International Journal of Geographical Information Science

(The median citation count of International Journal of Geographical Information Science is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Stakeholder interpretation of probabilistic representations of uncertainty in spatial information: an example on the nutritional quality of staple crops80
Analytically articulating the effect of buffer size on urban green space exposure measures62
Improving horizon computation algorithm with quasirandom sequences50
Adding attention to the neural ordinary differential equation for spatio-temporal prediction47
Predicting short-term PM 2.5 concentrations at fine temporal resolutions using a multi-branch temporal graph convolutional neural network44
A view-tree method to compute viewsheds from digital elevation models37
Multiscale geographically and temporally weighted regression with a unilateral temporal weighting scheme and its application in the analysis of spatiotemporal characteristics of house prices in Beijin35
Uncertainty interval estimates for computing slope and aspect from a gridded digital elevation model34
GIS-KG: building a large-scale hierarchical knowledge graph for geographic information science34
Discovering co-location patterns in multivariate spatial flow data31
Geospatial foundation models for image analysis: evaluating and enhancing NASA-IBM Prithvi’s domain adaptability30
Combining hierarchies for spatial reasoning of hierarchical relations among places in different contexts26
Physics-guided spatio–temporal neural network for predicting dissolved oxygen concentration in rivers26
The effects of sample size and sample prevalence on cellular automata simulation of urban growth26
Multi-observation points setting problem based on stepwise maximum viewshed approach26
Optimisation of spatiotemporal context-constrained full-view area coverage deployment in camera sensor networks via quantum annealing25
GeoAR: a calibration method for Geographic-Aware Augmented Reality25
Integrating spatiotemporal co-evolution patterns of land types with cellular automata to enhance the reliability of land use projections25
Toponym resolution leveraging lightweight and open-source large language models and geo-knowledge24
SGWR: similarity and geographically weighted regression23
A neural network model to optimize the measure of spatial proximity in geographically weighted regression approach: a case study on house price in Wuhan23
Qualitative spatial reasoning with uncertain evidence using Markov logic networks22
A new approach for identifying urban employment centers using mobile phone data: a case study of Shanghai21
Sparse reconstruction with spatial structures to automatically determine neighbors21
VIS-MM: a novel map-matching algorithm with semantic fusion from vehicle-borne images21
A probabilistic framework with the gradient-based method for multi-objective land use optimization21
Multi-agent reinforcement learning to unify order-matching and vehicle-repositioning in ride-hailing services20
Development of a multiscale discretization method for the geographical detector model20
Familiarity-dependent computational modelling of indoor landmark selection for route communication: a ranking approach20
Computation of the distance between a polygon and a point in spatial analysis19
Spatio-temporal graph neural networks for missing data completion in traffic prediction19
A hexagon-based method for polygon generalization using morphological operators19
Linking the cognitive load induced by route instruction types and building configuration during indoor route guidance, a usability study in VR19
Spatial association measures for time series with fixed spatial locations19
Multiscale spatially varying coefficient modelling using a Geographical Gaussian Process GAM18
A spatiotemporal data model and an index structure for computational time geography18
The Openshaw effect18
Assessing OSM building completeness using population data18
STAGE: a spatiotemporal-knowledge enhanced multi-task generative adversarial network (GAN) for trajectory generation18
Detecting interchanges in road networks using a graph convolutional network approach17
STICC: a multivariate spatial clustering method for repeated geographic pattern discovery with consideration of spatial contiguity17
Geographically weighted regression based on a network weight matrix: a case study using urbanization driving force data in China16
Geo-SigSPM: mining geographically interesting and significant sequential patterns from trajectories16
Addressing equifinality in agent-based modeling: a sequential parameter space search method based on sensitivity analysis15
Assessing COVID-induced changes in spatiotemporal structure of mobility in the United States in 2020: a multi-source analytical framework15
Attributing pedestrian networks with semantic information based on multi-source spatial data15
There’s no best model! Addressing limitations of land-use scenario modelling through multi-model ensembles15
Complete trajectory extraction for moving targets in traffic scenes that considers multi-level semantic features15
A geometry-aware attention network for semantic segmentation of MLS point clouds15
Fast optimization for large scale logistics in complex urban systems using the hybrid sparrow search algorithm15
Spatial social networks in geographic information science14
A multiscale measure of spatial dependence based on a discrete Fourier transform14
Geographically convolutional neural network weighted regression: a method for modeling spatially non-stationary relationships based on a global spatial proximity grid14
Reasoning over higher-order qualitative spatial relations via spatially explicit neural networks14
Integration of Internet search data to predict tourism trends using spatial-temporal XGBoost composite model13
Matching the building footprints of different vector spatial datasets at a similar scale based on one-class support vector machines13
Incorporating multimodal context information into traffic speed forecasting through graph deep learning13
Understanding of the predictability and uncertainty in population distributions empowered by visual analytics13
GPU-accelerated parallel all-pair shortest path routing within stochastic road networks12
Efficient inference of large-scale air quality using a lightweight ensemble predictor12
Dynamical community detection and spatiotemporal analysis in multilayer spatial interaction networks using trajectory data12
An online tool with Google Earth Engine and cellular automata for seamlessly simulating global urban expansion at high resolutions12
Gradient-based optimization for multi-scale geographically weighted regression11
A small area index of gentrification, applied to New York City11
Spatial hotspot detection in the presence of global spatial autocorrelation11
Scheduling distributed multiway spatial join queries: optimization models and algorithms11
Estimating door-to-door travel time using a synthetic population enriched with smart card data11
Multipurpose temporal GIS model for cadastral data management11
Delineating urban job-housing patterns at a parcel scale with street view imagery11
Assessing and benchmarking 3D city models10
A geographically weighted artificial neural network10
Uncovering the association between traffic crashes and street-level built-environment features using street view images10
A linearization for stable and fast geographically weighted Poisson regression10
An unsupervised framework for extracting multilane roads from OpenStreetMap10
3D building metrics for urban morphology10
Context-aware movement analysis in ecology: a systematic review10
A maps-to-maps approach for simulating urban land expansion based on convolutional long short-term memory neural networks10
The impact of spatial scale on layout learning and individual evacuation behavior in indoor fires: single-scale learning perspectives10
Interpretable machine learning for analysing heterogeneous drivers of geographic events in space-time9
A 3D visible space index for evaluating urban openness based on the digital urban model9
GeoEntity-type constrained knowledge graph embedding for predicting natural-language spatial relations9
Collective flow-evolutionary patterns reveal the mesoscopic structure between snapshots of spatial network9
A novel approach to improve population mapping considering facility-based service capacity and land livability9
A hierarchical deep reinforcement learning method for solving urban route planning problems under large-scale customers and real-time traffic conditions9
A graph-based framework to integrate semantic object/land-use relationships for urban land-use mapping with case studies of Chinese cities8
Modeling vague spatiotemporal objects based on interval type-2 fuzzy sets8
Disaster vulnerability in road networks: a data-driven approach through analyzing network topology and movement activity8
Multi-nomenclature, multi-resolution joint translation: an application to land-cover mapping8
CoYangCZ: a new spatial interpolation method for nonstationary multivariate spatial processes8
Uncovering human behavioral heterogeneity in urban mobility under the impacts of disruptive weather events8
An offline map matching algorithm based on shortest paths8
A multi-source spatio-temporal data cube for large-scale geospatial analysis8
Enriching the metadata of map images: a deep learning approach with GIS-based data augmentation7
Reasoning cartographic knowledge in deep learning-based map generalization with explainable AI7
Generating lane-level road networks from high-precision trajectory data with lane-changing behavior analysis7
A methodology to Geographic Cellular Automata model accounting for spatial heterogeneity and adaptive neighborhoods7
An ensemble spatial prediction method considering geospatial heterogeneity7
Stochastic gradient geographical weighted regression (sgGWR): scalable bandwidth optimization for geographically weighted regression7
Visit probability and accessibility within space–time prism of activity program7
Spatially constrained statistical approach for determining the optimal number of regions in regionalization7
A streamlined approach to uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for models with spatial outputs with an example from geodiversity assessment7
Visual attention-guided augmented representation of geographic scenes: a case of bridge stress visualization7
Extracting and evaluating typical characteristics of rural revitalization using web text mining6
Identification of enclaves and exclaves by computation based on point-set topology6
An efficient multiple scanning order algorithm for accumulative least-cost surface calculation6
Assessing compression algorithms to improve the efficiency of clustering analysis on AIS vessel trajectories6
A new two-step estimation approach for retrieving surface urban heat island intensity and footprint based on urban-rural temperature gradients6
Joint variable selection of both fixed and random effects for Gaussian process-based spatially varying coefficient models6
SNN_flow: a shared nearest-neighbor-based clustering method for inhomogeneous origin-destination flows6
Children’s walking to urban services: an analysis of pedestrian access to social infrastructures and its relationship with land use6
Optimizing UAV traffic monitoring routes during rush hours considering spatiotemporal variation of monitoring demand6
A constraint-based approach for identifying the urban–rural fringe of polycentric cities using multi-sourced data6
Measuring spatial nonstationary effects of POI-based mixed use on urban vibrancy using Bayesian spatially varying coefficients model6
Capturing dynamic navigable space: an interactive semantic model to expand functional space for 3D indoor navigation6
A cost-effective algorithm for calibrating multiscale geographically weighted regression models6
Alleviating the resolution limit problem in spatial community detection: a local network structure-based method6
Inferring the number of floors for residential buildings5
A local indicator of stratified power5
Zero-shot urban function inference with street view images through prompting a pretrained vision-language model5
Informed sampling and recommendation of cycling routes: leveraging crowd-sourced trajectories with weighted-latent Dirichlet allocation5
Automatic extraction of building geometries based on centroid clustering and contour analysis on oblique images taken by unmanned aerial vehicles5
Detecting spatiotemporal propagation patterns of traffic congestion from fine-grained vehicle trajectory data5
Geographical and linguistic perspectives on developing geoparsers with generic resources5
Assessing the suitability of urban-oriented land cover products for mapping rural settlements5
The influence of uncertainty visualization on cognitive load in a safety- and time-critical decision-making task5
Topological data analysis for geographical information science using persistent homology5
A structural catalogue of the settlement morphology in refugee and IDP camps5
Automated generation of concentric circles metro maps using mixed-integer optimization5
Transform paper-based cadastral data into digital systems using GIS and end-to-end deep learning techniques5
A systematic scheme to maintain multiple characteristics for effective polygon rasterization5
Scalable 3D mapping of cities using computer vision and signals of opportunity5
Dynamic viewshed analysis based on the digital elevation model: dynamic range proximity-direction-elevation reference line5
GIScience integrated with computer vision for the examination of old engravings and drawings5
A multi-glimpse deep learning architecture to estimate socioeconomic census metrics in the context of extreme scope variance4
To racketeer among neighbors: spatial features of criminal collaboration in the American Mafia4
Updating and backdating analyses for mitigating uncertainties in land change modeling: a case study of the Ci Kapundung upper water catchment area, Java Island, Indonesia4
An evaluation of geo-located Twitter data for measuring human migration4
Establishing the integrated science of movement: bringing together concepts and methods from animal and human movement analysis4
Estimating urban noise along road network from street view imagery4
Next location prediction using heterogeneous graph-based fusion network with physical and social awareness4
Extending regionalization algorithms to explore spatial process heterogeneity4
MNCD-KE: a novel framework for simultaneous attribute- and interaction-based geographical regionalization4
BTS: a binary tree sampling strategy for object identification based on deep learning4
Statistical tests for the local spatial variance4
Leveraging temporal changes of spatial accessibility measurements for better policy implications: a case study of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in Seoul, South Korea4
Area and Feature Guided Regularised Random Forest: a novel method for predictive modelling of binary phenomena. The case of illegal landfill in Canary Island4
Measuring trust in maps: development and evaluation of the MAPTRUST scale4
Towards a training data model for artificial intelligence in earth observation4
Visualising post-disaster damage on maps: a user study4
Is the radial distance really a distance? An analysis of its properties and interest for the matching of polygon features4
Detecting spatiotemporal extents of traffic congestion: a density-based moving object clustering approach4
Quantifying local mobility patterns in urban human mobility data4
Urban land-use analysis using proximate sensing imagery: a survey4
A knowledge representation model based on the geographic spatiotemporal process4
A narrative analysis of the 2SFCA and i2SFCA methods3
Simplification of contour lines, based on axial splines, with high-quality results3
OSMsc: a framework for semantic 3D city modeling using OpenStreetMap3
Micromobility systems and disease transmission: a spatially explicit agent-based approach3
A machine learning based approach for generating point sketch maps from qualitative directional information3
Explainable GeoAI: can saliency maps help interpret artificial intelligence’s learning process? An empirical study on natural feature detection3
An explainable spatial interpolation method considering spatial stratified heterogeneity3
A hierarchical model with hexagon grids for multi-objective route planning in large-scale off-road environments3
A methodology to quantify the neighborhood decay effect of urban cellular automata models3
Spatial ensemble learning for predicting the potential geographical distribution of invasive species3
A local encryption method for large-scale vector maps based on spatial hierarchical index and 4D hyperchaotic system3
Simulating human mobility with a trajectory generation framework based on diffusion model3
A multi-hierarchical method to extract spatial network structures from large-scale origin-destination flow data3
Point-feature label placement with maximum entropy principle3
CATS: Conditional Adversarial Trajectory Synthesis for privacy-preserving trajectory data publication using deep learning approaches3
Discovering source areas of disease outbreaks based on ring-shaped hotspot detection in road network space3
A tensor decomposition method based on embedded geographic meta-knowledge for urban traffic flow imputation3
Location retrieval using qualitative place signatures of visible landmarks3
NLA-GCL-Net: semantic segmentation of large-scale surveying point clouds based on neighborhood label aggregation (NLA) and global context learning (GCL)3
Exploring geospatial digital twins: a novel panorama-based method with enhanced representation of virtual geographic scenes in Virtual Reality (VR)3
How good is TanDEM-X 50 m forest/non-forest map? Product validation using temporally corrected geo-browser supplied imagery through Collect Earth3
Automatic road network selection method considering functional semantic features of roads with graph convolutional networks3
Assessing publication trends in selected GIScience journals3
Efficient matrix algebra encoding for urban solar irradiation simulation: fine-grid ground-level estimation with vector data3
Space-time tree: a spatiotemporal construct for efficient similarity matrix calculations among network-constrained trajectories3
Identifying the cargo types of road freight with semi-supervised trajectory semantic enhancement3
A review of crowdsourced geographic information for land-use and land-cover mapping: current progress and challenges2
A classification scheme for static origin–destination data visualizations2
A tensor-based approach to unify organization and operation of data for irregular spatio-temporal fields2
CSD-RkNN: reverse k nearest neighbors queries with conic section discriminances2
A data pedigree system to support geospatial analyses of human-environment interactions in data poor contexts2
A graph neural network framework for spatial geodemographic classification2
Identifying home locations in human mobility data: an open-source R package for comparison and reproducibility2
Geographically and temporally weighted co-location quotient: an analysis of spatiotemporal crime patterns in greater Manchester2
Filling gaps of cartographic polylines by using an encoder–decoder model2
GeoTool-GPT: a trainable method for facilitating Large Language Models to master GIS tools2
A backfitting maximum likelihood estimator for hierarchical and geographically weighted regression modelling, with a case study of house prices in Beijing2
On the local modeling of count data: multiscale geographically weighted Poisson regression2
Toward urban traffic scenarios and more: a spatio-temporal analysis empowered low-rank tensor completion method for data imputation2
HMLPA*: a hierarchical multi-target LPA* pathfinding algorithm designed for dynamic indoor path network2
Spatial prediction of groundwater level change based on the Third Law of Geography2
Efficient and scalable DBSCAN framework for clustering continuous trajectories in road networks2
A novel hierarchical aggregation algorithm for optimal repartitioning of statistical regions2
Global GNSS PDOP calculation method based on hexagonal discrete grid2
On the calibration of multiscale geographically and temporally weighted regression models2
The effect of intra-urban mobility flows on the spatial heterogeneity of social media activity: investigating the response to rainfall events2
Polygon vector map distortion for increasing the readability of one-to-many flow maps2
Impacts of spatiotemporal resolution and tiling on SLEUTH model calibration and forecasting for urban areas with unregulated growth patterns2
Towards an integrated approach for managing and streaming 3D spatial data at the component level in spatial data infrastructures2
Lane extraction from trajectories at road intersections based on Graph Transformer Network2
GeoAI in urban analytics2
A line-of-sight zoning method for intervisibility computation by considering terrain relief2
Transformer based named entity recognition for place name extraction from unstructured text2
Spatiotemporal graph-based analysis of land cover evolution using remote sensing time series data2
Multiscale cooperative optimization in multiscale geographically weighted regression models2
On the notion of ‘bandwidth’ in geographically weighted regression models of spatially varying processes2
Probabilistic qualitative spatial reasoning with applications to GeoQA2
GeomorPM: a geomorphic pretrained model integrating convolution and Transformer architectures based on DEM data2
A topology-based graph data model for indoor spatial-social networking2
SPSLiDAR: towards a multi-purpose repository for large scale LiDAR datasets2
Integrating terrain structure characteristics into generative adversarial nets for hillshade generation2
Automatic generation of outline-based representations of landmark buildings with distinctive shapes2