Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physica

(The TQCC of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physica is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Application of Boltzmann kinetic equations to model X-ray-created warm dense matter and plasma627
Pristine microstructures in pseudotachylytes formed in dry lower crust, Lofoten, Norway240
Remarks on anomalous dissipation for passive scalars 206
Canyon Diablo lonsdaleite is a nanocomposite containing c/h stacking disordered diamond and diaphite149
Quantification of fragmentation capture materials and an assessment of the viability of economical alternatives: a preliminary study92
Exploring the length scales, timescales and chemistry of challenging materials (Part 2)84
Coal seam gas industry methane emissions in the Surat Basin, Australia: comparing airborne measurements with inventories83
Neural in-memory checksums: an error detection and correction technique for safe in-memory inference82
Exploiting the lock: leveraging MiG-V's logic locking for secret-data extraction81
Earthquake physics beyond the linear fracture mechanics: a discrete approach79
Challenges in modelling dynamic processes in realistic nanostructured materials at operating conditions77
On a frictional unilateral contact problem in nonlinear elasticity—existence and smoothing procedure76
Non-reciprocity induces resonances in a two-field Cahn–Hilliard model72
A novel learning function for adaptive surrogate-model-based reliability evaluation71
Studies of Turing pattern formation in zebrafish skin65
Relationship between the methods of bounding time averages63
Industrial applications of digital twins63
Strategic analysis of the drought resilience of water supply systems59
Unexpected, mystifying but simple three-dimensional dynamic fracture phenomena58
Tracking the national and regional COVID-19 epidemic status in the UK using weighted principal component analysis58
A critical review of life cycle assessment studies of woody biomass conversion to sugars55
Geodiversity in the Amazon drainage basin55
Introduction to ‘Recent progress and open frontiers in Turing’s theory of morphogenesis’55
Buckling versus unilateral constraint for a multistable metamaterial element53
Wave generation and transmission in multi-scale complex media and structured metamaterials52
Observation of anomalous spectral downshifting of waves in the Okhotsk Sea Marginal Ice Zone49
Rapid eutectic growth: from rod growth to diffusionless solidification42
Emerging scale invariance in a model of turbulence of vortices and waves39
Lateral force removal of fungal spores to demonstrate how surface properties affect fungal spore retention39
Quantum fermions from classical bits38
A no-individuals account of quantum mechanics37
Clustering of fluoride and phosphate ions in bioactive glass from computer simulation37
Abstraction, equality and univalence36
The impact of spatially varying wetland source signatures on the atmospheric variability ofδD-CH435
Entropic stochastic resonance induced by a transverse driving force34
Structured illumination ophthalmoscope: super-resolution microscopy on the living human eye34
Virtual walks inspired by a mean-field kinetic exchange model of opinion dynamics33
The uniform Kruskal theorem: between finite combinatorics and strong set existence33
Editorial: Scaling the Turbulence Edifice (part 2)33
Nano-samples give higher brittle strength by the Griffith energy principle31
Empirical legal analysis simplified: reducing complexity through automatic identification and evaluation of legally relevant factors31
Proof theory and non-smooth analysis31
A variational approach to frame-indifferent quasistatic viscoelasticity of rate type30
Towards human-centred standards for legal help AI30
Mathematical modelling of fracture waves in a blocky medium with thin compliant interlayers30
VECMAtk: a scalable verification, validation and uncertainty quantification toolkit for scientific simulations29
Socio-economic impacts of energy access through off-grid systems in rural communities: a case study of southwest Nigeria28
Hydrogen and wood-burning stoves27
The shape of dendritic tips: a test of theory with computations and experiments27
Reformulating the susceptible–infectious–removed model in terms of the number of detected cases: well-posedness of the observational model27
Statistical and agent-based modelling of the transmissibility of different SARS-CoV-2 variants in England and impact of different interventions27
Counterdiabatic driving for periodically driven open quantum systems27
New futures for cosmological models27
Suppression of galloping oscillations by injecting a high-frequency excitation27
Optimal cooling of an internally heated disc26
Quantitative analysis of compatible microstructure by electron backscatter diffraction26
Kinetic exchange income distribution models with saving propensities: inequality indices and self-organized poverty level26
Instanton theory for Fermi’s golden rule and beyond26
Viscoelastic instabilities of Taylor–Couette flows with different rotation regimes26
The importance of both catalyst and process design in unlocking sustainable carbon feedstocks through syngas25
Distributed renewable energy systems for resilient and sustainable development of remote and vulnerable communities25
Experimental neutrino physics in a nuclear landscape25
A stochastic model of edge-localized modes in magnetically confined plasmas24
Geoconservation at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)24
Behavioural response to heterogeneous severity of COVID-19 explains temporal variation of cases among different age groups24
Full-hand electrotactile feedback using electronic skin and matrix electrodes for high-bandwidth human–machine interfacing24
Asymptotic symmetries of projectively compact order one Einstein manifolds24
Understanding the transgression of global and regional freshwater planetary boundaries24
CO 2 hydrogenation to methanol over Pt functionalized Hf-UiO-67 versus Zr-UiO-6724
Towards an advanced neurotechnological system: colorimetric sensing with a novel grism-based spectrometer, functionalized gold nanoparticles and a heterogeneous embedded system23
Conformal geodesics and the evolution of spacetimes with positive Cosmological constant23
A model study of convergent dynamics in the marginal ice zone23
Multi-scale satellite observations of Arctic sea ice: new insight into the life cycle of the floe size distribution22
Remarks on stationary and uniformly rotating vortex sheets: flexibility results22
Exploring the origin of turbulent Taylor rolls22
Causal viewpoint and ensemble interpretation: from physics to the social sciences21
A time variant uncertainty propagation method for high-dimensional dynamic structural system via K–L expansion and Bayesian deep neural network21
Pavement crack detection based on point cloud data and data fusion21
Non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19: a systematic review on environmental control measures21
New insights into air-sea fluxes and their role in Subantarctic Mode Water formation21
Interpretable fusion methodology of health indices with an application to industrial turbine cavitation condition monitoring21
Probing the stability landscape of cylindrical shells for buckling knockdown factors21
The biology of imaging21
Mean structure of the supercritical turbulent spiral in Taylor–Couette flow21
Towards symbiotic autonomous systems21
Systematic study of precursor effects on structure and oxygen reduction reaction activity of FeNC catalysts20
Lattice Boltzmann method investigation of a reactive electro-kinetic flow in porous media: towards a phenomenological model20
Safety: a proportionate approach in an uncertain application20
Existence of solutions for stress-rate type strain-limiting viscoelasticity in Gevrey spaces20
100 years of mathematical cosmology: Models, theories, and problems, Part A20
Falling weight deflectometer dispersion curve method for pavement modulus calculation19
A decrease in the age of respired carbon from the terrestrial biosphere and increase in the asymmetry of its distribution19
Extremal states and coupling properties in electroelasticity19
Frontal waves and transmissions for temporal laminates and imperfect chiral interfaces19
A completely automated pipeline for 3D reconstruction of human heart from 2D cine magnetic resonance slices19
The dilemma of valuing geodiversity: geoconservation versus geotourism19
Heart rate variability and the dawn of complex physiological signal analysis: methodological and clinical perspectives19
Tracing the impacts of recent rapid sea ice changes and the A68 megaberg on the surface freshwater balance of the Weddell and Scotia Seas19
Core Imaging Library - Part I: a versatile Python framework for tomographic imaging19
Two photons everywhere18
Stokes drift and its discontents18
Machine learning-based rail corrugation recognition: a metro vehicle response and noise perspective18
Logics and admissible rules of constructive set theories18
Characterizing and predicting the relationship between translaminar fracture toughness and pull-out length distributions under distinct temperatures18
Ogden material calibration via magnetic resonance cartography, parameter sensitivity and variational system identification18
Quantum contextuality, causality and freedom of choice17
Labrador sea water spreading and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation17
Greenhouse gases drove the increasing trends in spring precipitation across the central USA17
Experimentally probing the stability of thin-shell structures under pure bending17
Characterization and modelling of the hygro-viscoelastic behaviour of polymer-based composites used in marine environment17
Double transition in kinetic exchange opinion models with activation dynamics17
The profile of the Higgs boson: status and prospects17
Thermoelectric instabilities in a circular Couette flow17
Laser-free super-resolution microscopy17
Contrasting internally and externally generated Atlantic Multidecadal Variability and the role for AMOC in CMIP6 historical simulations16
Collective knowledge: organizing research projects as a database of reusable components and portable workflows with common interfaces16
Einstein flow with matter sources: stability and convergence16
Enhanced diffuse optical tomographic reconstruction using concurrent ultrasound information16
Sailing through the southern seas of air–sea CO 2 flux uncertainty15
Ostwald ripening in the presence of simultaneous occurrence of various mass transfer mechanisms: an extension of the Lifshitz–Slyozov theory15
Drought risk in the Anthropocene15
From quantum link models to D-theory: a resource efficient framework for the quantum simulation and computation of gauge theories15
What’s down there? The structures, materials and environment of deep-seated slow slip and tremor15
Asymptotic analysis of in-plane dynamic problems for elastic media with rigid clusters of small inclusions15
A peridynamic approach to simulating fatigue crack propagation in composite materials15
Are maximum magnitudes of induced earthquakes controlled by pressure diffusion?15
Predicting concurrent structural mechanical mechanisms during microstructure evolution15
Stably stratified Taylor–Couette flows15
δ 13 C methane source signatures from tropical wetland and rice field emissions15
Theory and application of cavity solitons in photonic devices14
Physics-informed machine learning: case studies for weather and climate modelling14
Linear, weakly nonlinear and fully nonlinear models for soft tissues: which ones provide the most reliable estimations of the stiffness?14
Accretion–ablation mechanics14
Oceanic and ionospheric tidal magnetic fields extracted from global geomagnetic observatory data14
Gauge and unitary transformations in multipolar quantum optics14
Non-classicality and the effect of one photon14
Quantum information approach to high energy interactions14
The quantum optics of media14
The quantum theory of light14
A certain counterpart in dissipative setting of the Noether theorem with no dissipation pseudo-potentials14
Topics in the mathematical design of materials14
Arctic freshwater impact on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: status and prospects13
Current developments in elastic and acoustic metamaterials science13
Taylor–Couette flow of hard-sphere suspensions: overview of current understanding13
Effect of water on the glass transition of a potassium-magnesium carbonate melt13
A thermodynamic basis for teleological causality13
A framework for probabilistic weather forecast post-processing across models and lead times using machine learning13
Marginal ice zone dynamics: future research perspectives and pathways13
Synthesis of tin(IV) nitride with spinel structure, γ -Sn 3 N 4 , from the elements and its Raman-s13
An inverse coefficient problem of identifying the flexural rigidity in damped Euler–Bernoulli beam from measured boundary rotation13
Emergence and algorithmic information dynamics of systems and observers13
Socially intelligent machines that learn from humans and help humans learn13
Negative refraction and mode trapping of flexural–torsional waves in elastic lattices13
Extracting stochastic governing laws by non-local Kramers–Moyal formulae13
Hierarchical deep learning of multiscale differential equation time-steppers13
Methanol diffusion and dynamics in zeolite H-ZSM-5 probed by quasi-elastic neutron scattering and classical molecular dynamics simulations13
Modes of the Dark Ages 21 cm field accessible to a lunar radio interferometer12
Complex systems perspective in assessing risks in artificial intelligence12
The dangers of single-lap shear testing in understanding polymer composite welded joints12
Maturing the design: challenges in maturing a first of a kind fusion power plant12
Reprogramming multi-stable snapping and energy dissipation in origami metamaterials through panel confinement12
Lagrangian approach to origami vertex analysis: kinematics12
X-ray astronomy from the lunar surface12
A complexity science approach to law and governance12
Supply security beyond mines and scrap recycling: valorization potential of metallurgical residues12
Group-theoretic analysis of symmetry-preserving deployable structures and metamaterials12
Hypothesizing an algorithm from one example: the role of specificity12
Understanding computational dialogue understanding12
Preface to ‘Green carbon for the chemical industry of the future’12
The role of the Southern Ocean in the global climate response to carbon emissions12
Astronomy from the Moon: the next decades (part 2)12
Co-designing transport models as a heuristic planning tool12
Modelling science return from the lunar crater radio telescope on the far side of the moon12
STEP–organizing a major project to tackle significant uncertainty12
Improving mass lumping and stiffness parameters of bar and hinge model for accurate modal dynamics of origami structures12
Tunable wave coupling in periodically rotated Miura-ori tubes12
Potential and perils: paths to protecting lunar sites of extraordinary scientific importance (SESIs) for astronomy before it is too late12
Programmable adhesion through triangular and hierarchical cuts in metamaterial adhesives12
Isotopic signatures of methane emissions from tropical fires, agriculture and wetlands: the MOYA and ZWAMPS flights11
Non-flooded riparian Amazon trees are a regionally significant methane source11
Machine learning-based identification of segment joint failure in underground tunnels11
Narrowband photoluminescence of Tin-Vacancy colour centres in Sn-doped chemical vapour deposition diamond microcrystals11
An Ogden-like formulation incorporating phase-field fracture in elastomers: from brittle to pseudo-ductile failures11
Linear and brute force stability of orthogonal moment multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann methods applied to homogeneous isotropic turbulence11
FAIR data pipeline: provenance-driven data management for traceable scientific workflows11
Optimal criteria and their asymptotic form for data selection in data-driven reduced-order modelling with Gaussian process regression11
On the role of geometric phase in the dynamics of elastic waveguides11
GPT-4 passes the bar exam11
A generalized Ogden model for the compressibility of rubber-like solids11
Fault logic and data-driven model for operation reliability analysis of the flap deflection angle11
Dynamical invariant formalism of shortcuts to adiabaticity11
Investigating and exploiting the impact of variability in resonator parameters on the vibration attenuation in locally resonant metamaterials11
Domain-driven models yield better predictions at lower cost than reservoir computers in Lorenz systems10
Quantum computing for swarm robotics: a local-to-global approach10
Properties of tsunami-generated electromagnetic variation observed on islands10
On the ambipolar diffusion formulation for ion-neutral drifts in the non-negligible drift velocity limit10
Predicting atmospheric optical properties for radiative transfer computations using neural networks10
Super-resolution microscopy: a brief history and new avenues10
An efficient multiscale method for subwavelength transient analysis of acoustic metamaterials10
Turing pattern design principles and their robustness10
AI and the nature of disagreement10
How the birth and death of shear layers determine confinement evolution: from the L → H transition to the density limit10
On end-point distribution for directed polymers and related problems for randomly forced Burgers equation10
Machine teaching in Swarm Metaverse under different levels of autonomy10
Milling as a route to porous graphitic carbons from biomass10
Overall constitutive properties of stratified lattices with alternating chirality10
Radiative loss and ion-neutral collisional effects in astrophysical plasmas10
Bayesian causal inference: a critical review10
Unequal impact and spatial aggregation distort COVID-19 growth rates10
Development of a new quantum trajectory molecular dynamics framework10
IMPACT: In-Memory ComPuting Architecture based on Y-FlAsh Technology for Coalesced Tsetlin machine inference10
mmSIM: an open toolbox for accessible structured illumination microscopy10
An econometric model for intraday electricity trading10
Overturning in the subpolar North Atlantic: a review10
Signalling and social learning in swarms of robots10
Correction to: ‘Gravitational waves from a first-order electroweak phase transition: a brief review’ (2018) by Weir10
Stochastic and vibrational resonance in complex networks of neurons10
Simulations of frustrated Ising Hamiltonians using quantum approximate optimization10
Selective heterogeneous hydrodeoxygenation of acetophenone over monometallic and bimetallic Pt–Co catalyst10
An open-source alignment method for multichannel infinite-conjugate microscopes using a ray transfer matrix analysis model10
Learning earth system models from observations: machine learning or data assimilation?10
On the philosophical, cognitive and mathematical foundations of symbiotic autonomous systems10
A model of symbiomemesis: machine education and communication as pillars for human-autonomy symbiosis10
Discovering significant topics from legal decisions with selective inference9
Drifting plasmons in two-dimensional electron channels: circuit analogy9
Reproducible validation and replication studies in nanoscale physics9
Self-similar hierarchy of coherent tubular vortices in turbulence9
A parameter study of strato-rotational low-frequency modulations: impacts on momentum transfer and energy distribution9
Probing in situ capacities of prestressed stayed columns: towards a novel structural health monitoring technique9
Aether, dark energy and string compactifications9
Quantum brachistochrone9
Generalizing multipartite concentratable entanglement for practical applications: mixed, qudit and optical states9
Active exterior cloaking of an inclusion with evanescent multipole devices for flexural waves in thin plates9
Continuing invariant solutions towards the turbulent flow9
Self-similarity in turbulence and its applications9
Hamiltonian/Stroh formalism for anisotropic media with microstructure9
Optimal control of epidemic spreading in the presence of social heterogeneity9
Steady thermal convection representing the ultimate scaling9
Transition of fluctuations from Gaussian state to turbulent state9
Navigating the cohesion-diversity trade-off: understanding the role of facilitators in co-creation using agent-based modelling9
Co-creating the future: participatory cities and digital governance9
Understanding the effect of adsorption sites of CO at cobalt surface on its reactivity with H 2 /H by DFT calculations9
Artefact design and societal worldview9
Hybrid social learning in human-algorithm cultural transmission9
On some applications of vibrational resonance on noisy image perception: the role of the perturbation parameters9
A test of Conserving Nature's Stage: protecting a diversity of geophysical traits can also support a diversity of species at a landscape scale9
Towards implementing artificial intelligence post-processing in weather and climate: proposed actions from the Oxford 2019 workshop9
End effects in low aspect ratio Taylor–Couette flow9
Amphoteric dissolution of two-dimensional polytriazine imide carbon nitrides in water9
No one-size-fits-all: Multi-actor perspectives on public participation and digital participatory platforms9