Journal of Insect Conservation

(The TQCC of Journal of Insect Conservation is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Sown mini-meadows increase pollinator diversity in gardens30
‘First Known Photographs of Living Specimens’: the power of iNaturalist for recording rare tropical butterflies25
Can cattle grazing benefit grassland butterflies?22
Land use changes disrupt streams and affect the functional feeding groups of aquatic insects in the Amazon22
For the love of insects: gardening grows positive emotions (biophilia) towards invertebrates18
The impact of reduced tillage and distance to field margin on predator functional diversity18
Long-term effects of abandonment and restoration of Mediterranean meadows on butterfly-plant interactions18
Tolerant semiaquatic bugs species (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) are associated to pasture and conventional logging in the Eastern Amazon15
Quantifying the entrapment effect of anthropogenic beach litter on sand‐dwelling beetles according to the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive14
White LED light intensity, but not colour temperature, interferes with mate‐finding by glow‐worm (Lampyris noctiluca L.) males14
Conservation of a strongly declining butterfly species depends on traditionally managed grasslands14
Calculating population reductions of invertebrate species for IUCN Red List assessments13
Clover in agriculture: combined benefits for bees, environment, and farmer13
Drastic loss of insects (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in urban landscapes in a tropical biodiversity hotspot13
“Farming with Alternative Pollinators” approach increases pollinator abundance and diversity in faba bean fields12
An assessment of the invasive alien tree, Robinia pseudoacacia canopy traits and its effect on grassland microclimates and subsequent arthropod assemblages12
Partial mowing of urban lawns supports higher abundances and diversities of insects12
Rainfall seasonality drives the spatiotemporal patterns of dung beetles in Amazonian forests in the arc of deforestation12
Agricultural land use affects the heterogeneity of Odonata communities in the Brazilian Pampa11
Lost and found: 160 years of Lepidoptera observations in Wuppertal (Germany)11
The role of adult noctuid moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and their food plants in a nocturnal pollen-transport network on a Mediterranean island11
Sublethal doses of glyphosate impair olfactory memory retention, but not learning in the honey bee (Apis mellifera scutellata)11
Threatened endemic water beetles from Morocco10
Gene-flow within a butterfly metapopulation: the marsh fritillary Euphydryas aurinia in western Bohemia (Czech Republic)10
Canopy arthropod diversity associated with Quercus laurina: importance of an oak species diversity gradient on abundance, species richness and guild composition10
Comparing three collection methods for pollinating insects within electric transmission rights-of-ways10
Effects of mining and reduced turnover of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) in streams of the Eastern Brazilian Amazon10
Changes in phenology and abundance of an at-risk butterfly10
Forest-pasture shifting alters the assemblages of seed-removing ants in southwestern Brazilian Amazon10
Macrohabitat associations and phenology of carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae, Leiodidae: Cholevinae)10
Understanding the effects of human disturbance on scorpion diversity in Brazilian tropical forests10
Residential sites increase species loss and cause high temporal changes in functional diversity of dung beetles in an urbanized Brazilian Cerrado landscape9
Population dynamics of an alpine grasshopper (Orthoptera) community over 30 years and the effects of climate warming and grazing9
Between perfect habitat and ecological trap: even wildflower strips mulched annually increase pollinating insect numbers in intensively used agricultural landscapes9
Relationship between moth (night active Lepidoptera) diversity and vegetation characteristics in southern Sweden9
Effects of experimental rewilding on butterflies, bumblebees and grasshoppers8
Does climate change influence the current and future projected distribution of an endangered species? The case of the southernmost bumblebee in the world8
An overview of Neotropical arthropod conservation efforts using risk assessment lists8
Farmland biodiversity: wildflower-sown islands within arable fields and grassy field margins both promote spider diversity8
Positive shifts in species richness and abundance of moths over five decades coincide with community-wide phenotypic trait homogenisation8
Abandonment of cultural landscapes: butterfly communities track the advance of forest over grasslands8
Two common bee-sampling methods reflect different assemblages of the bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) community in mixed-grass prairie systems and are dependent on surrounding floral resource availability8
Effects of the loss of forest cover on odonate communities in eastern Amazonia8
Sown wildflower strips offer promising long term results for butterfly conservation8
Habitat type and altitude work in tandem to drive the community structure of dung beetles in Afromontane forest8
Impacts of the invasive hornet Vespa velutina on native wasp species: a first effort to understand population-level effects in an invaded area of Europe8
Moth species richness and diversity decline in a 30-year time series in Norway, irrespective of species’ latitudinal range extent and habitat7
Small-scale traditional maize farming fosters greater arthropod diversity value than conventional maize farming7
The use of tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) in adapting hotspot conservation to global, regional, and local scales7
Flower plantings promote insect pollinator abundance and wild bee richness in Canadian agricultural landscapes7
Climate change may cause the extinction of the butterfly Lasiommata petropolitana in the Apennines7
How data curation and new geographical records can change the conservation status of threatened brazilian butterflies7
Combining modelling, field data and genetic variation to understand the post-reintroduction population genetics of the Marsh Fritillary butterfly (Euphydryas aurinia)7
Increased arthropod biomass, abundance and species richness in an agricultural landscape after 32 years7
Synergistic effects of climate and human-induced landscape changes on the spatial distribution of an endangered dung beetle6
Current and future distributions of a native Andean bumble bee6
Plant-herbivore networks composed by adult and immature insects have distinct responses to habitat modification in Brazilian savannas6
Sheep herding in small grasslands promotes dung beetle diversity in a mountain forest landscape6
Scale-dependent effects of landscape context on urban bee diversity6
Seasonal variation of ground and arboreal ants in forest fragments in the highly-threatened Cerrado-Amazon transition6
Ecological monitoring and indicator taxa: butterfly communities in heterogeneous landscapes of the Western Ghats and Malabar coast, India6
What do monarchs feed on in winter? Nectar sources at hibernation sites6
Structure and diversity of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in northwestern Colombian Paramos: towards the identification of bioindicator species in the Tropical Andes6
Necrophagous flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae) as indicators of the conservation or anthropization of environments in eastern Amazonia, Brazil6
Predicting climate effects on aquatic true bugs in a tropical biodiversity hotspot6
Using the ecological relationships of Odonata with a habitat integrity index to test the biodiversity ecosystem function framework6
DNA barcoding of exuviae for species identification of Central European damselflies and dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata)5
Forecasts of butterfly future richness change in the southwest Mediterranean. The role of sampling effort and non-climatic variables5
Squeeze it or leave it? An ecological-economic assessment of the impact of mower conditioners on arthropod populations in grassland5
Lower food intake due to domestic grazing reduces colony size and worsens the body condition of reproductive females of harvester ants5
Dragonflies within and outside a protected area: a comparison revealing the role of well-preserved atlantic forests in the preservation of critically endangered, phytotelmatous species5
Effects of chronic anthropogenic disturbances on flesh fly (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) assemblages in areas of seasonally dry tropical forest5
Proposed Multipurpose Project at Pancheshwar in the Western Himalaya affects rich butterfly diversity: a conservation concern5
Insects from the southwest Australia biodiversity hotspot: a barometer of diversity and threat status of nine host-dependent families across three orders5
Within-habitat vegetation structure and adult activity patterns of the declining butterfly Euphydryas aurinia5
Extent of Dakota skipper, Hesperia dacotae, distribution in Southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada5
Diversity of mosquitoes from Porto Alegre region, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: ecological and public health perspectives5
Aridity, but not disturbance, reduces the specialization and modularity of plant–insect herbivore interaction networks in Caatinga dry forest5
Preserving Colias myrmidone in European cultural landscapes: requirements for the successful development from egg to higher larval stages at a Natura 2000 site in Romania5
Impact of “non-lethal” tarsal clipping on bumble bees (Bombus vosnesenskii) may depend on queen stage and worker size5
First field-based estimates of bumblebee diapause survival rates showcase high survivorship in the wild5
Landscape characteristics predict body sizes in wild bees: implications for pollination services and foraging range5
A demographic and ecological study of an Italian population of Polyommatus ripartii: the ESU Polyommatus exuberans5
Effects of temperature and plant diversity on orthopterans and leafhoppers in calcareous dry grasslands4
Development of two common dragonfly species with diverging occupancy trends4
What are the main factors limiting the distribution of Bembix rostrata (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) at early-succession sites?4
Species richness and network topology patterns in Neotropical plant-galling communities changes along an urbanization gradient4
Effect of dramatic alteration of landscape structure on the Orthoptera assemblages of Transcarpathian lowland meadows (West Ukraine)4
Effects of dispersed and aggregated retention-cuttings and differently sized clear-cuttings in conifer plantations on necrophagous silphid and dung beetle assemblages4
Power line corridors in conifer plantations as important habitats for butterflies4
Habitat quality, not patch isolation, drives distribution and abundance of two light-demanding butterflies in fragmented coppice landscapes4
The small range and the great threat: extinction risk assessment of the narrow endemism Carabus cychroides under climate change4
Eucorna sanarita (Schaus) (Riodinidae: Riodininae): Distribution, systematic position, and conservation of a threatened brazilian butterfly in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot4
Saproxylic Hymenoptera in dead wood retained on clear cuts, relation to wood parameters and their degree of specialisation4
Biodiversity and community composition of native bee populations vary among human-dominated land uses within the seasonally dry tropics4
Mud-puddling on roadsides: a potential ecological trap for butterflies4
Relict of primeval forests in an intensively farmed landscape: what affects the survival of the hermit beetle (Osmoderma barnabita) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in pollard willows?4
The potential for parasite spill-back from commercial bumblebee colonies: a neglected threat to wild bees?4
Floral enhancement of arable field margins increases moth abundance and diversity4
Metals could challenge pollinator conservation in legacy cities4
Transfer of invertebrates with hay during restoration operations of extensively managed grasslands in Switzerland4
Current distribution, microhabitat requirements and vulnerability of the Keeled Plump Bush-cricket (Isophya costata) at the north-western periphery of its range4
Pitfall trapping outperforms other methods for surveying ground-dwelling large-bodied alpine invertebrates4
Livestock systems preserving natural grasslands are biodiversity reservoirs that promote spiders’ conservation4
To graze or to mow? The influence of grassland management on grasshoppers (Orthoptera) on a flood protection embankment in the Donau-Auen National Park (Austria)4
Insect diversity across an afro-tropical forest biodiversity hotspot4
Detecting declines of West African Goliath beetle populations based on interviews4