Journal of Risk Research

(The TQCC of Journal of Risk Research is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Risk communication and Covid-19 through the lens of anonymous sources168
Participatory versus analytic approaches for understanding risk perceptions: a comparison of three case studies from the field of biotechnology49
Twenty-five years of the Journal of Risk Research: a bibliometric overview38
Procedural fairness and safety in the acceptance of nuclear waste disposal in Germany: an empirical study29
Risk assessment without the risk? A controversy about security and risk in Norway28
Charting the global rise of the modern plug-in electric vehicle (PEV)24
Introduction to the special issue “Trust, mistrust, distrust, and trust-building in the nuclear sector: historical and comparative experience from Europe”24
Lost in translation: inadequate non-technical risk assessment within major project teams in mining19
A micro-place evaluation of the relationship between ‘risky places’ and risk perceptions19
Keep the status quo: randomization-based security checks might reduce crime deterrence at airports17
Who is to blame for the terrorist attack? Comparison of content analysis and survey data as sources of responsibility ascriptions14
The role of knowledge and trust in developing risk perceptions of autonomous vehicles: a moderated mediation model14
How is counterfactual thinking integrated in organizational risk and resilience practices?13
Impact of risk experience and personal exposure on coastal flooding and coastal erosion risk perception and coping strategies13
Using artificial intelligence (AI)? Risk and opportunity perception of AI predict people’s willingness to use AI13
Risk identification in Japanese consumer product injury data throughout an ontology-based knowledge base12
Information seeking and information avoidance about per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination: knowledge, personal control, or affect?12
The relationships between citizens’ perceptions of corporate political activity and their health risk perception11
Communicating radon risks: the impact of different risk formulations on risk perception and protection intention11
COVID-19 skepticism and the perception of risk10
Mapping and characterising changes to risk amplification within the British Press: 1985–201710
How the COVID-19 pandemic influences judgments of risk and benefit: the role of negative emotions10
Shared responsibility or not? A responsibility messages experiment during a cyber crisis in designing for risk communication10
Addressing “beyond control”: nuclear safety goals in the age of risk governance9
Exploring perspectives on COVID-19 risk, protective behavior and control measures9
Development and validation of the Design-for-Safety (DfS) climate measurement tool9
The effectiveness of risk assessments in risk workshops: the role of calculative cultures9
Factors influencing the adoption of pre-commitment devices for online gambling8
Possible harms of artificial intelligence and the EU AI act: fundamental rights and risk8
Stakeholder safety communication: patient and family reports on safety risks in hospitals8
Systemic risks and solar climate engineering research. Integrating technology ethics into the governance of systemic risks8
Risk in discourses around fracking: a discourse linguistic perspective on the UK, the USA and Germany8
The risk-related tone from the top: evidence from German regional banks6
Trust, mistrust and distrust as blind spots of Social Licence to Operate: illustration via three forerunner countries in nuclear waste management6
Combining uncertainty information with AI recommendations supports calibration with domain knowledge6
Motivating sustainable behaviors by framing biodiversity loss as a public health risk6
Discourse dynamics and mass media’s influence on social media narratives: Twitter analysis of the Great East Japan earthquake’s 10th anniversary6
The drivers and barriers of wearing a facemask during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Switzerland6
Militarisation, masculinisation and organisational exclusion in the crisis preparedness sector6
Modelling social risk amplification, harmful products, and product recall as the basis of a risk assessment procedure6
Values as causes of emotions and acceptability in the digital risk context: an extension of the values scale with privacy6
A comparative study of Chinese and American public perceptions of shale gas development6
The many faces of uncertainty: a comment to Lofstedt and Bouder5
Warning dissemination and public response in China’s new warning system: evidence from a strong convective event in Qingdao City5
Energy transitioning: communicating risk to decision-makers5
Commentary: risk, uncertainty and innovation: what does this mean for the Dutch energy transition?5
Transparency beyond information disclosure: strategies of the Scandinavian public health authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic5
COVID-19 risk perception measures: factoring and prediction of behavioral intentions and policy support5
Energy transitioning: why bother with uncertainty and why does risk tolerance really matter?5
It’s a dry heat: professional perspectives on extreme heat risk in Utah5
The debut, travels and future of intersectionality in HIV prevention and treatment interventions4
Effect of COVID-19 vaccine allocation strategies on vaccination refusal: a national survey4
Introducing forecast-based public health warnings to promote engagement with air quality risk: a survey of citizens’ attitudes in Cork, Ireland4
A new perspective for the integration of intelligence and risk management in a customs and border control context4
The risk of relocation: risk perceptions and communication surrounding the tradeoffs between floods and economic opportunities in Iquitos, Peru4
Institutional constraints on ‘nudge-style’ risk rating systems: explaining why food hygiene barometers were rolled-out in the UK but abandoned in Germany4
Regulating through disclosure: the case of food hygiene barometer ratings in China4
No heat, no electricity, no water, oh no!: an IDEA model experiment in instructional risk communication4
Bibliometric analysis of risk science from 1996 to 2021: insights and implications4
Community preparedness for natural hazards in two Chilean coastal cities4
Confidence gap or timid trust building? The role of trust in the evolution of the nuclear waste governance in Germany4
COVID-19 has illuminated the need for clearer AI-based risk management strategies4
What entails risk management maturity in public organisations?4
Multilateral governance of technological risks; editors’ overview14
Risk analysis versus risk governance: the case study of the Ebola Virus Disease4
The utility of social practice theory in risk research4
The relationship between risk perception and risk management: a systematic literature review4
Defensive pessimism-like thinking in practice: the (dys)functional strategy for coping with risk uncertainty in the offshore oilfield?4
Understanding collective flight responses to (mis)perceived hostile threats in Britain 2010-2019: a systematic review of ten years of false alarms in crowded spaces3
Utilizing MRBQ to investigate risky rider behavior in Chinese young riders: combining the effect of Big Five personality and sensation seeking3
Information seeking, personal experiences, and their association with COVID-19 risk perceptions: demographic and occupational inequalities3
Mapping the knowledge frontiers of public risk communication in disaster risk management3
Is targeting the solution? Evidence from an experiment on radon risk communication3
Contrasting perspectives on the risks of intensive livestock farming in The Netherlands: a survey study3
Grasping the nettle? Considering the contemporary challenges of risk assessment3
The influence of COVID-19 Mortality Rate Formats on Emotional Reactions, Risk perception, and self-protective Behavioral Intentions3
The fish scales of justice: the influence of perceived justice on social license to operate for aquaculture development3
Making risk communication in practice: dimensions of professional logics in risk and vulnerability assessments3
How news consumption in modern media landscapes relates to threats perceptions and fears in public spaces. A scoping review3
Risk communication and COVID-19 in Europe: lessons for future public health crises3
Drivers of Chinese public attitudes towards agri-food applications based on synthetic biology: the results of qualitative exploratory research3
On how to characterize and confront misinformation in a risk context3
Revisiting the primary bias: the role of innumeracy in the misperception of prevalence of chronic illnesses3
Aligning redundancy and flexibility for supply chain resilience: a literature synthesis3
Rallying around the vaccine: how state-level risk perceptions and nationalism motivate public acceptance of immunization program3
Descriptive social norms, social support, and behavioral response to climate-related and co-occurring health hazards3
Risk governance approach to migration: a viable alternative to precautionary management3
When to dismiss an alternative hypothesis or theory? A risk and uncertainty perspective3
Public involvement in risk governance in the internet era: impact of new rules of building trust and credibility3
Defining and assessing risk analysis quality: insights from applications of the SRA risk analysis quality test3
Should we use natural gas in our homes? Risk perceptions from the U.S3
Bibliometric analysis of vaccine hesitancy research from behavioural perspectives (2015–2022)3