Diversity and Distributions

(The median citation count of Diversity and Distributions is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Analytical guidelines to increase the value of community science data: An example using eBird data to estimate species distributions158
Assessing the reliability of species distribution projections in climate change research150
Pyrodiversity and biodiversity: A history, synthesis, and outlook98
Large carnivore expansion in Europe is associated with human population density and land cover changes91
High fire frequency and the impact of the 2019–2020 megafires on Australian plant diversity83
Predictor complexity and feature selection affect Maxent model transferability: Evidence from global freshwater invasive species75
GAPeDNA: Assessing and mapping global species gaps in genetic databases for eDNA metabarcoding71
A blueprint for securing Brazil's marine biodiversity and supporting the achievement of global conservation goals66
Large‐scale eDNA metabarcoding survey reveals marine biogeographic break and transitions over tropical north‐western Australia65
High stream flows dilute environmental DNA (eDNA) concentrations and reduce detectability64
Target‐group backgrounds prove effective at correcting sampling bias in Maxent models64
Rapid assessment of the biodiversity impacts of the 2019–2020 Australian megafires to guide urgent management intervention and recovery and lessons for other regions53
Invasion success and impacts depend on different characteristics in non‐native plants51
Lineage‐level distribution models lead to more realistic climate change predictions for a threatened crayfish50
The elevational ascent and spread of exotic annual grass dominance in the Great Basin, USA44
Can habitat suitability estimated from MaxEnt predict colonizations and extinctions?40
Faunal responses to fire in Australian tropical savannas: Insights from field experiments and their lessons for conservation management40
Vegetation structure derived from airborne laser scanning to assess species distribution and habitat suitability: The way forward39
Responding to the biodiversity impacts of a megafire: A case study from south‐eastern Australia’s Black Summer38
Local contributions to beta diversity in urban pond networks: Implications for biodiversity conservation and management36
Identifying fine‐scale habitat preferences of threatened butterflies using airborne laser scanning35
Integrating citizen‐science and planned‐survey data improves species distribution estimates35
When bigger isn’t better—Implications of large high‐severity wildfire patches for avian diversity and community composition34
Winners and losers over 35 years of dragonfly and damselfly distributional change in Germany33
Habitat alteration facilitates the dominance of invasive species through disrupting niche partitioning in floodplain wetlands33
Niche shift of tephritid species after the Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) invasion in La Réunion32
Modelling species distributions and environmental suitability highlights risk of plant invasions in western United States31
Evidence that post‐fire recovery of small mammals occurs primarily via in situ survival31
Assessing mammal species richness and occupancy in a Northeast Asian temperate forest shared by cattle31
Assessing the conservation priority of freshwater lake sites based on taxonomic, functional and environmental uniqueness31
Effects of land‐use change on avian taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity in a tropical montane rainforest31
Temporal variability is key to modelling the climatic niche30
Implementation of species distribution models in Google Earth Engine30
Economic costs of invasive bivalves in freshwater ecosystems30
Tracking a killer shrimp: Dikerogammarus villosus invasion dynamics across Europe29
Counting the bodies: Estimating the numbers and spatial variation of Australian reptiles, birds and mammals killed by two invasive mesopredators29
DNA barcoding of Chironomidae from the Lake Skadar region: Reference library and a comparative analysis of the European fauna28
Diversity and patterns of marine non‐native species in the archipelagos of Macaronesia26
Potential distributions of invasive vertebrates in the Iberian Peninsula under projected changes in climate extreme events26
Using species distribution models and decision tools to direct surveys and identify potential translocation sites for a critically endangered species25
IUCNN – Deep learning approaches to approximate species' extinction risk25
eDNA metabarcoding in lakes to quantify influences of landscape features and human activity on aquatic invasive species prevalence and fish community diversity25
Coasting along to a wider range: niche conservatism in the recent range expansion of the Tawny Coster, Acraea terpsicore (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)25
Conservation status assessment of banana crop wild relatives using species distribution modelling24
Predictive models of distribution and abundance of a threatened mountain species show that impacts of climate change overrule those of land use change24
Trait‐based projections of climate change effects on global biome distributions24
Predicting range shifts of African apes under global change scenarios24
Network analysis of sea turtle movements and connectivity: A tool for conservation prioritization24
Global change on the roof of the world: Vulnerability of Himalayan otter species to land use and climate alterations24
Screening marker sensitivity: Optimizing eDNA‐based rare species detection23
Integrated species distribution models: A comparison of approaches under different data quality scenarios23
Evolving thermal thresholds explain the distribution of temperature sex reversal in an Australian dragon lizard23
Vertebrate responses to human land use are influenced by their proximity to climatic tolerance limits23
Cascading impacts of earthquakes and extreme heatwaves have destroyed populations of an iconic marine foundation species23
Alpine plants are on the move: Quantifying distribution shifts of Australian alpine plants through time22
Rapid shifts in Arctic tundra species' distributions and inter‐specific range overlap under future climate change22
Invasion disharmony in the global biogeography of native and non‐native beetle species22
Challenges and opportunities of species distribution modelling of terrestrial arthropod predators22
Can long‐lived species keep pace with climate change? Evidence of local persistence potential in a widespread conifer22
Climate change impact on cultivated and wild cacao in Peru and the search of climate change‐tolerant genotypes22
On opportunities and threats to conserve the phylogenetic diversity of Neotropical palms22
Environmental and socioeconomic correlates of extinction risk in endemic species21
A hotspot of groundwater amphipod diversity on a crossroad of evolutionary radiations21
Homogeneous selection shapes free‐living and particle‐associated bacterial communities in subtropical coastal waters20
Modelling presence versus abundance for invasive species risk assessment20
Modelling the biodiversity enhancement value of seagrass beds20
Habitat suitability of neotenic net‐winged beetles (Coleoptera: Lycidae) in China using combined ecological models, with implications for biological conservation20
Spatial patterns of genus‐level phylogenetic endemism in the tree flora of Mediterranean Europe20
Diversity and conservation of traditional African vegetables: Priorities for action20
A matter of time: Recovery of plant species diversity in wild plant communities at declining nitrogen deposition20
Revealing the drivers of taxonomic and functional diversity of nearshore fish assemblages: Implications for conservation priorities20
A data‐driven geospatial workflow to map species distributions for conservation assessments19
Partitioning beta diversity to untangle mechanisms underlying the assembly of bird communities in Mediterranean olive groves19
Environmental DNA metabarcoding as a tool for biodiversity assessment and monitoring: reconstructing established fish communities of north‐temperate lakes and rivers19
Insights for protection of high species richness areas for the conservation of Mesoamerican endemic birds19
Land‐use intensification increases richness of native and exotic herbaceous plants, but not endemics, in Malagasy vanilla landscapes19
Climate change impacts on living marine resources in the Eastern Tropical Pacific19
The first comprehensive DNA barcode reference library of Chinese Tanytarsus (Diptera: Chironomidae) for environmental DNA metabarcoding19
A genus at risk: Predicted current and future distribution of all three Lagopus species reveal sensitivity to climate change and efficacy of protected areas18
Forecasting habitat and connectivity for pronghorn across the Great Basin ecoregion18
Modelling the distribution and intraguild associations of an understudied mesocarnivore across the contiguous United States18
Model‐based integration of citizen science data from disparate sources increases the precision of bird population trends18
Delineating biogeographic regions in Indian Ocean deep‐sea vents and implications for conservation18
No place to hide: Rare plant detection through remote sensing18
The impacts of extreme climate change on mammals differ among functional groups at regional scale: The case of Iranian terrestrial mammals17
Specific niche requirements underpin multidecadal range edge stability, but may introduce barriers for climate change adaptation17
Widespread habitat for Europe's largest herbivores, but poor connectivity limits recolonization17
Predicting range shifts of pikas (Mammalia, Ochotonidae) in China under scenarios incorporating land use change, climate change and dispersal limitations17
Intermediate fire severity diversity promotes richness of forest carnivores in California17
Elevational patterns of phylogenetic structure of angiosperms in a biodiversity hotspot in eastern Himalaya17
Winners and losers in a changing climate: how will protected areas conserve red list species under climate change?17
Mollusc aquaculture homogenizes intertidal soft‐sediment communities along the 18,400 km long coastline of China17
Ecological interactions mediate projected loss of kelp biomass under climate change16
Identifying hotspots and priority areas for xenarthran research and conservation16
Drought, fire and grazing precursors to large‐scale pine forest decline16
Anthropogenic habitat loss accelerates the range expansion of a global invader16
Predicting current and future global distribution of invasive Ligustrum lucidum W.T. Aiton: Assessing emerging risks to biodiversity hotspots16
Better together? Assessing different remote sensing products for predicting habitat suitability of wetland birds16
Static species distribution models in the marine realm: The case of baleen whales in the Southern Ocean16
Consequences of migratory coupling of predators and prey when mediated by human actions16
Spatial areas of genotype probability: Predicting the spatial distribution of adaptive genetic variants under future climatic conditions16
Global impacts of projected climate changes on the extent and aboveground biomass of mangrove forests16
Identifying important connectivity areas for the wide‐ranging Asian elephant across conservation landscapes of Northeast India16
Multiple satellite tracking datasets inform green turtle conservation at a regional scale15
Hull fouling marine invasive species pose a very low, but plausible, risk of introduction to East Antarctica in climate change scenarios15
Spatial overlap of wildfire and biodiversity in California highlights gap in non‐conifer fire research and management15
Seasonal variation in community composition and distributional ranges of birds along a subtropical elevation gradient in China15
When does agriculture enter into conflict with wildlife? A global assessment of parrot–agriculture conflicts and their conservation effects15
Bridgehead effects distort global flows of alien species15
Climate drives anuran breeding phenology in a continental perspective as revealed by citizen‐collected data15
Migration‐based simulations for Canadian trees show limited tracking of suitable climate under climate change15
Global patterns of extinction risk and conservation needs for Rodentia and Eulipotyphla15
Understanding the local drivers of beta‐diversity patterns under climate change: The case of seaweed communities in Galicia, North West of the Iberian Peninsula15
Quality issues in georeferencing: From physical collections to digital data repositories for ecological research15
Species and spatial variation in the effects of sea ice on Arctic seabird populations15
Abiotic and biotic drivers of functional diversity and functional composition of bird and bat assemblages along a tropical elevation gradient15
Divergent climate impacts on C3 versus C4 grasses imply widespread 21st century shifts in grassland functional composition14
Intra‐Alpine Islands: Population genomic inference reveals high degree of isolation between freshwater spring habitats14
Protected areas have remarkable spillover effects on forest conservation on the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau14
Finding what you don’t know: Testing SDM methods for poorly known species14
National assessments of species vulnerability to climate change strongly depend on selected data sources14
Northward shift of a biogeographical barrier on China’s coast14
Latitudinal cline in the foraging dichotomy of loggerhead sea turtles reveals the importance of East China Sea for priority conservation14
Recent advances in environmental DNA‐based biodiversity assessment and conservation14
Are invasive species a phylogenetically clustered subset of naturalized species in regional floras? A case study for flowering plants in China14
Life history strategies differentiate established from failed non‐native freshwater fish in peninsular Florida14
Predicting plant species distributions using climate‐based model ensembles with corresponding measures of congruence and uncertainty14
Genetic analyses reveal complex introduction histories for the invasive tree Acacia dealbata Link around the world14
Broad‐scale patterns of geographic avoidance between species emerge in the absence of fine‐scale mechanisms of coexistence14
Gaps in DNA sequence libraries for Macaronesian marine macroinvertebrates imply decades till completion and robust monitoring14
Spatiotemporal patterns of emergence phenology reveal complex species‐specific responses to temperature in aquatic insects13
Population decline at distribution margins: Assessing extinction risk in the last glacial relictual but still functional metapopulation of a European butterfly13
Current and future plant invasions in protected areas: Does clonality matter?13
Multiple β‐diversity patterns and the underlying mechanisms across amphibian communities along a subtropical elevational gradient13
Spatial distribution of benthic algae in the South China Sea: Responses to gradually changing environmental factors and ecological impacts on coral communities13
Anthropogenic pressures coincide with Neotropical biodiversity hotspots in a flagship butterfly group13
Habitat model forecasts suggest potential redistribution of marine predators in the southern Indian Ocean13
Anthropogenic and environmental drivers shape diversity of naturalized plants across the Pacific13
Comparative phylogeography in a marine biodiversity hotspot provides novel insights into evolutionary processes across the Atlantic‐Indian Ocean transition13
The role of artificial light at night and road density in predicting the seasonal occurrence of nocturnally migrating birds13
Predicting impacts of global climatic change on genetic and phylogeographical diversity of a Neotropical treefrog13
Diminishing potential for tropical reefs to function as coral diversity strongholds under climate change conditions13
Decomposing trends in bird populations: Climate, life histories and habitat affect different aspects of population change13
Extrinsically reinforced hybrid speciation within Holarctic ermine (Mustelaspp.) produces an insular endemic13
Fire and landscape context shape plant and butterfly diversity in a South African shrubland13
Implications of macroinvertebrate taxonomic resolution for freshwater assessments using functional traits: The Paute River Basin (Ecuador) case13
Seasonal elevational patterns and the underlying mechanisms of avian diversity and community structure on the eastern slope of Mt. Gongga12
Predicted changes in the functional structure of earthworm assemblages in France driven by climate change12
Habitat use as indicator of adaptive capacity to climate change12
Fire, drought and flooding rains: The effect of climatic extremes on bird species’ responses to time since fire12
Megafires attract avian scavenging but carcasses still persist12
Impact of introduction pathways on the spread and geographical distribution of alien species: Implications for preventive management in mediterranean ecosystems12
Rapid niche shifts as drivers for the spread of a non‐indigenous species under novel environmental conditions12
Predicting the nationwide outmigration timing of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts along 12 degrees of latitude in Norway12
Design considerations for rapid biodiversity reconnaissance surveys and long‐term monitoring to assess the impact of wildfire12
Introduced alien, range extension or just visiting? Combining citizen science observations and expert knowledge to classify range dynamics of marine fishes12
A step towards SDMs: A “couple‐and‐weigh” framework based on accessible data for biodiversity conservation and landscape planning12
Glacial connectivity and current population fragmentation in sky islands explain the contemporary distribution of genomic variation in two narrow‐endemic montane grasshoppers from a biodiversity hotsp12
Environmental DNA of preservative ethanol performed better than water samples in detecting macroinvertebrate diversity using metabarcoding12
The demographic and ecological factors shaping diversification among rareAstragalusspecies12
How functionally diverse are fish in the deep? A comparison of fish communities in deep and shallow‐water systems12
Are species more harmful in their native, neonative or alien range? Insights from a global analysis of bark beetles11
Sperm performance limits the reproduction of an invasive fish in novel salinities11
A biogeographical approach to characterizing the climatic, physical and geomorphic niche of the most widely distributed mangrove species,Avicennia marina11
Potential alien ranges of European plants will shrink in the future, but less so for already naturalized than for not yet naturalized species11
Species distribution, hybridization and connectivity in the genusChionodraco: Unveiling unknown icefish diversity in antarctica11
Rangewide habitat suitability analysis for the Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) to identify recovery areas in its historical distribution11
Habitat amount and ambient temperature dictate patterns of anuran diversity along a subtropical elevational gradient11
Occurrence–habitat mismatching and niche truncation when modelling distributions affected by anthropogenic range contractions11
Seasonal differences in the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in an overexploited shelf sea ecosystem11
Recent warming causes functional borealization and diversity loss in deep fish communities east of Greenland11
Predicting the influence of river network configuration, biological traits and habitat quality interactions on riverine fish invasions11
Ecological uniqueness of species assemblages and their determinants in forest communities11
Energy and physiological tolerance explain multi‐trophic soil diversity in temperate mountains11
Mesophotic coral ecosystems of French Polynesia are hotspots of alpha and beta generic diversity for scleractinian assemblages11
Re‐surveys reveal biotic homogenization of Orthoptera assemblages as a consequence of environmental change11
Planning complementary conservation of crop wild relative diversity in southern Africa11
Sea freshening may drive the ecological impacts of emerging and existing invasive non‐native species11
Spatial resolution impacts projected plant responses to climate change on topographically complex islands11
Inferring trends in pollinator distributions across the Neotropics from publicly available data remains challenging despite mobilization efforts11
Vertical niche and elevation range size in tropical ants: Implications for climate resilience11
Marine mammal hotspots across the circumpolar Arctic11
Predicting potential distributions of large carnivores in Kenya: An occupancy study to guide conservation11
Global habitat loss of a highly migratory predator, the blue marlin (Makaira nigricans)11
Mapping the ghost: Estimating probabilistic snow leopard distribution across Mongolia10
Mapping habitat protection priority over a marine ecoregion under information gaps10
Global flows of insect transport and establishment: The role of biogeography, trade and regulations10
Rapid bird species recovery following high‐severity wildfire but in the absence of early successional specialists10
Density dependence influences competition and hybridization at an invasion front10
Frugivore distributions are associated with plant dispersal syndrome diversity in the Caribbean archipelagos10
Dispersal ability, trophic position and body size mediate species turnover processes: Insights from a multi‐taxa and multi‐scale approach10
Spatio‐temporal turnover and drivers of bentho‐demersal community and food web structure in a high‐latitude marine ecosystem10
Golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) survival during winter at the northern invasion front implies a potential high‐latitude distribution10
Elevational patterns of amphibian functional and phylogenetic structures in eastern Nepal Himalaya10
Biogeography of Angolan rodents: The first glimpse based on phylogenetic evidence10
Where have all the lions gone? Establishing realistic baselines to assess decline and recovery of African lions10
Detecting the phylogenetic signal of glacial refugia in a bryodiversity hotspot outside the tropics10
Hotspots of (sub)alpine plants in the Irano‐Anatolian global biodiversity hotspot are insufficiently protected10
Distinct latitudinal community patterns of Arctic marine vertebrates along the East Greenlandic coast detected by environmental DNA10
Phylogenomics of Northeast AsianPungitiussticklebacks10
History, demography and genetic status of Balkan and Caucasian Lynx lynx (Linnaeus, 1758) populations revealed by genome‐wide variation10
Biogeographical evaluation and conservation assessment of arboreal leafhoppers in the Mexican Transition Zone biodiversity hotspot10
Fire ecology for the 21st century: Conserving biodiversity in the age of megafire10
Ecological correlates of extinction risk in Chinese terrestrial mammals10
Citizen science can complement professional invasive plant surveys and improve estimates of suitable habitat10
A decade implementing ecosystem approach to fisheries management improves diversity of taxa and traits within a marine protected area in the UK9
Forecasting climate change response in an alpine specialist songbird reveals the importance of considering novel climate9
Environmental controls of billfish species in the Indian Ocean and implications for their management and conservation9
What feeds onQuercus ilexL.? A biogeographical approach to studying trophic interactions in a Mediterranean keystone species9
Niche differences may reduce susceptibility to competition between native and non‐native birds in oceanic islands9
Large carnivore range expansion in Iberia in relation to different scenarios of permeability of human‐dominated landscapes9
Introduced annuals mediate climate‐driven community change in Mediterranean prairies of the Pacific Northwest, USA9
Mapping the impacts of multiple stressors on the decline in kelps along the coast of Victoria, Australia9
Predicting the distribution of Australian frogs and their overlap with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis under climate change9
Most lichens are rare, and degree of rarity is mediated by lichen traits and biotic partners9
Assessing the uncertainty arising from standard land‐cover mapping procedures when modelling species distributions9
Severe wildfires promoted by climate change negatively impact forest amphibian metacommunities9
Species distributions models may predict accurately future distributions but poorly how distributions change: A critical perspective on model validation9
Hammerhead worms everywhere? Modelling the invasion of bipaliin flatworms in a changing climate9
Fire and functional traits: Using functional groups of birds and plants to guide management in a fire‐prone, heathy woodland ecosystem9
Hiking trails shift plant species' realized climatic niches and locally increase species richness9
What drives spatially varying ecological relationships in a wide‐ranging species?9
Integrating dynamic processes into waterfowl conservation prioritization tools9
Inclusion of biotic variables improves predictions of environmental niche models9
Geography of artiodactyl locomotor morphology as an environmental predictor9
Future fire regimes increase risks to obligate‐seeder forests9
Non‐stationary drivers on fish sampling efforts in Brazilian freshwaters9
Behavioural thermoregulation by montane ungulates under climate warming9
Climate‐induced plasticity in leaf traits of riparian plants9
Forecasting species distributions: Correlation does not equal causation8
Responses of an endemic species (Roscoea humeana) in the Hengduan Mountains to climate change8
Climate change vulnerability of terrestrial vertebrates in a major refuge and dispersal corridor in North America8
Climate change threatens the future of rain forest ringtail possums by 20508
Collaboration for conservation: Assessing countrywide carnivore occupancy dynamics from sparse data8
Sticking around: Plant persistence strategies on edaphic islands8
Similar species, different fates: Abundance dynamics in spatially structured populations of common and threatened frogs8
Genome‐wide analysis resolves the radiation of New Zealand's freshwater Galaxias vulgaris complex and reveals a candidate species obscured by mitochondrial capture8
Insectivorous bat occupancy is mediated by drought and agricultural land use in a highly modified ecoregion8
Effects of different scenarios of temperature rise and biological control agents on interactions between two noxious invasive plants8
New insights into the formation of biodiversity hotspots of the Kenyan flora8
eDNA‐based detection of a vulnerable crocodile newt (Tylototriton uyenoi) to influence government policy and raise public awareness8
The global exposure of species ranges and protected areas to forest management8
Adjacent crop type impacts potential pollinator communities and their pollination services in remnants of natural vegetation8
Floristic homogenization as a result of the introduction of exotic species in China8
Spatial dependency in abundance of Queen conch, Aliger gigas, in the Caribbean, indicates the importance of surveying deep‐water distributions8
Historical biogeography of the Gondwanan freshwater genus Boeckella (Crustacea): Timing and modes of speciation in the Southern Hemisphere8
Forest regeneration may reduce the negative impacts of climate change on the biodiversity of a tropical hotspot8
Plant–frugivore interactions across the Caribbean islands: Modularity, invader complexes and the importance of generalist species8
Genetic and demographic trends from rear to leading edge are explained by climate and forest cover in a cold‐adapted ectotherm8
Flying insect biomass is negatively associated with urban cover in surrounding landscapes8