be great again: Historical victimhood in populist discourse2
‘The problem is the system’: Luis Rubiales, Jenni Hermoso and the sound of sealed lips2
Anticonsumerist marketers: Cultural intermediaries in an era of consumer activism2
Twists and turns in the 360 deal: Spinning the risks and rewards of artist–label relations in the streaming era2
Finding fun in the fatigue: Exploring healthism among group fitness instructors2
Glitch, the Post-digital Aesthetic of Failure and Twenty-First-Century Media2
Feminism and the Politics of Resilience: Spectacular girls and the place of psychoanalytic approaches in feminist media and cultural studies during the Coronavirus crisis2
The emergence and undermining of sex worker-led freelance feminism2
#ButNotMaternity: Analysing Instagram posts of reproductive politics under pandemic crisis2
Civic stage fright: Motivation and news satire engagement2
Mediating American hospitality: Mark Zuckerberg’s challenge to Donald Trump?2
The unbearable oldness of generative artificial intelligence: Or the re-making of digital narratives in times of ChatGPT2
No room! Of course there’s room1
‘I want to be judged on my work, I don’t want to be judged as a person’: Inequality, expertise and cultural value in UK craft1
Envisioning cultural commoning: New Cultural Commons editors’ dialogue on Global South perspectives, inclusivity and Cultural Studies1
Redrawing women’s later-in-life desires: Representations of ageing femininities, intimacies and the promise of happiness in graphic novels1
Genre, gender and television screenwriting: The problem of pigeonholing1
Ambivalent influencers: Feeling rules and the affective practice of anxiety in social media influencer work1
Markers of self-identities for young Polish diasporic female viewers of The Magnificent Century (Turkish TV series, 2011–2014)1
Exploring Flemish Muslim children’s experiences and negotiation of offline and online group privacy1
Migrant youth and the idea of the ‘migrant experience’1
The ethnicised hustle: Narratives of enterprise and postfeminism among young migrant women1
Talking football: Discourses about race/ethnicity among Spanish youth1
Maker-centricity and ‘edge-places of creativity’: CARE-full making in a CARE-less world1
Book Review: Zhen Troy Chen, China’s Music Industry Unplugged: Business Models, Copyright and Social Entrepreneurship in the Online Platform Economy1
Introduction: #(No)SeAcabó/it is (not) over: The Rubiales/Hermoso non-consensual kiss and the growth of a culture of concern1
Weaving the network of collectivism –Kuqingas affective glue in China: Analyzing the reality showX-Change1
#CannesYouNot? Oppositional and asymmetrical versions of believability in the Depp/Heard case1
Netflix teen series and the globalization of difference1
Jauría: Documentary fiction and the transformative potential of sexual violence testimony1
Unpopularity and cultural power in the age of Netflix: New questions for cultural studies’ approaches to television texts1
Fear: Introduction to special issue1
The minor as major: Outsiderness and social class in Saara Turunen’s prose1
Coming to voice: Community radio production as critical pedagogy1
From femcels to ‘femcelcore’: Women’s involuntary celibacy and the rise of heteronihilism1
Who counts, and is counted, in craft?1
Special issue introduction: Craft economies and inequalities1
Online sex workers’ absence from gig economy discourse: The politics of seeing in the neoliberal sexual agenda1
Book Review: Movers and Makers: Uncertainty, Resilience and Migrant Creativity in Worlds of Flux1
Urban/image: Conceptualizing Amsterdam as urban environment in virtual renderings1
Stuck inside: Context, precarity and the effect of COVID-19 on Romanian performers1
Romantic opportunism: Doing the work of structures in post-feminist creative industries1
At home with Gumtree: A cultural analysis of Australia’s popular secondhand online marketplace1
Woman, Life, Freedom: Revolting space invaders in Iran1
Performative resistance and aestheticized conflicts: Barbie’s ambivalent feminist practice1
‘All at the tap of a button’: Mapping the food app landscape1
A life lasts longer than the body through which it moves: An introduction to a special Cultural Commons section on Raymond Williams1
No more jokes: Comic complexity, Adult Swim and a political aesthetic model of humour1
Who cares? At what price? The hidden costs of socially engaged arts labour and the moral failure of cultural policy1
The ethics of representing perpetrators in documentaries on genocide1
Friends tell it like it is: Therapy culture, postfeminism and friendships between women1
Pressing back with Jenni Hermoso: Understanding the non-consensual kiss as abusive1
Queer Performance on the Border: Making Critical Fun of European Immigration Regimes1
Palpating history: Magical healing and revolutionary care in Rural Serbia and Macedonia1
The morbid romance of the good job: News and the emotional social imaginary in late capitalism1
Ascriptions of migration: Racism, migratism and Brexit1
Constructing authority in the digital age: Comparing book reviews of professional and amateur critics1
‘It’s like almost hypnotised people’: An exploration of vernacular discourses and social imaginaries of terrorism in the United Kingdom1
Surveillance and self-care: Performing beauty labor in online video content1
Expat anxieties: Risk and safety in Cape Town, South Africa and Santiago de Chile0
Narrating refusals of work: Feeling through two European novels and the organizing potential of sharing stories0
Note from the Editors0
Alt. Health Influencers: how wellness culture and web culture have been weaponised to promote conspiracy theories and far-right extremism during the COVID-19 pandemic0
White tears, white rage: Victimhood and (as) violence in mainstream feminism0
Home in question: Uncovering meanings, desires and dilemmas of non-home0
Documentary imaginary: Production and audience research of The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence0
Telephone networks and transactional motherhood in Channel 4’s It’s A Sin0
The body as theme and tool of artivism in young people0
The menopause moment: The rising visibility of ‘the change’ in UK news coverage0
Screen agencies as cultural intermediaries: Delivering gender equality in the film and television sectors?0
Mummy influencers and professional sharenting0
Identity construction and collusion in documentary of the Gaelic-speaking community: A filmmaker’s perspective0
Fatherhood and gender relations in the manosphere: Exploring an Italian non-resident fathers’ online forum0
No such thing as peacetime: Notes on Gaza, Hannah Arendt and cultural studies0
Trash, dirt, glitch: The imperfect turn0
Water, earth, fire, air: Banal nationalism and Avatar: The Last Airbender0
Ticking off the (pink) diversity box? Production views on LGBT+ in children’s fiction0
Ridiculing the unreasonable: The political aesthetic of Zondag met Lubach0
The work of documentary relationships0
Comedy clubs that platform marginalised identities: Prefigurative politics in Sophie Duker’s Wacky Racists0
‘Ruined’ lives: Mediated white male victimhood0
Digital food culture, power and everyday life0
Portraits of courage: Caught in the sovereign’s gaze0
Moving in and out of the European cultural space: Southeast European encounters with the Creative Europe programme0
More than a number: The telephone and the history of digital identification0
‘With you, sister @JenniHermoso’: Productive rage in the viralization of #SeAcabó0
The performative body of disabled women: Toward the politics of visibility in China0
Book review: Susan Liddy (ed.), Women, Ageing and the Screen Industries: Falling off a Cliff?0
Director for hire? Negotiating creativity and work in the Irish television sector0
Curating the urban music festival: Festivalisation, the ‘shuffle’ logic, and digitally-shaped music consumption0
First contact: Reading Raymond Williams0
Post-racial politics, pre-emption and in/security0
Platformed intimacies: Professional belonging on social media0
It’s a Sin: AIDS as incipient crisis0
Technology of optimization: An emerging configuration of productivity among professional software employees0
The limits of humanisation: ‘ideal’ figures of the refugee and depoliticisation of displacement in virtual reality filmClouds Over Sidra0
Funding arts and culture: Everyday experiences and organisational portfolio precarity0
Grey people in an ordinary world: Navigating the politics of migration at the Eurovision Song Contest0
The transgender space invader: Out of time and out of affect0
Drama production and audiences as ‘affective superaddressee’ in an illiberal democracy0
Dirt(y) media: Dirt in ecological media art practices0
Fandom meets artificial intelligence: Rethinking participatory culture as human–community–machine interactions0
From high camp to post-modern camp: Queering post-Soviet pop music0
A feminism of the soul? Postfeminism, postsecular feminism and contemporary feminine spiritualities0
Brexit, ugly feelings and the power of participatory art in Grayson Perry: Divided Britain0
Technologies of the self(-deception): Confidence, optimism and effort of Chinese esports players0
Constructions of self and the pursuit of ‘authenticity’ in women’s magazines: A study of British and Greek discourses0
Football and the sounds of the Black Atlantic0
Narrating the pandemic: COVID-19, China and blame allocation strategies in Western European popular press0
Affective academic time management in the neoliberal university: From timeliness to timelessness0
Introduction to special issue: The logic of victimhood0
Researching the digital economy and the creative economy: Free gaming shards and commercialised making at the intersection of digitality and creativity0
Disavowing dependency: On Angela McRobbie’s Feminism and the Politics of Resilience0
Iconographies of the everyday: Mediated whiteness and food hospitality activism0
A new day for Hulk Hogan: Celebrity selves and racial diversity in contemporary professional wrestling0
Countering spectacles of fear: Anonymous’ meme ‘war’ against ISIS0
Book review: Clive Nwonka and Anamik Saha (eds), Black Film British Cinema II0
The nation as an imagined commodity: Branding ‘Melania’0
Beyond anti-welfarism and feminist social media mud-slinging: Jo Littler interviews Angela McRobbie0
The persistence of the housewife ideology: Shifts in women’s roles in production of Sumbanese handwoven cloth0
Downward professional mobility, cultural difference and immigrant niches: Dynamics of and changes to migrants’ attitudes towards interpersonal communication and work performance0
Raymond Williams: Tomorrow is also yesterday’s day0
Book review: Lilie Chouliaraki, Wronged: The Weaponization of Victimhood0
Beyond door policies: Cultural production as a form of spatial regulation in Amsterdam nightclubs0
‘Healthy Publics’ and the pedagogy of It’s a Sin0
Otherness as a Commodity: Rethinking Islamophobia and anti-Semitism in Central and Eastern Europe from the time of ‘Global Socialism’0
Book review: Cristina Moreno-Almeida, Memes, Monsters, and the Digital Grotesque0
Selling feminist stories: Popular feminism, authenticity and happiness0
The intimacy triple bind: Structural inequalities and relational labour in the influencer industry0
Challengers: A cultural studies commentary on the fire and ice of filmic desires0
‘How Goopy are you?’ Women, Goop and cosmic wellness0
Book review0
Introduction to a special Cultural Commons section on It’s a Sin0
The travelogue cooking show in a sub-state nation: Representing Scotland in British food television0
Book Review: Rosalind Gill and Shani Orgad, Confidence Culture0
Living in the wake of punk0
The continuum of regaining one’s body: Childbirth and reproductive choice under beauty pressure in Taiwan0
‘This gave me a Mastodong’: A decolonial analysis of the Black twerking dancers in Mastodon The Motherload music video0
Europe, Islam and the Roma: Liberalism and the manufacture of cultural difference0
Jack Monroe and the cultural politics of the austerity celebrity0
(Re)Made in America: Survivorship after the Shoah0
From Cinéfondation’s Résidence to film production: The experience of Brazilian filmmakers in an international labour market0
Nation branding through the lens of soccer: Using a sports nation branding framework to explore the case of China0
Fulfilling the self through food in wellness blogs: Governing the healthy subject0
Migrants as ‘pawns’: Antimigrant debates on Twitter and their affinity to European border politics and discourses0
The digital pregnancy: A qualitative study of Danish women’s use of pregnancy apps0
Experiencing disruption and transformation of communal environments: War’s influence on Ukrainian coworking spaces0