International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences is 45. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A general equivalent continuum model and elastic wave velocity analysis of jointed rock masses137
Thermally induced fracture modeling during a long-term water injection135
Experimental investigation on the influence of NaCl concentration on triaxial mechanical behaviors of a low-clay shale132
Development of a computer program from photogrammetry for assisting Q-system rating114
Stable and rigorous simulation for all-way coupled multiphase flow and geomechanics in a bi-wing hydraulically fractured system: The vacuum area and dry zone103
Permeability evolution of rock-concrete interfaces in underground lined storage systems94
Editorial Board88
Editorial Board86
Editorial Board84
Development of a geomechanical model based on suitable estimations of GSI and UCS in mining production slopes at the TilTil district, central Chile84
Comparative characterization of sandstone microstructure affected by cyclic wetting-drying process80
Characterization of mechanical discontinuities based on data-driven classification of compressional-wave travel times79
Analytical and numerical investigations on pillar rockbursts induced by triangular blasting waves79
Editorial Board79
Rheological-dynamical method for prediction of compressive strength and deformation of rocks79
Numerical simulation of rock erosion performance of a high-speed water jet using an immersed-body method79
Inverse hydraulic and transport model of groundwater recovery experiment using mixed-dimensional concept78
Editorial Board76
Impact of rock fracture geometry on geotechnical barrier integrity – A numerical study74
Editorial Board73
Comment on “Modelling coseismic displacements of fracture systems in crystalline rock during large earthquakes: Implications for the safety of nuclear waste repositories” as published by Lei and Loew 72
Transmission and application of a P-wave across joints based on a modified g-λ<71
Editorial Board68
Differences in the plastic and brittle properties of Danian and Maastrichtian reservoir chalk from the North Sea68
Semi-stochastic generation of rock discontinuity networks based on traces exposed on cavern roof68
Editorial Board65
Evolution of water content and suction of Opalinus Clay from recovery at the drilling site to handling in the laboratory65
Influences of water saturation and strain rate on the mechanical and failure behavior of sandstone under direct shear test with constant normal pressure64
Combining geomechanical and hydrogeological modeling for drainage analysis in Block Caving mine development63
A comparison study on the predictive ability of numerical methods for fracturing of rock with different pre-existing flaws61
Crack system development in a heated rock with kerogen-filled pores58
Investigation on the coupling response of stress-fracture-seepage field during oil-bearing coal mining57
Characteristics of SH-wave propagation during oil reservoir excitation using BEM formulation in half-plane model representation55
Editorial Board55
Integrated rockburst hazard estimation methodology based on spatially smoothed seismicity model and Mann-Kendall trend test55
Simulation of tensile failure problems by improved three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis with multi-spring face-to-face contact model53
Editorial Board53
Non-local continuum damage model for poro-viscoelastic porous media53
Development of design norms for rib/snook during mechanised depillaring by continuous miner52
Experimental investigation on the frequency-spectrum characteristic of stress wave propagation through thermally treated granite49
Development of gravity flow draw theory and determination of its parameters49
A novel model for air velocities in airblast events in block caving mining49
Modelling real particle shape in DEM: a comparison of two methods with application to railway ballast48
Experimental investigation of failure process and characteristics in circular tunnels under different stress states and internal unloading conditions46
A new Hoek-Brown-Matsuoka-Nakai failure criterion for rocks45
A micromechanical analysis of marble pulverization under quasi-static progressive cyclic loading45