Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics

(The H4-Index of Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Heterogeneous impacts of information technology adoption on pesticide and fertiliser expenditures: Evidence from wheat farmers in China*51
Adoption of organic soil amendments and its impact on farm performance: evidence from wheat farmers in China*35
Estimating the economic impacts of the 2017–2019 drought and 2019–2020 bushfires on regional NSW and the rest of Australia31
Curse or blessing: how does natural resource dependence affect city‐level economic development in China?30
Contract farming, contract design and smallholder livelihoods*25
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine increased the synchronisation of global commodity prices22
What’s next for the Renewable Energy Target – resolving Australia’s integration of energy and climate change policy?*19
Risk, ambiguity and willingness to participate in crop insurance programs: Evidence from a field experiment*18
Debunking Murray‐Darling Basin water trade myths16
An economic lens to understanding antimicrobial resistance: disruptive cases to livestock and wastewater management in Australia14
Agriculture’s carbon neutral challenge: The case of Western Australia*13
COVID‐19’s impact on Australian wine markets and regions*13
Analysing the impact of COVID‐19 on urban transitions and urban‐regional dynamics in Australia*12